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Fandom Warhammer 40K Siege of Scora






psyker?: yes or no

appearance: picture or description


history: just a short sotry mostly why you are here if it is obvious why are you the one sent to save the world

weapons and armor ( wargear):






Other?: powers anything not needed above ect
Name: Julo Hillbrant

Age: 32

race: Human, caucasian

gender: Male

rank: Guardsman (as in the lowest enlisted rank, non-conscript)

psyker?: no

appearance: Standing at around 5'11, with short-cropped black hair, brown eyes. Although in the 40th century nobody would call it that, in the far off year of 2015 he'd speak in a New English accent.

personality: A bit reserved and orderly. Notably indecisive when command would fall to him.

history: Julo was part of the IG ranks on Scora, having been enlisted about four months before the events of the campaign. He is a native Scoran.

weapons and armor ( wargear):

1: 1x IG Helmet and Uniform

2:1x Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer (meticulously clean)

3:1x Galaxy-Pattern Lasgun

4: 3x Frag Grenades (Standard model)

5: 1x standard combat load of Lasgun power packs, correct-sized

(OOC Notes: Did I do anything wrong on here? If so, please point it out.)
ok now why is he picked to be in a small special group out of all others around him?
Karcen said:
ok now why is he picked to be in a small special group out of all others around him?
He happened to be on hand. The Adeptus Administratum is quite literally planets of red-tape and bureaucratic nightmare, so incidents like this are relatively common in the Imperium of Man. If anything, in the eyes of those compiling the squad he's another meat-shield for the more valuable ones.
Name: Captain Caelereas Androgistus (Cael for short)

Race: Space marine

age: 436

Gender: Male

Rank: Master of the forge/ Captain ( 1st company)

Psyker: nope

Appearance: Seeing as pictures for space marines are not exactly diverse a description will have to do. Cael is very pale like all in his chapter with a pale red eye. he is have short black hair that looks like he had let it grow for maybe a month without shaving. Half his face had been replaced with augmetics. The flesh half of his face has many scars.

Personality: The part about Cael that sets him apart from most space marines is something almost unheard of in space marines he has a sense of humor and will tell very bad jokes. This is kind of emotional deviations is common in the Menders due to a minor mutation that makes them slightly resistant to the hypno indoctrination all space marines undergo during training. So he is generally friendly to humans far more so than most space marines making him the one to go talk with them. Of course this is all if the people are competent and they aren't currently being shot at then he cuts the civility and becomes more the traditional space marine.

History(Optional): I'll be brief here. Cael was picked up somewhere around 400 years and underwent the normal training, he fought in wars and was in time made a battle brother. Once he was a battle brother he was quickly picked out to be a techmarine by the others and shipped off to learn the mysteries of the machine god. He learned and if he lived long enough many said he would go far. Well he has lived and he has gone far earning his place though honor, acts, and skill.


1.Power armor ( mark 8 artificer armor no helmet)

2. Servo harness added to normal backpack, it has several servo arms.

2 manipulator servo arms

1 flamer servo arm

1 plasma cutter servo arm.

3. master crafted power axe

4 master crafted plasma pistol
Name: Grek

Age: Old


gender: Ork

rank: Ork Shoota Boy Cap'n

psyker?: No


Personality: Worships many things that most irks commonly love like dakka, WAAAAGHS, and just good old fun. But, the years have slowly worn away at his enjoyment of WAAAGH.

Though he still likes a good tossle every now and then he usually gets tired easily in combat and gets bored.

History: Having started as a sluga boy for the Blud Moons, Grek didn't really have any aspirations except from being the boy with 'da mostest dakka'.

Even as he got that by killing his big boss guy of his Shoota unit, he started to feel an empty hole that not even dakka could fill. Thinking that something was wrong with him, he set out to find a way to reignite his passion for WAAAAGH.

weapons and armor ( wargear):

1 - "Ol Boss Boyz fast dakka skattakillgun" - Fully automatic shotgun with 6 barrels haphazardly attached to each other with tape and wires. Heavily modified space marine shotgun, now terribly rusted and on the point of breaking down

2 - "Lobba Splodys" - 3 Eldar plasma grenades painted yellow so that "it splodes biggah"

3 - "Rakatakakillswoord" - An unholy creation made by welding several blades and daggers to the blade of a still functional chainsword.

Other?: None
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He was looking for a good fight to rekindle his passion of WAAAAGH and came across this tyranid invasion, meeting up with the main party by chance
So he a single orc that has survived a lone on a plant being invaded by the nids for a month
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No he's the cap'n of a rogue squad of shootas. If you're going to ask for specifics, then you should have included it in the character sheet instead of interrogating me now
I didn't ask because it isn't normally needed because people don't have a race that normally would be kill on sight like the orks I have said most xenos need the whole inquisitor setup otherwise your just another target
The most part is good the thing is when would a group of people who have only known orks as killers and thing to be killed just accept one they just find on the world if he was a captain of some freebooters with an npc who gets killed after we find them fine but him just being an ork wandering around that is just brought on bored isnt


Harverius Brann

(Allows his men to simply refer to him as Brann)


On record as 31 (Doesn't remember, the war has been long.)



Imperial Guard




Company Captain of the 18th IcharIV Regiment.

Registered Psyker





Harverius has always been cold in the face of certain death, the idea of falling to defend his men and his Emperor has always been a point of pride so he faces down his enemies with cold calculated resolve. During battles, his experience pays off well as he can face down most single threats with his combined weaponry, and his battlefield control and officer skills ensure his men fight at their very best. He is less brutal towards his men than is expected from Imperial Guard commanders, and likes to be present during training drills and briefings to bolster the morale of his men. The current truce between the xeno races weighs heavily on his shoulders but for the sake of the goal to cleanse this world, he will work with his enemies and ensure his men do the same, for the good of the Imperium.


Harverius was born on Ichar IV, a hive world devoted to supplying the nearby systems with the instruments of death that are now spread across the galaxy. He was born to mid wealthy family and raised in the ways of war by his father, a captain of the Guard regiment controlling the planet. He has been infused with all the battle skills, tactical prowess and commanding talents that he would need to make a fine officer. He was then assigned to the planetary defence force when he was 18, where he made his name in several battles before being promoted to sergeant. At the age of 29, after commanding his forces to victory on more than 22 occasions, he was fast tracked for a further promotion and raised up the rank of Captain. Since his promotion, he has been called upon to lead his Imperial Guard regiment to glory in the campaign to retake Scora in the name of the Emperor, with the aid of his other regimental officers, the Adeptus Astartes and the Xeno forces. He has no intention of sharing this world with his enemies however.


Accatran MK2 Laspistol - customised with an extended barrel for extra range.

Garm Pattern Boltpistol - Kept in a holster attached to the Power sword charge pack.

Power Sword - Picked up from his sergeant's corpse during an ambush from Tau forces.

Carapace Armour - Presented in honour for recognition of Harverius promotion to Captain. Affords more protection than standard armour.

Command Squad/Retinue - Not Wargear per se. (see 'Other'.)

Other Information

Despite his rank and automatic authority over members of the PDF, Brann has selected 2 members of his Command Squad and 2 elite members of his Kasrkin unit to accompany him and the arranged task force during the campaign. These members are:

Alek Korpel - Vox-Operator - Sergeant. (Outfitted with standard Guardsman Kit and Lascarbine along with an Auspex.)

Saskia Lebel - Medic - Sergeant. (Outfitted with standard Guardsman Kit and Shotgun.)

Colby Dorn - Kasrkin Sergeant. (Outfitted with standard Kasrkin Kit along with a Plasma gun and Krak grenades.)

Agmar Leverus - Kasrkin Sergeant. (Outfitted with standard Kasrkin Kit along with Hotshot Lasgun.)

These individuals have been hand-picked by Harverius and can be counted on to fight to the death for both their Captain and the forces they fight with.

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OOC - The post above would NOT format the way I wanted no matter how much tinkering I did...SO PLEH!
Name: Voydonn

Age: Unknown - Sixty million years at least.

Race: Necron

Gender: Male

Rank: Head Cryptek

Psyker?: No

Appearance: Looks like any other Necron Cryptek, except his head-crest is much more grandiose. Think something like the Pope's hat, except it's part of Voydonn's head and obviously looks Necron.

Personality: Usually quite gentle in nature, very calm but can be condescending at times. Acts a bit like a concerned Grandfather when it comes to Allies/Associates.

History: Having gone through numerous adventures with Trazyn the Infinite, Voydonn returned to his lab to find it in ruins and infested with daemons. He returned to Solemnace with Trazyn and worked side by side with the Curator. He'd been sent to Scora to scout it out for artefacts worth cataloguing, however upon arriving there, he discovered the hive fleet setting upon the planet. Having known the Silent King, he shared his hatred for the Swarm and decided to do what he could to defeat it. Intercepting transmissions regarding a secret team, he touched down and offered his help.

Weapons and armour (wargear):

1 - Grandstaff of Reality (Big ornate staff, capable of distorting reality in a number of ways. Has the same basic shooting attack as a Rod of Covenant)

2 - Phase Shifter

3 - Chronometron

4 - Phylactery

5 - Necrodermis (the same as any standard Necron Lord)

Grandstaff powers;

Can be used to create vast amounts of light, blinding enemies temporarily.

Can open a pocket dimension, banishing anything that enters.

Can create incorporeal clones of a selected target.

Each of these powers expends a large amount of energy and requires an extended period of recharge following use, usually a couple of hours or more.

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