*walks on screen*Hello, everyone.


Beholder of the Eye.
*trips on a banana peel, cheesy laugh track plays* Ah, shut up. *it cuts off* Ahem..Anyway, my name is ObliviousToReality, but you can just call me OTR, for short. I'm excited on getting to know this forum and roleplaying with everyone!
Welcome, OTR!! Maybe one day we will role play together but have fun! I joined yesterday and have already found awesome role play buddies. I suggest one-on-one's to get to know people.
ObliviousToReality said:
Soooo. Any Disney movie role players here?
Depends on which movie, but I'm a fluctuating RP'er, anything goes for me.
Thanks bunches! I'm really friendly... I promise!

Heh. Funny thing is, I can't PM you. It appears that you have to be following me for me to PM you. Either that, or I'm really stupid for not knowing where the PM thing is. But hey, that's being oblivious for you.
It's fine! I started a conversation between us! And, I'm following you!
The reason why you can't PM is probably because this

"all new members must have ten posts in 24 hours"

I hope I get to know everyone better
No need, dball. I've found that out already. But I recall that it is that your account has to be at least a day old, and then have 10 posts. I don't think 24 hours is the deadline.
I haven't got to role play on this site

Truthfully I should be going to bed it's 10:30 est around my area
Hey-O!!! ( Thats my catchphrase now ) Welcome to the site buddy!
HI! I would say welcome to RpN! But, I think I did that the first time you were in the sb!

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