Story War of Dalmore: prelude

Alister seems to have been at war for as long as anyone can remember. The war started over resources against a terrorist organization know as Rezstahl. By this time Rezstahl was already deeply seeded within Alister and it was them who hindered the eastern defenses allowing the Kalv army to invade.

The engines of Kalv drop ships roared as they flooded the skies. war machines thundered across the beaches and platoons of soldiers marched the land. What was once lush and beautiful was now covered in fire as the land exploded and the air filled with gun smoke. The Kalv army left death and destruction in their wake as they pushed west into Alister.

In response to the enemies advances the government ordered walls to be erected around major cities across what was left of the country. These walls were to serve as fortifications against the enemy and safe havens for the people of Alister who were forced from their homes and families as the army advanced westward. It was forecasted that Alister would soon be lost to the invasion. Only five fortified cities remained standing when president Vex decided it was finally time to hear what Talenstar had to say about their new experimental weapon.

President Elara Vex's hands trembled as she grasped the pen. She had always been a strong leader, but the weight of the war was crushing her. The Talenstar board's proposal seemed like the only hope, but her instincts screamed warning.

"We can't just bomb our own people!" she exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper.

The board's chairman, Dr. Ryker, leaned forward, his eyes cold and calculating. "It's the only way to save Alister, Madam President. The fog will clear, and our people will be safe."

Elara's gaze drifted to the paper, her mind racing with the implications. She knew the risks, but what choice did she have? The Kalv army was at their doorstep, and Rezstahl's infiltration had crippled their defenses.

With a deep breath, she signed the order. The room fell silent, the only sound was the scratch of her pen on the paper.

The deployment of the bio weapon seemed like a success at first. The gas killed the enemy soldiers instantly, but the fog never seemed to dissipate as it was supposed to. then, the unthinkable happened. The dead began to rise, their eyes empty, their bodies twisted in inhuman poses. The reanimated soldiers, dubbed "Reans," proved nearly unkillable. The most effective method seemed to be incineration.

Talenstar claimed they could fix the undead issue but nothing more came of it. In a futile attempt to right her wrong president Vex ordered the evacuation of all citizens to their nearest fortified city while the remnants of the Alister military “cleanse” any infected land. After that the government fell to eerie silence.

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