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the magic dragon
peter, paul & mary
3out of 8 young adults in America have the natural inclination towards developing a skill colloquially known as 'magic'. It is not genetic, and while a few families have had more magicians than mortals, blood has no say in it. Normal citizens don't tend to notice; the rational human mind tends to overlook the strangest things, and even if outrageous occurrences happen, it tends to stay contained. But strange things are attracted to that invisible spark, and though an 'awakening' can occur from the age of 18 to 22, that doesn't protect someone from creatures of folklore and other dangers. People like that need help, and luckily, it's easily offered.
Wayward House University, usually shortened to Wayward House, is the only known school for what the community has deemed 'magicians', people who deal with 'magic'. Located in the midwest, the school itself seems magical and as old as appearances of magicians in the states itself, but it has a bountiful staff and straightforward curriculum to prepare younger magicians for a life unlike any others. Younger magicians who might still be on the tail end of high school are kept together in classes, while everyone else is able to be spread out as their schedules allow. Students can choose to live on-campus or commute. The fee for enrolling is even lowered to around $50 every semester at behest of the Dean. In a sense, it sounds like the ideal safety net to all who know about it.
And you certainly know about it. Something happened not too long ago, something you couldn't explain. However it happened, someone reached out to you, or your guardians, and asked if you would be interested in attending the next semester. However it happened, they received a positive response, and you will be receiving instructions for the upcoming semester as soon as possible.
Wayward House is a magic school style story. The concept has really intrigued me, but I haven't really seen one that isn't castles and dungeons that wasn't Camp Half-Blood, but that's a whole other genre of the setting. You, as in any interested players, will be new students during a new semester at this midwestern school of magic. I'm hoping for this to be a longer-form story, but the main first 'arc' will be the first year if we can get into a good rhythm and everything.
As a reference of setting, this story will be taking place in modern years, though the exact one I'm unsure of. If you're interested, maybe let me know what year you think this could take place in; the initial idea had it in 2024, but perhaps something slightly older could work too.
As always, make sure to ask me any questions so I can confirm anything you might be confused about.
A stranger in a strange new land, where old and new folktales mingle.
A stranger in a strange land, in a world that was once familiar.
A stranger in a strange land, where the grass grows longer.
A stranger in a strange land, somewhere new, and wonderful, and dangerous.
A stranger in a strange land, for better or for worse.
A stranger in a strange land, where the oddest music rings.
rule one.
Follow RPNs listed rules as always, including the ones about being respectful especially. If someone is uncomfortable with something, avoid it or speak with them about the topic. All characters will be at or over 18, but anything explicit for anyone of appropriate age should fade to black.
rule two.
I'd like for this to be quality, but I always feel like post length slows me down. I don't mind the length as long as it looks and sounds good, and isn't one sentence replies to other people. For post consistency, let's say at least one a week to begin with, and we can workshop that if it needs changing.
rule three.
We'll start with once character per player for the main story. Faceclaims are optional, but I'd prefer real ones if you do use them.
only remarkable
because you can't
help it
♡coded by uxie♡
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