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Fantasy Warrior Cats, Lion King, Watership Down or Other: Rewritten


Obsessive Writer
Roleplay Type(s)

This is a bit out there for me, and I understand if I don't garner much interest in this thread. But I hope there is no harm in posting here!

I have always been in love with animals, even soaked up as many boring yet beautiful animal documentaries as I could find while growing up. Learned to appreciate many different kinds of animals (avian, marine, predator, prey, even insects), and grew to enjoy them far more with books like Watership Down (rabbits) and The Sight (wolves), as well as tv shows like Animals of Farthing Wood (that show was better at emotionally destroying children than Digimon was at the time!). Only recently have I begun enjoying the Warrior Cats stories and aus.
Finally, I've decided that I would love to create our own version of these settings, embracing their world completely while adding more realistic behaviors in the animals. Something detailed and capable of being intense- yet lighthearted. Exploring relationships between two or three characters, and developing the intricacies how four clans might go to war with each other. I almost debated putting this in Nation Building, but I haven't fully decided the setting or goal yet.

I would love for us to craft that together!

Looking for a hopefully long-term partner that shares similar interests in writing stories about animals. Someone who doesn't mind taking on many different characters with me, one who enjoys detail in RP responses (cause baby I BREATHE detail), and is equally excited about sharing their own idea's alongside hearing mine. Plotting with someone is half of the fun of the RP, personally! I'm the sort to ramble and rave about our RP out of pure excitement, so I hope that will be fun too!
Realism is also something I'd like to include as inspiration to a healthy and non-overbearing degree, though I never want it to disservice the more drama-heavy portions of the story just for the sake of realism. I notice in some animal books that the animals are basically just people (I hear this is an intentional shift in the later Warrior Cats books as well), which is perfectly fine! But I'd love to maintain a story that perfectly mixes wild animals with a small amount of humanization.
That being said, light fantasy elements are welcome if this is a concept you'd like to explore! Visions and prophecies similar to their role in Warrior Cats or Watership down (what can I say? I'm a sucker for something supernatural kick starting a natural plot), unlikely animal team-ups, mysterious locations/settings, or even curses plaguing the main characters. Or none of the above!
The specifics of the RP ideas will be listed down below, and are all generally suggestions/skeletons for us to work off of. I have waaaay more thoughts and idea's to offer than just this, but I want to hear YOUR thoughts as much as my own, and would rather turn plotting into a conversation.

Basic Personal info:

Hi, Am male, VERY late 20s HAH (31), descriptive/literate, usually aiming for 3-5 or more paragraphs in a response depending on how much is happening in the moment. I'm happy to challenge myself and push even further though. Lately I've noticed that I'm most comfortable at 1500-2000 words in a typical response, breaking 3000 for intros or if I'm very excited.
Love developing relationships between characters- sweet found families, close friendships, spiteful enemies, awkward acquaintances, distrustful leader/deputy, etc.
I enjoy developing characters in great detail and letting them continue to evolve and develop in the RP. Many of my OCs start off as blank slates that become completely reshaped and customized to the RP.
Romance is a bit secondary to me- a great addition to add to/fuel a story rather than be the main focus.

RP Ideas; More * 's means higher interest.

Warrior Cats: ReWritten *
I am interested in writing mostly original settings for this one; but I'm also interested in writing AUs! Some of the most inspiring MAPs (Multi-animator projects) out there do feature some great idea's that I'd love to explore. What if Tigerclaw never killed Redtail? What if Scourge joined Thunderclan instead of being driven away? What if Ravenpaw wanted to make his mentor Tigerclaw proud instead of being afraid? What if Firepaw never joined the Thunderclan at all? I like exploring AUs since they can be an interesting way to stretch characters and themes, as well as an excuse to expand on the characters.
The clan cat setup is so fascinating and fun to me, and I would love to create a clan of cats with different relationships and opinions. Lots of gossip, drama, fun slice of life shenanigans followed by epic, threatening cataclysmic events that tests the clans (rival rogue clans, destructive huge storms, floods, famine, disease, etc). Bonus points for old-school prophecies, or new school visions, even exploring Star clan and dark forest cats.
Bonus points for anyone who's interested in a (reasonable) slice of realism to the cats behaviors and treatment of each other.
I must admit though, this is a setting I would like to explore with ANY animal species, not just cats. Rabbits, wolves, deer...
Interest for this is a bit low, but I'm always open to plot and share idea's to see if we cook something magical together!

Watership Down: Rewritten
Much like Warrior Cats, I would love to dive into the Watership down books as well. I read all of them ages ago, and dove into the animated movie and even the weird animated tv show (yes there was a tv show, and if you're a fan of the OG movie you probably won't care for this show XD). I love the characters and would love to expand on them, or simply reinvent the setting entirely with original characters!
I've definitely had the opportunity to build a cat or lion based story before... But never have I had the chance to play with rabbits. Let me know if there are any other strange nerds out there like myself!

Lion King: Rewritten ******
Much like Warrior Cats, we can take the setting of Lion King and expand it to our delight! Completely original characters, or even taking a look at reshaping the canon characters instead! I've been wanting to write lions for a long time now.

Custom Animal World
In recent times, animals have slowly began to evolve. Once-solitary animals like bears, big cats, and badgers have started to form groups and develop culture together, while social animals like rabbits, deer, and wolves have started to create homes and tools for protection and sustainable living. Over time, three Kingdoms have slowly been established; the seclusive and secretive bears in the mountains, the over-zealous and proud elk in the plains, and the violent and distrustful rabbits in the forest.
A new age is slowly dawning, and many wiser animals understand that change is coming, though most other animals are uncertain and wary. While many predators have adapted to eating fish, birds, and even becoming pure omnivores, many animals still seek glory and conquest through violent altercations.
With the development of languages (albeit different languages for each species of animal) and availability of food, animals that were once hardened enemies have started to mingle and even establish peace. Unlikely bonds have been formed, and rumors began to spread throughout the valley. Rumors of impossible hybrids beginning to appear. Mixes that should've been impossible to exist springing out from animals that normally should have no business interacting together. Some animals claim these new impossible mutts will bring sickness and poison into their homes, while others begin to wonder these first "mixes" will start to bring about a new form of unity and peace.
~Very basic skeleton of a plot! This is great if we wanted to try writing for all of our favorite animals. I think a good basic description of this might be 'Zootopia before modern times' XD
I am also open to any other sort of custom animal plots that you may have, too!

Rise of the Planet of the Animals
Taking the setting from Rise of the Planet of the Apes. But utilizing our favorite animals instead! We can explore the rise of intelligent animals breaking out of animal testing labs, the conflict between the animals and humans, or conflicts between animals themselves as they develop and evolve.
These are not available right now, sorry!
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