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Fandom VtM: The Heist; Interest Check


New Member
VtM: The Heist
Premise Vampire the Masquerade is a story telling system within the World of Darkness universe. In VtM players create super natural characters — vampires. Vampires are distinguished by their clan, generation, and disciplines. Vampire society is divided into three major affiliations, The Camarilla, The Sabbat, and The Independents.

In VtM: The Heist you will assume the role of a vampire belonging to the Camarilla. You will be able to choose from one of the seven original classic clans and the traditional main disciplines. Your character will be no older than 12th generation, with the youngest being 14th.

Your characters will be brought together at the invitation of a prominent member of the Ventrue clan and he will ask that they assist him in pulling off the heist of the century. Your character will have been chosen because of their skills, social status, or prior affiliation with the host. Why your character would have received the invitation is entirely your design. Are they a con-artist? Thrill seeker? Good friend of the Ventrue clan? A case of mistaken identity? Or do they owe him a favor? It’s truly open for you to decide.

It will not be an easy task and it will require teamwork, planning and guts. Those involved can expect drama, intrigue, and action.

1. An approved character sheet will be required of all players. Only original characters will be accepted.

2. Due to the nature of the universe no characters embraced as minors will be accepted.

3. No characters older than 12th generation will be accepted to prevent over powered characters. Keep in mind, the most prominent generation during this time period is 13th, their progeny being 14th. Hence, a 14th generation character will be quite green.

4. I will ask that you post at least once per week. If a week has passed and you have not posted AND you have not notified me of your absence we will skip over your turn as a courtesy. If you remain absent for 4 weeks without prior notification then I will assume you no longer wish to play and your character will no longer be a member of the group.

5. This game will be based on trust in one another not to metagame, godmode or act a damn fool. No dice rolls.

Discussion If this is a story you would be interested in being a part of please let me know. If enough interest exists I’ll elaborate more on the setting and provide a character sheet.
I never could resist a good heist story and WoD's a fun setting even if it's hard to make fun.
What's making a character sheet going to be like? There's no dice, so it's going to be freeform?
Alright, so my idea -may- be a long-shot hence I thought I'd ask! A character that is mortal at the very start, but then quickly gets roped into something like this by recently being turned. Don't know if that would fit but! ^^
What's making a character sheet going to be like? There's no dice, so it's going to be freeform?

The character sheet will ask the name, age of embrace, generation, clan, appearance, disciplines, and brief history of the character. It will also have a section for skills/abilities. I don’t want to regulate the character’s abilities too strongly by restricting the player to a point system. However, unless a player puts a lot of effort into explaining to me how their character learned an advanced power those will be off-limits. Some 12th generation characters may be entitled to a higher level power, but I want to see some creativity before I approve them. I want to be optimistic— if necessary I can definitely set parameters for players to stick to for fairness. But, I’d rather give everyone the benefit of the doubt first. I want this to be fun, not a headache.

Alright, so my idea -may- be a long-shot hence I thought I'd ask! A character that is mortal at the very start, but then quickly gets roped into something like this by recently being turned. Don't know if that would fit but! ^^

I don’t think that’d be a problem if done well. It’s certainly something we can discuss.
I’ve been working on an information/lore thread as well as tweaking character creation rules. I should have something posted by the end of the week.
Tempting, tempting, very tempting.

I'll bite for now (heh, bite - get it?) I'm not sure what kind of character I'll play, but I'll come up with something.

I've had thoughts about a Malkavian stage magician (the kind who goes around with a tophat, black cloak, handlebar mustache and that classy wand that's actually just a black stick with a silver band at the end; and pulls rabbits out of his hat, while saying "Abracadabra!" or "Hocus pocus!") and uses Dementation and Obfuscation to convince people he's the real deal - pretty much straddling the line of breaking and not breaking the Masquerade. He's a slight nutter and absolutely convinced that his magic is utterly and completely real. Explicitly without studying any actual Thaumaturgy or occultism.

Optionally with a cute ghoul assistant who's very much also a believer in his magic and a big fan of his work. She'd need a snazzy name though, like Francesca or Vanessa, or something... Maybe Rosette?

Not sure if that'd work. It might have some balance issues, and I'm not sure how he'd get himself into a heist of all things; maybe they hire him as a plucky distraction? If you don't think it'd work, let me know and I'll do something else.

Actually, I'll probably look for something else anyway, just for job safety if nothing else, but I'm sharing the idea in case you or anyone else likes it.
The more I think about it, the more I want to play this like Vampire crossed with Leverage.

But which role to play...
Settled on muh Caitiff \o/. I apologize if I am delayed in making a character sheet once you post it, as I told you before Mistrunner Mistrunner I will have some turbulent days ahead of me! But the VtM template sheet is hopefully somewhat of an indicator of what she is like <3. The rest I'll have to hope to get approved once I can submit the sheet! Very excited. Gritty vampires is gud.

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