W.A.R.L.o.C.K. (A Sci-fi, Fantasy RP)


Junior Member
Welcome one and all to the First Wiseman and Wisdom RP. The one we have crafted for you today is the result of a many hours of work and processing, and is sure to keep you entertained with fast paced action, thought out story lines, and memorable characters, scenarios, and villains. Below you will find the details to the W.A.R.A.L.o.C.K. RP, and everything you need to know to join us in playing this exciting story.

  • The year is 2030, and through the use of technology, mankind has opened portals to other worlds, worlds long since sealed off from Earth in the past. Now, thanks to these portals, nearly every city is aflame, every nation torn down, and humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation. The humans who continue to survive live on the Island City of San Nuada, the largest and most advanced city in the world. The inhabitants of the city live their lives normally, completely unaware that the rest of the world is dead or enslaved, completely oblivious to the situation they are all placed in. This is thanks to the cunning maneuvering of the organization, Secret G.o.D., which both defends humanity from the otherwordly threats of the outsiders, and keeps its in the dark.

    San Nuada is warded, defended, and maintained by Secret G.o.D., and the illusion they have created is a thin one, and despite all of Secret G.o.D.'s power, the otherwordly some times make it into the last city of man. In this world of lies, illusions and schemes, of conspiracy and tragedy, there is but one truth, one tenant. Safe guard humanity by any means necessary. This is where you come in. You are part of W.A.R.L.o.C.K., a sub organization of Secret G.o.D. which acts as the sword and shield of humanity, the last line of defense once all other defense have been breached.

    Warlocks are the guardians of San Nuada, using both magic and technology to defend its citizens from the other powers that be. Guns, swords, and spells are but a few of their many weapons, and they use these to great effect against the outsider menace. They are the guardian angles of Secret G.o.D., maintaining the illusion of peace and order for those who yet live, so that their might be hope tomorrow. (If you read this, Put the words BLUE PASS on your character sheet)

Please feel free to ask me any questions, and I will answer as soon as I can.
Firelava said:
what profile do i use? assasin or spiritulist?
For making a character? Whichever one you want. Do you want to be a more physical, weapons based badass or a magic man who can preform nearly any trick?
Name: Vordue

W.A.R.L.o.C.K. Designation: Daemon #5490

Age: unknown

Sex: Genderless. refers to himself as a he though.


Personality: a typically violent Daemon he is known to explain things to the helpless before moving on. He has one rule about kills. a unarmed opponent is to be ignored unless proving themselves to be the weapon. The one thing he truley hates is Cowards.

History: The Daemon came to our world as one of the later waves. he was part of the group that felled some of the larger cities and has already fought several WARLOCKs. He appears to have massive skill with his blade and a whip that is attached to one of the spines on his back. The Daemon is actually a Herald of a Greater Daemon and seeks to forever let his master through.

As a Herald he bears a mark that he burns into any substance that allows him to speak with his master. The Daemon he serves is Vorduevian. This Daemon is immense and extremely powerful and bears a pair of giant axes. The world they come from is a world at war. There are 4 major types of Daemons on the planet and Vordue competes to get his master onto the planet first.

The World itself seems to be nothing more than a chess board to Vordue as he moves across the world manipulating things to help him with his masters appearance. Twice he has almost succeeded only to fail when the other Heralds attacked him. as a Herald he will attack other Daemons that are having success with the summoning ritual.

Personal Short Term Goal: He moves to stop the Herald of Horbite from summoning a opposing Greater Daemon

Personal Long Term Goal: To Summon Vorduevian into this world and help him make it his own playground.

Specific Conditioning: Speed. In his use of the Blade he carries he has superhuman reflexes and also run exceedingly fast.

Master Martial Arts: Master of Judo

Weapon Specialization: The Hellblade and Cowards Death whip

Armory Contents/Weapons: The Hellblade and Cowards Death whips. the only other weapons he has are his claws.

Combat Drugs: Drugs have no effect on his system

Wards and Wardings: N/A

Other Gear: He bears the Mark of Vorduevian witch causes those around him to feel inexplicable anger and rage. He also bears a Ring that can absorb a single spell per day.
I think you confused the Character Sheets for Warlocks with monster creation sheets. Also, I didn't know you were going to create a specific monster, I thought you were going to add to the races. If you want to create a specific enemy in the game, then use the below listed Character sheet, and me and wisdom will take a look at them.









Magic Ability:




Age: 769

Race: Demon




The Demon came to our world as one of the later waves. he was part of the group that felled some of the larger cities and has already fought several WARLOCKs. He appears to have massive skill with his blade and a whip that is attached to one of the spines on his back. The Daemon is actually a Herald of a Greater Demon and seeks to forever let his master through.

As a Herald he bears a mark that he burns into any substance that allows him to speak with his master. The Demon he serves is Vorduevian. This Demon is immense and extremely powerful and bears a pair of giant axes. The world they come from is a world at war. There are 4 major types of Demons on the planet and Vordue competes to get his master onto the planet first.

The World itself seems to be nothing more than a chess board to Vordue as he moves across the world manipulating things to help him with his masters appearance. Twice he has almost succeeded only to fail when the other Heralds attacked him. as a Herald he will attack other Demons that are having success with the summoning ritual.


He moves to stop the Herald of Horbite from summoning a opposing Greater Daemon

To Summon Vorduevian into this world and help him make it his own playground


He has been raised believing that he has nothing other than service. he will do anything for Vorduevian.


The Hellblade and Cowards Death whips. the only other weapons he has are his claws.

Magic Ability: Speed and Agility. Vordue may only be stronger than you average man and not as strong as the larger WARLOCKs but he is immensely fast and agile. fighting him is a difficult prospect because of his endless training in the art of the Blade

Sorry guys, my comp and cell both got fried, and this is the first time I have been able to get on the net to let you guys know. Im getting a replacement, and ?Im trying to get back online, but the situation kinda sucks. Any case, I will update everything when I have my replacement computer. Again, sorry for disappearing, it was not my intention to leave you guys hanging.
(I got bored so I made a monster :P )

Name: The Consumer

Age: Eternal

Race: Unknown


History: Was one of the monsters first released by the portals, thought to be dead by the government. he has been in hiding ever since, plotting on how to break into the last remaining city. He is very hungry and craving human souls.

Goals: Wants to devour the remaining human souls left on the planet.

Motivations: Human souls and flesh. Gore and a good fight will motivateit as well.

Weapons: Its extremely loooong claws as well as its whip like tail.

Magic Ability: able to take a soul away from a human.

Other: No one knows if it is male or female lol
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OK, Goddess your nearly approved, just a few things to alter.

Goddess said:
Combat Drugs:

  • Strength 2400 - Improves her strength 10 times then her natural strength. Dose is one serum
  • Wit 100- Improves her thinking, fast reflexies , fast thinking. Does is on serum
  • Speed- 300- Improves speed- Dose is two serums

Wards and Wardings:

  • Invisibility- Ward is written around her wrist. This ability allows her to become invisible to any enemy but only for 50 minutes.
  • Consumption- Ward is in an image of a mouth opening up. This is locate in her mouth on the center of her tongue. This allows her to consume elemental magic such as fire, water. she can only consume up to five gallons.
    Other Gear: None
Your strength drug can not increase your strength by a multiple of ten, that is just too powerful for a nonmagical combat drug. It likely removes the barriers your mind places on how much strength you can use at once times and enables you to use a full one hundred percent, and probably gives you energy to provide a boost when the drug is taken. Its specifics are up to you, but it cant make you ten times more powerful.

Lastly there is your consumption ward. The ward is mostly fine, though it is unconventional. Know that it will only effect magical elements, such as a wizards fireball or a witch's lightning bolt, and then, once absorbed, the magic must be expelled back out. It will take twenty four hours before the ward can be used again.

Firelava said:


Age: 769

Race: Demon




The Demon came to our world as one of the later waves. he was part of the group that felled some of the larger cities and has already fought several WARLOCKs. He appears to have massive skill with his blade and a whip that is attached to one of the spines on his back. The Daemon is actually a Herald of a Greater Demon and seeks to forever let his master through.

As a Herald he bears a mark that he burns into any substance that allows him to speak with his master. The Demon he serves is Vorduevian. This Demon is immense and extremely powerful and bears a pair of giant axes. The world they come from is a world at war. There are 4 major types of Demons on the planet and Vordue competes to get his master onto the planet first.

The World itself seems to be nothing more than a chess board to Vordue as he moves across the world manipulating things to help him with his masters appearance. Twice he has almost succeeded only to fail when the other Heralds attacked him. as a Herald he will attack other Demons that are having success with the summoning ritual.


He moves to stop the Herald of Horbite from summoning a opposing Greater Daemon

To Summon Vorduevian into this world and help him make it his own playground


He has been raised believing that he has nothing other than service. he will do anything for Vorduevian.


The Hellblade and Cowards Death whips. the only other weapons he has are his claws.

Magic Ability: Speed and Agility. Vordue may only be stronger than you average man and not as strong as the larger WARLOCKs but he is immensely fast and agile. fighting him is a difficult prospect because of his endless training in the art of the Blade
Its a little bit warhammery for my tastes, but if Wisdom has nothing to say about it, then your monster is approved. I will include him somewhere in the campaign. 

GLaDOS said:
(I got bored so I made a monster :P )
Name: The Consumer

Age: Eternal

Race: Unknown


History: Was one of the monsters first released by the portals, thought to be dead by the government. he has been in hiding ever since, plotting on how to break into the last remaining city. He is very hungry and craving human souls.

Goals: Wants to devour the remaining human souls left on the planet.

Motivations: Human souls and flesh. Gore and a good fight will motivateit as well.

Weapons: Its extremely loooong claws as well as its whip like tail.

Magic Ability: able to take a soul away from a human.

Other: No one knows if it is male or female lol
OK, I think I can find a place for this monster.

  • Name: Hadley Maria Nelson

    W.A.R.L.o.C.K Designation: Silver Stream

    Age: 42

    Sex: Female
Name: Azoc

Age: Immortal

Race: Basilisk

Appearance: (The one on the left is his normal form, the one on the right is his form when he uses his magic ability)

History: Azoc doesn't think much of it, but he was late being released by the portals. He never thought of destroying humanity, only wanting to live with them. The first thing he saw was a bird. He hated it so much he charged and stuff it in his mouth.

Goals: To live among humans, and be accepted as someone who wants to help mankind.

Motivations: The intelligence of mankind, and their fears.

Weapons: Deadly eyes that can kill if you look into them.

Magic Ability: To be able to shapeshift into a superior form of himself. It comes with hard chest armor, super strength, plates of natural armor on the back, and most of all, ARMS!

Natural Ability: Shapeshifting.

Other: None.
CharChar45 said:

  • Name: Hadley Maria Nelson

    W.A.R.L.o.C.K Designation: Silver Stream

    Age: 42

    Sex: Female
Accepted, though you seem to be missing some passes. 
I would like to remind Firelava, GLaDOS, and Naga, that you are not allowed to play monsters, only add them to missions. In other words, those monster sheets are only so that I can take your monster into consideration, but if you want to play you will need to make a Warlock character sheet.
Wiseman said:
Accepted, though you seem to be missing some passes. 
I would like to remind Firelava, GLaDOS, and Naga, that you are not allowed to play monsters, only add them to missions. In other words, those monster sheets are only so that I can take your monster into consideration, but if you want to play you will need to make a Warlock character sheet.
Oops... Want me to add them on my chara sheet or just write them now?

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