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One Time Luck
Hello everyone, I just quickly want to wish you all the very best, in your endeavors!

I'm new here and looking for some partners, I do have some ideas, plots, pairings ect. that I would like to share just to see if anyone else is also interested in them. Before that though, I just want to say that this is a hobby for me one that I want to enjoy. That being said I've had partners on other sites who made it feel like a job with deadlines, not what I was looking for. And definitely not the experience I want my partners to have.

You can expect at least one reply a week probably more (2 or 3 replies a week) if I'll be gone I will let you know ahead of time. I'm an adult who has a full time job and other such responsibilities they take priority. Also I am well aware that you have a life and obligations as well so I wont hound you for a reply might just send you a message after a week or two to just see how you're doing and that's it.

Otherwise the only thing is I that I prefer is to get at least two paragraphs in reply. I am not talented enough to give you 3-5 paragraphs in response if I get a sentence, unless its a truly incredible sentence then I might let it slide. Mostly though I want this to be a fun experience for the both of us :)

I am happy to play either male or female roles as well as side characters if you like to incorporate them.

If you have any questions or anything please feel free to comment below or send me a PM I'm happy to answer them.

Since im on my lunch break right now im just going to put down some pairings and very general descriptions down if I have a plot in mind I will put a * by the pairing(s) and if it is a rough idea there will be a ! by the pairing(s). Lastly if I have a plot of idea you will 2.

Detective x Criminal *

Royal Guard x Princess !

Thief x Mercenary !

Country x City !

Arranged Marriage 2

Strangers Fated to meet 2 (have a few ideas for this one)

Opposites Attract !

Rekindled Romance 2

If you have any questions please feel free to message me or leave a comment below and I'll get back to you when as soon as I can. (Probably sometime this evening.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this and hope to hear from you lovely people! Also I sincerely hope that you have a wonderful day!

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