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Fantasy Vøl'Åthir - A World Waiting for Adventure


Scholar of the Unknown, and Researcher of the Eons
Roleplay Availability
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Vøl'Åthir is a world of my own making. I have, painstakingly, made this world feel as real and lived in as possible. Working on it for the past... nearly half a year now. Of course the time worked on it has been sporadic at best, but quite a bit of information has been created for it, to the point that I am comfortable with other people being able to see and learn about it! The world is steeped in ancient history, and old forgotten mysteries. I wonder, what do the fates have in store for you?

For those interested I would be more than willing to discuss something! I have many years in DMing various TTRPGs [Mostly D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e] so I know a thing or two about changing around certain things to help characters fit into settings, or offer advice and such! At least I hope I know how. Disclaimer: That does not make this a D&D World, it is just loosely based off such.

Vøl'Åthir, afterall, is not a normal setting by many standards. It has its own nations, peoples, customs, races, and so much more. Each one has been painstakingly made or edited to fit the feel and lore of the world around them. Everything from the Eten, a race of Giant Humanoids with bovine styled horns, to the Jeleńkiążę, a humanoid blessed with the aspects of the Feywilds. Most of the races are ported over from various TTRPGs though. Many such as D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e, but they have their own twists and takes on them. Enough to the point that, even those whose cultures are based on real life ones, are rather distinguishable from their real life counterparts.

I am more than willing to brainstorm and discuss possible story options, along with various other aspects of the RP. I am the type to create characters to the story, rather than supplement them into the story. For more information, just ask! I am more than willing to give out any information you want to know or think might be important.

I have some set expectations towards the RP itself, though they are not very demanding by any means. I want equal parts of dedication to the story from both parties! I love a good story, and I love even more when the story flows well. The world is made and is ready to be used, all you have to do is be willing to take it by the horns and not let it throw you off! Though, just because it is my world does not mean it is not yours either. If I RP with you I have chosen you to build my world with. Do not be afraid to ask or even just implement your own things!

Though, on a small scale, in terms of story, I do like a romance to them. Though, as a compliment most of the time. The main story, being whatever villain or enemy that our characters are trying to defeat is the main with romance as a side. It can be there, and I enjoy it being there, but I do not want it to be the main subject.

My World (in summary):
For the basics of the world, and what I have fully fleshed out so far, is the main setting. It takes the shape of what is mostly a Medieval Europe, with similar cultures and such.

Currently there is the Kingdom of Colvinia, the Empire of Elduria, and the Kingdoms of Fýðracia. There are also minor nations set between them and around them, but they are of little import compared to those big three. Each one with their distinct styles, cultures, and ideals to go in part with every single one of them. Each one, also, has a mixture of their own peoples and beings as well. Though, I will get more into that in just a moment.


The Empire of Elduria is one of the longest living nations that currently is set on the face of Vestrum [The continent]. Steeped in traditional values. They are hardworking and industrious people, with a mark for some thriftiness. This does not mean they are against change though, allowing their society to advance as it is needed when new technologies or theories are introduced. Though this can lead to some problems, with many of its people striving for perfectionism and absolute precision. Though these are their values, that does not entirely represent what they are like. Even as much of workaholics and perfectionist they are that does not mean they do not have fun. Nearly once every week families will have small parties, inviting over close friends and family to join them for an evening meal and some drinks. Not only that but most towns and cities hold monthly festivals for the populace, often holding games, tournaments, and various other festivities. Though their most famous festival being Achenfest, a festival after the harvests of the farms, often celebrated with plenty of drink, game, and tourneys! Often this is where people get the chance to flaunt their money, either in sponsoring a Knight, a specific game, or various other methods. Another is the show of their clothing, often wearing shirts with puffed arms and wide brimmed hats often decorated with a variety of exotic feathers. The national colours, normally only sported by the Emperor and their men, is yellow, red, and black.

Though, unlike the other nations, the Empire in many ways is ‘splintered’. Separated into various states with their own Kings, Petty Kings, and Lords. Though, each one answers to the Emperor. Laws, in many ways, are absolute. Those that do not abide by them, be they King or Peasant, are to be punished. Each area of the Empire tending to have different laws and punishment for various crimes, though the laws against Daemon Worship and Occultism tends to be the same all about.


The Kingdom of Colvinia, to the south of Elduria, on the other hand is a land that is deeply devoted to their oaths and ideals. They are a people that have withstood the trials of fire and have only grown stronger from it. And it is because of these trials within their lives that most devote themselves, or their duties to their Gods. They are, in the most common sense, extremely hard traditionalists. While Elduria has moved past the systems of strict Lordship and Monarchy, in favor of a more Oligarchical style, Colvinia is still within the roots of a traditional Monarchy. Lords, Knights, and Nobles are those who control the land and those that live on them. Though, that does not mean that the average peasant does not have any form of control. The land that is given to the peasants is given from the Noble, in exchange the peasant works the land, and as a result the Nobles protect their workers. Devout to their ideals and the deities, they are often seen as the most honorable and most righteous of lands. So much so that Colvinians are often never heard turning away those that seek help or sanctuary.

Along with their devout ideals of traditionalism, that does not mean they dislike keeping up appearances. Often hosting banquets, feasts, and other such festivals to show their wealth and to spread it to those that need it. As these festivals not only attract Nobility, but the local peasantry, offering free food and entertainment. Compared to locations like Elduria, Colvinia is a bit more modest yet more extravagant at the same time. Caring not for large hats or fancy puffed clothing, preferring more sleek styles with bright colours. It would not be uncommon to see someone decorated with various bright blues and reds, the national colours.


And lastly the Kingdoms of Fýðracia. Fýðracia is a series of two large Islands to the North East of the mainland Vestrum. It is inhabited by a variety of people, split between three different Kingdoms that each have their own reasons for keeping the peace between each other. One being a Kingdom of mostly Humans, with a small mixture of other races. They mainly hold lands around the coasts of the large Another being a Kingdom of mostly Wood Elves, inhabiting the forests and protecting their home from outside and magical threats. And lastly being the Dwarves, stout in their mountains and nearly being unmovable in their traditions and ways. Their peace is achieved due to outside threats. It is not unknown that Elduria has had its sights upon Fýðracia for some time. Nor has the Isle made themselves the most hospitable to the outside world, often known for their large raiding parties for wealth and fame. Fýðracians are, for the most part, very in tune with the world around them. Most living a simpler life compared to those within Colvinia and Elduria, yet still being one of the most forward of thinkers amongst them all.

Being very in tune with nature, it is no surprise that many of their practices and religious beliefs stem from such. Most religious practices taking place out in the open, above a clear sky. Though, it would depend on the God they are giving thanks or seeking. Not only, though, is Raiding seen to gain wealth but seen as a way to appease the Gods, and a coming of age for many young folks. Being a warrior culture, it is common for those that have come of age to prove themselves in combat. Often this comes with a name that would be given to them by their mentor or figure that had invited to go raiding to begin with. Once earning this name, it is often used as their ‘last’ name. A common name could easily be Olaf Shield-Splinter, Shield-Splinter being their earned name.

Any questions? Oh, by the way that's not even getting into the intricacies of the various nations and how they interact with each other. Along with the various races that inhabit them. Or customs and such.

What I am Looking For:
So, this is where things are not very traditional I suppose. What I am mainly looking for in a RPing partner is just a willingness to add to the story and interest within it! Romance is very much accepted, though it doesn't have to be even part of the story if you wish for it not to be. Though, for specifics, the main one I have is being over 18+ due to some of the mature themes that may appear within the stories that we write.

I hope that we can create amazing stories together! PM me or comment here if interested!

[Everything here is actively being changed and Edited for futureproofing]
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