Want to start a Kuroshitsuji RP w/ OCs but...


One Thousand Club
I have no plot ideas! So, if there's anyone who's interested in a Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji RP (w/ OCs allowed), is there any plots that you've sort of wanted to try out? A long time ago, I used to do RPs that was based on no starting plot and the character interactions would shape the plot. However, I haven't done that in a very long time and not sure if that would really fly anymore (unless that seems interesting to you?). I have done a number of plots I could try again if you're interested. Most of them were abnormal crimes that needed to be solved, such as a murder who killed their victims using a "fairy tale" theme. I have also done a time-travel thing as well. I am very open to any plot ideas and any at all will be taken into consideration!!

Thank you for taking time to read this and thank you for any help you guys can bring in!

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