Wait, What? (1 x 1 Closed)


New Member
It's a mx of the Hunger Games and something else.. Not sure what the other book is called.

My character was just a normal person, living life, going to school. But something about me was what you and your people needed. See, you're from the government protected Factioned area, and you are specifically a part of Dauntless. There are five factions: Abnegation, the selfless, Eurdite, the intellegent, Amity, the peaceful, Candor, the honest, and last you. You're a part of Dauntless, the most respected and basically Bad-A faction there is. You're the brave, the protectors. Something in me, was what you needed; what you WANTED. Every year you must recruit, but this year you stole. That's how badly you wanted me.

As it goes on, you tell me there's a game we must play, a game that Eurdite and Dauntless always win. The rules are simple: Each faction gives up their top three that represent their faction the best, and they must play in a game to the death. However, the entire faction can win, as long as they are all standing. But as soon as one person dies from their faction, that faction is competing for a one-person winner.

You must train me. And educate me. May your faction ever be in favor.

One thing about your character. Must be cool. Like, B-A with it, since he's the highest person in Dauntless. AHH ALMOST FORGOT also must include fears, because you must put my character through a fear simulator, and do it as well. Put in personality.

Bio Outline:




Specialties (like combat wise):



Looks (picture would be great, also describe clothing, any tattoos, piercing, etc or use more pictures):

My Character:

Name: Mallary Ranee Brooks

Nickname: Mal

Age: 18

Height: 5' 10"

Specialties: Does kickboxing, and it the best in her class, and does par core (don't know how to spell that) and is known for infusing them together; does track and is the star distance runner. And although guns were banned in the non-Factioned area, she's not a bad shot. Not good with knives or anything with a blade.

Personality: She's extremely sassy and sarcastic, and won't let anyone get in her way. She could be seen as the stereotypical "hot chick" of the school, yet she stays to her usual normal crowd of people like her, however is friends with everyone. She's also not the easiest person to get to know and is as stubborn as a mule. Yet, if you're the right person and you'll stick to her, she'll eventually open up to you. Inside and around children, she is open and sweet, and the nicest person you could meet. Otherwise, she can come off rather rude. Her passion is kickboxing, and track, and is planning on a scholarship to Graceland in Iowa for the upcoming college school year. Her biggest fears are unusual for most, since the average person has about eight. She only has three. She fear of her past repeating itself (see, history), heights, and she's claustrophobic.

History: When she was young, her mother and father abused and raped her, leaving her scarred, and scared. She remembers it like it was yesterday. And that's why she's got commitment issues to guys. She hates remembering it, and usually has nightmares from it. After that, she was sent to foster parents, at around 10 years old, and was raped and abused over and over again. Finally, now, she's with happy, loving parents, and has been for four years. Her life for the past four years have been more than perfect, with all of her highschool accomplishments. College years, she wants to major in Photography and also in Business Management to open her own photography business.





Wears clothes like the clothes in the picture, with jean shorts.Tattoo:
across her shoulders. Also has leather bracelets around her right wrist, and a ring on her left thumb and pointer finger.

Can't wait to start(:
Name: Tyson "Crow" Haigha

Age: 21

Height: 6'4

Specialties (like combat wise): He is amazing at using most weapons, but prefers to use long range weapons for both close combat and at a distance. He is really strong, and careful, knowing all 108 pressure points, including the deadly 10. He has only a few weak points that he is very good at hiding.

Personality (MUST BE DESCRIPTIVE): Crow is easily embarrassed outside of fighting, but during combat he is strict and stiff. Being tall and muscular but as pale as snow, he stands out a lot, which he doesn't like. He can have moments of pure hatred and wrath especially if people bring up his past or his mother, and can't control his anger all the time. Most of the time with others he can be a quiet, go with the crowd kinda person, but when dealing with the weak and the rejected he will always go out of his way to make sure what he wants protected is protected. He does whatever he can for what he wants, and is a complete perfectionist when it comes to what he is after.

History: He was born in Dauntless with both of his parents originally from Dauntless. His father died in fighting and his mother was a prostitute in debt, and was eventually sent to be factionless when Crow was 6. Crow was sent to his Uncle's house and immediately put into training, becoming the most mature, strong 10 year old, and was able to defeat a person 4 years above him. The reason he got his name is because he always had some way to "disappear," from the opponent by hiding behind them very well and matching their movements, as well as his dark hair and strange yellow eyes.

(Might have to finish later if this isn't descriptive enough I need to go to rugby)
Okey yeah do looks and such! And then you can start it, make sure you set the scene, like were I am and such. I'd like it if you started like at the end of the stakeout, right before you move in to kidnap me. Like first reply just a general response, I just want a reply before I'm kidnapped hahaha(: also I don't mind one-liners as long as it's meant to be like that, you know what I mean? Like "'You jerk,' I growled, rage burning through my body." would be suffice. Just make sure if you can detail, to detail(: 
* bump *
((Ahh... Awkward haha I didn't know that. When you reply to this can you post a picture so I konw what your dude looks like please?(: ))

Track practice had been brutal.

My whole freaking body was shaking.

Slowly and painfully, I went upstairs to my room, collapsing on my bed and cranking up the volume on my iPod that I plugged into the jack. Metallica was blaring.

A moan escaped my lips as I kicked my running shoes off, quickly cooling down since I was wearing nothing but spandex and the loose blue tank top we were required to wear. Mulling over the prospect of joining Drumline for the Marching band next year, I rolled over, back up, and closed my eyes.
((I can't find a good non anime picture that would match his description lol))

"I understand, may I leave NOW?" I say. I am tired of this boring meeting.

"Crow, can't you just listen?" But the thing is I am listening. I already have everything I need to get her. "No, Ma'am, I know what I need to do and I know how to do it, should that not be enough?"

"Remember, CONVINCE. Not kidnap."

"Ashley, please let me do this."

"Fine, you are dismissed."

Finally a break. I flew through the doors and ran down the stairs halfway and jumped the rest down. My black hair felt good in the wind of my speed. On the way to my uncle's house I saw everything getting set up for the new recruits already, and was proud to call this place my home.
Picking at the grass with my eyes closed, I slowly let my body relax and sink into the dirt. Every sound was heard, every movement. I was good at that, I loved doing it. There was a bird, a bee... Slowly I started drifting off into a light sleep, the held on to anger exhausting me.
I run into the house and towards the kitchen where a pile of mail awaited me. I quickly found and tore open the envelope and looked at the information on the girl. "This recruit will be amazing, I'm sure, " I think out loud.
Rolling over, I started dreaming. Or, rather, having a nightmare. I whined, gripping the grass and tearing it out slowly. My face was contorted in one full of rage before I snapped awake. There was sweat dripping down my forehead, and it fell to the ground as I stood, yanking off my jacket. I needed to go running.

I dropped my jacket, and sloppily put my hair up in a bun to keep it out of my face.
I run back out the door and up the steps. Today I'll be able to bring some one from outside our country. I could already feel the rush of what was coming as I jumped onto the train. It took a while but I finally got to the last stop and trotted towards the exit. I continued running towards the town she lived in, but came across a figure in the grass not far ahead of me. we were completely different; her, short and blonde with brilliant hazel eyes, with colorful clothes on and me with dark hair and yellow eyes, and freakishly black clothes. I stared at her for a second, and I could easily tell she was probably the girl I was looking for.
I jumped up, using just my toes, and shook my limbs out, out to my finger tips. Fixing my shirt, and making sure it was tucked in on one side like I normally wore it. I distractedly adjusted my hair, and then took off, sprinting at full speed. I was a distance sprinter. And those were hard to come by. 
((Woah I just realized I started this off in her room and then bam it was in the park just keep it in the park sorry haha)) 
((Um yeah that's awkward haha just pretend the first starting reply was her at the park. With the jacket, the loose dark grey tank top, and jean shorts and converse please, haha:P )) 
(( * bump * if you don't really wanna do this RP that's alright! It sounds legit so far(: ))
Was she running away from me? I stand there and look around my surroundings. A dog growls at me barking. He is being held captive by a lady, and I stare at the creature. All the dogs in Dauntless are either running around or dead. Maybe I should put it out of its misery? The lady looks at me in horror, I realize that out of instinct I had already started to follow it with and pull out my gun that I always carry around. I put the weapon back in my pocket and run after the one I want
((I think your reply got cut off... "I put..." what?)) 
((Oookay I think it fixed... "After the one I want" ))

My mind slipped away as I turned, finishing a lap around the park. I slowed and smiled, laughing brightly. That definitely made me feel a lot better. I heard Ms. Garrison's dog bark and my smile widened at the familiar sound. Maybe today would start looking up....
The Lady yelled out, "Police! Police! I just saw a strange man run away! He had black hair and yellow eyes! He reminded me a lot of a Raven! My dog barked at him and he held up a gun to it like some crazy person!" This wasn't good, how was I supposed to know the beast was tamed... It was the size of a rat, I could have easily killed it if she didn't look at me funny. I sigh and sit on the ground, as the girl passes by me.
Barely out of the corner of my eye I saw someone I didn't recognize. Glancing again, I saw his eyes were yellow... Um okay dude do whatever you want with your life... I kinda smirked. "Can I help you with something?" The question had been asked somewhat snottily but I didn't care. I didn't know him.
I look up at her and blink my eyes. "I don't know what you mean. I don't need help with anything, I'm just sitting." I remove the curtain of black hair over my eyes but it falls back when I remove my hand. I look at her standing right there and realize this is the perfect chance. "Excuse me for my rudeness or whatever, but since you offered I guess it wouldn't be too hard to accept help every once in a while." I hear the dogs bark and a "There he is!" Without thinking I grab the girl's hand and run. "This is a complete misunderstanding, lady! I don't know your culture very well!" I continue running and it's pretty easy since the park was on the border of town, I only had to keep running towards the gates of Dauntless territory, and so I did, and the girl was in my hands at last.
My mind began racing as I stumbled with this stranger. After a while of running I yanked my hand from his and stopped running, anger burning through my body. "Are you CUH-RAZY!?" I yelled, pushing him away from me.
Uh oh this wasn't going to go as planned. "I am need of your help. Please, we need you," I say and decide to try something a bit more classic, though it was a complete lie. "You are the only one who can save our world. Please come with me at once, Master is waiting." Okay, maybe the master part was still a bit far, but I needed her to come and her stamina was almost as good as mine. "Just come." And without asking for permission, I grabbed her hand once more and ran towards the gate that read on it, "Preserved Areas:Do Not Enter!" And continued dragging her closer and closer to the gate with a firmer grip.
Anger starting to boil within me, I dug my feet into the ground and gritted my teeth, yanking against him. "What? Leave me the crap alone!" this guy was seriously a problem. AND he tried to kill my neighbor's dog. Freak. "Let me go. Stop. I don't care if you 'need me'!" My voice slowly began to raise, and I was now shouting. There was a split second of silence and I snapped a kick to the back of his knee, getting him to loosen his grip just enough to wriggle my hand free. Instantaneously I took off running, holding my hand to my chest: in yanking free I had hurt something. Because of that, my running was wobbly, but still strong and fast. I needed to get away.
Alright that just about did it. I sprinted after her, only to realize she wasn't running as well as she had been in the park. I had managed to run and catch up to her in a number of seconds, only to have her come crashing into my arms from the force from her running. "I promise it won't be long," Yes another lie. She wasn't going to be gone long if you were comparing the time I needed her to a decade then sure. I reached my pocket where I grabbed the safer gun. The tranquilizer gun, and shot her in the back of the neck.
Confusion passed through my mind briefly before it all went black, and blank, and the pain from my hand disappeared. I vaguely remember skinning my ankle from my body going limp... But I wasn't sure if that had actually happened.
I only had twenty minutes to get her back to the dauntless training room before she wakes up, but yet it's an hour of walking and 30 minuites if I run. I ran with her in my arms and jumped the gate easily. I glided past the soldiers who knew me well and ran onto the platform, jumping on the train. As short as it seemed it took me 19 minutes to do all of that meaning she'd wake up and have to jump off on her own, off the train. Lovely.
I woke suddenly, air crashing through my lungs and I jumped, the throbbing in my hand slowly returning. Everything was so foggy... "Wha's goin' on hurr..." I slurred, my eyes fighting to open. What the crap!
We were on the train together. She sat on the ground and I stood next to her. "Your on the train, our stop is coming up, and since your gonna try and stay on, I'll have to take you and jump off, but only one person at a time is allowed on the pit, so I'll throw you down and you have ten seconds to get off or my weight might break a bone of yours. Oh, and you can stand with the other new recruits, but you can't go with them cause you get your own trainer." I threw all of this on her like it was no big deal. It wasn't. In my opinion.

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