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Multiple Settings Watching cityscapes turn to dust [advanced/detailed] [craving FTWD, TW, apocalypse]


One cat away from crazy
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, stranger! Or an old friend. I am trying to get back into active writing after a couple of months long hiatus, so here I am with a slightly updated search.

» 21+ roleplayers only.
» Gdocs/email, or PMs here. Open to other mediums.
» I have Discord and Skype for OOC.
» In case my timezone matters , I live in Europe.
» Actor/model faceclaims or descriptions.
» My preference is MxM. More picky about MxF and FxF.
» I usually default to platonic. Romance only between characters that have chemistry.
» Multiple side characters. Not a fan of doubling.
» I enjoy detailed writing. My posts are usually between 300-1500 words. See the samples I have saved from a couple of dead RPs.
Jonathan had never really felt too awkward or uncomfortable around people, but he was pretty sure this could be labeled as one of those incredibly awkward moments families would gush about during Thanksgiving dinner. Maxwell and him, they had not seen each other-- for how long now? Years, it must have been. Felt like centuries. And now, they were suddenly sitting inside a police car together. The awkward part?

Max was on the wrong side!

I can’t believe you became a cop!” Jonathan rumbled, elbowing the passenger seat in front of him hard enough to rattle the bars that separated them. They made him feel like a rat in a cage; though perhaps they were very much needed. Just in case the handcuffs weren’t enough to tame a crazy like him from strangling his own pretend-family. Except that he wasn’t crazy; this was just a misunderstanding!

A fucking cop, out of all things--” his baffled tone trailed off as he leaned back in his seat, but his dark eyes didn’t leave the side profile of the driver. Despite his behavior, the other man’s career choice wasn’t actually that big of a surprise to Jonathan. Max had always been… better, as much as the fact pissed him off. Perhaps being a cop even suited the guy; just as well as that axe had fitted perfectly in Jonathan’s hands when he had been in need of a weapon to defend himself with.

Now, Jonathan was covered in blood-- and that was such a pain, because these were his favorite clothes! Granted, there was not much competition. They were basically his only clothes because he moved a lot, didn’t really have his own place for a couple of years now. He usually stayed with friends, sometimes with strangers.

The chick he had whacked a couple times with an axe was a part of the latter group; a complete stranger. Jonathan didn’t even remember her name, but he remembered the name of the husband; Clark. He was currently out of town, and his wife was bored in their big house and Jonathan happened to need a place to stay. It was supposed to be beneficial to both parties, and not end up like this.

It wasn’t Jonathan’s fault though. If she had found him adorable enough to want to eat him - literally - the only thing you could blame were his genes. If someone asked Jonathan personally, he’d describe himself way above average. His features were symmetrical, and he had a charming white smile. Despite being technically homeless, he was meticulous about his appearances, never wanting to leave a sour impression. His clothes were - had been - clean, he kept his face clean-shaven and visited a barbershop regularly.

Perhaps it was about time to make an appointment again; his brown hair was close to being too long to his liking. After brushing his hair back, off of his sweaty and slightly bloody forehead, he sighed heavily, “I know how this must look like to you. But you know me. I wouldn’t lie to you!

Except now, because even right off the top of his head, Jonathan could already remember a few instances when he may have lied to Max. This wasn't a lie though; “I was only defending myself.
Vince-Vincey seemed to be in a bad mood - even though one could argue that was his only mood. However, the brutal words about how Cody would have become the dead body hardly wavered the smile on the inmate's lips. In fact, they only made his grin widen. "Ouch, so harsh." Vincent had such a great sense of humor! Although, he probably wasn't joking...

Standing at 5'11", Cody wasn't exactly the biggest, most intimidating guy in the prison. Perhaps more brain than brawl - though many assumed he lacked both. A wolf in a dumbass sheep's clothing, he'd rather pick his few battles wisely. If he happened to have a puppy like Vincent on a leash, it was easily worth a bloody nose to shout smartass insults at a guy twice his size - like an idiot that completely lacked self-preservation - knowing the guards would break the fight and fuck up the other guy even worse for starting it. A couple of weeks licking their wounds in isolation ought to teach them some manners!

Once Vincent looked away from him, just for a few seconds, Cody's dark eyes fell to the accessories on his belt. The guards had been armed with actual guns... Huh, interesting. When the other man turned his attention back on him unexpectedly quickly, Cody made an awkward eye contact with him, as if he just got caught for something weird, like staring at his crotch.

"Not my buddy," he corrected with a shrug, choosing to act clueless.

"This asshole's unresponsive... Shit!" the guard finally called out from the cell, a hand hovering above the inmate's mouth as he tried to see if he was breathing or not.

The information did not surprise Cody, of course not. He already knew that. Before he was even accused of anything, he was already defending himself, "I did not kill him." Better have that out there right away, considering it wouldn't be the first time he was accused of something he did not do. Fucking Yo-Yo, could have chosen another cell to die in!

However, for once in his life, Cody wasn't actually lying. His cell mate wasn't even dead, at least it didn't sound like it-- not when the guard that had gone in to check on him suddenly yelled, panic in his voice as teeth sank into his hand, with a force that would be enough to sever a finger.

Cody had no clue what was going on inside the cell, nor did he really care. But Vincent had to care. The suddenness of his partner's scream would draw the officer's attention towards the open cell, force him to take care of a bigger problem than Cody, who was already lifting his hands defensively up. He had nothing to do with any of this, and he'd definitely stay put. Well, he was intending to... However, he'd always been an opportunist with awfully quick fingers. And Vincent had a gun. Had.

With the gun grabbed from Vincent's hips, Cody was quick to move the barrel of the gun to kiss the back of the guard's neck. This was either a brilliant or a suicidal move - however, since Cody was also an optimist, he considered this to be the former. "Be kind and lock the cell, Vincent," he ordered with a firm tone.

The other guard would have to wrestle with Yo-Yo alone, because Cody was going to take this puppy for a walk. Had this been a thoroughly planned move, he'd probably chosen a different puppy though - some chihuahua instead of the nasty doberman that would ensure Cody spent the rest of his sentence in a wheel chair if he loosened his grip on the leash. He wasn't going to, though. He set his other hand on Vincent's shoulder, only casting a quick glance into the cell before he pushed the pup to lead them towards freedom.

What the actual fuck was going on with Yo-Yo though - rabies? He had never been violent, not like this. And his eyes - there was nothing but emptiness in them. Cody had seen dead eyes once in his life. And they had looked exactly like that.

"Wonder how strict this 'nobody fucking leaves!' rule really is," he grinned, thinking his imitation of the prison executive's voice was pretty spot on. Recognizable, at least! And they were his exact words, since Cody had heard the chief arguing with some of the guards earlier. Everyone here was so tense, though Cody wasn't exactly sure why. Of course, the city wide evacuations and all that sounded rather unusual, but it couldn't be that bad, now could it? People often tended to exaggerate things anyway.

Apocalyptic / Survival / Dark themes / Horror Setting
A long time craving that has yet to be fulfilled; starting a story in an early apocalypse. Early as in 'my wifi just died an hour ago and I thought it was the end of the world, but then I looked outside.'
I'd prefer to have extreme cold weather or zombies – or maybe both. Let's have our characters stuck in traffic for hours, make them run out of gas in middle of nowhere, and torture them with rumors of a safe place only to have them meet people that just escaped from there. Stuff like that.

Only interested in a couple of fandoms at the moment.
Fear The Walking Dead
Troy / Nick
(I haven't watched past season 3 and can't remember much of season 1, so my Troy would probably be lil' stronger than Nicky but I'll play either. I have a small idea following the events of season 3.)
Teen Wolf
Stiles / Derek
(I've done research for Stiles before, so I'd prefer to play him. No ideas for a plot though. Youtube just kept spamming me videos of them and I kept clicking until I began to crave a roleplay, haha.)
13 Reasons Why / American Horror Story / Another Life / Criminal Minds /
(Fear) The Walking Dead / iZombie / Riverdale / Scream /
Slasher / Stranger Things / Teen Wolf / The Mist
Umbrella Academy / Znation / Black Summer

Beyond Two Souls / Detroit: Become Human / Dying Light / Fatal Frame (Project Zero) /
Life is Strange / Resident Evil (Biohazard) / Silent Hill / Telltale The Walking Dead
The Evil Within / The Last of Us / Tomb Raider

W O R D • B A N K
A list of themes and other stuff that I usually like. Current favorites/cravings in red. If you have plots and/or characters that could be to my liking, feel free to send them my way!

Modern • Realistic • Dark themes • Grim and gritty • Violence • Horror • Psychological • Gore • Survival • Drama & angst • Supernatural • Mild sci-fi
Relaxed posting schedules • Daily/weekly/monthly responses • Mini novellas • Detailed writing • Communicative partners • Long term partnerships
Plot driven • Character driven • Character development • Realistic characters • Complex characters • Premade characters • Balanced strengths and weaknesses • Characters in their 20s • Characters in their 30s
Slow burn romancePlatonic relationships • Siblings (platonic) • Bromances • Opposites attract • Balanced & fair relationships • Dysfunctional relationships • Enemies forced to work together
Manipulation • Obsession • Corruption • Betrayal • Dishonesty • Rivalry • Amnesia • Mental struggles • Moral struggles • Masculinity • Heroic acts • Good turning evil • Evil turning good • Time travel
PsychopathsSociopaths • Empaths • Addicts • Tough guys with soft spots • Egocentric assholes • Antagonistic characters • Nerds
Isolated locations • Abandoned buildings • Small towns • Big cities • Wilderness • Space • 1970s • 1980s • 1990s
Apocalyptic • Last man/community standing • Zombies • Immunity • Natural disasters • War • Extreme weather
Serial killers • Criminals • Organized crime • Mafia • Agents • Spies • Runaways • Partners in crime • Murder mysteries • Illegal gambling • Conspiracy theories • False identities • Undercover • Corrupted law enforcement • Prisons

D E A L • B R E A K E R S
Fetishes/smut roleplays • Active/passive roles • Dominant/submissive • Abuser/victim • Incest • Pure slice of life • Romance only plots • Anime • Doubling

I'd prefer if you PM'd me here first. C: I won't do plotting in thread.
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