*Waves* Hello...


❃ Flower Child ❃
*Excuse me in advance, as I am honestly quite horrible at introducing myself in any capacity whatsoever.*

Uh, hi. I'm Jamiesue... I am 20 years old, a stay at home fiance, and I love to write.

( :) )

I used to roleplay quite frequently a few years ago. I don't know how or when, but I really moved away from that, and into keeping a private journal only. I realized recently, while feeling generally nostalgic, that I greatly missed roleplaying in particular, which is what led me here. I'm hoping that I can make some literate friends, and get a decent amount of writing out! I've been feeling... well, stifled, creatively. Sometimes, it is no fun at all to write something that only you can see, as I feel that feedback is the heart of all creative ingenuity.

Anyways! I'm new to forum based roleplaying, and the idea of keeping up with many people at once in one story is a bit nerve inducing. I'm really more of a one on one type. Here's to hoping I can find a lot of that, and maybe get out of my comfort zone eventually, too.


Was that any good? How do I know? (' :| )
Welcome Jasmiesue! How`s everything?

I hope you enjoy your stay in the RPN. If you have any questions or in any way need help, just ask.

Looking forward to rp with you someday!
@Idea Thankyou! Everything is relatively good, in fact. Thanks again, and absolutely, that's what I'm here for. (^.^)

@Xierstel You're also new? I hope you enjoy it too! The more the merrier on forums, right? (^U^)

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