War of the Sword


Filthy Casual
Thesmashbro submitted a new role play. @Thesmashbro, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: "Damasaku"

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Ability: none (humans are average)

Weapon: none

Powers: Aura constructs.

Faction: Neither

Personality: He likes to have fun above all. If something is boring, he either tries to make it fun or doesn't do it at all. If he gets serious, you should run. He has "creative" ways of killing you if he gets serious. Fortunately, that happens rarely.

Bio: A mysterious man. His real name is unknown. Some people say that his sister was murdered in front of him, causing some damage to his psyche.

He works as a bounty hunter of sorts, working for either the mages or the warriors; whoever pays better.

Appearance: A tall man with brown hair, white skin, and green eyes. He wears a black fedora and tux but with a ninja scarf instead of a tie.


Name: Alvar Elige

Age: 86

Gender: Male

Race: Koumori (bat-like)

Ability: flight and extended lifespan

Powers: Aura element (electricity and fire) and "aura sight" (aura detection and analyzation)

Weapon: Sword

Faction: Mages

Personality: Knowledgeable and hates being corrected. If he doesn't know what something is, he examines and experiments until he knows what it is and what it does.

Bio: He works at the mage library, filled with books with knowledge of arcane arts, observations, and similar subjects. He is also friends with the mage king.


Name: Elswith

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Race: Human but Barbarian-like

Ability: Fighting

Powers: Aura Construct

Weapon: Heavy lonsword Made of steel with a gold handle and the blade curved toward the tip.

Faction: Human

Personality: Elswith tends to be impatient, but tries to be patient. He can be quite a soldier on the battlefield.

Bio: He is a little normal but he drinks and will very rarely show up to battle drunk. He's been a warrior since he was 18 when he enlisted on a dare.

Appearance: He has long blonde hair, wears barbaric clothes, and has abs that he developed while training
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@jjbluesam Accepted, but I'd like to know what you meant by the "human" faction. Is there a separate faction that wants to kill everything that isn't human?
(This is mostly done, but I'll touch it up a bit later tomorrow.)

Name: Rathi

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Kojin (A sentient catlike race)

Ability: High speed and reflex, enhanced senses all around. And, of course, as a cat, they almost always land on their feet.

Powers: Rathi can enhance his blade by channeling fire aura into it, enabling him to cut through nearly any mundane material with one swipe. Higher grade and aura enhanced materials require different amounts of time to cut through. Rathi also has limited blindsense. He can sense beings, monsters, animals, constructs, and other things with minds (Or things that act like a brain) within 50ft. This is limited to knowing there is something there, not what way they're facing, what they're carrying, and (Unless he is familiar with them before or are good friends) he doesn't know who they are. (Must be activated, drains Aura)


Faction: Warriors

Personality: A laid back individual, Rathi only gets riled up if someone insults the Warrior Core, or insults one of his friends.

Bio: It is tough being a member of the army, especially if you are smaller than the rest. Being barely under five feet tall, Rathi is the scorn of the new recruits. That is, until he wipes the practice floor with them. To suspect that he is a bad sword fighter due to his small stature is quite the insult. A faithful warrior for 11 years, he lives to serve and retrieve The Sword for its rightful keepers, those who would actually use it for good.


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@Rynnki While I do like the character, the ability seems a bit overpowered. If you can jump out of the way of danger before it even happens, then that'll make you impossible for anyone else to beat. In a bad way. I think it should be replaced with enhanced senses so you can hear danger, just not automatically dodge everything. The blindsense power is okay though as long as you have to activate it and it uses aura, which I'm guessing was your intention since you put it in the powers spot.
Name: Kalin Mercuria

Age: 21

Gender: female

Race: fae (fairies… they have wings)

Ability: physical endurance, mental prowess, basic spellcasting ability

Powers: aura element - light. spellcasting - basically limited healing ability through channeling power to wounds. Kalin can also channel aura into her arrows (she uses a bow and arrow). When she does this, her arrows glow and appear as shooting stars. She can also boost speed and accuracy with her aura.

Weapon: an longbow and arrows

Faction: Mages

Personality: Kalin is an extremely young fae. She generally looks at the world with a childlike innocence. She really puts her heart into whatever she does and doesn’t like to give up.

Bio: Kalin grew up as the daughter of a renowned fae princess who perished in the early waves of the war. As a result, her training was delayed, so her abilities are fairly weak. She does have the potential to become quite a bit more powerful in the future. At the moment, her arrows are only accurate up to a distance of 50 yards and she can fire about 6 arrows a minute without losing accuracy.

Appearance: Kalin has large blue eyes and dark hair that falls to her knees. She generally braids her hair to keep it manageable. She has pointed wings that shimmer white. She is 4’10” She wears a brown dress that falls to her knees and is laced up the front, as well as a flowing black cloak.
Thesmashbro said:
@Rynnki While I do like the character, the ability seems a bit overpowered. If you can jump out of the way of danger before it even happens, then that'll make you impossible for anyone else to beat. In a bad way. I think it should be replaced with enhanced senses so you can hear danger, just not automatically dodge everything. The blindsense power is okay though as long as you have to activate it and it uses aura, which I'm guessing was your intention since you put it in the powers spot.
Righto, enhanced senses it is. It does look a tad op (Probably not just a tad) in this setting, and my wording was wrong. I did mean it to be a danger sense, but not that good of one. I can replace it with the enhanced senses. He is a cat after all. And with the blindsense, yeah, that was my intention.
Names: Gurren and Jasmin Cenwil

Ages: 22

Genders: Gurren: Male. Jasmin: Female.

Race: Humans

Abilities: none (humans are average)

Weapons: Gurren: Battle ax, two swords, and a dagger (he mainly uses the ax).

Jasmin: Magic, mage staff, and dagger.

Powers: Gurren: Flame aura which enhances his armor and weapons.

Jasmin: She can talk to animals and, under focused concentration, can see what they see. Her magic consists of plant manipulation and animal aura constructs.

Factions: Gurren: Warrior. Jasmin: Mage

Personalities: Gurren: A headstrong warrior who can be hot headed and reckless at times. A brooding hero-want-to-be who is torn between his bond with his sister and his alliance to the warriors; he has chosen to be loyal to the warrior cause, but also wants Jasmin to live through the war.

Jasmin: A kind young woman who has a strong connection with nature. She loves animals and taking care of nature. Jasmin never liked killing and would much rather take an aura crashed opponent as a captive.

Bios: Gurren and Jasmin are twins. (Gurren looks more like his dad and Jasmin look more like her mom.) They grew up together and have a strong relationship even though they are on opposite teams. Jasmin's knack for magic grew from a young age while Gurren had more of a connection with weapons. Neither of the twins want to deal the death blow to the other.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/173319-29761.jpg.10c416655b3ad5e79254d053a2b2bca1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/173319-29761.jpg.10c416655b3ad5e79254d053a2b2bca1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jasmin <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be772f977_Anime-mangadigitalart.jpg.35f17a62070fd420354da9114f919bf0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be772f977_Anime-mangadigitalart.jpg.35f17a62070fd420354da9114f919bf0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(@shadowdude505 accepted)

Name: Ceallach Enigo II

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Ability: none

Powers: All aura elements

Weapon: Staff

Faction: Mages

Personality: He tries to remain calm at all times. He is strategic and is sometimes unsure of his leadership skills.

Bio: Son of the previous king of mages, Ceallach became king after his father died in the war. He learned his magic and strategies directly from his father while he was still alive.




Name: Cadyren Argin

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Ability: none

Powers: Aura enhancement (body, weapons, and armor)

Weapon: Dual shortswords and a warhammer

Faction: Warriors

Personality: He is very prideful of his combat abilities and enjoys fighting. He isn't very strategic and prefers to leave the strategy to others.

Bio: Following the tradition of the warrior king being the most powerful warrior, Cadyren became king after the previous king died in the war. He proved his prowess in a large-scale tournament. It is unknown whether or not he is more powerful than the previous king.


Name: Goes by "S"; was never formally given a name.

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Race: Shadow Demon

Ability: Can change into his shadow form at will.

Powers: Aura Mimic - mimics the aura of his target, but is significantly less powerful.

Aura Vamp - leaches his target's aura.

Weapon: 2 dual blade swords.


Faction: Neither

Personality: Extremely self-centered and apathetic; has absolutely no care for anyone else, everything he does is for personal benefit or for no reason at all. Stubborn and arrogant, unable to be deterred from what he wants to do no matter how risky or outright wrong it may be.

Bio: The shadow demons were born from the deepest depths of the underworld, for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc on civilization. Not much else is known about these creatures or the one who goes by the moniker of "S".



S and his shadow form, respectively.
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@Rynnki Yes.

@Sprinkles Black Sorry, but I'm going to have to nerf you. The abilities and powers are fine, it's just that they're a bit too powerful. The aura mimic power can copy other people's aura, but due to him having less mastery of the auras he's copying, they shouldn't be as powerful as the original. The aura vamp power should only be able to drain aura. But you should be able to use both powers in both forms. I mean, he has knowledge of manipulating aura in that way in both forms, right?

I'm going to create the RP thread tomorrow.
Thesmashbro said:
@Rynnki Yes.
@Sprinkles Black Sorry, but I'm going to have to nerf you. The abilities and powers are fine, it's just that they're a bit too powerful. The aura mimic power can copy other people's aura, but due to him having less mastery of the auras he's copying, they shouldn't be as powerful as the original. The aura vamp power should only be able to drain aura. But you should be able to use both powers in both forms. I mean, he has knowledge of manipulating aura in that way in both forms, right?
Right, I'll fix that immediately. The character should be able to use both powers whether he's a humanoid or shadow. Also, thank you for pointing out the obvious power flaw in his aura powers; your points are very valid. :)
Thesmashbro said:
@Rynnki Yes.
@Sprinkles Black Sorry, but I'm going to have to nerf you. The abilities and powers are fine, it's just that they're a bit too powerful. The aura mimic power can copy other people's aura, but due to him having less mastery of the auras he's copying, they shouldn't be as powerful as the original. The aura vamp power should only be able to drain aura. But you should be able to use both powers in both forms. I mean, he has knowledge of manipulating aura in that way in both forms, right?

I'm going to create the RP thread tomorrow.
Coolness, ready to rock whenever you are.
Thesmashbro said:
@jjbluesam Accepted, but I'd like to know what you meant by the "human" faction. Is there a separate faction that wants to kill everything that isn't human?
Sorry it took so long to reply. I meant that it is a human. 

jjbluesam said:
Sorry it took so long to reply. I meant that it is a human.
Oh and that it's a warrior. I think I got a little confused.
@jjbluesam kind of figured. Like I said before, your character is accepted.

@Everyone: If you want to negotiate what your powers can do (use lightning to move faster or stuff like that), you can.
Well, cause you offered. Rathi's shielding aura isn't that strong, but that means he can send more of it to his attacks. He pretty much has a sword whose blade's on fire. I was thinking that to extinguish it, he could either let it go out, or fling it off his sword like a fireball at an opponent. It wouldn't go far, just 20-30 feet or so. So there's my shpeel.
Aura shields the user the same amount as anyone else as long as their skin is the same toughness. If your character's shielding aura isn't that strong, then he doesn't have as much aura. That's how it would work. Warriors don't train their aura as much as the mages due to reliance on weapons and armor, which is why their powers are more about enhancing their weapons and armor to make them more effective. If you want your character to have cool powers, then a mage is the way to go. Anyway, pouring fire aura into your character's sword would have to be constant in order to keep it on fire. If he swung his sword and stopped using his fire aura, then it would no longer be anchored to the sword and shoot out as a thin wave of fire. If that's how he did it, then I suppose your idea could work.
Ahhh, ok, I didn't really know how the Aura shielding worked, thought it was more of a more attack, less shields kind of thing. He'd probably have decent aura compared to most warriors, to offset his size.
The aura shielding only protects the body from being cut, not being hurt. That's why I said sharp weapons take out more "MP" than "HP" and blunt weapons take out more "HP" than "MP".

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