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Fantasy Wave Crashers (Riding the Waves of the Great Sea) [CS] [OPEN]



Ten Thousand Club
1. General Rpnation and rp rules
2. Your cs can look however you want, so long as it has the right info.
3. Preferred anime to general animated fantasy
4. Work with me to make your char fit in the world. Im pretty generous and lenient, so feel free to ask me stuff
5. I want decent posts in the rp. At least a well-written paragraph, preferably two. But Im not going to pressure you or call you out if you don't always make huge posts or anything lol
6. Similarly this is a rp meant for more mature people. As it will probs have mature themes and touch upon mature things. I wont say what age someone needs to be to rp in my rp, or anything, lol. Since anyone can rp, but yeah, you should probably already know if this sorta thing is up your alley :>

Our characters will be between Beginner and Amateur Wave Crashers, but can be on the cusp of Intermediate WC

WC ranks are as follows

Sea Pup (Novice) WC - F Rank
Sea Wolf (Beginner) WC - E & D Rank
Sea Bear (Amateur) WC - C Rank
Sea Monster (Intermediate) WC - B Rank
Sea King (Advanced) WC - A Rank
Sea Dweller (Distinguished) WC - S Rank

Some Advice
This rp is heavily influenced by anime, since I always do that. So expect anime-esque fights and powers that grow and evolve as the rp goes on. Make your character with that in mind! If you're not into that.. well, maybe try something new? Or that's okay, thanks for checking out my rp! :>



Background and Self

Where are you from? Which sea
Wave Crasher
WC Rank

Hydrokinesis Description

Where are they located?

Skills and Hydrokinesis Techniques

Qua Fashia



Ki Control
(Examples: weak control, strong control)

Ki Level
(Examples: low ki level, high ki level)

Equipment (if any):

Special Interests:

Unique Character Quirks:
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  • Name: Nebulesse Hananui, "Neb, Nebbie"
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'6''
    Weight: 116 lbs
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Nimue Asherah

# 18

# She/Her

# fc: Nilou

♡coded by uxie♡

the dancer

# Amateur WC

# Sunlight Sea

# Droplets: 3

♡coded by uxie♡

Name: Perri, Aei, - pronounciation: (peh - re, ay,)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 136lbs


Background and Self
Perri was a little girl who grew up near the Great Peninsula in a fishing village off the coast near a bustling harbor and market. She lived with her father and older brother, her late mother passing whilst giving birth. She often joined her father and brother in fishing expeditions. A soul who yearned for adventure, she had a habit of digging for treasure at the beach or scanning the horizon for any stray messages in bottles. Eventually she grew a habit of going sponge diving to accumulate extra coin she'd spend on street food, candy, and the sort, and the dredge up any rusty treasure she could find, to the chagrin of her father who abhorred her collection that smelled too much like fish for comfort. She manifested her droplet whilst one of her sponge dives at the age of six.
Her Qua Fashia awakened in an accident at sea when she was twelve, in which Perri was ripped away from safety by strong currents whilst swimming during stormy weather. It was a desperate bid to save enough money for a jade necklace sold by a fleeting travelling merchant. Perri nearly died in a typhoon she was directly under.
She had practiced every day and night, evening and afternoon, to call upon her Qua Fashia. Yet, it was the last thing she thought of when she ripped the roaring cyclone of wind and storm wide open.
Perri was barely conscious when found by the search party sent out immediately after.
It took two months of her wading through the shallows to muster enough courage to start diving again. Not long after
she ended up enrolling at Blue Wave Academy to learn how to fend for herself in future escapades.
miscellaneous facts:
Perri has an avid love for fermented foods, fish in particular. Despite her brother's dislike of such she has an avid love for the stinky and sour. Her favorite condiment being fish sauce isn't a surprise. She has the same love for sparkling water, which was a luxury bought by the money she had acquired by selling sponges.

Where are you from?
Grand Peninsula, Terracrest, Finnsworth (her hometown), The Great Sea
Wave Crasher
WC Rank
Sea Wolf - D Rank

on her throat, roughly where the lymph node is, one more is situated below, forming a vertical line

Skills and Hydrokinesis Techniques

- Water Solidifying

- Water Pulling

- Extreme Water Pulling (to a miniscule degree)

- Water Surgence (still sloppy and limited)

- Hydro-Oxygen Deconstruct and Absorption (only a teeny tiny bit)

Perri's hydrokinesis is spontaneous and brash, filled with vim and vigour, though it has a tendency to flag with indecision and lack focus. She has a good grasp on the basics but struggles with truly concentrating all of the power her reserves have, as a consequence she can be a little too easily overpowered.

Qua Fashia
Weather Manipulation: Perri can currently only make it rain and clear skies for up to twenty square meters with great focus, and only with mild extremity. She tries to replicate that fateful day of her awakening often, but to no avail. The school knows to monitor the halls with great scrutiny during tumultuous weather, in case a certain student gets swept away by the tempest outside.
note: Perri will be able to summon hail and lightning, as well as other such weather conditions. Although this will be taxing, and render her weakened until she takes the appropriate rest. (unless we want to make her broken)



Ki Control
Perri's control over her Ki is mediocre, she mostly just uses it for more strength during swimming in place of using hydrokinesis.

Ki Level
medium Ki level


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  • Basics
    FC: Norah=Bright
    by Kaida Michi
    Demi~Girl (She/They/It)
    5'3' (160cm)
    99lbs (45kg)
    She is only ever dressed in black, white, and blue ensembles. Her movements are precise and decisive. Levithan holds herself in high regard and always carries around an air of confidence. Their eyes are like icicles, sharp daggers that pierce whatever they look through. The shard in their hair looks to always have something swirling around inside like if you were to shake a bottle full of water.
    Ashlynn often acts as one would expect of an honor student, always following the school guidelines and working to keep the council afloat amidst the heightened trouble Wave Crashers cause. When she's not busy scolding reckless students for causing more work for her, she works on council event planning and tutoring struggling Wave Crashers. Ashlynn always ends her day after sunset. Occasionally, students might catch her watching the sea with a rare sorrow in her eyes.
    Sweet Food, sour food, the moon, nature sounds, baking, horror/mystery novels, rabbits, roses, farmer markets, competition
    Dogs, sports, parades, the rising sun, loud noises, crowds, wasting things, cemeteries, napping
Code by Nano

  • Name: Kame Kalani
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'8''
    Weight: 160 lbs

    Hometown: Cape Dawn
    Sea: Sunlight Sea
    Family: Kalani

    The Kalani family is well known in the town of Cape Dawn, where they uphold the tradition of storytelling, keeping alive the folklore that is passed down from generation to generation on their island, keeping the words and wisdom of their ancestors alive. Many of Kame's family members would become spiritual leaders, mentors, or teachers; allowing them to spread knowledge and impart wisdom to guide those around them. But fairly few were ever gifted with Hydrokinesis, and even less so with the desire to become Wave Crashers. But Kame wasn't like the rest of his family members, he had always felt a peculiar connection to the water. From a young age he had manifested his first droplet, and spent countless hours by the shore seemingly enchanted by the rhythmic dance of the waves and the whispers of the sea breeze. His parents often found him at the foot of his grandfather's chair, listening to him recant ancient folktales of underdwellers and the sea spirits that protected them from harm. He was a promising protege for his grandfather, quickly memorizing most of the old man's tales after listening to them constantly.

    But the waves called out to him, and with the droplet that had manifested early on, there was never a doubt in anyone's mind that Kame would make use of his abilities. He spent most of his days in a hidden grotto with his grandfather, who was one of the few in the Kalani family to not only manifest a droplet but to become a Wave Crasher. They spent the years training together, not just learning to control the water but to remember the stories of their ancestors, and the wisdom that came from them. It wouldn't be until his thirteenth birthday though, where he finally discovered his Qua Fashia. While practicing meditation to align his mind and body, Kame claimed that he could hear voices--soft, melodious, and calling out to him. His grandfather could hear no such voices, but encouraged Kame to focus on them, presuming that they were water spirits that offered guidance.

    To both Kame's surprise and his own, they did indeed offer guidance. The voices spoke of hand signs, ones that his grandfather taught him in meditation, and urged Kame to focus on them. In doing so, the water in the grotto began to glow, shift, and pool into the center. All of a sudden, the Koi spirits appeared, circling the shallow waters in perfect harmony. It had to be his Qua Fashia. The pair were related, and only continued to train, in hopes of learning what other spirits that Kame could manifest from their folktales. Eventually, it came to a point where his grandfather had taught him all that he could, and passed down all the stories that the young boy would know. It was time for him to depart, to venture out and forge his own path beyond Cape Dawn. His next steps were obvious, Blue Wave Academy. What more could Kame learn, and how could the tales from his ancestors aid him further on his journey.
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Jay Kingfisher

  • ef5e2ae8fc3b33e063a6999f958da522.jpg

    Name: Jay Kingfisher
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male, He/Him
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 160lbs

Original art by @KChimakinn on twitter X => x.com
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Niles Bahari

  • Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’8”

    Weight: 126 lbs

  • Name: Imugi

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Height: 190 cm

    Weight: 86 kg

    Rank: Sea Beast

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  • Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'3'' or 160 cm

    Weight: 136 lbs or 61.7 kg


    Nestled between borders of the Great Sea and Twilight Sea, an archipelago sits. These are known to most as the Dragon Isles. Natives of this area typically end up growing horns, tails, and other draconic features and have above average talent for hydrokinesis. Typically called Dragonfolk, they are descendants or consider themselves descendants of ancient dragon servants to Wafalla. Scholars outside of the archipelago to this day debate whether this is hard truth or if these descendants have really just a bit too much lingering Underdweller blood in their veins. There is precedent for this as the islands have been known to shift alliances with both the Underdwellers and each other due to the fact that the islands are governed by a set of feudal clans.

    Liangshu was born to the Mountainspring Clan which sits on the largest island. Most of Liangshu's life was characterized by learning how one should conduct themselves according to his culture's values. For one reason or another he especially took to the unique martial arts that characterized his people's hydrokinesis cultivation. It allowed him to remove himself from the rest of his strict regiment mentally, practice and meditation were things he would often do in his spare time just to earn some peace of mind, and there was a lot of need for that.

    While Liangshu wasn't uncared for or neglected, he admits he has no memories of his parents. A collection of aunts and uncles along with numerous cousins were responsible for his upbringing. The nature of his parents' deaths was actually due to a skirmish with the Sunkissed Empire, a not at all uncommon ocurrence as the Dragon Isles as a whole generally consider the worship of Sisuna almost wholly heretical, which has led to the two coming into conflict more than a few times. Liangshu doesn't necessarily hate the empire for it or the people responsible for the deaths due to the fact he has never truly known those people. He does have a heavily skewed outlook due to being taught to hate the Sunkissed Empire his whole life.

    There is a major flaw to studying the Water Forms as an expression of hydrokinesis, standardized forms and moves don't necessarily encourage the creation of Qua Fashia. Sometimes a student will discover one on their own by meditating on a specific form enough to enhance it on a personal level or just getting lucky. It isn't uncommon, however, to send a prospecting student on a Wave Crasher journey to discover or refine their Qua Fashia out in the real world. As Liangshu did not get lucky, he now has to go on a Wave Crasher journey just to find out what makes him unique so as to develop and cultivate a Qua Fashia.


    Those who meet Lianshu for the first time often see him as reserved, standoffish, or even apathetic. The former is perhaps the closest to the truth. Liangshu doesn't generally show much open emotion on his face, not that he doesn't smile, but one might find his day to day expressiveness subtle. His generally undisturbed nature leads to more than a few misunderstandings when it comes to matters of socializing, but they do prove useful. For instgance, due to his general peace of mind, he is capable of remaining calm and rational under pressure. On the other hand, he does have a strong moral compass and sense of justice. He's not one to simply stand idly by when he sees wrongs being committed, often regardless of the consequences on himself. This is partly because Liangshu is the type to believe good and evil will and should always receive their appropriate rewards. He also believes that by being forthright, his honesty will be rewarded. One could interpret this as him conforming to the rules he was conditioned to live under though. Despite his goody two shoes nature, he can be crafty with how he rights various wrongs if he needs to be.

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