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Wanna do something . . . Weird

A Guileless Fable

A Reality Outside Your Own

Ello peeps! I've been craving for a non-romance rp having to involve a man and his son. I've never done this before, but I thought it'd be something cute to rp . . . if anyone wants to do it.

Here's the plot thingy:

A young man with a rather successful business career is doing well in his life, living his life to the fullest. This man is a playboy and main goal is to keep his life the way it is at the moment. However this all change when one day he goes to his apartment and finds a young boy standing in front of his door. He know nothing of the boy. As the man approaches the boy, the mysterious kid hands him a note. In the note it explains that one of the many women he dated in the past had his child, the boy being that kid, and that she was leaving him in his father's care. From that point the man grows frantic, but after doing a few test he finds out that he is undoubtedly his son. With this new knowledge he and his son must find a way to live together.

Yeah . . . so I want to play as the son here (childish mind (。≖ˇ∀ˇ≖。)). I think I'm done . . . WAIT!

Before I forget I few things that I want to see from meh potential partner:

1. At least one good paragraph consisting of 5-6 good sentences

Yeah that's it really.

We all got lives so . . . ahuh!

(Hope I find peeps for this!)​

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