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Fantasy Voyage To The End [OOC]



Weewoo weewoo

  • The currency is called a Radon. It is a circular coin with the symbol of the sun embossed on the front and a field of stars on the back. It is made of a gold-colored metal and is about the size of a US quarter. A week of food would cost about 25 Radons, a house would cost around 35000 Radons, and the average person would make about 100 Radons a week. The expedition pays its crew members an average of 700 Radons a week. This is much more than the average salary and is intended to attract the most experienced and talented individuals for the journey.
  • When it’s your turn to post, at maximum do not make any partners wait more than a week.
  • Be able to write 200+ words in a reply consistently. If you have writer's block or are in a conversation you can forgo this rule. But don’t make it a frequent thing.
  • Characters can be decently strong, but there is also a survival aspect. If they spent their whole lives fighting they shouldn’t have experience in many other expertises.

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Hello my friends! Thank you for considering to join. Character sheets are up and linked at the top of this thread. Make sure you click the ‘watch’ button at the top so you can get updates while you’re there.

There is relative freedom in your sheets during character creation, so go nuts! You may contribute to the lore as you like, create monsters, rivals, floors of the abyss, or notable families if it would serve you to do so. Ask questions as you’d like and I’ll answer them as I can.

I will set a deadline of Jan 9th for sheets. If you are certain you would like to make a character, but that does not work for you—let me know. After that date I will assume you have lost interest.

Also … I will immediately start pitching potential plots between characters the moment we get more than 2. So prepare to have some potential friends (or enemies) forced upon ye.

Kloudy Kloudy BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Hyphae Hyphae aurivee_ aurivee_ D. Rex D. Rex @Echoco Tellussoil Tellussoil Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Pumpkin Spice Cyanide Ayama Ayama

Kloudy: Your backstory pitch is solid. I can help more later tonight. A bit too mentally fatigued to expand any more than that atm, haha.
In that case, I'll be calling first. 😉

No rush, I'll be getting my cs up soon so I'm sure we can have some back and forth then.
We do have a potential offspring of the King as well to think about by another player for future plotting. I made Remus to be a sort of mascot and potential elevator for easy exits upwards.

Not too helpful in fighting unless he himself is threatened and is more like a Paimon / annoying tour guide. Both your character and our potential prince / princess will likely have some familiarity.
In regards to potentially royal off-spring, perhaps my scholar could have been their mentor once before excusing himself from court after Kyserias disappeared? A thought for when the player arrives.

I love Remus, I'd like to think he and (name pending) would be old friends. I'm planning to go the half-elf route to bump up the lifespan, and my scholar is likely sympathetic to Remus' predicament given they both served Kyserias, so they would most probably have had plenty to bond over.
Also, 100 Radon a week? 25r just for a week's food? Goodness, and I thought the Empire's economy was in decline at the  wise King Eligas' hand. The average person must be well off to only need spend a quarter of their money to feed their family each month.
Also, 100 Radon a week? 25r just for a week's food? Goodness, and I thought the Empire's economy was in decline at the  wise King Eligas' hand. The average person must be well off to only need spend a quarter of their money to feed their family each month.
LMAO! I’m terrible with numbers and just picked some neat ones. I wanted some way for comparison to real world numbers. Care to help out? What are you thinking for avg cost for food + house in a declining economy? 🤔 At 100 Radon being the average income ofc ofc.
LMAO! I’m terrible with numbers and just picked some neat ones. I wanted some way for comparison to real world numbers. Care to help out? What are you thinking for avg cost for food + house in a declining economy? 🤔 At 100 Radon being the average income ofc ofc.
Well, its more about what you need. If its largely a medieval country in decline, then the average person shouldn't be able to comfortably afford the things they need.

Let's assume the average citizen is a serf or peasant that owns no land and lives in poor conditions. They would pay a tax to their local lord, say a third of their income. With increased taxation rates from Eligas, let's double it to two thirds. Now let's say that 25r is enough for a single person to eat decently for a week. A peasant will work for his local lord and will likely need to feed around 3 other mouths if they have kids.

If they earn 100r a week, and it costs 100r for 3 square meals for your family and you, plus you had to pay your local lord around 66r (give or take depending on temperament), corners will have to be cut or a lord's soldier will cut you.

So either you shirk taxation, or starve yourselves a little. Throw in the neccessity for medicine, maintenance of clothing and tools, animal feed, travel costs, etc - now we're looking at a struggling populace and an economy in decline. So 100r doesn't seem like much once we're aware of what it takes to live.

In terms of housing in the city or buying land, you probably have the right idea keeping it in the thousands. No peasant will ever earn/save enough money to buy their way in and adventurers/merchants wouldn't have much trouble saving up profits from their exploits.
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Behold: Cicero the One-Ear

Known by some as "Cicero the One-Ear"
Scholar of Arcana
Master of Psychic and Illusory Magicks
Orator and Librarian of the 'Valerius Learned Institution'
Advisor to the late King Kyserias
Mentor to the Heir of the Kingdom of Arcana (???)
Explorer of the 90th Level
Banished of the Western Wastes
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In regards to potentially royal off-spring, perhaps my scholar could have been their mentor once before excusing himself from court after Kyserias disappeared? A thought for when the player arrives.

I love Remus, I'd like to think he and (name pending) would be old friends. I'm planning to go the half-elf route to bump up the lifespan, and my scholar is likely sympathetic to Remus' predicament given they both served Kyserias, so they would most probably have had plenty to bond over.
D. Rex D. Rex How do you feel about a potential mentor for your character? He’s a cut different from the king is what I’ve gathered. A bit more understanding as you put it? Could be possible that Kloud’s influence had something to do with that!

Well, its more about what you need. If its largely a medieval country in decline, then the average person shouldn't be able to comfortably afford the things they need.

Let's assume the average citizen is a serf or peasant that owns no land and lives in poor conditions. They would pay a tax to their local lord, say a third of their income. With increased taxation rates from Eligas, let's double it to two thirds. Now let's say that 25r is enough for a single person to eat decently for a week. A peasant will work for his local lord and will likely need to feed around 3 other mouths if they have kids.

If they earn 100r a week, and it costs 100r for 3 square meals for your family and you, plus you had to pay your local lord around 66r (give or take depending on temperament), corners will have to be cut or a lord's soldier will cut you.

So either you shirk taxation, or starve yourselves a little. Throw in the neccessity for medicine, maintenance of clothing and tools, animal feed, travel costs, etc - now we're looking at a struggling populace and an economy in decline. So 100r doesn't seem like much once we're aware of what it takes to live.

In terms of housing in the city or buying land, you probably have the right idea keeping it in the thousands. No peasant will ever earn/save enough money to buy their way in and adventurers/merchants wouldn't have much trouble saving up profits from their exploits.
Appreciate your input and thought process! Kids definitely complicate matters. Might lower our explorers wages 😈
Appreciate your input and thought process! Kids definitely complicate matters. Might lower our explorers wages 😈
If we're talking about the Abyss, I would imagine weekly wages would depend on the target of the mission, the duration of the venture and the lethality of the adversaries. If you were to ask me to head down to the 76th level and fetch you a basilisk head, I'd tell you to shite a thousand coins a day! 😋
Won't lie, I'm really nervous about having a good enough character to fit in with more experienced players.. But the main idea running around in my head is based on monster mimicry/blue magic; a person who sees the creatures of the abyss not as divine, but challenges illustrating what anyone can be capable of with the proper strength of will and malleability of desire. Almost, coincidentally, an antithesis to what Bread's priestess character sounds like to me ^^;

But given the obvious connections to monsters, I was wondering about a few more world things. Namely, off the top of my head:
1. Are there monsters present on the first level, alongside the people? Or are they rather confined to the Abyss?
2. Sort of a follow up, but do monsters ever emerge from the abyss, either to attack or feed or whatever?
3. How common is it for people to actually enter the Abyss? Is this something with very exclusive access, are minor expeditions more common, etc. As a way of knowing whether characters can reasonably have been inside before or not.

I want to know more about the world's timeline. Like how long Kyserias rule the surface and other relevant events
Sure thing! Kyserias ruled for 40 years, and completing his conquest 50 years ago. He first vanished 10 years ago, which is also when Eligas’ reign began.
Won't lie, I'm really nervous about having a good enough character to fit in with more experienced players.. But the main idea running around in my head is based on monster mimicry/blue magic; a person who sees the creatures of the abyss not as divine, but challenges illustrating what anyone can be capable of with the proper strength of will and malleability of desire. Almost, coincidentally, an antithesis to what Bread's priestess character sounds like to me ^^;

But given the obvious connections to monsters, I was wondering about a few more world things. Namely, off the top of my head:
1. Are there monsters present on the first level, alongside the people? Or are they rather confined to the Abyss?
2. Sort of a follow up, but do monsters ever emerge from the abyss, either to attack or feed or whatever?
3. How common is it for people to actually enter the Abyss? Is this something with very exclusive access, are minor expeditions more common, etc. As a way of knowing whether characters can reasonably have been inside before or not.


Don’t worry about it. No need to be so concerned, probably a lot more laid back of an experience than you’re thinking.

Interesting idea, they could have some familiarity with each other and work as rivals. Perhaps hearing about one another in the past or having a meeting that didn’t go so well due to their disagreements.

1. Yes there are! Nothing too scary though, just some basic monsters like goblins, or minotaurs. Things that could be brought back up by explorers over the many years and then escaped / reproduced like invasive species. Some flying creatures like gargoyles, etc can sometimes get out on their own but they’d be a lot rarer.

2. Yep, see the above. You won’t see anything emerge from too deep down though. So no giant eldritch monstrosities. Just some very basic creatures like imps.

3. It is pretty massive, so guarding it is not seen as a feasible investment. It is famous enough to be very obvious what it is even if you accidentally find it; any accidental deaths are your own fault. I was thinking about making whether they’ve been inside or not a possible question for the cs. So yes! Expeditions do not usually go well. A particular occupation that I see existing is something in the form of a ‘tour guide.’ Essentially they would lead smaller voyages for those who wanted to enter for religious or sentimental reasons in exchange for $. Most small expeditions do not go well without a decent team or experience. Pretty risky generally as you’re risking some of your most valuable people. Not really encouraged until now.
Sure thing! Kyserias ruled for 40 years, and completing his conquest 50 years ago. He first vanished 10 years ago, which is also when Eligas’ reign began.

Don’t worry about it. No need to be so concerned, probably a lot more laid back of an experience than you’re thinking.

Interesting idea, they could have some familiarity with each other and work as rivals. Perhaps hearing about one another in the past or having a meeting that didn’t go so well due to their disagreements.

1. Yes there are! Nothing too scary though, just some basic monsters like goblins, or minotaurs. Things that could be brought back up by explorers over the many years and then escaped / reproduced like invasive species. Some flying creatures like gargoyles, etc can sometimes get out on their own but they’d be a lot rarer.

2. Yep, see the above. You won’t see anything emerge from too deep down though. So no giant eldritch monstrosities. Just some very basic creatures like imps.

3. It is pretty massive, so guarding it is not seen as a feasible investment. It is famous enough to be very obvious what it is even if you accidentally find it; any accidental deaths are your own fault. I was thinking about making whether they’ve been inside or not a possible question for the cs. So yes! Expeditions do not usually go well. A particular occupation that I see existing is something in the form of a ‘tour guide.’ Essentially they would lead smaller voyages for those who wanted to enter for religious or sentimental reasons in exchange for $. Most small expeditions do not go well without a decent team or experience. Pretty risky generally as you’re risking some of your most valuable people. Not really encouraged until now.
Thank you so much for the additional info, and I think I'm starting to get together a better idea now! Just want to throw out a couple ideas to hear what sounds good from what world/culture pieces I had in mind, not yet knowing what all you already have in place.

- I had anticipated the character being one of the orcs of the Deep Jungle, and I had thought that perhaps some or all of the tribes/groups in the area could take the image of one or more of the powerful/legendary creatures of the Abyss as a sort of divinity and rallying banner. The creature/s would be seen as guides and gifters of qualities, traits, and events valued among the tribe/group, and it/they would be a source of great admiration, respect, and worship. This would provide the base for my character to act as a counterexample to faults they see in their own culture, seeking to seize monstrous power for themself rather than bow to it.
- Later in life, in or near Axios, they come together with several other individuals, including a sponsor, and founded either an independent company or a branch of the Adventurer's Guild dedicated specifically to the study and culling of monsters, of which they took the post of "Head Naturalist". Who this sponsor would most reasonably be, where other individuals with an interest in fighting or studying monsters, and whether this would end up being a small organization or something a bit more well-known, are questions I would probably need help answering.

Any suggestions are welcome since I'm not super experienced and definitely need them >.<
Thank you so much for the additional info, and I think I'm starting to get together a better idea now! Just want to throw out a couple ideas to hear what sounds good from what world/culture pieces I had in mind, not yet knowing what all you already have in place.

- I had anticipated the character being one of the orcs of the Deep Jungle, and I had thought that perhaps some or all of the tribes/groups in the area could take the image of one or more of the powerful/legendary creatures of the Abyss as a sort of divinity and rallying banner. The creature/s would be seen as guides and gifters of qualities, traits, and events valued among the tribe/group, and it/they would be a source of great admiration, respect, and worship. This would provide the base for my character to act as a counterexample to faults they see in their own culture, seeking to seize monstrous power for themself rather than bow to it.
- Later in life, in or near Axios, they come together with several other individuals, including a sponsor, and founded either an independent company or a branch of the Adventurer's Guild dedicated specifically to the study and culling of monsters, of which they took the post of "Head Naturalist". Who this sponsor would most reasonably be, where other individuals with an interest in fighting or studying monsters, and whether this would end up being a small organization or something a bit more well-known, are questions I would probably need help answering.

Any suggestions are welcome since I'm not super experienced and definitely need them >.<
Honestly I love it! The rest are up to you. I did give permission to create NPCs / organizations as needed for your backstories. If you want there to be a rich dude interested in monsters in your characters backstory, you can include one. I would simply give them a name when writing your backstory so that we may refer to them later on when / if it comes up or becomes relevant IC. I think the average person would not be aware of such an organization without research. Perhaps it would be famous among those who have an interest in magic though. That is just my suggestion, it can be a more famous organization if you want it to be one.
In regards to potentially royal off-spring, perhaps my scholar could have been their mentor once before excusing himself from court after Kyserias disappeared? A thought for when the player arrives.

I love Remus, I'd like to think he and (name pending) would be old friends. I'm planning to go the half-elf route to bump up the lifespan, and my scholar is likely sympathetic to Remus' predicament given they both served Kyserias, so they would most probably have had plenty to bond over.
D. Rex D. Rex How do you feel about a potential mentor for your character? He’s a cut different from the king is what I’ve gathered. A bit more understanding as you put it? Could be possible that Kloud’s influence had something to do with that!

Appreciate your input and thought process! Kids definitely complicate matters. Might lower our explorers wages 😈

I would be down for this idea.

Currently, my idea is as follows.

A Prince, son of the tyrannical King. In his late twenties. Will be a more melee focused individual, an elemental knight type of deal. Will be armored and wielding a swordstaff. I'm thinking lightning might be his primary flavor of magic.

While he respects and obeys his father, he is seen as a much kinder and more benevolent soul, and has been known to intervene where he is able on the peoples behalf. Has a reputation for being strong-willed, honorable, and chivalrous, with the greatest tarnish to him being his family.

One of the main reasons he is embarking on this expedition, is that he is hoping success here will help him secure his claim to the throne to prevent a war of succession between his siblings.

Unfortunately some of his siblings had the same idea. And he must compete with a few of them during this journey.
my brain is empty rn and the only thing i can think of is boy with funni tortle

Thank you so much for the additional info, and I think I'm starting to get together a better idea now! Just want to throw out a couple ideas to hear what sounds good from what world/culture pieces I had in mind, not yet knowing what all you already have in place.

- I had anticipated the character being one of the orcs of the Deep Jungle, and I had thought that perhaps some or all of the tribes/groups in the area could take the image of one or more of the powerful/legendary creatures of the Abyss as a sort of divinity and rallying banner. The creature/s would be seen as guides and gifters of qualities, traits, and events valued among the tribe/group, and it/they would be a source of great admiration, respect, and worship. This would provide the base for my character to act as a counterexample to faults they see in their own culture, seeking to seize monstrous power for themself rather than bow to it.
- Later in life, in or near Axios, they come together with several other individuals, including a sponsor, and founded either an independent company or a branch of the Adventurer's Guild dedicated specifically to the study and culling of monsters, of which they took the post of "Head Naturalist". Who this sponsor would most reasonably be, where other individuals with an interest in fighting or studying monsters, and whether this would end up being a small organization or something a bit more well-known, are questions I would probably need help answering.

Any suggestions are welcome since I'm not super experienced and definitely need them >.<
I'd recommend worshipping a creature of equal strength to Remus when they were in their prime. Then you could give said creature the backstory of being Remus' rival back in the day until he was captured by Kyserias. When Kyserias relinquished control of Remus' domain in the Abyss, your new creature stepped in as the new Alpha.

This works twice as well when you think about how Kyserias used Remus to wage war on the other races/territories of Erebus. There's likely bad blood between him and the orcs, lending weight to their allegiance towards his rival and usurper.

I would be down for this idea.

Currently, my idea is as follows.

A Prince, son of the tyrannical King. In his late twenties. Will be a more melee focused individual, an elemental knight type of deal. Will be armored and wielding a swordstaff. I'm thinking lightning might be his primary flavor of magic.

While he respects and obeys his father, he is seen as a much kinder and more benevolent soul, and has been known to intervene where he is able on the peoples behalf. Has a reputation for being strong-willed, honorable, and chivalrous, with the greatest tarnish to him being his family.

One of the main reasons he is embarking on this expedition, is that he is hoping success here will help him secure his claim to the throne to prevent a war of succession between his siblings.

Unfortunately some of his siblings had the same idea. And he must compete with a few of them during this journey.

Oh, that sounds Game of Thrones-y enough to work perfectly for me!

I'll have my CS up very soon, but your prince's personality sounds exactly like what Cicero (the mentor) would have wanted him to grow up to become during his younger years. He would have feared the prince would learn from and imitate Kyserias, perhaps leading the advisor to teach him a calmer and kinder temperament.

If we go by the timeline, the prince would have been almost 20 when Kyserias disappeared. We can say that Cicero had been teaching him up until then while being the king's advisor, but then he would have left the royal court. If you'd like, we can say that the prince still continued to visit Cicero in the Valerius Learned Institution? It's Cicero's family's university/library.

In regards to combat-style, an elemental swordmage sounds awesome and well-balanced for our current party composition. I would assume he was taught the basics of magic by my character in his younger years? Cicero knows some barrier magic, so perhaps the prince picked up some of that too to conjure energy shields and such?

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