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Realistic or Modern 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒

princess malee
“Sure, give me a day to set up the séanced you can get all the details straight from my dearly departed father himself— i know how you journalists love verifying your primary sources.”

A small smirk appeared on Malee’s face after Kaido’s words. The young princess always enjoyed seeing people squirm at her comments and, well, it seemed the prince of Darten was just like everyone else. Despite that, she could point out the sarcastic tone in his voice. She loved a challenge, and it seemed Kaido wouldn’t be the one to bend his knee for her without putting up a fight. She definitely would enjoy their interactions. After all, it was she who gave him the reputation he was known for.

Some would see him as a punishment, but Malee saw it as a gift. It was because of her that he became the fearful general of the seas and the reason for this war to be stopped. While most people would see Malee as the spoiled princess; who saw the war through a lens, well sometimes the hardest role was behind the scenes and she was a mastermind in it, but don’t interpret her actions as her wanting to be a savior and someone that couldn’t stand the death of the innocent. It was more because she couldn’t understand the incompetence of her fellow countries. So when she saw a chance to get involved, she took it and was proud of the outcome.

But it seemed the world was recognizing all her efforts as when the announcement of the couples came, she was paired no other than with the Prince of Darten the odds were in her favor as now they would be set to marry, not that Malee was actively looking for a marriage, but if it had to choose someone she was sure Prince Kaido would make their marriage a bit interesting.

“Prince Kaido, you must know that I am a woman with a thick skin so little banters don’t offend me. I find them enthralling, to say the least. Don’t you think it makes things more interesting?”
She said as she took the hand of the prince and made their way to the center of the room.
“Prince Kaido, I hope your invitation to meet your departed father still stands. I am more than eager to meet and get the blessing of my future father-in-law and, of course, to get his side of the story. I am sure you shouldn’t bother the deceased more than necessary. We don’t believe in bad omens in Polchi, but perhaps Darten is another story.”

outfit: here
tags: sox sox
coded by Stardust Galaxy
takemitsu kaido
“Prince Kaido, I hope your invitation to meet your departed father still stands. I am more than eager to meet and get the blessing of my future father-in-law and, of course, to get his side of the story. I am sure you shouldn’t bother the deceased more than necessary. We don’t believe in bad omens in Polchi, but perhaps Darten is another story.”

something sinister coiled in the pit of kaido's gut at princess malee's cursory incitement of his father's 'side of the story,' particularly bitter given the common knowledge that it was the darten prince himself who had guaranteed that the foul old roach's vitriol would never again see the light of day. still, it was no matter— what was done could not be undone, after all.

"omens have long abandoned darten,"
kaido replied with no further explanation, the polite smile resting on his lips giving away none of the inner spite coating his lungs as he escorted the princess to the center of the ballroom floor just as the first song began. the rest of the couples took up their own positions around them as they attuned their bodies to the rhythm, but the prince of darten paid no mind to those extraneous people; instead, his gaze settled on his newfound fiance's earth-toned irises and perfectly applied lipstick, a detailed work of art adorning her prim features that he couldn't claim to fully dislike despite his negative appraisal of her attitude thus far.

she was a stunning woman, without a lick of doubt, a knifelike beauty that had undoubtedly led plenty of weaker men astray; of course, he'd have to be blind or tasteless to not find such a striking woman attractive in some sense. as to whether he was capable of actually being attracted to the owner of that visage in reality, however, only time would be able to tell.

"you'll have to excuse my poor dance skills, princess,"
he warned her in advance despite a complete lack of shame in his low voice, breath tickling malee's ear from their close proximity as he positioned his hand on her waist and leaned in to make sure he was heard over the booming instrumental.
"i've been a soldier for the last half decade, so i'm quite... out of practice— not that i was any good at the waltz in the first place."

as they slowly swayed to the classical rhythm that seemed stiflingly neverending to the prince who'd always opted to ditch his lessons in favor of perusing the local bazaars for antique trinkets, kaido wracked his brain to try and remember what topics nobles usually talked about during these awkward ceremonial affairs. he only had to make it through one dance before he could safely excuse himself to the gentleman's room, no matter how disappointing it might be to the general public watching their every move with bated breath, eager for some exciting action.

"have you ever traveled beyond polchi's borders before?"
he asked at long last, coming up short on small talk ideas with the serpentine princess who seemed worlds apart from himself. now that they'd been paired together by the powers above, he could hardly afford to offend her any more than he already had.
"prior to this week, i mean... as much as i'd love to explore salhai while we're here, i doubt we'll be granted such free time."

mood: "just peachy."
location: ballroom
coded by Stardust Galaxy

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