War of the Genders Revival S.U


Four Thousand Club

^ info.

some rules.

1: no godmodding.

2: keep the "romance" under control, this isn't an 18+ site afterall.

3: be mindful of the lore, even the most moderate and pro-equality witch has even a slight superiority complex when it comes to men, and men have been raised to fear women, they will have some kind of at least cautious reaction.

4: death of characters is possible in this RP, however characters can only die if they've been breaking enough rules to get booted, or the player decides to leave the RP.

questions regarding the RP please send me a PM on my profile.




Apperance: (pics preferred)


Name: Gabriel Trinity

Age: 16 (close to being 17)


Skills: Observation, hiding in shadows, being quiet, able to learn quickly.

Personality: Trin tends to be very curious in her own method, but not one to harm or force. She can hold her own when she needs to, and even get violent if she has too, but she prefers not too. She dislikes violence and is lead to believe due to this that it was the man's faults for causing so much between the two.

Bio: Trin comes from a big family, probably somewhere in the middle where she is easily over looked. Her mother tends to brag to all her children that it's a much easier and less lonely life with a husband and lots of beautiful children. Of course Trin isn't so sure of this, since she never really seemed to talk or get to know many of her siblings. One of the older ones looks after her, and she merely watched the others closely in curiosity. Never understanding how so many different types of females could come from one family.

(May touch up more later)
Name: Aurora

Age: 18

Appearance: She has very long white hair and blue eyes that always look glazed over. Her skin is also very pale.

View attachment 5779

Skills: Aurora is blind, and that often fools people into believing she is helpless. For the most part, she is. Although she cannot see as others normally do, she knows when someone is around since she can see and feel their emotions and aura. She is also fluent in the knowledge of potions, taught by her mother.

Personality: Aurora is shy, quiet, and obedient. She has usually speaks softly and quietly. She's often afraid when left alone, because she is blind. Although she is indifferent to men, she is very curious about them.

Bio: Aurora and her twin sister grew up spoiled by their mother, feeling having twins meant good luck. The whereabouts and status of their father is unknown. Because of Aurora's blindness, she often received the most attention and care from her mother, making her sister, Noctis, often envious of her. Aurora was taught by her mother the art of potions. She had never been into the Man-lands.

Name: Noctis

Age: 18

Appearance: She also has white hair like her sister, but is much shorter. Her eyes are an icy cold blue. Although she and Aurora are twins, her eyes are narrower.

View attachment 5781

Skills: Noctis wasn't very skilled in magical arts. Although she has the ability to use magic here and there, she really prefers to use her twin blades in combat. Noctis can also summon energy blasts from the blades.

Personality: Noctis is cold and hard-hearted. She is spiteful, rude, and cruel. Although she has a jealousy of her sister for her favoritism from their mother, she has a soft spot for her twin. She refuses to become close to anyone but her twin.

Bio: Noctis and Aurora both grew up spoiled by their mother, but Noctis wasn't the favourite, and this lead her to become cold and spiteful. While her mother was teaching Aurora the art of potions, Noctis taught herself to use twin katanas. At night, she would sometimes sneak from the house and use her new-found skills to rob the men of their goods. Sneaking over the boarder often allowed her to meet males, and through this, she discovered she is, in fact, barren.

Name: Aidan

Age: 20

Appearance: Dirty blonde to brunette hair and green eyes.

View attachment 5782(Don't really like the picture, but whatevs. It was the best I could find at the time)

Skills: As someone who puts the Vine's will before his own, he has a great harmony with nature and other plants. Basically, he has a green thumb. He cannot wield a weapon, but he knows how to fight with his fists.

Personality: He is usually calm and collected, however he does have a bit of an ego. When provoked, Aidan will resort to violent actions. Because the Vine has stated so, he has a deep hatred for women.

Bio: Aidan was raised by his father after being born from the Vine. His father taught him how to care for plants and animals. However, his father fell in love with a woman and left Aidan behind when he was sixteen, which has caused much spite and hatred towards women, and his father.
We got us some Cake! Sweet.

I'm going to try to plan out a male later if I can wrap my head around one. I also don't mind if people make siblings in Trin's family.
You could always recycle a male character from another roleplay. That's what I do, but I'm not very good at creating different personalities. = P
LOL harder for me to do. Basic personalities remain, but state of being raised and such makes a person. At least it's how I believe.

We'll see though may can warp a few old characters with rust into this site and situation.
Name: Dean Domonica

Age: 19

Apperance: View attachment 5785

Skills: Skilled in the use of the longsword and crossbow, he has tried using the new firearms, but he prefers his crossbow above the others, he is also a dedicated worker and finds himself unable to hate anything, but he can be cautious and fearful, which can lead him to be violent.

Bio: Although he was told he was born from the vine up untill he was seventeen, on his seventeenth birthday, in private, his father told him the truth, that Dean was born from a witch in the great Chasm, and was dropped off by his mother on his adoptive father's doorstep, he was then told that his mother was killed on his first birthday, when his mother came to visit him in the night, and his adoptive father killed her.

Although Dean was so loyal to the vine and harboured such fear of women up until he heard that, he was honestly going to become a soldier or priest for the vine, but he didn't he went for it when he was almost 18, but his loyalty wasn't strong enough and the Vine denied his pledge of loyalty, he was sent home in shame, it was on his way home that he met up with his old friend Aidan, and since then they have worked together...
Everyone's anime characters look so pretty! Me Jelleah! I don't understand the information that much, because I just haven't read a couple fantasy books in awhile. Atleast I think that's what the problem is. Can you give me some more information about the vine and Demon Lord? Thanks!

Name: Kaji (which means uncontroled fire)

Age: 19

Skills: Kaji can use fire and a fire sword. She can not use any other magic but fire. But fire has plenty of dangerous tricks!

Biography: Kaji was a killer, she killed people of her own kind. When she was born, she was a cute baby. As she grew older, her witchcrafting grew powerful(er?) She praticed everyday of her life with fire. One day, when Kaji was 9, she burned her mother inside of the house, and she died. Kaji had believed killing was the anwser, but killing her mother? Is that what she wanted? Kaji was uncontrollable. When she began, she couldn't stop until she felt right. She had a large hatered for women, which had made no sense at all. She was one of them. But Kaji never considered herself as one. Her teachers taught her to think of men as pitied creatures, but she didn't care, whatever the teachers told her to do, she would do the opposite! Her father left her mother after two babies were born, one from the vine and one from the cave, (I assume that's how it goes?) he took the boy with him. Kaji's mother never told her she had a brother, or a dad. Kaji's mother never actually told her anything about the Vine and Demon Lord. But she knew about them. Kaji had never had any trust in anyone, despite the fact everyone trusts her. People know she acts like fire, she burns then she goes out.

Personality: Rebelious, serious, hot-headed, mean, and violent. She is also cold-hearted, rude, and untrustworthy. Kaji believes in violance unlike most people. She never trusts anyone after her mother's death. She is mean, just like fire is. She never can control her rage, and if you bother her.... she will be very violent.


In the picture, there is a boy. I would like Kaji to have a brother named Mizu, which means water. Of course, I'd like him older than Kaji, any takers? She doesn't know Mizu exists though, maybe they meet somehow? But the males don't have magic, so maybe he has a water sword?

@Alexina you said you would like a male character, would you like to have Mizu?

[MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] What did you mean by taking the role of the mother...?




Skill:Speed and Agility used mostly for dodging and evading, A arsenal of one shot kills hidden on his clothes including a pair of one bullet guns concealed on both wrists under the sleeves perfectly enough to where you cannot tell unless you focus on it, a small collection of collection of Mini pistols concealed on the inside of his vest, And a knife strapped to his leg under his pants.

Bio:Similar to his brothers he was created by the vine at the request of his fathers request to favor academics and speed over brute strength. He was quickly put into school and became top of his class as his family was known for. Unlike his family though, Zayden prefers not to believe in the vine too much but has a curiosity for the so called witches you were advised to kill on site. He will still pledge loyalty to the vine just for the fact of giving him life, but They both are aware only half his heart is involved. As he turned 18 he was equipped and trained to inspect and examine different areas in town that have either had reported of women frequently or for any problems with crops or minerals produced so he can report it, Almost like an insurance agent. If he is not busy or away on work he is expected to be working on advances of technology or continuing on with his studies involving history, the vine ,and the female race to better himself for troubles ahead.
From how I hear it. If witches have husbands they're like slaves? And therefore never can leave? When a witch gives birth to a male they either let the child die or risk it taken the child over this great gape and leaving it on the other side. Something about being on the witches side makes males more sick or something? If I'm wrong about any of this please correct me. Just trying to help flesh it out for others as well. If you want though I can still make the brother and say he was just abandon to the men at birth.
[MENTION=2372]Alexina[/MENTION] Just make it abondened, I don't wanna make bettsy go through all the troubles of him explaining even more to us!
Name: Dahlia

Age: 19

Apperance: View attachment 5806

Skills: Is very talented with a bow and arrows. She can also throw knives, etc but it is not her greatest skill. She is not good at hand to hand combat and relies on long-range attacks. She can use healing magic on anyone except herself (she can NOT bring people back to life, can NOT use it on herself, but she can save peoples lives, heal fatal injuries, etc.)

Personality: Quiet, keeps to herself. She wishes to one day have a husband and children, but does not want to force the male. Although she has enough appeal to seduce any man, she would feel bad about using that to her advantage unless truly desperate. She reads a lot, living in a home of her own where she has a huge library. She sometimes has a hard time getting along with other women because she does not feel terribly superior to men (although there is somewhat a feeling of superiority, just because of the way all women are taught to feel superior to men.)

Bio: Dahlia had a very normal life, going through all the teachings and preparing for the day that she would cross the divide with the other witches to try to find a mate. Her mother taught her about healing magic, but she died before Dahlia learned how to use it on herself. Therefore, she can only heal others. Her father taught her to use her bow and arrows, then raised her alone after her mother passed away. He tried to teach her about throwing weapons, but it was too late for it. When her mother passed away, Dahlia's father was killed by the other witches, seen as no longer useful now that his wife was gone. Dahlia moved into her own home, still practicing on her own.

From how I hear it. If witches have husbands they're like slaves? And therefore never can leave? When a witch gives birth to a male they either let the child die or risk it taken the child over this great gape and leaving it on the other side. Something about being on the witches side makes males more sick or something? If I'm wrong about any of this please correct me. Just trying to help flesh it out for others as well. If you want though I can still make the brother and say he was just abandon to the men at birth.

ok, lets put this simply...

Some witches, the elitists, they do take men as slaves on top of their duties as husbands, treating them like complete filth, often not even letting them share a house with her ect... but most witches honestly do love their husbands, but loved or not, men are still second and third class citizens in the female society.

Boys born in the Cavern to witches run 2 great certainties.

1: being treated like filth and slaves, being forced to work to the bone from the moment they are old enough to work (as soon as they can swing a pickaxe or scrub a floor mostly) which would most certainly lead to suicide or they would drop dead as young men.

2: not only does sch a high magic concentration like in the Cavern cause very few boys to be born (barely 1% of offspring) but over time, especially when they are still babies, the magic would cause them to become sick and most likely die, luckily there are no laws preventing a mother from taking her son from the Cavern to be raised by the men.

3: a man can leave if he has permission from his wife, his wife is dead and no-one has laid claim to him as their own, a man can also take his son with him if the wife wills it or she is dead, but just as he can leave, he can also be killed or "Disposed of" if one wishes to put it that way.





Personality: Strongly opinianated and kind, she hates to be unfair and generally is a smart ass

Bio: she grew up with a wicked mother, and yurned out more like her dad, Kind and caring.
Name: Mizu

Age: 19



Personality: Calm, level headed, kind, bitter against females though.

Skills: marksmen, tracker, at camouflage, camping basics, fishing


He was claimed to have been rescued from the evil witches at birth, his father managing to get him to the other side somehow. In ways hid old man was thought as like a hero for being able to escape the grasp of those evil beings. Deep down though his father always loved his wife, even if the life was low and hard, and Mizu even now feels he might have died of a broken heart after awhile. They never moved to far from the divide due to this. He learned to hunt and enjoyed his freedom with different type of guns after awhile. Even though they had escaped he never managed to fit in fully with the whole ‘vine’ thing, and after his father died turned more into a hermit of sorts. Never bugging anyone, and preferring that not one bugged him as well. Watching his father being lonely all those years as he grew up, had him swear never to fall for a woman or any tricks they may pull.
[MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION] I have a crush on Zayden now the anime guy looks perfect! :3
Okay I have to say this. I have to have character interaction in a rp or it's no fun for me. >.< I'm starting to get to the point here. I get the whole event setup and stuff I'm just not sure how to take it.
Name: Madison Stone.

Age: 19.


View attachment 6163

Personality: Strong, flirtatious and very friendly. Madison is a very interactive person. Even though she can be a real b*tch sometimes, she is actually a really nice person. But get on her bad side, and it won't be pretty at all. It takes her a long time to cool herself down after getting angry. She never knew why.

Skills: Extremely skilled with firearms. She can shoot a butterfly from miles away, and not miss. It may seem impossible, but she uses a slight touch of magic to make it happen. Her main magical power is creating illusions, and she is very skilled at using it.

Bio: Her Mother was a very wicked woman. Always practicing dark magic and spells. Her Father, is somewhat unknown.

Her Mother taught her to use firearms, which are equipped with magic bullets that always hit there target. Madison, of course, learned quickly how to control these powerful weapons and began using them herself.

One day, while she was practicing her shooting, her Mother walked out straight in front of her, unnoticeable. But it was too late. The bullet was already shot, and it's target was her Mother. It killed her in seconds, not giving her enough time to say goodbye. She was never the same since that day, but she's managed to fight through it.
Name: Myscena (pronounced Missenna)

Age: 124

Apperance: View attachment 6174

Skills: Master of Arcane Crystals, can turn invisible and create weapons of crystal.

Bio: Silent yet deadly, she is a magic assassin. She usually assassinates the wicked, even a few women. Myscena seems evil, but she isn't. She longs for a partner, though, who doesn't try to kill her on sight.
Sorry to do this to you Bettsy but I think I'm out of this role-play. You can kill off my characters of slave them if you wish. I just like to role-play due to character reactions with each other.
Same... Except in my case I'm too busy to keep up with multiple roleplays. I'm sorry, but I have to drop this one. :C

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