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Fandom vld brainrot (1x1 canon x canon request)


Bust :(
hey there! i'm newly 18, so please preferably be between 16 and 24!

for the sake of keeping this request direct, here are some notes and guidelines for roleplaying with me:

- on average, i write about 1500 characters per response. i don't usually go much shorter than that, but i have gone up to 3000/4000 characters sometimes if the plot is very investing! please keep this in mind when requesting to roleplay

- i'm in college, so please don't spam me if i don't reply

- please be in character! there is a difference between stylizing your character and treating them like a different person

- any characters short of 18 will be aged to 18+. even if it's merely a friendship roleplay, this is my preference.

- i'm in cst timezone! i don't mind if yours is drastically different, we can entirely write at our own paces.

here are ships i'd be down to do! favorites will be marked with exclamations, and my preferred character will be in parentheses (if neither is in parentheses, i have no preference!)

- keith x lance !
- (keith) x shiro !
- (lance) x shiro
- (keith) x james
- james x kinkade !
- lance x kinkade
- (shiro) x allura !
- lotor x allura
- (shiro) x matt
- (shiro) x adam
- lance x lotor
- (keith) x lotor
- shiro x lotor !

i will gladly list plot ideas upon connection! most of mine will be adjacent to canon, since i'm not a fan of full AUs. also, i'm down to roleplay onsite or on discord, just let me know!

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