War of Gods [Inactive]

Happy Red Mage

Red Mage Extraordinaire
Mintsong submitted a new role play:

War of Gods - Whose side are you on?

It is the year 2XXX. The world goes on as it is. Humanity has come so far from living in caves. But recently there have been...incidents. Mysterious phenomenon happening unexpectedly. Sudden storms, lightning during a sunny day., sudden heat waves and tremors. No one knows that this is just the beginning. They are awakening, from their deep slumber and ruined tombs. Each of them powerful and proud. Time might have weakened them to a fraction of their power but make no mistake, they are still...
Read more about this role play... 
(I think I'll kick it off)

Angelo looked at the city from the top of the Statue of Liberty. So many sins...he would grow to like this place soon enough. He looked to the skies as storm clouds gathered above and wind blew harshly against him. "Even now, the world still rejects me." He whispered as he opened his wings and flapped once to keep himself from falling..

A voice whispered behind him. "Ssssorry father, I am not able to do anything about thisss ssstorm."

He reached for his shoulder and pet a green snake. "It's alright Azi, you don't have enough strength just yet."

"If you sssay ssso."

He then slowly stepped before going into a run and taking flight.
Who is that girl?

She must be one of those foreign models...

She's so beautiful!

Aphrodite gave a slight smile, making a few mouths pop open. The words she heard, even though they came from common people of no major interest to the Goddess, was music to her ears. One of Aphrodite's favorite passtimes was just walking up and down the streets of New York and being the center of attention. Her outfits were fashionable, classy, and always in style...but that was just one of the perks of being the Goddess of Beauty. It was fun having all eyes on her, and it never got old. She had done it thousands of times for hundreds of years, you'd think she'd tire of it.

She didn't.

Why New York? Well, for one, there were the people. Going to some tiny town with only a hundred or so people just wasn't enough...but in New York City, there were always people all the time.

As Aphrodite walked, she flipped her long, blonde hair over a shoulder and waved to an unsuspecting mortal. A man, of course. Her powers didn't effect women as much. The man froze, and his eyes widened. Aphrodite's laugh was sweeter than windchimes on a breezy day, and she continued on.

Oh, it's so fun being me.
Mars was walking down the road with his armor and weapons clanking on his back and his hilt. Many of the people have seen him walk by and quickly moved out of his way so they wouldn't get in his way. They were afraid of him and the his eyes that glowed red from all the blood that was spilled when his followers killed their enemies under his name. The mortals knew that if they tried to get into a fight with him, they would be killed in a instant. I love this city, there is always a fight going on and the people here know not to mess with me and they respect me and show fear in their eyes when I walk by. Mars continued to walk and he saw some mortal man with his eyes wide open focuse at something. Aphrodite must of walked by a little while ago. These poor men, tempted by the beauty of a goddess and knowing that they will never be able to bed her. On the other hand it was better for them to dream then end up dead if they wanted to pick a fight with a god.
Aphrodite stopped, turning on her heel as she heard the clanking of metal. The Goddess smiled...what a pleasant surprise that she see another God. She could easily seduce him...well, she could. But she didn't want to...not at that moment, anyway. Besides, it was nice to see someone with powers (almost) as amazing as hers.

She spun around fully and started to walk against the crowd to Mars, easily making her way through as the people seemed to part in front of her. She saw a few plain women roll their eyes as their husbands gawked at the Goddess...ah, sweet jealousy...

"Mars...!" she smiled. Her voice was as beautiful as she was. It was almost like she was singing. Her voice was gentle, yet it carried through the air.

Of course, Aphrodite didn't particularly care for the God of War, even if he was the Roman counterpart of her beloved Ares.

"How are you, sweetheart?"

(not going to post anymore until everyone else has)
Meanwhile in the deepest chambers of the Vatican...


A hand broke through the bricked floor, reaching up into the open air. It was smooth and blemish free, luminescent in a place that had barely any light. The rest of the appendage moved frantically, pulling itself through until it tore a chasm in the ground. He emerged from the hole, smeared in dirt and blood. Yet, even in all the filth he was covered in he still looked ethereal. His eyes were resembled that of a snake's for a split second, before becoming the most impossible blue. His hair moved with a wind that did not exist. His wings expanded, sending a wave of air to knock down the rotted bookshelves down. Inhaling a large gulp of air, he smiled. It was perfect, feral and twisted, all at the same time-- evil in every sense of the word.

"Finally." Lucifer seethed, the voice strong and darkly musical.

He then leapt upward, taking flight and smashing through the next floor of the ancient building. There was work to be done.
Terra sat in one of the few places which still held the green of nature in an otherwise concrete world. She found it interesting how humans had evolved so far in such a short time but also sadden slightly at the state of the earth because of it. Luckily things seemed to slowly even themselves out, nature always had a way even if it seemed cruel. She sighed softy able to feel the unrest and tension that was slowly building. There never seemed a time of true peace however the minor squabbles of man would soon pail in comparison to the trouble ahead. She could sense many of the gods some of them her own children awakening and gathering to this city, that in its self was never a good sign. It was common for some gods to bicker as siblings often do. However she feared that war was about to break loose and the earth and its inhabitants would be the ones to shoulder the biggest burden. Terra would be drawn in to the mess in some way, she knew that much was true, the real question was when and how.

Hades woken up from his very long slumber. He sensed a lot of power all over the place. The room he woke up in was cold and damp. He sat up then snapped his fingers. Torches lite up to show his chamber. The chamber was a very large room filled with gifts. Weapons, money, and metal ingots. Hades stood up and he walked over to his old scythe.

The blade showed his reflection. Hades smiled at his own reflexion. "Well hello my old friend." Just the sound of his would make any mortal cower in fear. He headed towards the entrance of his chamber. He pulled his hands out and did a pulling away motion with his hands to the door. The door opened and revealed the light of day.

Hades slowly walked out covering his eyes from the light. When his eyes adjusted he looked around. His chamber was in the middle of a graveyard. He noticed a big group of people a few feet away. It looked like a funeral was going. "There's gonna be a lot more souls after today." He thought to himself happily. The funeral attendants looked at him horrified. Hades looked at them with a straight face. "Boo."

All forty people started to run for their vehicles. Hades looked at the mortals. "They will all kneel before me." He said to himself out loud. He started to head towards the source of the power. He didn't care who it was. But he wanted a good fight. Just for a warmup.

Bastet walked among the surface of the golden dunes of egypt. Of course being said about sand, there really was a never true surface for it was always changing. Always shifting. Like the sand, Bastet could sense a change in the air as if something big was going to happen, such as a war between the mortals. Silly mortals always having wars. She thought as she sat down to the sand. A lone cat straggled through the desert with trouble. My precious child. She thought as she ran to the cat. She stroked his soft but rugged fur with a tender love.
"My lord, do you feel it?"

A priest stood vigil in the chambers which Michael had taken within the small church. Since his return to the mortal realm, he had sensed the coming of many powerful beings, old creatures of pagan worship. As he stood, examining himself in a dusty mirror, his armor temporarily replaced by the garb of a priest, his wings hidden, his flowing golden hair tied back into a ponytail, he couldn't help but smile at the figure he struck.

"Aye, felt their gathering I have, and something more as well. Thou must bear witness to the coming days, father O'Shea, for tis thine right to be among the goodly men of the earth upon this, the end of days."

The priest sucked in his breath, then nodded to the archangel. Michael smiled softly and placed his hand upon the priest's shoulder. "Do not be afraid, for thou art a child of the Lamb, and so shall ye be taken unto Heaven." he stated simply, and his assurance seemed to help the priest somewhat. With that, he nodded to the man, straightened his collar, and walked from the chamber and the church, stepping out into the busy New York City streets.

Michael glanced about as he walked among the masses, taking note of the general directions of each of the newly resurrected beings. He heaved a deep sigh, deciding then that he would save what humans he could in the wake of the coming destruction. With that, he contiued on down the sidewalk, touching those who he passed and blessing them with the light of God, curing ailments, feeding the starving huddled in alleyways, and providing what he could for the destitue he passed, all the while making his way towards Central Park.
Lucifer reached the the surface of the city, his wings almost singing with pleasure as he spread them against the wind. A scream caught his attention, an Italian female who happened to be on her way to the Mass. He quickly shifted into the body of the young woman who had seen his emergence, leaving her falling to the ground. She slowly decomposed before his eyes, her soul crying in anguish as it was dragged to the depths of hell.

"Sorry, my sweet dear. It's for the best." he said, mimicking the sound of her voice with ease. He then felt the presence. It was bright and good and he hated it, knowing the calls of a blessing even after all this time.

" 'O brother, where for art thou?" he sang, walking to the nearest door that would do. he stepped out of Vatican City and right out of a building, right across from Central Park. He would wait, aware of who was on his way.

'But in the meantime...' He thought, then kissed a random man who just so happened to be walking by. His face was pitted by the signs and symptoms of leprosy almost immediately.

Michael breathed, suddenly sensing the identity of the unknown presence. He stepped forward and in a flash was within the park, kneeling before a man stricken with leprosy. He laid a hand across his forehead and muttered a quick prayer, healing the man almost instantly. Michael then stood tall to gaze upon Lucifer. The Morningstar had taken the form of some poor woman, but that did nothing to hide him from the Archangel's sight, and his kind face contorted in a mask of confusion and rage as he looked upon his brother.

"How darest ye, Lucifer. What black art was enacted to drag ye up from thine cage to so tainteth the garden of the Lord?" He growled through gnashed teeth, clenching his fists tightly. He dug his feet into the earth, his right hand opening as his blessed spear manifested itself within his grip. "Doth ye recall brother, twas mine own blessed boot what stood victoriously upon thine countenance last time ye sought to walk the Earth. Myself shall it always be, Lucifer, and again shall thine final sight of this world be mine boot!"
"Oh brother, how wonderful it is to see you." Lucifer sneered, letting the illusion fade. The onlookers began to flee, screaming away from the sight of the angel. "Do we really need to speak, or can I rip you asunder here and now?" He tilted his head back, opening his mout wide. The hilt of a sword emerged and he gripped it, withdrawing the entire object. It was deathly sharp, made from the same materials that made the Throne. It suddenly took light, blazing in dark glory.

"Look familiar to you?" He asked, grinning maniacally.

"So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." he spat, the words burning on his tongue.
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Angelo peeked from behind the tree. 'Oh noez, Lucifer and...someone with a stick up his butt.' He thought.

"Father we ssshould leave." Azi hissed. Angelo quickly silenced him.

"Shush." He whispered. "Do not reveal our location."
I do not have time to talk to you Aphrodite, I must get to this placed called Central Park and see what is going because there is word of multiple gods being there. Mars just walked Aphrodite and didn't make small chat with. He got to Central Park and could see what looked like lucifer and Michael, two gods he hated very much. He stood a ways away from them but close enough they can hear him, nice to see you two, if you two are here I know we're all in big trouble!
Lucifer turned and saw the pagan god standing yards away from where he and his brother were located. "By the creator, it seems we are not alone after all." he seethed. He then knocked Michael away, he would deal with him at a later time. "Ares, what a displeasure." he harked before charging at the younger god, sword blazing in hand.
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The names is mars, not ares. I would never compare my name to that cazzo. Mars draws Phobos, his short but deadly short sword. What's with you devils and bring disease upon people. I just see it as a act of weakness from an enemy that is to scared to kill a man himself but let's others do the work for him. By the way, you really need to do something. You like you've been kicked in the face by a horse. Mars got ready for lucife.
"Aren't you two basically the same !" Lucifer yelled, bringing the Crown of Thorns down in a great arc. The greatsword connected with Phobos, creating a shockwave that cut a building in half on one side of them, a good many civilians on the other side. Without the foundation to keep it up, the building began to topple towards them.
He is less relentless then I am, but instead of that we are the same. Looks like we got our selves some trouble. We could continue to fight and be crushed by the building or we can save this fight til after we get away from the building. I'd rather stay here but I want to fight a fight that might be interesting. Instead of dying from a damn building.
Lucifer thought about the odds. His prey was backing down--because of a building. "Scum." he spat, using the leverage he had on the God's weapon to roundhouse kick him with a great amount of force. He flew backward, dodging the buildings collapse with no effort at all. He knew his opponent had been missed by the rubble as well. "Come and fight me, Mars. Today will be the day I show the world who is fit to hold the title as God!" he yelled out from the rising cloud of dust, his voice reverberating from every corner of the street.
"Well this sounds interesting, Evil Incarnate, and God of war." Angelo said as he stepped out of his hiding place, red wings unfurling slowly. "Shall we duel then?" He said as he brought out Ex Nihilo and twirled it around a few times. "I promise it'll be woth your time."
"As you wish, Dark One." Lucifer smiled, readying himself to attack. "What's the fun of fighting one puny god if there was a bigger one dangling in your face? A god of evil, no less."
"Let's start with...wrath." He said as his blade glowed red and he gained speed and strength. He disappears from view only to reappear behind Lucifer and quickly slash multiple times, the force behind the attack shattering a few trees near them.
A few feathers floated down from the angel's wings and for a second, it was a purely beautiful. He unfurled them to full capacity, the force causing the windows of one building to shatter. It rained glass on the two and Lucifer turned to his foe. "Just who do you think I am?!" he yelled, brandishing his sword in a graceful yet frantic frenzy.

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Mars protected himself from the glass shards that had come at him. I'm getting tired of seeing you two fighting without me. Time for me to have some fun. Mars ran in with the Spear of mars at Angelo . Then rushed in with Phobos and started to slash at lucifer's sword with a fury of blows catching him by surprise.

Hades continued walking. He noticed that all of the mortals were running away from the park. He noticed a familiar face over there fighting. It looked like Ares but he knew it wasn't him. That's when he figured it was Mars. "We'll look who's here. It's my Roman nephew of all people." He said out loud.

He knew this would be a tough fight so he came up with a idea. He grabbed a random man in the crowd and his fist blacken and he punched him in the sternum. He pulled out his fist and it should see through wisp of the man. That was the man soul. Hades dropped the mans body and the soul went into him. "I can feel my power returning now."

Hades does the same process to ten more people. When he felt satisfied he continued his walk towards the park. When he made it to the park he sat on the bench next to woman. He looked at the woman. "Hello there Gaia."


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