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Fantasy Wave Crashers (Riding the Waves of the Great Sea) [Lore]



Ten Thousand Club
Wave Crashers
WCs are simply people born with Hydrokinesis. But not everyone has the same level of Hydrokinesis.
WCs get the title of "Wave Crasher" properly when they start exploring and adventuring in the world.

WC ranks are as follows

Sea Pup (Novice) WC - F Rank
Sea Wolf (Beginner) WC - E & D Rank
Sea Beast (Amateur) WC - C Rank
Sea Monster (Intermediate) WC - B Rank
Sea King (Advanced) WC - A Rank
Sea Dweller (Distinguished) WC - S Rank

The World

The World of Aquesse is said to be about 90% water. All the land is just dotted islands here and there, where the people live. Otherwise, Aquesse is a gorgeous world.

Blue Wave Academy
Located on the Grand Peninsula.
A great academy said to train the very best Wave Crashers. Most licensed Wave Crashers graduate from here. (Or at least went here) (But as WCs are known to be very free-spirited, many do not worry about going to school and simply start their adventure.) Anyway, the Academy starts at elementary level and ends after a 5 year term of "High School". But anyone can join at any time.


Grand Peninsula, Terracrest

One of the larger landmasses of Aquesse. Situated in the center of the Great Sea. Terracrest is a major hub for the world, where many people travel to for tourism, trade, learning, and other such endeavors.

Suncrest Archipelago
Where the Sunkissed Empire is located. Located in the Sunlight Sea. Worship the Goddess of the Sun, Sisuna. Some view their religion as heretical since it worships something so antithetical to the world everyone lives in.

A distinguished officer knight of their army.

As stated: psychic/physical control over water.

Various forms of Hydrokinesis exist. To name a few, simple Hydrokinesis, "ice-kinesis", "heated Hydrokinesis", etc etc. But lets leave most of it up for surprise shall we? ;)

All Wave Crashers (well, okay, technically not ALL, but basically all) use some form of Hydrokinesis. It's very difficult to identify as a WC without the power to control water. Especially since traveling the world of Aquesse requires sailing over endless amounts of water.

How does Hydrokinesis work?
To use Hydrokinesis, one must manifest a Droplet. (Or rather, a faded Droplet at least).
Once one manifests a Droplet -it can appear anywhere on the body, then you know that person has the aptitude to learn to control water.
To control water one must use both their mind and physical body. A mix of both will make one's hydrokinesis stronger, and will make the WC stronger.

The number of Droplets one of has is a typical indicator for the strength of the WC. So 1 Droplet = weak. 2 Droplets = okayish strength. 3 stronger. So on and so forth. Whats the max level of droplets? Well... ;)

To control Hydrokinesis it also takes stamina. So if you don't properly train your stamina, then it'll be hard to keep up!

Faded Droplet
The emergence of a Droplet -that never becomes properly, fully "filled". "Faded Droplet's", as they're called, are people who can use very minor, small, meager Hydrokinesis, but have no real chance of succeeding as a WC, and instead use their meager control to perform simple aid and tasks in their life, but not much more.

Water Domain
The name for how much water one has and the water under one's control. One's Droplets are "filled" with water. As one uses their techniques, those Droplets begin to deplete. When the Droplets fully deplete -then one cannot use Hydrokinesis until their Droplets replenish.

Water Domain also means the water around of which is controlled by the WC. Typically speaking, the "Domain of Water" that you command -is yours to command alone. However, sufficiently strong WCs can "usurp" your water control, and take your water for themselves, or simply erase your technique. To "usurp" another's "Water Domain", one's will must be stronger than the other WC's.

Unique Technique, or "Qua Fashia"
To become a proper WC, usually speaking, one must manifest a "Qua Fashia" as they're called, or Unique Technique. This is a wholly unique form of Hydrokinesis -all your own! Don't be shy or reserved! Feel free to come up with any Qua Fashia! Get creative! There's endless uses of Hydrokinesis out there!

Qua Fashia Raga
Only known to a few across the world. Qua Fashia is not the end. When one's ability "rages" or becomes enraged, then one has achieved Qua Fashia Raga. This is when one's powers become explosively more powerful and can take on new forms and have even more powerful effects. But it is so incredibly hard to achieve that this knowledge is not widespread, and known only to the elitist of elite Wave Crashers.

Common Hydrokinesis Techniques
Wave Riding (or sometimes called Wave Surfing)

Simple and effective. Uses hydrokinesis under the feet to 'surf' atop the water.

Water Solidifying
Pretty much a requirement for a WC. Able to turn water into more of a "solid" in order to strike or hit things.

Water Pulling (Often called "Soak Up")
The hydrokinetic ability to pull water from water sources to you. Another that's a basic requirement.

Extreme Water Pulling
A more advanced version of the technique... used to pull water from more unexpected sources. A more deadly technique.

Water Manifestation
Hydrokinetic ability to manifest water from one's self (their Droplets).

Water Surgence
Advanced ability to seemingly conjure more water than is around. Used in a variety of WC attacks to add more power to them.

Water Sense
Two ways to use this ability. The ability to sense water in the area. Or to use water to sense other things. Can even be used across vast distances in some cases, or if one is particularly good at water sense.

Hydro-Oxygen Deconstruct and Absorption
A fancy way of saying "water breathing". Or breathing under water. Some truly hellish WCs are said to have created and mastered this supremely advanced ability. It splits the water atoms from the oxygen atoms in water, allowing one to effectively breathe underwater.

Purifying Water
An Advanced technique that's a secret for most high-level WCs. The purer your water is, the stronger it is in your Hydrokinesis. So through their lifetime, WCs learn to purify their water.

Typically speaking, usually, one's "Water domain" is their own and -unaffected by others. (Except for very few cases involving unique Qua Fashia). However! There is an instance where this rule is overturned, and that's during "Resonance".

What Resonance is simple, yet it is not so simple to achieve. Resonance is what 2 or more people are in-tune or "resonating" with each other on a very deep level. While this occurs, each person's Water Domain extends to each person they're resonating with, effectively giving you much more water to work with.

To put it frankly. Resonance allows you to use your other Resonator's water. And your abilities and their abilities are empowered a great deal through resonance.

"Resonance is when waters stop clashing and crashing against one another. Instead those waters calm and flow together."

How do you achieve resonance?
Well... It can be quite difficult. Few do, in fact. Resonance can only happen between people who have a very deep bond or connection, and even then, the qualifications to achieve resonance are a mystery. But the easiest way... Is to play music together.

The Sea Planet
Aquesse is home to many seas. (Basically different territories). There's the primary 6 seas.

1/ The Great Sea
The biggest sea of Aquesse. Most people tend to be born in the islands in this sea. The Grand Peninsula is in its center.

2/ Sunlight Sea
Categorized as a very friendly sea. Not many Wave Crashers tend to stick around here. There isn't much hope for treasure in these translucent, clear waters. It's also known as "the Starting Sea", as its very friendly to novice WCs.

3/ Twilight Sea
The next step on typical WC's adventure. Here's where the danger begins to pick up. Intermediate level WCs frequent here. These seas are home to the Underdwellers.

4/ Midnight Sea
Said to be the "True Starting Point" of a Wave Crasher. Only the fiercest WCs make it here and surf its waves. Fights with WCs are frequent here, so be prepared!

5/ Abysso Sea
Wave Crasher level is very high. Here's where the strongest Underdwellers begin to appear. They are said to guard the best, most special treasures of the sea.

6/ Hadal Sea
The end of the line for WCs. Only the cream of the crop end up here. The Hadal Sea is located within the Abysso Sea, and it is split up into territories ruled by specific WCs. You don't act out here unless you want to incur the wrath of the "Rõya Vurrikãn."

The Hadal Sea, beneath its waves, is also home to the strongest, most deadliest Underdwellers, that are in a constant war with the WCs above.

Extra Seas
Silver Sea

A mythical sea of water as beautiful as liquid silver.

Rainbow Sea
A mythical sea with mythical "Rainbow water". It is said, that a WC that swims here has their water perpetually empowered with majestic rainbow water.

This world only became known as Aquesse when the god, Wafalla, fell to the world. Wafalla is the god of countless flowing streams, of raging, tireless tides, and deluging, cascading waterfalls. In other words, Wafalla is the god of water. Aquesse became the Water Planet when Wafalla descended upon it ages ago. This was also when the first Hydrokinetics began appearing.

Historians dispute the exact timeline for when this occurred.

Those beneath the waves. We call them "Underdwellers". Aquatic Denizens. Denizens of those Beneath the Waves. In other words, people and beings that live under water and are capable of breathing underwater. Most Underdwellers are some form of monster.

Another source of energy.
Used to enhance one's physical state. Ki is used in martial arts or other similar physical techniques.

The Manifesto of the Wave Crasher
I hereby claim I'll live My Life as I See Fit! I will Ride the Waves of Freedom! I will Find my Treasure! All This World is Mine!!
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Blue Wave Academy


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Anxela Deepmourne
Was once on the Student Council but left it and joined the Gánjyüün Combat Club to hone her battle skills. Honor student. Fiercely competitive and a bit too serious. Wants to "be the best". Competes with other beautiful, talented girls across the school for the title of "Princess."
QF: "The Path of the Honor, Sword Cerulaxia, the Knight's Oath"
A powerful QF where water bleeds along a sword, taking its shape and empowering her strikes with water-slashes. At its base the QF is hydrokinesis in the form of a sword.

Remedios Deepmourne
An eccentric who seems like nothing more than a lazy delinquent you shouldn't give the time of day. However, Remedios is a very studious person, he takes to hydrokinesis like a scientist would. President of the academy's Science and Alchemy Club. Brother of Anxela and Vleġġa. Often fights with a large summoned water sucker.
QF: "Basis of discovery is hypothesis then experimentation. To learn is to discover, and to discover is to reach understanding. Compositions, interactions, what will happen? Process Elimination."
Mixing reagents from the chemistry lab, Remedios' QF is discovering the crazy interactions his water has with such substances - and using them against his enemies.

Vleġġa Deepmourne
Referred to as the "Mourn Triplets", the three Deepmourne kids are all prodigies of the academy. Vleġġa is no less skilled than sister and brother. A man who prefers to have fun than to struggle in life. Not one for studies, but a naturally gifted young man, his professors can't complain about his carefree, nonchalant attitude. He only opens his eyes to fight. Has 4 droplets, two in each eye. His pupils are feather droplets, orbited by a regular raindrop.
QF: "Like a fish freely swims below, so a bird freely flies above. Free to fly, soar through the sky... Yow uff Iburellev Skye Nihness Claüdd. A Drop of Water, Rain."
Vleġġa's is a pretty straightforward QF, despite its impressive name. Vleġġa wields a bow and arrow QF.

Sadia Umbel
An unassuming student that recently joined the Gánjyüün Combat Club at the complete surprise of everyone, due to her passivity. A gentle kid who never seemed to harbor a combative bone in her body. Since joining the club though, eyes have noticed her potential.
QF: "Remain Dry, Stay Out of the Rain. Step under, rest your weary self, find solace. Glasslike Window of Heaven."
A defensive QF that takes the shape of a hydrophobic umbrella.

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Daoui Amani
Honor student. Has a bad reputation. A bit of a loner in school. Very few friends, so not much is known about him. His QF is scary.
QF: Zhild uff Undérellev. Vask uff Defz Xinga Uvil. Le Zhuri.
Qf that takes the form of a daunting mask and armor. Empowers the body with furious hydrokinesis.



Professor Anchor (Tommin Heartsworn)
An amicable man that teaches Wave Crasher 101. Is known for his patience and fairness in regards to the way he teaches every student. Sees the potential of every student and tries to bring it out of everyone.
QF: Powerful water anchors

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Professor Shrink (Vinne Tinye)
Despite her diminutive size, Professor Shrink has a big personality, and is known to bully her fellow professors. It's all in good fun, though. She has a slight complex about her height, size, and how she looks like a child, or worse, a student. Most students who make fun of her learn their lesson and don't make fun of her for long. Teaches Advanced Hydrokinesis.
QF: "I'm not small! You are! Size Evaporation!"
A powerful QF that ensnares a target. The targets ensnared shrink in size at her will.

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Professor Highwall (Ugnac Highwall)
One of the teachers who have been at the academy the longest. Teaches Study of Personal Water and Applied Qua Fashia. A complex and advanced class, even amongst those at the academy.
QF: "Wrest from the undertow, from the tides. Raise a Highwall."
Ugnac's QF is like an extreme form of Water Pulling. He can literally grab water and yank it around, freely manipulating huge sheets, swells, and waves of water like you or I would manipulate small drops of water. Usurping his Water Domain is night impossible since his QF permeates every facet of his hydrokinesis. Ugnac doesn't make use of any small amount of water ever when using hydrokinesis; by nature of his QF he always makes use of the most water as possible. Every single attack of his involves huge swells of heavy and dense water.

Headmaster Blue Wave
A mysterious man who has held the position for quite some time, and who keeps many things to the chest. His enigmatic nature and lack of conversational skills tricks many into thinking he is somewhat of a heartless man, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Headmaster Blue is simply a quiet man. He employs the wisdom he possesses to great effect. He wades through erroneous data, to sus out the most important details. He has a habit of "collecting" Wave Crashers of note.


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