Warriors: Modernized War

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The US Military decided too many soldiers died in combat. They gave some cats supergenes - and guess what? - It was cats from the Clans. When released back into the wild, thinking the genes would die out. However, these already-intelligent cats, boosted by societizing genes, started breeding for necessity. About forty years later, the humans are trying to recapture their genes, whne they found out cats still had these abilities. There are now eight clans:

RiverClan: A clan living on the river, the water does not annoy these cats. In fact, it soothes them. The majority of cats were taken from Riverclan, and have the most agile cats, but still about normal strength. Extremely tight bonds with ThunderClan and WindClan.

ThunderClan: Living deep in the woods, these cats do best in wooded environments. Cats from ThunderClan were given all sorts of genes, and do not excel in any fighting genes, however are more than average in everything. Known for their democratic leadership and knowledge. Holds extremely strong bonds of alliance with WindClan and RiverClan.

WindClan: Cats from the rocks, the WindClan cats have no problem with the wind from hurricanes. The water does not bother them, however their thick pelts weigh them down when they get wet. Having some of the best stalking abilities, WindClan is known for making the right decision, and quite quickly. While they don't have any major advantages in even combat, they often hold the advantage of surprise. While all clans are allied, they hold an especially tight alliance with ThunderClan and RiverClan.

ShadowClan: Nothing is special about these cats, except their longevity in combat and strength. All ShadowClan cats do have one weakness, however, but rarely tell it. Knowing the weak point of a ShadowClan cat shows one of two things: The tightest of bonds, or the most extreme guile. While being the largest clan, the only clan they hold an extremely tight bond with is SnakeClan,


SnakeClan: Absolutely nothing special about these cats, except they have human brain cells, especially those that give humans tactical ability. Extremely tight bond with ShadowClan, due to being a "vassal clan" of ShadowClan, though that is know only to leaders, deputies, and, inevitable, medicine cats of the clans, of the two clans. It is almost unheard of for these cats to fight physically. No, that's what ShadowClan is for.

~~~Character Sheet~~~


Age: (In moons)

Tom or she-cat:


Rank: (Kit, apprentice, warrior, elder (at least 50 moons old. A moon is like a year to a cat.), deputy, medicine cat, leader. Ask for leader and deputy and medicine cat if you want it. I only want extremely detailed characters taking important roles.)


Appearance: (Either great detail or a picture of the entire cat.)






The personality of a leader. Very democratic. Listens to both sides of a story before choosing sides. Does not like ShadowClan cats because they attacked RiverClan 16 moons ago - the day he turned apprentice.


Kit of Waterfur. When he became apprentice, the day ShadowClan attacked, his mother was killed, along with all his littermates. Sworn revenge on ShadowClan. He is the only cat outside of ShadowClan and SnakeClan that knows about SnakeClan being a "vassal clan".

Same as my profile picture.


EDIT: The second question is supposed to be "more elaboration on clan alliances." Sorry, I'm extremely tired.
Requesting position of Thunderclan leader, Riverclan medicine cat, Shadwoclan medicine cat apprentice, and a regular apprentice of Windclan. Apps below.

Name: Thistlestar

Age: 47 moons

Gender: She-cat

Personality: Thistlestar is perhaps most noted for her patience. She has always been the sort to listen first and speak after, which helps her quite a bit when it comes to understanding troubles with her clan, as she pays attention to each and every individual in her clan, and is more than willing to take time to listen to the worry or complaint of the smallest kit. The downside of this is that she rarely makes snap decisions - she likes to think things over first and unless the situation is dire she'll take some time to think a problem over rather than acting quickly - which can sometimes mean that a solution takes longer to come by than it would for others. She loves the members of clan with the fierceness of a queen's love for her kits - and sometimes sees them as such, as she has never been able to have her own.

Rank: Requesting position of Thunderclan leader

Bio: Thistlestar was once Thistletail, and at this point of her life was mated to a fellow warrior, but found herself unable to bear kits - she would still be mated to him now, had he not passed away many moons ago. She was made deputy shortly before the death of the previous leader, about six moons after the death of her mate. When the previous leader died she took on his place, as mandated by the traditions laid out by Starclan.


Clan: Thunderclan

Name: Gingerstreak

Age: 21 moons

Gender: Tom

Personality: Gingerstreak can be rather brusque when dealing with people who have injured themselves foolishly - anyone playing around too hard and accidentally straining themselves or eating something that didn't smell quite right is sure to get an eyeful of glare and an earful of sass - but when it comes to tending those who were wounded in battle or true accidents he's very gentle, if silent. He rarely talks unless spoken to, and often doesn't offer up much to anyone other than his leader and deputy, though if he were to have an apprentice chances are he'd open up for them as well. Because his job is to tend to the sick he can be overly serious at times - he's lost cats before and it hurts, so he tries not to get too deeply attached for the fear of the pain of loosing them. He acts quite brittle and snappish when not treating a patient, but when he's caring for an injured cat of any age he can be quite tender.

Rank: Requesting position of Medicine Cat of Riverclan

Bio: Gingerstreak gained his full name at sixteen moons, but remained an apprentice as long as his mentor was alive, as is tradition. At twenty moons his mentor finally passed away and he became a fully fledged medicine cat. He's still getting used to doing it all on his own.



Name: Treepaw

Age: 8 moons

Gender: She-cat

Personality: For her young age Treepaw tries to act very serious - because she's taking on a role that so separates her from the rest of her littermates and fellow apprentices she feels she must act as more of a fully realised medicine cat rather than the apprentice she is. She's highly focused on her duties as an apprentice, and sometimes can get highly nervous about doing things wrong - after all, her treatments can save or loose a clanmates life - and is often very stressed about interpreting signs right even though as such a young apprentice it's really more of her mentor's job than hers.

She's a highly sensitive soul and very sympathetic to the needs and hurts of others. It's very hard for her to leave any cat in pain (be they from her clan or otherwise) and from a very young age she's been incredibly interested in the healing arts. She's wanted to be a medicine cat since she was a very tiny kit.

Rank: Requesting role of Shadowclan medicine cat apprentice

Bio: From a very young age Treepaw has been interested in healing and taking care of her clanmates. While still young she knows exactly what she wants to do with her life. Not much for the history section just because she's so young.

Her pelt continues in the same way as the picture with small ginger spots under the brown and black. Her whole belly is white as are her front paw-tips and her tail tip. Her back left paw is white halfway up her haunch, her back left leg is fully striped as the rest of her is.

Clan: Shadowclan

Name: Berrypaw

Age: 10 moons

Gender: Tom

Personality: Berrypaw is highly abrasive at time - he's quite arrogant despite his young age and overly confident of his abilities. He's determined to be the strongest warrior in his clan and often forgets that strength in skirmishes doesn't always come before skill in hunting and stealth. He can be rather aggressive, assertive, and competitive in general. He often feels that if he doesn't prove himself to be the best he'll be seen as nothing at all.

Rank: Apprentice

Bio: Not much to say here, as he's so young. Basically he was born and taken into Windclan by his mother with the rest of his littermates and became apprenticed when he was of age.


Clan: Windclan

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