Walking between the lines

Deadly Hugs

New Member

(First Rp people. I hope someone joins)

Between The Lines

June 12, 2013

KMI News 7

3 months ago twelve year Hannah Keyser was reported missing, then later presumed dead even though nobody was found. Many, many people had lost hope of that they would she would be recovered alive, but strangely enough was found in an alley way yesterday, half beaten to death, yet still breathing and alive. She was then currently rushed to the Saint James Hospital to receive treatment and seems to be stuck in a coma like state.

This is only one of the tragic stories, many children all over the country, the world I might say who are in the same condition, as Hannah. All of them stuck in a long sleep trying to awaken. Mothers and Fathers, siblings and friends sit along their besides, talking, begging , laughing, and telling stories to the poor souls in hope one day they might awaken and come back to them.

Well this is Lonna Lockhart, saying This is KMI News 7. Thank you and goodnight.

While everyone watched the news stories about the coma children in hospitals bed living away their lives in what seems an endless sleep, the sleeping bodies laid still, not stirring from their deep slumber, for in there minds they were escaping from the pain they felt,forgetting the suffering. Living in the land of what you might call limbo, walking the thin lines of life and death, yet unable to choose which side to fall upon. Most memories wiped from their young minds. They stay in limbo feeling lost, confused and empty. Wondering why they are there? Why can't they remember anything more than their own names and maybe a few faces? Why did they feel, so lonely? Together they form a group to figure out why they're here and to find a way home, or maybe just to another place.

(Well this is my first Rp and yes I know this plot is a little sketchy, but I really want to do this and can't wait for this to start.)

1.No god/power modding and No invisible characters.

2.No Mary sues, or Gary stus. I hate them with the fury of the underworld.

3.No being a jerk, I mean make jerky characters, as much as you want. Just don't be a Occ jerk.

4.There is a 2 character limit per a person, because I don't want this to get too crowded.

5.Be creative. i don't want any plain Janes. Give me idiots, hard heads, snobs, meanies, people who are, so freaking absent minded they can't stay on one topic without switching it every second.

6.I welcome everyone from beginners and experts.

7.With spelling and Grammar I am not that picky, but please I want to be able to read it.

8.No romance, because this is an Rp full of children people. The closest thing I want to romance is, maybe some sister/brotherly love and pinky promises.

9.I will only be accepting about 5, or 6 Rpers, so it doesn't get to confusing.

10. I will also, be a little strict on who gets in, or not. So, if you don't get accepted then suck it up. 11.You may ask why you didn't get accepted and try to fix it. I will happily look over your character 12.again if you do, but please I beg of you don't make a scene. It is just really embarrassing and I am not changing my mind if you do.

13.Write (A sleepless night) on the top of your sign up if you read the rule. I will not accept you if you don't.

Character Skeleton




Origin(Like, where you come from? Asia, Germany,Ireland Ect.):

How long have you been in Limbo?:

How did you get here?( How did you get put into the coma?):




Relationships(Siblings, friends ect.)





Psst! A sleepless night!

Character Skeleton

Name: Patricia (Patti) Marie Ramiel

Age(5-14): 12

Gender: Female

Origin: Philippines!

How long have you been in Limbo?: Half a year (if you can't do the math: 6 months)

How did you get here?( How did you get put into the coma?): Well, it was a bright and summery day...

"Patti! Let's go play some tennis!" A small preteen surprised glomped me, causing my reflexes to activate and elbow her in the stomach. "Owch! Not again!" The girl bent over in pain, clutching her abdomen tightly to try and contain the pain.

"I'm so sorry!" I brought the girl into a hug, obviously feeling very sorry for elbowing her in the stomach, then again, I was also feeling a little amused at the little accident. Although, it wasn't on purpose. My reflexes are very dangerous and I tend to fight back when something surprises me. Haha..

"It's okay, let's go!" the girl grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my room and through the front door, I wondered who let this girl in in the first place. For some reason, I don't remember her name or face, just the shape of her long pigtails and that she had a lot of acne on her forehead.

We arrived at the tennis courts, not many people were there. It was pretty normal, we played tennis, practised a few things, and then left the area. We walked to the local gas station and bought a slushie, nothing much, just the average summer day. Making a few jokes, I remember that this girl and I were great friends, best friends even. Walking home, we met a few people, pet a few dogs, nothing too unusual.

Finally, we were crossing the road. I recalled that I came from a busy country where crossing the street was dangerous and the streets were almost always filled completely. Looking both ways, the girl and I were too distracted with out laughter that we didn't see the truck coming straight for us. At the very last second I pushed the girl out of the way and got hit.

I then remembered waking up a few days later with broken bones and a few slightly damaged vital organs, but I would recover in no time. A month of so later, I was let out of the hospital. And, you know what's funny? Right when I was stepping out onto the parking lot, I was shot.

And that's how I ended up here. It's been about half a year, I've been counting. I don't really remember much, then again, I can recall that I never really did have a great memory. Haha!


  • Large Dogs: I think I used to have a golden retriever.
  • Spicy Food: apparently that means I'm a masochist.
  • Singing: I seem to just enjoy it..I don't know why..


  • Flies: they're my arch nemesis
  • Spiders: only when they're inside
  • Malfunctioning Objects: it just annoys me when something isn't working


  • Giant Heights: I feel like I'm going to fall!
  • Large Bodies of Water (above): I never learnt how to swim..
  • Being Abandoned: it scares me to think about if someone abandoned me..
  • Loved Ones Dying: I, myself, am not afraid of death, I'm scared of my loved ones dying.

Relationships: I don't remember my family very much, but I do have an idea that I used to have a best friend with long pigtails and acne on her forehead.

Personality: Patti is an outgoing and spontaneous young girl who laughs at pretty much everything. She's very bold and daring, not one to back down from a challenge. Patti's very energetic, but is prone to a few mood swings due to puberty. With a bright smile on her face, Patti isn't that optimistic and sometimes says mean things - although most of the time she doesn't mean it. She gets easily embarresed and tends to just laugh it off and try to change the subject. This twelve year old doesn't have the best memory - its more of short term - and tends to forget thongs a few moments after its been told to her, she has the attention span of a goldfish. When angered Patti is a really force to reckon with, although it takes a lot to get her up anger mountain. She tries not to take it out on others and is pretty good at keeping her cool, although she tends yo cry and get depressed after getting angry. One of Patti's bad traits is being cocky and prideful, she used to be really gloomy and negative, so to her, being over confident and proud is a good thing! She'd rather be happy and delusional than sad and in reality.



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Tryouts Tomorrow! Geez What a Sleepless Night!

Name: Chasity Alexis Nighthowlers

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Origins: England

How Long Have You Been In Limbo: 8 Months

How Did you Get Here: I can't remember anyones Name or Face, it just sort of blurs together when I try to think so hard. Only one image remains. And it started like this...

"Chasity! Chasity Come along now," A boy called out to me. I ran through the house, smiling broadly. "Brother, wait!" The door had slammed behind the one, who I believe was my brother. Looking at myself 8 months ago I hadn't really changed. Only grew a few inches. I chased him out the door, into an pit of white. Snow littered the ground like dull white leaves. I chased his througgh the woods with a pair of ice skates in my arms. "Brother?" I called out, dashing around some dog wood tree's. "Here!" His voice echoed. I followed it onto the lake, he stood at the other end smiling. But his face was a blur. I couldn't see it, it looked like he had an mask over it.

I was quick to bundel on the skee's and float out. He followed quickly. We were riding, when I turned. "Chasitty don't move!" His voice was urgent. There was only one thing I could find destinctive was bright Aubrey hair. Through the blur was two patches of green. His eyes maybe? I glanced down. The ice was cracking underneath my very feet. When I glanced back, I realized he had the same problem. "I'm going to fall through the ice," I Cried, I also said his name but I couldn't remember what it was. Dustin? No. Jason? No. Whatever it was that wasn't the concern at the moment.

The ice under our feet was giving away, any second and we would be ice pops. "We won't fall, Chasity, I promise." He announced. We were a good twelve feet apart, he knew it was hopeless, as did I. ",Were going to die!" I cried out. He shook his head. "No, Cas, you'll be fine. Slowly, step to the side. Okay? Together. One"- He announced, as we stepped sideways with me. -"Two"" He mumbled. The ice underneath us cracked, "Brother!" I squealed out. "Three," He called out. But suddenly the ice gave way underneath him and he dissapeared into the water. "No!" I yelled, stepping forward, the ice snapped under me as well. And the water bit into my skin. The colld consumed me, and I was unconcious in a matter of minutes. That's all I remember after arriving at Limbo. Ever since then I hhad a feeling that this brother of mine was dead, or he would of came in with me. Then again Maybe I'm wrong.


*Food; Loves to Eat

*Sports; I love to Excersie and run.

*Fields; I love playing in fields of snow.

*Brotherly Figures


*Ice Lakes; Simple to explain

*Drowning; He ultiment fear

*loosing Family; Worst feeling ever



*Her brother is dead

*Being Alone

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Quiet, Quick, Outgoing, Shy, Cold.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/AnimeGirl23.jpg.7e4dcd96b95d09bae45a726a1330855d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/AnimeGirl23.jpg.7e4dcd96b95d09bae45a726a1330855d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • AnimeGirl23.jpg
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Name: Ian Jacob Drake

Age(5-14): 14

Gender: Male

Origin: Ireland

How long have you been in Limbo?: 1 year

How did you get here?:Got hit by a car while skating one day

Likes: Being alone, Quiet, The dark

Dislikes: People, Being ordered around, bullies, family

Fears: His Father,


Personality: Cold and hostile towards others, doesn't like to get involved in conversation/be around other people because everyone he has ever met has been a complete jerk (including his family) and considers him weird. Despite this he still wouldn't leave someone to get hurt or be bullied but he makes sure to be gone the moment they're OK

History: His parents never wanted a second child, they hated him, almost put him up for adoption but were too lazy to bother wasting their "precious time" on him, he became cold, hostile towards others, people generally kept away from him as they considered him..weird, they had tried bulling him at some point and it had ended badly...for them. So people keep away, and he prefers it that way. He was taking his long way home on his skateboard one day when he was hit by a car, the father of one of the bullies at school. All Ian remembers is his abusive, hating parents.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.894c1cc78f5b0c06d2553068731f46d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.894c1cc78f5b0c06d2553068731f46d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Aurore Jacques

` Age(5-14): 14

Gender: female

` Origin(Like, where you come from? Asia, Germany,Ireland Ect.): France

How long have you been in Limbo?: five months

` How did you get here?( How did you get put into the coma?): Aurore broke her arm and it was too bad to just put in a cast. They had to put wiring in her arm to keep it together. She woke up at Limbo, confused, scared, and far away from her home country, France.


- France

- Her family she left behind

- Staying away from the people who brought her there

` Dislikes:

- Limbo

- Pretty much everyone there

- Her superiors


- The dark

- Being by herself

- Being insecure

` Relationships(Siblings, friends ect.): n/a

Personality: Aurore might seem like she doesn't give balls, but she is actually really insecure and closes up to people because of it. She's secretive and esoteric, spending as much time as she can away from the other kids at Limbo. She gets pissed off easily and is definitely not interested in relationships. But, if you can crack her, she is the most caring and loyal person you will ever meet.

` History: Aurore was born to Alice and Albert Jacques (it's a tradition in their family to name their children with a name that begins with A). She was the youngest child; she had two older brothers and one sister. Aurore had a pretty normal life, except for the fact her mother and father were never home. Her mother had a popular clothes line in Paris and her father was the intern for her business. They were gone for months at a time, leaving their children with nannies and babysitters. Her oldest brother eventually killed himself when they were gone for a whole year. Her parents were late to the funeral. Aurore accidentally broke her arm while going down the steps of her home. At the surgery, she was put to sleep while they worked on it. That's when she woke up at Limbo.


` Extra: Purple.

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