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Realistic or Modern Wasted Youth [OOC]

AyaFromTheEast AyaFromTheEast well serena doesn’t really put on an act, she just doesn’t come off as smart as she really is, and she only really reveals herself fine she’s close to you. people just see her as that popular girl, but she doesn’t really show other sides of her unless she trusts you. she kind of puts on a front if she doesn’t know you. i think they’d meet through greyson, and ali would see through serena and get her to open up.
AyaFromTheEast AyaFromTheEast well serena doesn’t really put on an act, she just doesn’t come off as smart as she really is, and she only really reveals herself fine she’s close to you. people just see her as that popular girl, but she doesn’t really show other sides of her unless she trusts you. she kind of puts on a front if she doesn’t know you. i think they’d meet through greyson, and ali would see through serena and get her to open up.
Ah okay, sorryyy. Still, Ali would sure find her an interesting character and since he'll be able to relate with the absent/shitty parents they could become close?? Ali does have things he's never told anyone and with someone who'll be able to understand from their own experience, he'd be more likely to share.
Alright everyone, I know there are like one or two more people who expressed interest (to me, personally) that I want to make a sheet. But we will be starting TODAY (or tomorrow at the latest!)
i’m hella hyped for this!
also i’m loving the new cherries. you guys should hop onto relationship discussion with the rest of us ;-)
So excited~ Before we really get going, I was just feeling curious about if someone wanted anything romantic with Shaye? Or any other ideas for relationships? I'm so hyped to see where we can take her
Hi friends if anyone would like to already know Chad just lemme know otherwise he will just be massive douche that invited himself and tries to bang all Caleb's friends okay break.
theres not many gay/bi male characters in the rp but i do want something romantic for Ali if the opportunity presents it self, so if i've missed something and anyone is remotely interested let me know!!
Hi friends if anyone would like to already know Chad just lemme know otherwise he will just be massive douche that invited himself and tries to bang all Caleb's friends okay break.

you're already a massive douche.

oh shit you meant chad.

apolla apolla how is the rp going to start off?

hmm i was probably just going to have everyone arriving at the house, getting settled in and shit. i had a few ideas for afterwards, too, but i am always down to hear other peoples ideas too!!
you're already a massive douche.

oh shit you meant chad.

hmm i was probably just going to have everyone arriving at the house, getting settled in and shit. i had a few ideas for afterwards, too, but i am always down to hear other peoples ideas too!!
Love you too bby
RosateNena RosateNena shaye and greyson just more or less know of each other, yeah? i can't really see them interacting much before graduation, but maybe they can start to get to know each other more during the rp. i read that she's open-minded which would prob really be super useful as he works on being not so much of a conceited mommy's boy

Lurker Lurker hello would you like to start some beef with my boi

&& if any of you new guys want to start some beef or friendship with my prince boy, hmu ♥ ❀
hmm i was probably just going to have everyone arriving at the house, getting settled in and shit. i had a few ideas for afterwards, too, but i am always down to hear other peoples ideas too!!

maybe we could rp the planning of the trip and then the main organisers trying to convince everyone to join them? it would give us all some background information and a feel for some of the relationships amongst the characters too. Just a suggestion ☺☺

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