Other Vixen character bio


New Member
Spartan Dozier

Name: Vixen Hassua

Nicknames: Vix, Vee, Sarah.

Code Name: Ace of diamonds(underground), blood lotus(military contracts)

Age: 29 years

Race: spartan second gen. dubbed Spartan II (my au version)

Spartan ID Number:
Rm-472(R stands for her status as a freelancer, M stands for the fact that she is a single target assassin, and a tracker.)

Rank: solo operator/freelancer

Specialities and Certifications: She is qualified to operate pelicans, tanks, dropships, warthogs, has commandeered covenant equipment and operated it successfully. She owns a Korell class Jumpship, two dozen warthogs(each outfitted for different types of missions and located at different compounds of hers), 6 pelicans; 3 of which are located on her jumpship which travels wherever she does(she hates public transports due to the lack of security, her paranoia and discomfort coming from holy humanity's attacks on her life and that of any other spartans they find), a motorcycle her father built, and a personal drop pod and retrieval system.
In her non military life she breeds and raises animals on her home planet. She has a history of husbandry and ranch life due to growing up on the other side of the continent her current residence is on. She finds raising animals for riding more calming than the slaughtering her father did in the breed (cows are one of the animals that was bred with a native animal to create a hybrid that can withstand the gravity and atmosphere) ranch/slaughterhouse he ran when she was a kid.

Planet of birth/galaxy code: Phoenix-07249

Birthday: 09/14

Theme song: Neoni- Never Say Die

Physical Attributes

Height: 8ft7in

Weight: 342lb

Hair Color/Style: black, faux-hawk

Eye Color: Ice blue

Skin: tan, scared, and tough from war, it is pulled tight over her muscles.

Build: tall and muscular, she is all endurance and strength, her agility and speed are weak compared to other spartans but she is still far better then any human. She has a barrel shaped rib cage like a male, and small breasts.

Scars: quite a few from knives and grenades during her 17 year career(so far)

Piercings: right ear is pierced but takes it out during missions cus it rubs in her helmet.

Tattoo's: religious symbol under her right eye(that is all she will say about it), and the symbol for The New Meta on the back of her head/neck, (which is the adopted name for the children of the spartan project II. Proof that they could reproduce and become the new dominating lifeform in the universe. The new Meta.)

Clothes/style: she wears cargo pants and tanktops or long sleeves most of the time she isnt on a mission. She has been seen in a skirt once in her life but not since her 16th birthday when she graduated. She wears her dog tags from military school which is considered a lower rank of the military and as such all cadets of class 12 or higher get tags especially if they run any missions.

Armor: Body(all but the helmet): hunter. Helmet: either a locus, or deadeye helmet. Visor color: Black/red(her armor is a variant with alot of extra armorment to it due to the inclusion of Vellerin, and Aridyte in the plating, visor, and wiring.) Inside her armour Vixen weighs almost 500lb.

A.I.: her onboard AI is named Nemmy, and is a very organized, thoughtful, and rigid AI. She uses a hologram of a woman in a suit and glasses, who has her hair pulled up in a tight bun. The few times she gets upset/frazzled her hair shows her mood by getting messy as her mood escalates.

Weapons: trained with everything but usually runs either a sniper rifle or DMR as her primary weapon. She has a large two handed plasma edge greatsword she had built after her encounter with a particular blue elite. She always has blades, her 50 cal sidearm, and extra rounds on her regardless of what she is doing.

Special abilities/training: (anything they are naturally good at or that they are superior to others for.)


Personality: She appears calm and collected most of the time unless her bloodlust gets too antsy, then she gets a twitch in her arms and jaw and her vision goes red around the edges. Her veins stick out more and her face gets red the more she gets irritated until she snaps and attacks someone who irritates her. She can be violent to anyone she doesn't discriminate or differentiate. A bit of an outcast for her choice to be a freelancer instead of joining ONI, Vixen doesn't let it hurt her feelings or bother her unless someone is in her face talking shit, then she is prone to starting fistfights which she frequently wins due to her size as a spartan-II. Due to this she often gets shity attitudes from any ONI agents she works with when on missions, she is prone to giving someone a headbut while they are both in armor before a mission and usually cracks the visor of her opponent to scare them into line.
She talks well and is fairly literate for a soldier, she has basic manners, and is fairly relaxed with people she knows well. She may flirt with people but only if she is flirted with or is particularly horny which mostly happens right after a good mission. She is a very vanilla, submissive sexual partner when she finds someone she is willing to relax around. Usually her sexual conquests are for the release more than any connection.
She also has strong views on animal rights and the treatment of wildlife. She advocates for relocation over euthanasia for troublesome creatures but knows when an animal is too dangrous to let live. She helps protect and breed endangered species in one of the paddocks of her main compound and donates to nature preserves accrossed the universe she knows are doing good things for animals.

Quotes: "Like killin, like money. Ain't much else to me then that."
"All life is equally valuable."

Habits: smoking when she is stressed (maybe once a month if that) and she has a slight obsession with leatherwork and has made her own saddles for many of her riding animals. All her off-duty holsters are custom leather pieces she carved and worked herself.

Favorite Food: steak, mashed potatoes.

Favorite Drink: beer, water.

Favorite Animal: (all of them) her favorite pet by only a little bit is her weasel, named Ferrin(a scilinis which are like ferrets but they get about 4 feet long when fully grown.)


Mother: spartan I Rose Feildriser

Father: spartan I Shikamaru Hassua

Brother's/Sisters: none (her mother became pregnant 7 times during her life and only produced one living child. They mourned all of the lost, but knew it was just the nature of things so they muddled through in service to their people.)

Friends: doesn't think of many people as a friend they are ether comrades, family, or enemies. She has a somewhat friend-like relasionship with her staff at the ranch but treats them more like the employees they are, then friends.

Comrades: works alone but will accept contracts for at most a 4 man squad sized operation. When she goes out trapping she brings up to three of her assistants from the sanctuary or another spartan if she is trapping something particularly dangerous.

Enemies: anyone standing against spartans, The New Meta, or against her personally/physically for any reason.

Ability Overview

(Out of 20, average human max being 10-13)
Speed: 14/20
Agility: 12/20
Reflexes: 17/20
Evasiveness: 14/20
Strength: 20/20
Defense: 20/20
Endurance: 20/20
Dexterity: 14/20
Mind: 15/20
Will: 15/20
Social: 8/20 (she isnt a leader and doesnt deal with people well outside what she has to say to them for her jobs. She abhors small talk in most circumstances and preffers to have a goal with her time at all times.)
Focus: 18/20


A violent child from the start, Vixen nearly knocked her human doctor unconscious when she flailed her arms around fresh out of the womb. Not that her spartan mother hadn't felt and seen the child's fists and feet almost as soon as they were fully developed. Kicking and punching at the inside of her mother's body. She had bruises all throughout the end of the pregnancy from the thrashing. In fact Vixen chose her own name by reacting to it during a fit of thrashing that was causing her mother a great deal of pain. Her mother had been watching an old movie about a basset hound and a fox becoming friends. She would stop thrashing for a few moments every time the name Vixen was said. Her mother began calling her that and she would respond. So that became her name, she goes by vix sometimes or sarah for some fucking reason some people thought it was a nickname for sarah, she would never understand those people but whatever.

She grew up quickly as far as her cognitive, mental and physical milestones. She was ready for school at 2 but was also even more violent than she had been, her aggression seeming to grow with her body. Blood tests determined a higher level of testosterone then her mother or any other spartan females had exibited, and a stable supply of it, along with estrogen and a unique compound found in the offspring of two spartans that acts as a balancer to keep the body from changing from female to male or vise versa, once the sex is determined among the dna of both parents the baby grows that and becomes locked as that sex with the compound (Redacted) which their bodies produce until they die.


>UNSC log<

Notes on spartan-II live births
Spartan-Is have a low live birth rate of only 48%. The New Meta has been working on a fix for this but the DNA of spartans grown in a tube are not entirely stable, due to human error during their sequencing of the new larger bodies. It has also been found that once a spartan-II is born and survives they have a normal birth rate amongst each other. The human to spartan-II birth rate is a bit low at only 70%, and worse between spartan-I and spartan-II at 25%

It has been determined that the child of a successful spartan pairing has a 40% chance of being male, 58% of being female and 2% chance of being a hermaphrodite with 795 instances of live birth second generation spartans as the source of this data.

>This data is provided as fact as it has been collected by the UNSC hospitals that birthed the children.<


She was turned over to the UNSC military school system at age 5. Starting with her body, they trained her and had her doing gymnastics, and track everyday during this time as well as martial arts, to keep her body conditioned. She excelled at anything physical and had an eye for certain things academically but not others. She established herself as a hunter when she was found to be sneaking out of the campus with a bow she had made out of a stick and a bit of cord she had pulled from her mattress. When questioned she said she was going hunting. She had been helping local homeless shelters by killing game and dropping it off. Being strong enough at 5 to drag (with considerable effort but still) a dead deer to the edge of the woods where a truck could pick it up. She had killed larger game too, big cats, wild dogs, not all of which had been killed with a bow. Smaller prey had been crushed or stabbed, all quick kills, she never let her prey suffer, if she found an injured animal she would nurse it back to health and leave it be. Duality in action and mind she excelled in anatomy and first aid, she plowed through the coursework for basic first aid and even trauma care, she aced all of it. By 10 she was practically capable of surgery. She continued to excel in her physical abilities and cognitive speed. She was chosen at 12 to be sent on a mission that required the use of a child spartan to get close to the target. She was used as bait but had her training and a group of 3 spartans ready to take out the hunter. They hadn't been needed, he came up to her, pointed a gun at her and began to talk to her. She backed against the wall and waited for him to get close enough. Once he stepped within her max reach she tore the gun out of his hand, taking a bullet to her left arm, she didn't flinch and broke his neck with a single roundhouse kick faster then the man could block, clearly caught off guard at the child's retaliation. The 2 men and 1 woman officer sent to protect her were mid stride to get to her when she had taken out the assailant. She was recommended for advancement by all three and was sent on more similar missions for single target takedowns at close range.
She didn't bulk up to full tank size until she was 18, she finally hit a large growth phase and spent 3 months in a hospital being monitored and her pain being managed as her body grew. She ate 1/4 of her own weight in food every day and went from 6 feet 4 inches to 7foot 2inches. She had one more growth spurt at 23 and finished growing at a whopping 8 feet 7 inches. She worked out during the second one, knowing she could make herself even stronger if she worked out while her bones were growing and stretching her muscles anyway. She had a few minor muscle tears but nothing her body couldn't repair just as strong.
She refuses to count on anyone else. She only adds to a team and never drags it down. She failed once in her late Academy days and even though she had been the only one who got hurt since she put herself in between the wall that was crumbling and her team she knew how close to losing everyone she had come. She had still missed her shot at the missile that had been incoming and that could have been it. She hardened up even further after that, talks less, thinks more. She graduated and was given offers of military contracts to work for all specialist divisions at 16. Marines, navy, airforce, even ONI offered her a place among their elite warriors. She denied all of them and became a freelancer instead, to no one's surprise.

"More danger aka fun, better pay, less hassle."
~a freelancer's life


She takes contracts wherever she wants and does the mission alone most of the time, alot of hunting and retrieving over the years. She feels no remorse for anyone who stands against "The New Meta". She won't take contracts to hunt spartans or obviously illegal contracts(unless there's no killing involved, a few bedlam jobs have helped her monetarily be able to afford her sizable estates and to help animals and conservation on overly populated planets.)

She has been taking Tracker contracts and either eliminating or capturing the spartan hunters, or leaders of aggressive rebellion groups since they became violent towards civilian spartans. She takes at most a few weeks off between working with other spartans on raids of the terrorist group's bases. The politicians behind The New Meta, started with trying to make peace with them and pacify them with their freedom to exist and keep doing so separated from the spartans, but they have decided the spartans, especially spartan-IIs are against their god and must be exterminated. As such all hostile forces are met with equal force for the protection of the children they target(adults are targeted as well but the future of The New Meta is the spartan-IIs so they are prioritized and used as the driving force behind why the terrorists need to be dealt with swiftly and without mercy.)


Vixen owns a bar and has a trusted friend running it. Her tastes are "old world western" so the decor and architecture show that. She dances stomp which is similar to tap but angrier. Her favorite song is raise hell by Dorothy.

"Hey Hassua, we heard you're some kinda bigshot dancer around here." Two spartan men stood in front of the spartan-II female with sneering grins.
Vix stood from her barstool and towered over the spartan-Is who had come up to her while she was enjoying a drink. She crossed her arms and looked at the two men with unwavering confidence as she whistled loud enough for Mickey to hear it. The jukebox abruptly stopped the song it was on and switched to an upbeat song with a female singer.
"Care to show me how tough you two are?" She said knowing they couldn't hope to face her in a dance fight. As the music started she hopped forward and stomped her feet once, the space around them cleared and tables were dragged away as she stomped another loud thump. A pool cue was tossed to her and she started using it to make a beat on the ground in addition to stomping along to the music, her boots and the cue sounding over the music as she smiled and the two men gathered themselves and started their rebuttal, stomping and jigging in time with the music. The two men tried and failed to keep up with Vixen's movements, her large frame more agile than one would expect. She faked them out with false punches and swings of the cue, keeping it a few inches away from them. Some of the patrons at the bar clapped and stomped along with her as the two men backed into a bar stool from her advancing footwork. They both fell over and the crowd erupted into cheers, the champ remained undefeated.
"A round for all, on me!" Vixen yelled over the music before extending her hands to the men she had knocked over and spoke a bit softer. "Sorry fellas, no one can beat the queen. Have a round and hang out though, you didn't do too bad." She helped them both up, combined weight of over 600lb not giving her much trouble as she hauled both men to their feet. She returned to her stool and drink to relax before she had to get back to the ranch.


"I once saw Vee stop a raging Cahtivor( roughly the size of an suv) with her bare hands, it charged her while she was trying to tame it and she didn't dodge the charge. Instead she stopped it by grabbing its ears and headbutted it hard enough to give both herself and the beast a nosebleed. After the headbut she held the young cahtivor by the sides of its head to stare into its eyes. To this day I don't know what she did to that thing with her eyes or what she muttered to it. But I'll be damned if the beast didn't snort twice, and bow its head to her. He is a hellion to this day for anyone else who tries to get near him but is sweet as a peach for her."
~a farmhand working on Vixen's ranchcharsheet 1.jpg

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