Jean Otus
Would-Be Prince
"The great burden of the human soul is that it knows that all its works shall be destroyed at the end of days"
Most major spiritual systems preach that the human world, if not the universe, is destined to come to a violent end at the hands of forces beyond mortal control. Whether it is the Rapture, Ragnarok, revelations, days of judgment, epic battles between good and evil or the end of cosmic cycles, an end is coming. The study of the end times is known as eschatology, and since the prophecies of the end were first uttered people have been trying to predict when it would come. Whether with good intentions or ill, spiritual figures throughout history have promised that the end of days was just about to arrive. After many years and many false claims, a group of influential figures from around the world founded an organization dedicated to truly detecting and staving off the harbingers of the apocalypse. Most humans, particularly the rich ones, do not wish for the world to end. So, whether they be angels, devils, deities or rampaging monsters these agents are dispatched to defeat any supernatural threat which could suggest a coming end to humanity.-Unknown
In the ranks of this organization are all manner of specialists who use a variety of methods to channel powers they use to do battle with supernatural forces. Witches, warlocks, ascetic warriors, summoners, and even the wielders of ancient, magical, or cursed weaponry are found in their ranks. Naturally, anyone with the slightest whiff of magical aptitude is contacted by the organization so their talents can be harnessed for the good of preserving humanity.
You are amongst this year's recruits, about to be thrown into the war against the apocalypse.
Can you stare into the end without breaking?
Are you strong enough to save the world?