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Active [Wapelin Woods, Ryke] Shadows of Malice


Roleplay Artist
The following RP is set in Isekai Hell. If you are interested in joining feel free to check out our hosted project! The purpose of this RP will be for Zolgen and company to take the opportunity to attack a group of cultists traveling and based in the Wapelin Woods who Zolgen has wanted to dissuade from targeting him and in the process profit from a successful hostile engagement.

OOC Gonna try to keep pacing to 3-4 days at most rounds, possibly less if everyone gets their post in sooner for the round.

RP Goals:

Dissuade the demon cultists from pursuing in a hostile way. (Clearing his wanted title)
Plunder and destroy as desired.
Work with like minded individuals.

Others: ??? (Feel free to lmk specific character goals ooc)

Location: Wapelin Woods, Ryke

Temperature: Cool

Time: Evening

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory SixSense SixSense

The golden light cast over the trees of the Wapelin woods. High quality wood which was harvested and used in all sorts of goods. Every now and again the wind blowing against the leaves could be heard as well as the occasional birds chirping, and the rustling of bushes, small animals moving about. It almost seemed tranquil, a passerby might have thought it’d be a nice time to go for a relaxing walk after a hard day of work, but if they knew the horrors were within the woods, they might think twice. It wouldn't be until too much longer that It would get considerably darker, a time which would be prime to strike with decisive violence.

Wapelin Woods


It was at the less developed part of the Wapelin woods the demon man stood with his goblins who were not far off. Through one way or another he had gotten into contact with other individuals who didn’t mind inflicting violence against others for personal gain. Should they prove to be worthy, he might see if they were interested in joining the Wild Hunt, but that would assume they went beyond just tolerating monster kind, but weren’t opposed to supporting it’s aspirations.

He had checked the ever familiar ruins from which he liked to ambush people earlier and saw a strange arcana circle that he didn’t understand, as well as candles, which only confirmed his suspicions that those damned cultists of Lord Hasfur were at it again. They had made it clear they weren’t keen on him after that last encounter with that poor foolish noble who had gotten separated from his party that Zolgen had shown why you don’t trust random people in the woods…

But after consulting with a monster capable of having visions, he learned that not only had they followed him to the Wapelin woods but that they had set up an encampment, or temporary base not all that far away to his understanding.

So now standing and leaning against a large old tree, with his arms crossed at the edge of the down trodden path, which someone would need to travel a good deal off the main path to reach, He waited for his would be allies who would be joining him on this excursion,

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