Waterfords Academy for the Magically Gifted. {SU/Info}


One Thousand Club
(Don't critisise me, I was bored.) [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION], here you go.

In a small town of Loness, there's a small school. It's not any old school, it is for the gifted. Powers. Although, that is not the only strange thing. A child went missing in the school one day, and from then on a strange presence has been lurking above classrooms, placing kids in danger of being possibly murdered by that presence. Some say they've heard flute music from their classes, and the quizzical ones have dared to look, but have come out scarred for life... or they never came back at all.

All normal role play rules apply, no god-modding, no bunnying etc










Name: Ame Morihana

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Can manipulate water into any shape.


Story: Ame was born into a rough family, she was a quiet one who read in her free time. One day she had a glass of water and she decided to do random hand movements around it, and to her astonishment, it moved. She told her mother and father and brother and Teresa (Mother) and Jackson (Father) were terrified. They sent her here to avoid any destruction such as water erosion until she came back, as they thought she was unstoppable now.

Crush*: Takers?

Name: Nash Morihana

Age: Just turning 18

Gender: Male

Powers: Generating Force fields at any time, Can electrify the outside of the barrier for a few seconds but uses up a lot of energy.

Looks:(Hair used to be black but has dyed it while away from his sister)

Story: Used to live in what he thought of a normal life with his slightly younger sister in which he used to be close too. After being told her powers he was impressed and thought his parents would be too only to realize to his surprise that they were sending her away. Jonah couldn't protest against it, so instead sank into a sort of depression as his grades and social life quickly dropped. His parents already trying to deal with the realization of Ame began treating Him poorly some nights refusing to Even let him eat without paying for it first. After settling with his parents after one more night his powers suddenly erupted right in front of them almost electrocuting their father. Of course after the scene he was sentenced to the same faith as his sister.


Accepted Jonah! :P

Name: Namida Tsuka

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Can make illusions


Story: There really isn't much to say, her mother died when she was an infant and her father went insane when she was 10 and nearly murdered her. She was placed with a foster family that found out about her gift when she was in her room and imagining waterfalls and one was in her room. "We don't need a monster in here," said her foster mother which broke her heart. Namida was sent here, and only ever shed one tear over it. (Hence her name being Namida Tsuka, meaning One tear).

Crush*: I dunno.


Namida will also start out hating Nash and then that will be her crush after a long time. Wanna start? [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION]. More people will join over time.
Name: Ashton

Age: 18


Power: He can controll elements



Story: His now single mother found out about his powers when his father tried to hit her, in front of a 16 year old Ashton and he made a floor beneath him dissapear and the candles flamed up and he water in the glasses froze. and was scared at first but she overcame that and sent him here, his is a mama's boy and calls her at least once a day, If not more. She looked all

Crush*: Ame



Name: Alaura

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: She can controll and help plants and animals,


Story: She has always been good with animals and plants, she was also a calm and quiet kid, she didn't even cry when she was born. She, dispite being quiet is very opinonated and this comes from her ubringing, women should be seen and not heard was her fathers favorite phrase. She is very passionate about plants and Animals


Other: Has a pet Parrot named Aladin.
Name: Nate Benedict

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power: Conjuring abilities

Looks: View attachment 7393 (Nate Left, Tahl Right)

Story: He grew up in an monastary with his brother Tahl, and from a very young age he knew that he and his brother were different. For one, they never quite fit in with the other kids that sought sanctuary. The elders would give them odd looks. He protected Tahl with everything he had and one day, while in a fight in the village with some of the local kids, he discovered he'd managed to conjure a sword mid fight.



Name: Tahl Benedict

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Power: Weather manipulation

Looks: As Above ^^

Story: Grew up in the monastary with his brother. Found that his emotions seemed strangely connected to the weather that the age of nine.


Other: Owns a small rabit named Helix

Name: Nikita Wix (Kita, or Nikki)

Age: 17 going on 18 in a few months

Gender: female

Power: Pyrokenesis


Story: Nikita grew up in an area that wasn't exactly pleasant. Her mother left her father, dumping her three year old child on a bookie that was on the run from the law. She ended up in the system for foster care, bouncing from place to place until one day she couldn't take it any more and she just snapped, setting the kitchen on fire with a single flick of a hand. Her foster parents heard about the academy and sent her there in the hopes that she'd be easier to control and get some help.

Crush*: Nash

Other: She is a little temperamental, easily bored. Somewhat of a delinquent. Has her navel pierced. Owns a python named Lucian.
Name:Brady Harris


Gender: Male

Power: Cooking Magic

Looks: Has short cropped sandy blonde hair and light grey eyes. He usually wears a waiters outfit and his family crest of a bull with ruby eyes. He is 6"8' and has a thin but compact build.

Story: Unknown

Crush*: Alaura

Other: He is simply here to serve.

Name: Michael Thatcher

Age: 18


Power: Transformation (like the guys from "propotyle" without the wall running and regeneration... or need to kill and consume people to transform)

Looks: http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn76/Paulalee735/Anime/Aniime Blonde/l_b9062501816ebc128264acc30c763b86.jpg

Story: having grown up on the east end of london, Michael was regularly harrassed by Immigrants from the middle east because of his family, and himself being Jewish, at first he shrugged it off, untill he and several of his frineds began betting beaten near to death and his family was shot at in the streets, infuriated by the refusal by the police to help them, Michael, in an effort to defend his family and friends, confronted the thugs who did it, it was then, with 4 guns pointed at him, that he managed to transform his skin into a hard bone-like substance which took all their bullets, then with his arms turned into blades, he slaughtered them... he only realized what just happened after he got him, since at the time he was blinded by adrenalin.

soon after this, he was contacted by Waterfords Academy, and he gladly accepted, his family has since been driven from their London home and forced to flee to Israel.

Crush*: Nikita but also has a "thing" for Kira and Ami.

Other: he is a full-time border at the academy, and on the weekends he works as at a local shop

age:looks around 15-16 but is actually over 1600(due to being a wizard wich live long lives)

power:alteration, conjuraion and destruction magic(he is a master of all 3)

he looks a bit younger though

story:rune is a god of a far off planet that was destroyed and now his immortality/near invincibility dont work as his planet gave him those

he was a hero in several major near planet destroying wars(the chimeran, freezan, wight and the war of three worlds(heaven hell and earth)

even though he tries to seem happy he is very depressed to the point of suicide as he never once has felt any form of love(1600 and never even a hug......) the king of hell is trapped inside him even though he has slept the past 2 years in a dormant state

he recently returned to the mortal world and has been away at the known lands for over 20 years so he sounds very formal and old(the known lands is a place secluded from the realm of mortals and still holds magic there) he has seen much death and is very emotional because of his past especially when reminded of his home world

crush:he did fall for the princess of the kingdom of kess but it was destroyed and he never told the princess his feelings
[MENTION=3358]runeofflame[/MENTION], denied. You do realise 1) they're teenagers, 2) They're from Earth and 3) That no one is a wizard?! Do you get it? No one else here is a wizard, they only have one power (apart from the elemental one in which they control all four, but that's allowed). So if you DO wish to join, please alter this profile accordingly. Thank you.
(well being in the realm of mortals his life will revert to regular ageing) he only really has one power wich is magic in itself (as to learn ANY magic you must have magic in you, just he chose to study three paths insted of his body choosing one ability to use from his resevoar of magical abilty wich in anyone whose body chooses the ability for them they easily learn to controll it he had to study and train for years and unlike most his powers can be exremely taxing on him)he no longer has the title of a wizard as nobody is a "true wizard" in the realm of mortals and technically he is as human as POSSIBLE, if you heard he was an alien youd think the person who told you belonged in an insane asylum as his entire race evolved from primates, the same as humans on earth...he knows very little about his past from his memory being wiped when he was four so he only knows of the weeks leading to his planets destruction.(would this be acceptible? because otherwise ill probably spend all night thinking of ways to redo him) could his power be achlemy?(the destruction, alteration and creation of matter, alchemy is one power in itself and usually its user sticks to one power, he would have a metal arm wich would allow him to use it without having to draw a transfiguration circle and this would also take the 1600 years hes been living and narrow it down to 16 years)
Name: Cassia Reese.

Age: 18 years old.

Gender: Female.

Power: She is able to shape-shift.


View attachment 7436

Story: Cassia's life is pretty normal. Except that the fact her whole entire family are shapeshifters. She managed to keep it a secret from people, but after she was sent to this school, it was known everywhere. So basically, her life was perfect. But that was about to change.

Crush*: No one yet.

Other: Nothing.
what about me?

Name: Alex (unknown)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Power: Immortality/regeneration


Story: Having always been an unstable character, Alex rejected his own gender identity, as an effort to remove himself from reality in all ways, changing his name, his apperance, and the only reasson he hasen't had the colour of his skin and gender changed is because of a lack in funding, when dressed, Alex wholeheartedly believes himself to be a girl, of course his insanity extends past a simple identity issue, he is unstable emotionally, becoming a crazy stalker to anoyone he comes to "like"

after one such incident when Alex stalked a boy for several months until he was hit by a train, run over and his body was ground up over a 100m area, and his body slowly put itself all back together inside a day and a half, this amazing occurance got the attention of Waterfords Academy, Alex is to be kept under constant observation, and any boy he gets a crush on should be wary, her stalking can become... violent.

Crush*: Tahl

Other: there is a full dosier on eccentricities on Alex in the school's archives a mile long, in short, when near or even in sight of one who she has a crush on, she is not permitted near anything that can be used as a weapon, in case the person her infatuation is with is in a relationship with another person, although Alex is permitted to have relations, but such a situation requires a doubling of her medications and an increase in therapist sessions immediately, to keep her from harming those close to the one she is with.

(the profile went from "he" to "she".. relax, that was on purpose, since thats how his/her mind works, except for the physical -ahem- "characteristics" Alex is mentally 100% female)
Name: James Johnathon Monroe

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Power: Can control electricity, has wings, mind read, an telekenisis. e does struggle a bit with them all, but flying. Also a bit of a vampire, but is a day strider. No, he doesn't sparkle, and he doesn't need to drink blood all the time. He's got a gift for magic, just doesn't know how to use it to well. Also a master martial artist, and so if you can't fight hand to hand you should back off. Underwater breathing.


His hair is this shade of blue.

His eye color is this shade of blue.

He's very pale. He's muscular. Bruce Lee styled. His eyes aren't slits like normal Japanese.

His hair goes over his right eye. Always dresses in black. His nose is slender, and he's good looking. Under his left eye is a scar that he's had since he was thirteen and a half.

Story: The youngest of the Monroe's. His elder siblings are his twin brother Jack, and his two year older sisters, Tiera and Naomi. Being the most likely to get into trouble, he got himself, and his sibling kicked out of Japan. A good friend of his, turned girlfriend, Raven, was with them. Things led to things, and she took a bullet for him. He made his own pair of Katana swords, from diamond. He is also the child of the Greek God, Zeus. Poisidon is somehow his grandfather. He got seperated from the rest of his group, who combined are the "Short Change Gang" Where trouble happened and Jack went nuts and hospitalized Naomi, made Tiera run off to God knows where. He'd electrocuted someone on accident. Some one told him about this place, so he came. He keeps in touch with his father and grandfather. Sometimes talks to Hades. He would also be the youngest yet to join, and most outlandish, saying as he Grepanese. (Greek and Japanese mixed. ) He also may cause a spot of trouble at times.

Crush*: Raven Kasper, minus that she's Resting in Peace.

Other: No explanation for the wings, telepathy, or telekanisis, or the magic gift. He can play bass guitar, is a great singer. He has a cat. And his swords are always in places that he can get to.

Note of my own: James is my longest running character. I've had him for awhile. If I must, I will use an alternate. And I am not afraid to RP as female. I've done it before, and I'll do it again.

And if you do not like him the way he is, I'll take away the mind stuff. He's keeping the wings, because Zeus is the god of the Sky. Makes sence to me. And if you don't want a vamp in the midst that will go away. Martial Arts is more of something obtanable by anyone, so that I would keep. And the only thing with water he can do is breath in it. Let me know what you think.
So, have you read about James? If you don't like him the way he is, I can easily modify him. ANd I forgot something. He's not fluent in English. He knows a few words, but having been in Japan for 13 years, yea. He's very fluent in Japanese, so, yeah. He'd need a translator. Just, let me know how I can modify him if need be, and I shall...And if he is, would I be allowed to RP in first peson?

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