Way of Life


The Kitty Soldier
Information about the World

[SIZE=10.5pt]Technology has advanced as humans have grown in the world. However, if technology ever were to take a turn in overthrowing nature, then the Praeses would put the humans in their place. This world is tranquil, and the Praeses have kept it that way. They protect the weak and even council humans in their decisions. For the world was theirs first, and humans simply evolved within it, long after these ancient creatures. Again, technology is advanced but it has not destroyed the nature around it. Humans have adapted to the beauty of the lush world. Greenery is everywhere and they include it in every house, store, other structures, and more. So it is a very bright and advanced world, with buildings large and many; vehicles of all sorts that can drive like normal or hover around but none that can fly; even air travel is not favored; technology can range from simple computers to ones that can perform tasks and duties with even the most in-depth of voice commands; clothing is vast but never made of fur or any type of animal products - even regular animals are kept safe by the Praeses; and so on.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Praeses forbid the use of fur, as such, they will also forbid leathers, and other animal products and foods made from animals, unless it can be made without killing the animal (e.g. milk). Instead, Humans will use any type of synthetic replacement for their usage. Praeses also forbid the use of a dead animals' belongings - they need to be buried as they are found and not disemboweled or ruined. The average diet for Life and Peace is vegetarian but Praeses have allowed farming type animals to produce items such as milk or butter and the like (including eggs). Meat is forbidden as this would require hunting and butchering, and Praeses condemn such sport.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The enemy disregards all of this and even the Evil Praeses care little for their own kind. They have an abundance of what Life and Peace forbids; they eat meat, they hunt and butcher, they use animal products; they simply do not care for the life of Praeses not on their side.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Weaponry ranges from several different items; knives to crossbows, swords to maces. Peaceful Praeses condemn guns and similar weapons. The Evil can easily produce/use them but peaceful Praeses have opted to prohibit them. Weapons are made but only if they can be wield by one's hands (e.g. sword).[/SIZE]

Ancient Guardians and All Alike:
[SIZE=10.5pt]The animal guardians are called Praeses - Latin for Guardian/ProtectorThis is the name they have used for millennia and I will use interchangeably (by accident) with the word Guardian which is meant more for the Humans. However, for confusion purposes, Praeses will always and only mean the animal guardians.
Certain Praeses are not partnered and are around as the ancient masters of elements and the world. These range from Dragons to Pheonix to Mammoths of ages the Humans can't fathom. The age ranges are so vast but the oldest of the old are over 50,000 years. Despite their age, they have been blessed with powerful life and a heart that fights for peace and life. With their continued loyalty to the world that brought them to be, they will live for eternity - age limits them not. Even Evil has such powerful and aged Praeses.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]These ancient Praeses will be available to provide counsel to the characters throughout their journey and live in far off lands like described in the Introduction Post. These chiefs of their own kind are seen more by the Chief of the Human armies. These Praeses roam when they please and usually show up if the most devastating danger arises. Think of them as masters, mothers and fathers of the other Praeses. They had their ideals put in place long ago but have disregarded much for the new age of Guardians (Humans and Animals alike).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I have chosen not to allow any other races besides Humans and the Praeses, and other animals. Our characters are only Humans but we have Praeses as partners. Animals are a range of small to giant. Think of Avatar the Last Airbender and its diversity of the lands and creratures. Distinguishing this role play from Avatar, the animals also have a trace of elemental powers, even domestic animals. Yes, domestic animals are possible to own but are not in any way Praeses and nor can you substitute one for the other. Praeses can talk whereas domestic animals cannot (to Humans). They are treated with respect and love as much as a Praeses would be, though. Keep in mind, the Guardians of Life love the tiniest of creatures. Any harm to those, and the Praeses will condemn any that brought the harm.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

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