Walking Dead RP


The Lonely Potato

• Name:

• Nicknames:

• Age:

• Ethnicity:


Picture: (Use a real picture no anime please unless you draw your own character that is totally okay )









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• Name: Ameilia Heartfeild

• Nicknames: None

• Age: 18

• Ethnicity: Caucasian


Picture: (Use a real picture no anime please unless you draw your own character that is totally okay )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/redhead__by_thehangoverrr-d5pohux.jpg.0ff1f36390021ee65de974b21fc82fc7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/redhead__by_thehangoverrr-d5pohux.jpg.0ff1f36390021ee65de974b21fc82fc7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Ameilia is around 5'6 and weighs around 130 pounds, She has long ginger hair and brown eyes. She also has freckles all around her body.


Ameilia has a very rude personality. She also has a crude sense of humor and is one of those stubborn full of her self with pride kinds of people. She is not a "people pleaser" and is very blunt with other people especially if they do something wrong. She is also very violent and wont think twice before getting into a fight. She is not leadership material by all means and has not been one to be in group and rely on other people for help.

Likes: Eat, sleep, drink (Thats all there is)

Dislikes: Bright lights, begin told what to do, having to lose an argument


Flaws: Very rude and stubborn and full of herself. She also has little to no teamwork skills.

Abilities: Ameilia has very good aim but it could always improve.

BACK STORY: Ameilia grew up under the guidance of her older brother Eli. Her parents never really were around to watch her and her younger brother Garret grow up. Once her older brother went off in to the army it was her job to provide for them. She lived in a shitty apartment and made money doing odd jobs and basically selling herself just so her little brother didn't starve. Once the out break hit she tried to drive out of NY to keep her brother safe. Going at a fast speed she hit a car dead on and she was the only one to survive barley. That leads to where she is at right now.



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• Name: He only ever said his name was Quentin, never mentioned a last name.

• Nicknames: Some call him Q

• Age: 17

• Ethnicity: Caucasian


Picture: (Use a real picture no anime please unless you draw your own character that is totally okay )


Description: Quentin has a pretty skinny build, but has some muscle on him. Standing at 6'0 exactly he tends to look down at most people. He was 120 pounds last time he weighed himself but it could have gone down by then. Quentin has naturally blonde hair but it had been dyed to a raven black before everything went down. If you look closely you can see a bit of blonde at the top of his head.


Quentin can be a bit of a goofball most of the time. He never takes anything seriously and always cracks jokes at the worst possible time. Before the world became the land of the zombies people were naturally drawn to his uplifting personality, but since then most don't like to keep him around. People just cant seem to fathom how he is so happy when the world has pretty much ended. Though he can be annoying and somewhat odd, Quentin is extremely loyal. He will stick with you till' the end if he sees you as a friend.

Likes: Sleeping, collecting anything shiny, eating

Dislikes: Zombies, being alone, people being mad at him


Not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Abilities: Quentin has a surprisingly good aim.

BACK STORY: Quentin was actually in a band back when the world was normal. He and his friends would practice in his garage everyday "we're gonna get all the girls" he would say. His parents were divorced so he lived with his mom most of the time. Sometimes he would go visit his dad but he wasn't the most responsible person in the world. Quentin didn't mind living without a dad, he had his music. Music was pretty much his life before now. Because he is a really nice and cheerful person you would be surprised by what group he hung out with. Most of his friends either did drugs or drank all the time. Quentin smoked but never did anything serious. He wold go to parties and may have even lost his virginity at 14. Naturally his mother got worried about him but he was never the craziest of the group. It was his friends his mom worried about. Worried they would drag him down and corrupt his future, well, look at his future now.

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Denzel Hutton



Ethnicity: Caucasian

Description: Denzel is a lanky teenage boy with long dirty blonde hair that he almost always has tied back into a ponytail. He does have a little bit of stubble, not as much as in the photo above [there aren't a lot of pictures of guys in ponytails O.o ] He is not strong at all and can't run very far due to an asthma problem which he has 3 inhalers for.

Personality: Denzel is kind of distant and can, at times, be a bit bossy. He is more than capable of handling things himself as he is good with guns and this makes him a tad overconfident, but other than that you really don't get to see much of his personality.

Likes: Guns in general, the quiet, birds.

Dislikes: Loud noises, annoying people, too many people around him/talking to him at once.

Flaws: Asthma, Hella Weak, basically his personality

Abilities: Good with guns... that's literally it

There's not much to the story, he lived in an apartment and was going through College like normal, even though his parents were really nice he didn't speak much with them and barely acknowledged their existence unless they sent him money. He only had one friend while growing up who he shared the apartment with, Ray, and these two never leave each others side.

Ray Gobson



Ethnicity: Black :I

Description: Young-looking black teen with very short black hair. He normally wears a jacket [of any colour, doesn't matter] and he is gay, but tries to hide it and seem 'manly' in a sense. He is quite short as well and wears a lot of things he thinks are "cute"

Personality: Cute around boys, happy most times, strong-willed, really sweet and kind, sooo precious

Likes: Cute boys, cute things, cute kids, nature, happy people, sunlight, warmth

Dislikes: The cold, being alone, death, people dying

Flaws: He can't go anywhere without someone at his side, he's not weak, but he does get scared easily which hinders his ability to fight well.

Abilities: He can run really fast and is good with helping to calm people down.

Grew up with a single mom, dad left before he was born. He went off to College and came out to his family, his mom was completely accepting. He rented an apartment with Denzel and lived with him until the apocalypse

Owns a dog named Jinga, Jinga is a black lab mutt with matted fur and a missing back right leg. He doesn't bark AT ALL and stays close my Ray at all times.
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I'm actually gonna start this roleplay now because if i don't it might end up dead more people can join later. Also if you want to add more characters you can just make sure you write a sheet up for them and tell me in the OOC chat. Also you can add characters through out the RP as well. I just wanted to make this clear!!!
Name: Jason O'Shaughnessy

Nickname: Jay

Age: 24

Ethinicity: African American


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kala_jeremiah.jpg.f7571f913153881df74d076010d01a7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kala_jeremiah.jpg.f7571f913153881df74d076010d01a7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: He's a strong man standing at 5'11 and weighs 117 pounds. He is a very fast runner due to his very strong legs. Deep voice.

Personality Overall: He is funny, logical, and very smooth with words. He always looks on the bright side of things, no matter what the situation. If he is getting shot at, he'll be glad he has cover, if he is being eaten, he'll be glad he no longer needs to suffer in this world.

Likes: Steak, guns, strategy games such as checkers, pretty girls, and alchohol, romance, marijuana

Dislikes: Racists, Survivalists, Goodie Two-Shoes, Ignorant People, Zombies, Bandits

Flaws: Gunshot wound in the right leg from his time in Afghanistan, didn't heal right, he has a small limp but is still completely mobile, argues frequently, has addiction to alcohol, has addiction to marijuana

Abilities: Amazing singer, amazing speaker, amazing writer, very good aim, military training in both hand-to-hand and firefighting, good tactician, able to keep a cool head during anything, can use anything as a weapon due to training in Krav Maga on personal time

Backstory: Jason joined the Military at 17, and he served 3 tours in Afghanistan. When the outbreak begun, his task force, Valor-6, along with Valor-2 and Valor-7, were stationed in the garrison of Allentown, New York. The Garrison was overrun from a horde coming from Philadelphia, and Jason, along with 12 other soldiers, fled to New York City away from the horde. The men came across of Bandits led by a guy with a eye patch and they said they owned a town and that they could be kept safe there, they called it Woodbury, 76 survivors. When the Bandits had gained the trust of the men from Valor-6, they double crossed and fired upon the men. They slaughtered the soldiers, and only Jason escaped. He kept running to New York, not really having a plan, and he now stands on a hill overlooking the City, and what he sees - Chaos.



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They are in the Adirondack mountains at the moment. I'm not sure about Fernos characters for she has not replied but yes!
I made a mistake. Sorry, I'm new to this site. I will fix it promptly!

Name: Sean A. McNeil

Nicknames: Most people just call him Sean.


Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sean is 6 feet tall with the muscular build, sun-tanned skin, and calloused hands that come from a lifetime of hard work out in the sun. He's been called an unfriendly looking man by many, and for him that's just as well. He has solemn blue eyes, a low brow, a thin nose with a crooked bridge, thin lips, a strong jaw and pointy little ears. His hair is slightly wavy and is going grey fast. He has a big beautiful smile and a hearty laugh that could light up a room, if he ever had reason to do either of those things.

He still wears his wedding band and has his wife's ring set on a chain around his neck.

This is a typical picture of Sean. Note the unhappy expression and the defensively crossed arms.



Keeping himself busy with hunting, fishing, and working. He likes old cars, as long as they weren't built by Ford.


Tourists. People who talk too much or too loud. People who drive too fast, or too slow. Ford. Cats. Politics. Lima beans.


When his wife passed away several years ago from Cancer he took to the drink as a way to deal with his pain. He has been struggling with alcoholism for the last three years and four months. He has limited social skills and can come across as grumpy.


On top of many general maintenance skills, Sean can fix most things on most cars built before 1990. As a seasoned hunter he has the ability to track, kill and prepare animals found in the wilderness to be eaten safely. He knows the mountains and the woods resonably well, has a good sense of direction and a well developed sense of hearing. He is very handy with his hunting knife and an excellent shot.


Sean is a quiet 42 year old man, who spends most of his time alone. Born in Northern New York State to Micheal and Mary McNeil, Sean has two older brothers and a younger sister. He spent his childhood hunting, fishing and working on cars with his father and brothers. While still in high school he started working odd jobs, and never managed to make it to college. When he was 26 one of his bosses introduced him to his daughter and though his demeanor put her off at first he won her over with hopelessly romantic gestures. Sean and Annie were married for thirteen years. They had no children in that time, though Annie had several miscarriages. During her last pregnancy doctors discovered late stage Cervical Cancer, and she passed away not long after that. Sean sold the house they lived in together and moved to Lake Placid to get away from everyone. There he took a job as the Senior Groundskeeper at Lake Placid Resort. The job keeps him occupied during the day with lots of labor intensive tasks, but at night he still finds himself thinking of his wife. Not knowing how to handle his sorrow he usually drinks himself to sleep.
Hey @PixieDani for posting do I only have to wait for one other character to post or all other characters? I don't feel right about posting twice in a row but I am really excited for this RP.
You don't have to wait if you don't want to!! I usually wait till everyone posts then do mine but that is fine if you want to I was just writing out my reply!
I'm excited about it too! I joined the site for this. Haha.

At Kurt: Hurry up and get to the mountains so we can drink together!
Lmao. To be honest, I think romance with Amelia might be interesting. Jay was crafted as a smooth talker, and if Jason, Amelia and others were to meet up in the mountains, Amelia will have many suitors to pick from. Ray and Denzel will probably get something going on, etc. etc.

Sean, are you with Amelia and Quentin in the mountains?

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