Wake Me Up [Inactive]


Farseer to the Warsong Clan
Vudukudu submitted a new role play:

Wake Me Up - A Group of Comatose Teens Share a Dreamworld

We all have accidents at some point in our lives.

Something so catastrophic

That we need someone

To wake us up.

The world of dreams is a fickle one, unyielding and inexplicable. We all have our own place to drift to sleep in, and it comes with it's own imaginary realm.

Imagine our surprise, then,...
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Vudukudu updated Wake Me Up with a new update entry:

Hey Everybody

So, this page hasn't really attracted anyone's attention for several days now. I guess that means we might as well start, right? Writing up the first post now.
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God d*** my head hurts. Where the hell am I?

Eli's eyes fluttered open and were dazzled by the bright lights shining down on him. The plain whiteness of the room and the uncomfortable bed he lay in clued him in; he was in a hospital of some sort. But there was no medical equipment, and no one seemed to be near him. Even the halls outside sounded empty, although that could have just been the pounding headache.

He looked down and realized he was naked beneath the thin sheet over his bed. He was scarred heavily, and felt sore. H-how? I.. The car crashed. The memory came rushing back to him, and he realized what had happened. He sighed and hesitantly stood up, then found the clothes he had been wearing earlier that day neatly folded up next to the bed. He pulled them on, then walked out into the hall, finding it cold and empty.

"Hello?" He called out, hoping someone would hear him.

The small hospital room was dark, except for a dim light under the door from the hallways. It was quiet, other than the sound of the air conditioning rattling. Macy shot her chocolate brown eyes open, the faint glow of the dim light making the gold flecks sparkle. "What the.." Macy wondered, swinging her legs over the side of the hospital bed. She looked down to find herself clothed in a baby blue hospital gown, much too large for her small size. Of course, at that moment Macy came to the realization that she was, in fact in a hospital.

She peeped through the small glass window on the door and out into the dimly lit hallway. Hospitals had always scared Macy, it just made her think of how many people had died in that very building, and they were all the more frightening when it was dark..or she was alone at night in one. Macy wandered out into the hall, her pink bunny slippers squeaking silently on the white clean floors.

After a bit of walking, Macy's attention was caught by the sound of a voice. It was a boy's voice..by the looks of it he sounded about her age, but there was no way to tell for sure. Immediately Macy felt a rush of relief and quickly she started for the direction of the sound. "Hello?" Macy replied, looking anxiously around at the doors that bordered the hallway that seemed to be never ending.

"Okay.. I'm not alone. That's a good start." Eli muttered, glancing around the halls. He took a second to try to locate the source, then wandered off down the halls. It seemed to be a large lattice, as far as he could tell, and most of the rooms were empty. Finally, he turned a corner and promptly walked right into the girl he had just heard.

He took a step back, blurting out a stutter-filled apology. "I-I'm so s-sorry. I.. didn't see you." Eli managed, running a hand through his hair. Really smooth, man. Really smooth. You're lost, confused, and you very nearly trampled the first person you saw.

"I.. I'm Elijah. Eli, for short."
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