• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Multiple Settings We Are Made Out Of Stars... You And I --| Shep's Search (Closed)


Your local N7 Operative
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Closed again! Thank you all so much for your interest, I have definitely ended up with more than just one more partner 😂 :bishiesparklesr:


|| Hello there, fellow Writers. As you may have guessed, I'm looking for some new friends to write with. Let me say a little about myself, to hopefully draw you in, and win you over. If you are interested in RPing with me, please send me a PM. Do not reply here, thanks! ♥ ||

|| Hi! I'm Shep and I'm a huge nerd who loves anything and everything involving video games, or sci-fi-related stuff. I also happen to be an avid literate roleplayer, who has been roleplaying since 2007! My posts usually consist of anywhere between 3-6 paragraphs varying from 600-1000+ words, depending on how much I have to go from. If you're curious to how I write, please scroll down to the next post and give it a read! I'm also SUPER friendly, and easy to get along with, so please don't be shy! I LOVE making new friends! ||

|| I'm a 31-year-old female from the United States. I am MARRIED and have a very demanding toddler, so on top of my full-time job, I can be a little slow to reply. Please respect that, and if you're looking for someone who can reply numerous times a day, I may not be the partner you're looking for. I'm also not interested in anything beyond platonic friendship with another person as I am committed to my husband and love him very much. Please respect that, thanks!! ||


  • I ONLY write with OC's I will not write as an already established fandom character..
  • I prefer MxF and FxF, but have been known to MxM at times.
  • I don't mind writing as either M or F characters but would prefer that we double up and play one each so that I'm not stuck writing as a M the whole time.
  • I tend to write off of your post, meaning, the more you post, the better my post will be!
  • I DO NOT RP WITH MINORS. It makes me hella uncomfortable. Has nothing to do with the content, and everything to do with my comfort.
  • I prefer to speak in the third person while roleplaying. Not sure what that means? Check here!
  • I have a tendency to mix up my tenses (past and present). If this bugs you please politely nudge, I’ll do my best to correct myself.

What I expect from you!
  • You MUST be over the age of 18. Roleplaying with Minors makes me uncomfortable as I am over 30 years old.
  • Be friendly!
  • Try to match my posts, there is nothing worse than losing interest due to a lack of content!
  • Try to post at least 2-3 paragraphs, consisting of at least 5 sentences each, per post, please!
  • Be willing to help with plots.
  • Don't leave me hanging without an explanation! If you have to go somewhere, or aren't interested anymore simply let me know! I'm quite understanding!
  • Try to respond at least a few times a week!


Current interests!
Rated 1-10. 1 meaning least desired, 10 meaning most desired.
Underlined topics are extreme cravings!

    • Destiny (OC's) 9/10
      + Ghost x Guardian
      + Guardian x Guardian
      + Non-Guardian x Guardian
      + ANY!
    • Starfield (OC's) 8/10
      + OC x OC
      + Any.
    • Fallout (OC's) 10/10
      + OC x OC
      + Vault Dweller x Raider
  • Other Themes!
      + Star Wars? Sure!
      + Space Pirate x Good Girl
      + Send me your ideas!
      + Not a fan of zombies, but I'll do it.
      + I LOVE Nuclear Apocalypse stuff. (Mad Max, Fallout, etc.)
    • Gangs and Gang Violence
      + Mafia leader x good girl
      + Send me your ideas!
    • Anime
      - I do not watch Anime, therefore would be complicated for me to roleplay it.
    • Feral/animals/Furries
      - No thank you.
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Here is a writing sample from an RP that didn't quite make it off the ground! We could use this as a starter for anyone interested in playing a Space Outlaw X Space Commander, where I would play a female Space Commander and you would play as a male Space Outlaw. 🥰

The stars glimmered from their places in the expanse around them -- glinting in various hues depending on what the star consumed as fuel and the temperature at which it burned. Rena watched them thoughtfully from her position at the helm, fingers dancing across the armrest of the pilot's seat. The coordinates had been located as per the UCS request, and all she could think about was where they actually led.

The Captain sighed dreamily, her head rolling to the side to watch her pilot briefly. Verena wondered if he would have issues with her requesting they check out the coordinates first. Curiosity begged her lips to part and ask since the UCS never specifically mentioned not going there. It couldn't hurt, right? What if it were a trap and she caught it before some higher-ranked UCS member ended up dead? That could spell promotion, but the opposing end of things would definitely be a demotion. Rena would never let that happen, no matter how curious she was. The coordinates would remain a mystery for now, leaving her to sigh again as she charted the path that would lead them back home.

The pilot received the coordinates he already knew were coming, and plotted the course that would take them back to the United Colony Systems. This deployment had been long and hard on each and every one of the crew members, and the exciting jitters of finally being able to go home and have some shore leave left a smile on every face. Not to mention that this last mission was something that was groundbreaking, or so the scientists claimed. They were not very revealing in their request, only asking that the item bearing the coordinates be brought back to them as quickly as possible so that more teams could set to work investigating it.

"I'm going to get some rest before we arrive." She offered softly to the pilot, who only nodded in her direction in reply. Despite having accomplished faster-than-light travel, it would take time to arrive. The timer ticked backward from 5 hours estimated arrival, plenty of time to rest up before seeing her parents for the first time in months.

Magnetized boots keep her firm to the floor, only breaking free for her to take a step before clamping back down to the metal flooring. Another technology that assisted with space travel, something that was always necessary until they could finish mastering artificial gravity. The hall to her quarters seemed to stretch forever, but before too long she was reaching for the door and tapping a code into the pin pad. The door slid open with a soft hiss of hydraulics, and a refreshing breath of comfort left her as she stepped inside. The door waited about ten seconds before closing behind her to give her the privacy she needed. Before too long, she was curled up in her bed and already drifting away to a dreamless sleep.


Several hours later, the ship jolted with such ferocity that Rena damn near fell off her bed and onto the floor. She only managed to stay off the ground by gripping onto the bar at the edge of the bed for dear life. Baby blue eyes snapped open, wide with fear as emergency equipment fell from a small overhead storage slot near her head. Quickly, fingers pulled the breather over her face and secured the straps behind her head with shaking hands. Once she was sure she wouldn't suffocate, her hand tapped into the coms on a small bracelet-like attachment on her left wrist. --
"What's going on!?" The ship shook again. Metal groaned beneath the weight of... something.

"Asteroid storm. It caught us in FTL and damaged the engines." Came back crackled and a little distorted. "The drive failed and spit us out right in the middle of it. I'm trying to divert power to the shields, but it's just ripping through us. I can't-..."

"Keegan?" The coms went dead, and the power throughout the ship died with a wailing siren, shrouding her in darkness as she scrambled from her bed. With no visibility for the few seconds it would take for emergency lighting to come on, Rena landed on her face with a grunt. Struggling with the door after finding her footing was next, her hand jabbing a knife into the pin-pad and splicing into the controls to wire some of the emergency lighting power into the door. It hissed open with a whine.

"Shit, shit, shit." Panicked breaths left her as the door opened to reveal a blue shield. Beyond here, there was no oxygen which was likely the result of a hull breach. "Damn it all. Hang in there Xaviar." Pushing past the shield, Rena quickly stomped her way up to the cockpit once more. Once within earshot of Keegan and any remaining crew, Rena started delegating tasks to help hold out until the storm ceased.

The USC Xaviar took a beating for the better half of an hour and left her crippled. The crew managed to get the emergency generator back online to power the cockpit with oxygen and start up a distress broadcast. They were still three FTL hours from USC territory, but all they could hope for was that someone would hear their SOS and render aid.
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