Story Warhammer 40,000 - A Short Drabble


New Member

So, I've decided to post one of my many drabbles here in the Writers' Den. Please note that this will probably <em>never</em> be expanded upon: I've simply been nagged enough times by my family to show my work somewhere... Enjoy, if you <em>can</em>... and Happy Holidays. </p>

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<p> "Slaughter them all!!" screamed Maloq, cleaving a passing Blood Raven with his chainaxe. "<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Blood for the Blood God!!!</em></span>" Around him, his World Eaters had sent the enemy squad into full retreat, bolters still blazing in an attempt to dissuade the pursuing berserkers. The skull-champion growled. <em>Imperial maggots,</em> he thought, <em>is this your idea of bravery!?</em> "Don't let them escape!!" he roared, blasting away with his plasma pistol. The neon-blue spheres zoomed through the ruins, slamming into the wall beside a backpedaling loyalist. A bolt-round glanced off Maloq's crimsion shoulder-pad; a small, metallic crater cracking the plate. With an oath to Khorne, he turned around and unloaded his pistol into the chest of another Blood Raven attempting to reload his bolter. The impacts sent the space marine staggering backwards; his ceramite armor glowing slightly under the intense heat of plasma-fire. The marine's cries of pained rage were cut short by the champion's screaming chainaxe ripping into the weaker armor around his neck; splattering blood and gore everywhere as his severed head bounced away. Another sacrifice to the Brass Lord of Battle! Maloq pulled his weapon up and surveyed the battlefield proudly. The remaining Blood Ravens had vanished; and in the lull, his warriors were gathering skull-trophies from the bodies of the slain. Friends and foes alike. It mattered little, mused Maloq. Khorne did not care who's blood was spilt, so long as it <em>was</em>... In the middle of their bloody work, the vox-link trilled a notification: Gordiant, the Death Guard leader, was trying to contact him again. Aggravated by this sudden interruption, Maloq toggled the vox. "What is it now?" growled the champion. <em>"Maalooqq..."</em> slurred Gordiant's voice over the World Eater's vox-link. "Seepiaa wishes to know whyy you ignoorre suummonsss..." "For the last time, corpse," replied Maloq heatedly. "I will <em>not</em> sit idle while there are skulls to be taken! Tell that sorcerer he'll start without me, or not at all!" <em>"Hee will noot be-"</em> "I don't care!!" snapped the berserker, silencing the loathsome plague marine's voice with a thought. How could these cowards sit and hide at the Gate while glorious battle rages outside? Gathering his warriors, Maloq marched deeper into the ruined hive-city; searching for more Imperials to sacrifice to the Lord of Skulls... </p>

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<p> Maloq had cut the channel... Gordiant stood still for a moment. He wasn't angry or enraged, because he was the kind of person that needed a good run at it to get really mad. He <em>was,</em> however, rather annoyed. That brute was always running off, dismissing all but the most important commands, and sometimes ignoring even <em>those!</em> Still, no sense in worrying about it. Maloq may be an ork-brained idiot, but he could handle himself. Gordiant had a ritual to attend... <em>"Whaat nooww, chaampioon?"</em> asked one of the Death Guard. Like Gordiant's, its twisted, gurgling voice was only intelligible with a vox-link. <em>"We retuurrrn to the Gaaate..."</em> answered the plague champion. <em>"The sorrcererrr commaandss it..."</em>

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