Wasteland (DrTrollinski & Thenonconformityproj)


Brad Greene






Dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale-faced, medium build, 6ft tall, wears a duster coat/trench coat most of the time; under the trench coat he wears a t-shirt under a black leather waistcoat - waistcoat has different pockets for tools and trinkets if needed - wears dirtied black pinstripe pants with a brown leather belt, black boots, has a bandolier across his body that holds bullets for his rifle.


Brad was a waste-land born survivor in the harsh place that they called the world. He was an orphaned child at birth and was taken in by an old couple in a small hand-built town that served as his home for the first seventeen years of his life. When his 'father' died due to disease, and ended up laying the rest of the small town to waste, Brad gathered everything he could from his broken home and went out to live the life as a wasteland-wanderer - he couldn't salvage much from the home he left, just the rifle that his adoptive father used when necessary, and a knife that he owned - everyone in the wasteland was armed, that was no debatable - as much as Brad didn't like the use of weapons, he knew that if he wanted to last more than a day out there, he was going to have to go against his pacifist ways and fight for his right to live.


Brad is a smart man, but genius, but smart nonetheless - he had an education in the small town he lived in and holds decent knowledge on most topics. He's more strength-smart, as in, he knows which opponents are stronger, what guns are most effective, and what animals are easiest to hunt. Another thing Brad's good with is straight up surviving - after wandering the wasteland he learned the tricks of the trade. He's faced many things: radiation, mutated creatures, raiders, and mutants - he knows what he's doing.

Others: Lonely, inviting, brave, hot-headed, curious, confident.

Equipment and Weapons:


Bandolier holding .338 Rifle ammo


Winchester Model 70 Alaskan Bolt Action Rifle


Hand-made Damascus Steel Bowie Knife

- A rad-counter.

- A canteen.

- Radecko leaves

- Bottle caps (Around 300)


Survivalist, weapon-specialist, knows how to implement stealth into a situation when needed, good morale-booster, physically and mentally capable, good geographer, good trap-builder, good tracker.


Not very good with people, suffers from paranoia, can't use more modernized technology and weaponry, sometimes he's too positive for his own good.



Luca Daniels






Medium-length brown hair, brown eyes, pale and clear skin, thin/malnourished - wears casual clothes that are pre-war. Jeans, a blue sweater, damaged sneakers, a small black waterproof jacket.


Born in the wasteland like many other people, Luca barely had any experience in life before it threw things his way. The settlement he stayed in was completely overrun and destroyed by mutated creatures, and it's unknown how far Luca actually ran by himself until he was found by Brad, barely being able to stand on his own two feet. It's unknown where he originated from as well, as he has no knowledge of where his home state was or the name of the town that he lived in previously.


Friendly, not trusting, anxious around new people, pacifist, fears the world around him.

Equipment and Weapons:

Doesn't carry anything that could be considered a weapon, only has the clothes on his back.


Observational. Nothing else can be considered a major skill.


Not strong-minded, not independent, very fearful, tries to act stronger and older than he actually is, which eventually has a negative impact on his mood.​
Name- Pariuse Radiccion

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Appearance- Dark hair ( almost black), fair, milky-white skin with light pink cheeks, piercing teal eyes

History- Pari was born in 2019 to revolutionist parents. When he was seven, they were killed viciously in a revolt. Pari realizes that, yes, their idiotic beliefs lost them their lives, but he can't help missing them. Up till now, he told himself their ideas were BOGUS. Right? Well, it turns out their Wacky beliefs were true. Some psycho behind the scenes is planning the demolition of Difiponia, the only part of the Galaxy with intelligent life forms left in it. Pari's parents knew and that's why they were killed.. And that's why he must run, because now he knows, and he doesn't want to have the same demise as his late parents.

Personality- Hates rules, moody bad boy. Likes black, metal music, and has a love of photography. Stronger than he knows, and when he finds someone he cares about and trusts, passionate and devoted. He has a sensitive side set aside for the persecuted innocent, and a strong, vindictive hate of the "guilty ones".

Equipment- His father left a key and knife. He realizes the knife could come in handy.. But the key bugs him. What does it unlock, and why is there any importance behind it?

Skills- Great with riddles, problem solving, and hacking. Tall, lanky, and fast as lightning. Pari is a talented archer.

Theme Song- "In the End" by Linkin Park

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.477fa6faed384245054aae963bd0c0f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.477fa6faed384245054aae963bd0c0f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(@Thenonconformityproj - You might want to edit the CS based on what I said in PM about the setting and his hacking skill. You can keep hacking as a skill, but the chances of him being advanced in it are slim.)

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