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Fandom ๐–๐š๐ค๐ฎ ๐–๐š๐ค๐ฎ! ๐€ ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ฒ๐ฑ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ?


New Member

โ™ฅ Introducing me! โ™ฅ

Hello from Florida, You can address me as Kas.
I won't reveal my age, but I am over the age of eighteen and would prefer it if all of my partners were as well. I consider myself a huge dork because I spend most of my time watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, and fangirling over characters. Etc. I've been roleplaying for a few years, but I haven't done one in about a year or two. So I could be rusty. To give you a little more information about me, I am a terrible procrastinator who enjoys collecting squash allows or any kind of adorable sticker. And I'm a sucker for a good romance.

I hope whoever reads this a lovely day/ night, and I hope to make some friends. (ุ‘โ€ทแต•ุ‘ฬ‡โ€ท)โ—žโœง

Current obsessions โ€” Stuck on Barnes n Nobles Tiktok. Grinding for primos on Genshin. Reading old mangas + Currently reading Rent-A-Girlfriend (A friend told me to.)

Smaller info โ€” She/They. Virgo. EST - time zone. Middle sibling. Owner of four doggies. Loves English subject in class.


โ™ฅ The rules โ™ฅ

No.1 Response time + Length. โ™ฅ

While I am not the best at it, and I am certainly not the best at spelling/grammar due to dyslexia,
I do enjoy writing for roleplays! It's a pastime of mine. I'm not going to do one-liners. I used to be able to write 500-600 words per side. If necessary, I could go higher, but if you do want me to I ask that you give me time, I haven't roleplayed in a year or two, as I previously stated!
I've tried a variety of roleplaying formats, and the third person seems to be my favorite. I don't mind if it's in the present or past tense. I just don't like scripts, one-liners, or anything else like that.

As for Response time, It can vary! Some weeks I can reply within a few hours, or others, I can reply only a couple times a week! Be patient with me, and Iโ€™ll do the same! If you donโ€™t hear from me within a week, send me another email!

โ™ฅ No.2. Limits + Content โ™ฅ
I like my roleplays to feel realistic I like a little romance, fluff, drama, and angst! We can also include Action if you want, but keep in mind that I've never been notably good at writing it.
. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!
Also, please let me know your constraints and preferred content! Keep in mind that, while I may be fine with some topics if you aren't, I will gladly leave them out of the roleplay!

โ™ฅ No.3. Original characters + You โ™ฅ

First off, Iโ€™ll just say I donโ€™t care what your original character is like, as long as they fit the world.
Want your original character to have a history with your love interest? Go for it! Want them to be a new species to the world (with rules that makes it make sense in the world.) Go for it! Took inspiration from a different character? Awesome!

Please donโ€™t worry about a character sheet being too long or short either! Iโ€™ve done both.

Also, I ask that equal effort is given to both sides! Iโ€™m not saying both sides have to be the same word count, but please donโ€™t do something like write a book on your side and then only give me a single line.

โ™ฅ No.4. Love Interest โ™ฅ
However, I try to ensure that both of us are satisfied with the roleplay, so if we have the same love interest, we can do a split roleplay and I'll play them for your OC! You can also choose a different fandom if one isn't listed (or ask me about one,) as I'm usually very flexible about who I play for you!

My side will always be Original character X Canon character. However, I am willing to do Canon x Canon on your end if you really wish! Or even Original character x original character.

โ™ฅ No.5. Plots โ™ฅ
I adore plotting!
I enjoy plotting a bit at the start: But Iโ€™m not inclined to plot out the entire roleplay at the start. Thatโ€™s not my style. But I find it easier on myself if we both talk about a start, and some dynamics in mind for your original character's relationship. Aka, how do you think the relationship will develop? This helps me ensure that your side is good for you! Tell me what you thirst for, and boi Iโ€™ll do the same! We are both here for the same reason!


โ™ฅ Love Interests โ™ฅ

SpyXFamilyโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™ก** (Forever)

OLDER! Damien Desmon.
I really like the setting of the school/college? So I want to do something while in that. I have a few dynamics in mind!


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