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Fantasy War Of Supremacy: A Story Of Magic And Those Who Rule The World


In the beginning there was nothing. Just an endless oblivion. Then an idea formed, for something to be created, for something to be created, for something new. Out of this Idea came the first forms of matter, light and dark, to opposing forces that clashed together and formed the first being to ever come into existence, the one that was known as the arch sage. This creation became full of knowledge and power. He began to create others like him, but not quite as good... not as perfect. These beings came to be known as Sages. In light of this the Arch Sage saw a vision, that one day the perfect creation would be made, one even better than himself. But he would not be the one to make it.The arch sage wanted to give these creations of his something, they were all unique, all test that he had made to be like him, but never quite working out the way he wanted them to.

The Arch Sage created multiple universes, homes for each of his thousands of creations, hoping that one day they would make creations of their own. The Sage's took up residencies in each of their universes. these Sages went on to do miraculous things creating Galaxies and Plants with in their universes, Making stars from their powers over Light and space with their powers over darkness. But like with the Arch Sage this wasn't enough to sate their lust for creation. They began to Create the sovereigns, Pieces of themselves cut from their own bodies, Less powerful, and more unpredictable from when the Arch sages made them. Some were made to be what Humans would consider to be good, while others were considered to be made into what humans consider to be evil.

In one specific universe a Sage was forming a Galaxy and decided to create a sovereign to rule over it. He wanted to make it perfect, So he cut out part of his heart, one half Light and one half Dark, But the powers of light and dark clashed within this new Sovereigns body and it split into two pieces. The Twin Sovereign were never aware of their parentage, or how they came to be, they just knew that they hated each other. They created realms and strongholds within the galaxy that they resided over. But they were smarter than to just go at each other guns blazing, they were polar opposites, they would never win against each other. They began creating warriors to fight their battles, and those warriors created more and so on.

They decided that their battle ground would be a newly formed planet, that was created when a bunch of asteroids began to hit each other. They named their battle ground Earth.

Their Battle was fierce and out of their blood and the blood of their warriors came a new creation between the powers of light and dark. From the dirt and mud rose humans, creations between the two sovereigns that they never intended to make. For the two it was a creation of mystery, so for the time being the sovereigns backed away from their battle ground and hid in their respective strongholds to observe. Their battles had created life forms before, but none with the intelligence these new humans had. The Twins observed these humans as they grew and developed for the next few million years.

Throughout the ages Humans began to worship and fear the sovereigns, designating one as God and another as Lucifer. The sovereigns manipulated the humans indirectly sometimes by affecting their emotions and starting wars, while sometimes they interfered directly but sending their children down, which later became to be known as the Prophets and Demon Kings, or even the lesser forms of their creations, Angles and Demons.

Many years passed until the sovereigns got bored of playing their games once more. They started another war between each other. This time when they spilled each others blood on the battle field their it released a burst of magical power, granting most humans the ability to use elemental magic like the sovereigns did. With their new found abilities the strongest of humans were able to press back the forces of Hell and Heaven.

Its been many years since that war and over the years many of the legends were twisted and became myths fueling different cultures. while in most cases magic was hereditary in some cases it was not. Presently less than a quarter of the worlds population is able to use magical abilities, so magic is kept secret from the rest of the world and only those who posses it know of it. In secret mages train, take classes in magic and fighting and learn about the true origins of the world. Even country has their own magical task force that is comprised of the mages in that country. Mages blend in with society and live a fairly normal life.

Character Creation and Authors notes
Hi Everyone. This is a idea for a role play I've had for a while. Basically it will follow a young group of mages who are learning about their abilities while also following my accumulated knowledge of every form of mythology and religion I know about. Basically there will be five elemental groups of magic starting off in the beginning those being Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water. As the role play progresses these elemental magics will be upgraded to better and bigger things, they will become more complex, and example of this would be earth magic progressing to metal magic.

Each of your characters will have an alignment which will decided on the nature of how their magic is upgraded, but your characters deeds will also depend on this. Using the example before with earth magic a character who is generally evil or just dark in nature may proceed from earth magic to metal magic while a character who is good in nature may proceed from earth magic to crystal magic, while having the same strength they are different. Characters that are somewhere in between will receive a magic type based on how close they are to one side or another.

Characters will receive new types of magic, magical artifacts, and even special types of magic outside of the 5 main elemental types based on inspiration points and general role playing. Basically you will eventually progress either way, but do something that impresses me or that is in general just good writing you can gain inspiration points which will go to improving your character faster.

This role play will be pulling things from a lot of places, whether its mythology, religion, shows, video games, and everywhere else you can think of so while this role play is an original idea you could end up seeing some recognizable items, powers, and so on.
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