Volanda Characters


Elder Member
Please fill out this form if you wish to join the rp! And wait til I accept you to post in the rp!

Name: (first and last)

Age: (between 14 and 18 *unless you are a teacher)

Gender: (male or female)

Element: (can chose up to two)

Blood Type: (full blood fairy, half blood, or human born)

Looks: (either a picture or discription please)

Personality: (list some traits)

History: (a few sentences on their lives)

Other: (anything else that does not fit in the space above, this could include what class the teacher teaches if you play a teacher)
Name: Rosalind LotusShadow

-Age: 16

- Gender:Female

- Element: Earth and Light

- Blood Type:Human Born

- Looks: She has long waves of brunette hair that she loves to decorate with feathers. Her eyes are a deep brown and her pupil is ringed in green with little specks of gold all around it. She is tan but freckles line the bridge of her nose.

Kind of looks like this:

Ignore the people but here are her wings:

- Personality: Kind, quiet, keeps to herself, her adopted big brother is very protective of her

History: Upon her birth her parents rejected her dumping her in the woods. She was raised by thieves who knew they could make money off of her. She is small and frail because of the lack of nourishment as a child. A year ago she ran away and found Bo, she eventually trusted him but it took a lot of work. He is like her big brother.


Name: Bo Granite

-Age: 18

- Gender:Male

- Element: Dark and Metal

- Blood Type: Full

- Looks:

- Personality: Kind, Protective, very loyal

History: He grew up a fairly easy life until his parents died in a forest fire. He shortly after found Rosa and he is now very protective of her.


(What time period is this?)
hm, there isnt really a timeperiod.... didnt think of that [MENTION=1136]14hca14[/MENTION]
Name: Iliana Marlow

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: Fire and metal

Blood Type: Half-blood, but raised human-born

Looks: Iliana

Personality: Energetic, optimistic, can't 'read the mood'

History: She grew up as part of a circus troupe, like her mother. She didn't know who her father was, but her mother thinks "it was probably one of the temporary performers...or maybe it was a hot guy I met during a performance...I don't remember. Leave me alone." When she was younger, she use to do little jobs, like feeding the animals or running errands for the other performers. As she got older, she began to realize she had special abilities, and she began her training as a 'swallower' because of her afinity towards fire and metal, since it meant she didn't need to ro carry around supplies for her act.

Other: She loves getting and tryin on new accessories.
[MENTION=1652]Moonstone[/MENTION] accepted!

--- Merged Double Post ---

-Name: Victoria Adams -Age: 17-Gender: Female-Element: Moon and Wind-Blood: Half Blood-Looks: She is 5ft 3in tall, has waist long burgendy hair, amber eyes, pale skin, and is slim. -Personality: She's friendly, smart, helpful, caring, and a hard worker.-History: Her mother was a fairy, her father was a human. Victoria grew up with just her mother because her father left when he found out what she and her mother were. Her mother worked as a maid to one of the wealthy fairy families to support the two of them. Just over the summer, before school started, the family Victoria's mother worked for was killed. Her mother was killed too. Victoria moved in with her uncle after her mother died.-Other: She is still mourning her mother's death but doesn't let people see she is upset. She loves collecting stones. ----------------------------------------- -Name: Sam Potter-Age: 16-Gender: Male-Element: Blood and fire-Blood: Full-Looks: He is 6ft even, has deep red hair that cover his grey eyes, pale skin, skinny.-Personality: Shy, untalkive, hard worker, has trouble truating others-History: He was born into one of the royal families but was rejected from his family because his one element was blood. His great aunt who also had blood as an element took him in.- Other: it is hard to gain his trust.
Name: Evelyn Achard

Age: 16

Gender: female

Element: water and fire

Blood Type: full blood

Looks: deep red hair, piercing blue eyes, pale skin, skinny, 4'11"

Personality: really loud and energetic, she's very sarcastic, very mischievous and tends to get in a lot of trouble

History: Evelyn grew up being taken care of by her two older brothers after her parents died. So she is now a bit of a tomboy. She has gotten in quite a bit of trouble through out her life for pulling pranks and getting into fights.

I've wanted to use this guy for ages. Hopefully he's okay. (sorry, I know it's an essay, i get carried away with character creation <- my favourite part of any roleplay)

Name: Caydehl Freemantle

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Element: Air & Water

Blood Type: Full Blood


Image Ref; He has a fair, ivory complexion with skin that is cooler than normal and like his kin, Cayde's features are striking, with a well defined jaw and cheekbones. His green eyes are outlined with silver and are flecked with blue to create a bright etheral turquoise hue, and his hair is a pale blonde shade, it's texture unkempt. In regards to body his waist is narrow, his shoulders broad, his 6'3 sinewy frame much like that of a swimmer. An array of monochrome studs and earrings trace the entire curve of his right ear and tied with black ribbon around his neck and safely, hidden against his chest is a fragile selenite gemstone set in silver.


Caydehl is a bit of a disorientating person, an introvert he nonetheless radiates a quiet confidence and sometimes the silence he keeps is almost like that of someone who isn't quite there, even as he looks directly at you. Nonetheless people find themseves drawn to this calm, mild manner and whilst he does not actively attempt to entertain these people he also does nothing to turn them away merely acting impartial. Rational and for most part relaxed speaking in even tones he has a habit of putting his own interests before those of others often making him come across as callous and as cold as his magic, leading others to misunderstand, and he is quick to go on the defensive when threatened or unsure revealing the carefully contained edges of a quick temper. He is however nonetheless responsible and has no problem with being held accountable for his own actions and will never shy away from his wrong doings.


The youngest of two siblings, Caydehl lacks the title of heir but makes up for it in inheritance, being born with an elemental combination that is both unique and rare to his fairy household, Freemantle. As a result although the title of the next successor will go to his elder sister, he is still expected to represent his house, hold his tongue and excel and has been strictly governed from a young age in control. A full blood fae, he has a close affinity with his elements (particularly air which responds to his emotions at the slightest stir) and from the momment he was able to manipulate them, taught and trained in how to merge the two to create a new formation, ice. He is adept at control and is a promising student in magic, however for all his apparent skill he still struggles to invoke his water element on a grander scale, a well hidden secret as he is dominantly an ice user.


Water + Air = Ice; this it not three elements, it's simply two cleverly chosen ones (I figured being full blood it would make more sense), however I've balanced it out any way by limiting his water magic.

Freemantle, sucky i know but it's meaning is Cold Cloak, which works for the character.
Name: Lillia Flinn

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Spirit and Dark

Blood Type: Half-blooded

Looks: <
http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd40/PainfulxLies/Neon Knight/321012.jpg>

Personality: Lillia is a very friendly, warm girl. She can be clumsy and has trouble focusing at times. She enjoys being around others and helping them if she can. Lillia rarely gets embarrassed even if she makes a fool of herself. She puts other before herself most of the time.

History: Lillia was born of a fairy mother and her father was human. Her mother told her that she had loved her father, but and that all three of them lived together with him for three years. Lillia has vague, blurry memories of a man who she cared about, but other than that she doesn't recall much about her father. She and her mother lived mostly separate from the fairy community since most of the other fairy children made fun of Lillia for being half-blooded. She eventually formed friends among them though and her mother was relieved. When Lillia showed her abilities in not only dark, but spirit, Lillia was taken to the school to learn.

Other: n/a

Name: Mako Scarupe

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Element: Lightning and Earth

Blood Type: Human-born

Looks: <
http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h330/Madellia/Anime/Male/Red Heads/366694.jpg>

Personality: Mako is a serious person. He is very studious as well, seeing education as one of the most important things. Mako is organized and efficient in his work. Mako has a love of reading as well. Mako can be kind to others and generally a big brother type, helpful and kind, but strict with rules and disappointing of bad behaviour. Mako doesn't let much effect him, especially people's teasing of him. Mako is a good listener and trusthworthy.

History: Mako doesn't talk much about his life before going to the school to work on his powers and to learn more about fairies and his new life. What people do know was that he had a very loving family with two younger siblings and a good life. It was possible that Mako would have never entered the fairy world or developed his powers if something didn't interfere with his life and cause him to leave his home behind.

Other: n/a

I am sorry about before, I misunderstood. I re-read the rules to make shure I did not miss anything again.

Name: (first and last) Elizabeth Garner

-Age: (between 14 and 18 *unless you are a teacher) 17

- Gender: (male or female) Female

- Element: (can chose up to two) Blood

- Blood Type: (full blood fairy, half blood, or human born) Full blood fairy, her mother being light and father spirit.

- Looks: (either a picture or discription please) http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/ga...et=96#/d3cqof7 http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/ga...et=96#/d3cl8a1 http://suicide-bee.deviantart.com/ga...et=96#/d3cidci

- Personality: (list some traits) With sarcasm on her tough and a strut in her walk, Elizabeth roams the school being herself therefore not caring what people think of her or how she acts. Being that she is very loud and outspoken, she tends to be in trouble quite a lot. She is not shy and if she thinks something she will not hold back on telling you the truth. Though she does not act it or look it she is sensitive and has a kind heart. She tends to be misunderstood and thought to be strange.

History: (a few sentences on their lives) All her life she knew she was a fairy and embraced it as best she could. Her mother was a spririt fairy and she is the first in her family to ever be a Blood Fairy. Her father was never around much and was always at work, she told herself it was fine and she did not care but deep down it was killing her. She now makes up for all of that attention by trying hard to stick out.

Other: (anything else that does not fit in the space above, this could include what class the teacher teaches if you play a teacher) none
(Oh~! Caydehl looks cool, Gemini! ;)

And 14hca14 is right, Legend, you posted Lillia's picture for both characters. ^^; )
[MENTION=1867]AlwaysStuckInLimbo135[/MENTION] - accepted! [MENTION=1862]Gemini[/MENTION] - accepted! [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] - accepted, just change your guy's picture. [MENTION=1093]jabberwocky19[/MENTION] - accepted, and it's okay about earlier, sorry if I had sounded rude. And to everyone else, I'm starting the rp now.
Moonstone said:
(Oh~! Caydehl looks cool, Gemini! ;)
lol, he probably won't be when we begin my first posts are always TERRIBLE.... ah. i need to start writing one.

Edit: I take it back, it's not that bad, but it's so long! Phear the essay.
I hate to be stalking you, but I can't help it...sorry... ^_^ '

I also really hate to stretch the page with my lovely pictures. Sorry about that...

I also discovered you appear to be lacking in the teacher department. I shall remedy this, if no one minds :) Well...a teacher and the nurse. No problems? The nurse can teach light elementals also, if you'd like, Sage.

Name: Maria Rin Cole

-Age: 16

- Gender: female

- Element: spirit

- Blood Type: half blood

- Looks:

View attachment 2311- Personality: reserved, gentle, kind, sophisticated, intelligent

History: To put Maria's life in a nut shell, she was abandoned by her parents at this lovely school. She grew up with them happily until her father (the human) left and her mother was distraught. Well, for a little while. When her mother found a new guy, the new guy abandoned her at the school. Thus abandoned twice, she is pleasant to everyone but not the greatest in relationships. Sure, she has friends...but that's about it.

Other: Just a few notes. She has a high musical aptitude, and can play pretty much any instrument she picks up. She prefers string instruments or a piano, though.

Name: Aria Nadia

-Age: 29-ish

- Gender: female

- Element: earth and light

- Blood Type: full blood fairy

- Looks: Her wings are larger, and more of a cream color

View attachment 2312 Personality: kind, gentle, caring, soft-spoken, but friendly, patient

History: Having attended the school herself, Aria returned to become the school nurse when the old one retired. Having powers of healing, this was only natural. She takes care of the wounds with a smile on her face.

About the rest of her past...well, there isn't much to say. She grew up in a nice home where learning was encouraged.

Other: She likes to read in her spare time, when she isn't busy taking care of the students.

Name: Edgar Suishou

-Age: 25

- Gender: male

- Element: metal and fire

- Blood Type: full blood fairy

- Looks: He has blue, dragonfly-like wings (meaning they're translucent and dragonfly wing shaped)

View attachment 2313

- Personality: laid-back, friendly, care-free, optimistic, dislikes being taken advantage of, slow to anger

History: Born into a rather full family already, he was sent to the academy as a child as soon as possible. His parents considered him a bit of an accident, but he really doesn't care that much. He cares for his brothers and sisters, but doesn't go home much because of his parents. Edgar was happy to return back to the school to teach a new generation of fairies.

Other: Teaches weapons and assorted fighting classes (I'm not exactly sure of the class roster we have going...)
Name: Tessa Brewer

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Element: Moon and Blood

Blood Type: Full blood.

Looks: http://www.rpnation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2314&stc=1

Personality: This fairy is a little TOO independent and is a bit naive. She takes things the wrong way sometimes, meaning if you said something sarcastic, she wouldn't get it. She also has a sweet side, but it is covered up mostly by her ignorance and calmness.Other than being selfish half the time, she has a passion for sitting on the beach and playing her guitar with the sunset. She does this when she is feeling depressed or lonely.

History: When she was younger, her parents left her after finding out she was a full blood. So she was left alone to fend for herself. Luckily, her aunt offered to take care of her, and immediately took her back to her house. But this aunt is not particularly nice, and made her do extremely hard chores. She hardly gave her any food and treated her like a slave. Think of it like the story of Cinderella.Other: Her eyes change colors with her mood.

Other: Her wings look like this--> http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/c/0/0/a7/c/AAAADEuSeOUAAAAAAKfBWQ.jpg?v=1263874721000
-Name: Sayuri Nelana

-Age: 14

- Gender: female

- Element: Light

- Blood Type: half blood

- Looks:dark honey blondish pixie cut hair,light brown skin,big warm medium brown eyes,thin but healthy looking short body

- Personality: sweet,bubbly,can be a bit gullible

- History: She was the last born of 6 children,her older siblings being all boys,before her fairy mother suddenly left her father without warning when she was 5.This brought mixed reactions out from her family;hurt,confusion,longing,hate.But Sayuri,being so young,didn't quite understand the situation.Her cheerfulness and oblivious optimism gave her father and brothers a strong sense of need to protect her.When she showed early power,she was brought to join her brothers at the school

Name:Rya Shirabuki



Element:Twilight, Darkness and Light mixing which is Twilight.

Blood Type:Full blood fairy

Looks:5'9, Bubble Gum Pink curly hair, which falls to his abdomen, light blue eyes, Rya has a white and blue shirt, which has small balloons on the sides coming up to his chest, his pants are pink with candles on the sides, which he can snap off, making his pants into shorts.

Rya has another outfit, which he calls Solid Rya. Which consist of:A Tight Black Body Suit, which is cut in many places. A Black eye patch, which is on his right eye. Gloves, slightly armored legs, a white headband, and his hair is straight. Which in that state, reaches his legs. For some odd reason, a scar under his left eye.

Rya's other outfit is normally just for fun. It mimic the Easter Bunny in style. Rya has a full body pink and blue bunny outfit, which has flopping bunny ears on his head, as well as a short pink puff of tail on his bottom. Rya also carries a basket on his shoulder, which has many types of candy in it.

Personality:Rya is an outgoing, energetic Fairy who loves sweets and often speaks and acts in non sequiturs. He has a fondness of parties and a tendency to throw them on a whim. Rya plays many instruments and frequently breaks out into song. He also tends to hop rather than walk, usually accompanied by a springing noise. He is often not taken seriously even by his closest friends, who call him out on his seemingly illogical behavior.

History:Rya grew up with his best friend Ruka. They did everything together, play, eat sweets, go to the park. One day Ruka came down with a cold, Rya got worried and called the doctors, she was taken in by them. She had Cancer. Rya didn't know what to do, but what he did best. A Party. He came by everyday, giving her balloons, music, and small cakes which he snuck in for her. Rya came by one day, hearing that she passed away. Rya simply took the news with a smile and tears in his eyes. Knowing she passed on happily. Rya then became like family to the doctors, entertaining the other kids in the place.

This looks awesome! Can I still join?

Name: Eva Latona

Age: 17

Gender: female

Element: Earth and Fire

Blood Type: full blood fairy

Looks: Deep red pixie hair, olive skin tone, 5’9 in height but it evens out her body shape, she looks similar to this: http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk39/sqdwfe1/elements/girl28.jpg

Personality: She has a go-with-the-flow attitude, not easily angered but can be passive aggressive. She can be sweet and sarcastic. Mainly she goes through life with a calm optimism.

History: Eva’s Earth Fairy mother left her house of nobility to be with Eva’s Fire Fairy father. When Eva was young her parents died in a vicious battle with their neighboring Fire clansmen, leaving her and her brother orphaned. They both moved in with their noble blooded Earth Fairy grandparents who treated them as the shame of the family because of their mixed abilities. Because of this, Eva has trouble connecting with her fire abilities, seeing them as destruction. Now Volanda is her second chance. For Eva, Volanda Academy is a way to escape her past.

Other: She has a pet hybrid flower named Peony.

Name: Aiden Latona

Age: 17

Gender: male

Element: Fire and Earth

Blood Type: full blood fairy

Looks: Deep red pixie hair, olive skin tone, 6’2 in height, lean muscled body, he looks like this: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/K/KI/KIB/kibasgirlfriend12/1197860787_Anime_Boy1.jpg

Personality: Energetic, confident, and slightly surly. Acts like he’s in a permanent state of irritation, but is really loyal and considerate to the people he cares about. Not good at making connections.

History: When Aiden and his twin sister moved in with their jerky grandparents, Aiden took the brunt of their mistreatment. He drew their attention from his sister by becoming the Problem Child of the Earth Nobility Household. He reveled in his fire abilities as a rebellion to his Earth Fairy relatives, refusing to use his own earth abilities or ever become like them. He saved money to move away from them with his sister to Volanda. For Aiden, Volanda Academy is a way to overcome his heritage.

((Can Eva be a part of Arts,Crafts,&Design club? Can Aiden be a part of Fight Club? Can they both be a part of Music Club!?))

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