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Fantasy Wanna see my rats????????????

Hello there, I'm Neby!

In the interest of saving your time, here's a bit about me and what kind of partner I am!

About me!
-24yr old dork
-CST time zone if that matters
-Adv. Lit
-I am addicted to fantasy/medieval settings (When doing fantasy, I prefer low fantasy)
-Romance is a highly addictive substance to me
-I don't do fandom
-I like to write both masculine and feminine characters!
-I like MxF and FxF!
-I have five pet rats and will inevitably talk about them

-18+, no minors! I am 24 and I am not comfortable with RPing with minors.
-I don't care about post length! I think good writing has a certain flow that should not be stretched or shrunk by length requirements! That being said, I don't want to be given only one-liners, so I suppose I'm a 'Quality with as much quantity as you'd like'.
-I would prefer someone who writes at an adv. lit level. I write at that level and I want to be able to bounce off each other!
-I don't care how long it takes you to reply! This is a hobby for me and I want it to be as stress-free as possible for both of us! Typically I can reply every few days, but I do try to reply once a day. Life gets in the way sometimes though!

Okay, on to the meat!
I want to make flawed, complicated individuals with their own motives, strengths, weaknesses, doubts, and determinations. And I want the same from you! I'm gonna be honest, I do not like helpless heroes/heroines. I want to write about two badass people who will fight for each other. I want them both to push the narrative. I want them each to have things that they excel at, and things they completely suck at. And badass doesn't mean skilled fighters. It could be a queen with an excellent ability to maintain her composure regardless of the situation. It could be a common laborer with unkillable determination. It could be a farm's daughter who, despite being so terrified of what's going on around her, keeps pushing forward. I suppose you could say I'm looking for characters with badass personalities haha. I do tend to prefer low fantasy/medieval settings.

Also, please feel free to add to any of these plot ideas! I want to hear what you want to add! These are just ideas, and so they are malleable!

Bold is who I'd like to play
* out of five = craving

(F!Princess X M!Non-human)

The life of the fourth child and only daughter of an elder king is not one with much choice. Unable to inherit the throne due to laws written with domineering dogma, she has only one use: a potential wife to be traded for political power, wealth, or the wrath of war. However, laws written a thousand years ago with cracking ink are not infallible. Within the crevices, her freedom could be forged. A marriage with a man would revoke independence. But a marriage with someone not considered human? She could keep it all: her title, her assets, and her free will.

Her kingdom was at war. One that it was losing. In that loss, she could find her own victory. A whisper here, a suggestion there, the mind of the elder king could be swayed. A band of non-human mercenaries (or army, or whatever you'd like) was hired to lessen the losses of the King's war. The leader's price? Land, a title, and the princess's hand to guarantee his newfound nobility. The King agreed, and sent the mercenaries to die in the most lethal fronts. Only, they did not die. A 'benefactor' ensured that, sending supplies, equipment, and rations.

This plot would take place after the war is won, with the princess and the mercenary leader meeting for the first time. I intend on there being political drama, fief building (the king would give a mostly abandoned, failing fief), and interpersonal drama.

(M!Mercenary X F!Royal Heir)
FxF also works!

Long story short, the Queen is dying and her heir is in the unfortunate state of being single. Kingdoms need strong leaders and a lonely ruler doesn't really promote the best image. Whether or not the heir really wanted her to, the Queen devised a tournament of some sort; competitions of wit, competitions of strength, competitions of wealth, etc. in order to locate proper suitors for her daughter to choose from. Nobles both prestigious and forgettable entered the competition best suited for them in the hopes of catching the heir's eye. Though not all decided to do so honorably. A particularly prestigious noble wanted no hint of failure, and so decided to have another secretly compete in a tournament of strength in his name, a lowborn mercenary. The mercenary wins, yet the princess finds out his true identity one way or another.

I think a fun twist would be some sort of non-human mercenary. Half orc? Some sort of shapeshifter? Something to add more drama and a forbidden love aspect.

please tell me the pun makes sense
This is inspired by one of my favorite D&D characters! (and I don't watch anime so the--Alfonse? Alfonso?--similarity is not intentional)

(If you want romance, I'd be down for M!Armor DadxF!Whatever for this one)
FxF also works!

The many planes of Tor were thought to be steadfast, roots of reality dug deep into the echoes and emptiness between worlds. Until 150 years ago. Something-- or someone-- shifted the stable stars that the planes clung to. Two worlds were pulled against each other, reality overlapping with reality. A dimension of magic and alien dangers latched onto another of mundane mortality. Only a fraction of the mundane world's size, the magical plane could not claim victory. Instead, it has constantly been leaking both magic and monster into the unfortunate world of Zaerin. The dying civilization of the Vanduor has entered the less dangerous world of Zaerin in the hopes of survival.

With the introduction of magic, many in Zaerin have tried to master it. Including a particular 'artificer' specialized in the creation and enchantment of arms and armor. Best of his field, the artificer worked for the highest bidder. With a deal gone sour and the desperation only a parent could have, the artificer took drastic measures to ensure the safety of his daughter: sealing his soul in a suit of steel in order to defend her in ways his flesh could not. With a massive bounty placed on a head technically no longer his own, the artificer and his daughter have joined a band of mercenaries in an attempt to hide and survive.

Note: I intend on writing the artificer and his daughter! Also, it does not have to be a mercenary band, it can be anything where a 9ft tall suit of armor could be useful: guard work, labor such as farming, reaching the top shelf, etc.

Plotless things that I want to do

Not sure why, but I've been really wanting to write about 'monster' dudes. Non-human dudes, but not in the pretty-elf-boy kinda way. Lizardfolk, minotaurs, dragons, etc. The contrast between a monster dude and a normal human has so much potential. If you have any plots where this fits, please let me know!

General themes that I like
Light Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Slow burn Romance
Slice of life (Not modern)
Contrasting Lifestyles
Slow burn Friendships
Nation-building/ City Building
Begrudging Partnerships
Found family

If you have an idea you think I'd like, hit me up! I'm open to your plot ideas!
Please DM me rather than comment

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