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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Visifia: Characters


Currently on hiatus...
Character Creation
I'm a believer in self guided character creation sheets, so I'm not going to provide
one. I will ask that you are detailed (don't give me a novel but you've seen the level of
detail I've put into this world.) and that you include details from my world in your character
building. Specifically cities, or if you want to include specific events or create some, send me a PM
and we can work it out. This is a world, so really anything can go. Your village was a secret dragon village
that harbored dragons? Great! You grew up in a large, wealthy family that trained eagles in Ivaeus? Awesome!
Basically, get creative. Y'all are smart and I want to see what you'll do with the world I've created!

I have to accept it before we begin posting. To do this, I'll PM you with any problems I see, and mark it with a cookie
when I accept the character.

Also, we currently have four players playing dragons, so the rest of you (unless I've talked to you specifically) I'll
ask to please make human characters. Sorry! But I promise you can still have fun, even if you can't be a dragon.
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Skorzah Fireheart

Age: 24

Species: Dragon

Homeland: Orikaal

Main Occupation: Dragon Thief

Secondary Occupations: Innkeeper, and amateur spellcrafter.

Personality: Easy to anger, and resentful of most humans, Skorzah has learned to lie, and more importantly, to fight. If it means getting her people to safety, or defending her own life, she will kill without remorse, and without mercy. She is more than willing to die for her cause of rescuing those dragons in need of it.

She despises the cuff she wears, and takes frequent trips into the wilderness to take it off, away from the eyes of humans. This also serves to make sure she can take it off and transform without pain if she needs to fight. While she does know the spell to ease the transition, it’s awefully hard to use on herself, because of how much pain it causes.

History: Skorzah was born in a mine, where she was abused from the day of her birth by her masters. After many, many punishments, she learned to hide her fire, pretend that it had been snuffed out, and act like a good little slave.

Then, finally, she decided she had had enough. She planned a rebellion, knowing that at a select few of them knew the spell to keep a freed dragon alive, if not unharmed. The planning took nearly a year, since they had to be sure that all of the guards would be in the right places when they began.

Her first transformation was painful, and bloody. She’d been cuffed her entire life, and if not for the help of an older Dragon, she would never have survived. But once it was complete, she and the others slaughtered everyone in the mine, before fleeing out into the world, the first time Skorzah had seen it.

She and the group traveled for a long time, doing everything in their power to hide, until finally they were found by a thief, who offered them safety. All of the others in her group jumped at the chance. All but Skorzah. She’s not done yet, and she won’t rest while there are still people like her enslaved.

It’s been two years since her escape. Two years of hiding among humans, two years of listening to their tales of what terrible creatures dragons are. Two years of saying nothing as they insult her without realizing. Two years of waiting for her people to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

The only humans she cares about are other thieves, and sympathizers. The rest can burn for all she cares. Sometimes the only reason she keeps her temper is because she doesn’t want the racism to get worse because she went on a rampage.
Talents: An excellent liar, and extremely observant. Capable of crafting both spells and deadly poisons.
Weaknesses: Anger makes her rash and careless at times, and sometimes she’ll forget herself, and her enhanced abilities will give her away as what she is.
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  • kBfB4dO.jpg
    "I'm not the evil one."
    Name: Marcus Trome
    Age: Thirty-six winters
    Race: Dragonborn
    Birth time: Middle of winter
    Occupation: Dragon trader, hates the term trapper.
    Home country: Ivaeus

    As seen to the side, Marcus is far from unscarred and unworn by the world. With thick brunette hair, he tries to keep it kept swept back with a light trim for his own self style and improvement on everything else. His face has a strong structure with his chin being a rather broad square shape, yet it's always covered in a thick beard that's kept short but still clearly there. Thick brows sit above deep oak eyes that look as if they could pierce the strongest of men and bring tears to the toughest of women with a simple stare. Yet these are nothing in compare to the running scar along his right eye, the most prominent feature if his face. It clearly shows the troubles he has been through to get himself to where he is today, yet the story behind it is the deepest of thoughts. His body is tall at around 6ft2, occupied by broad shoulders and thick muscles he isn't one to slack in keeping himself fit.

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"The Dragon of Burning Heavens"
Name: Xin Xiao


Race: Oriental Dragon

Home: Jimus, Subterranean cavern.

Occupation: Hermit, Teacher of dragons, Martial arts trainer.

Personality: it is rare to meet a being as calm and controlled as Xin Xiao. He rarely if ever seems to display emotion instead he carries himself with a calm zen that is hard to break. He encourages others to look past their own narrow viewpoints and see the bigger picture. Ones anger accomplishes nothing if it isn't applied by their will. If he were to have adopted this mentality in his youth he may well have conquered to world. Yet age breeds wisdom, at least in most cases.

History: Nearly eighty years ago Xin was born to one of the initially infected dragons from the small town. Aside from his draconic heritage there was nothing special about him. Yet when he turned 11 his father managed to get him his first spell "Flame slash". You see his father had a plan for Xin, he himself was a soldier, but he was just a man an ambitious one at that. He reveled in what he could accomplish with a well trained draconic sire. Xin did not disappoint, he never rested, never stopped his training. With swords, magic, strategy, and fighting in his dragon form. He was powerful, rebellious, and very aggressive. His father was a very scary man however, one who kept him on a short leash.

So when his father died shortly after Xin's 17th birthday he didnt know what he really wanted, all he knew is that he was free, and had been shaped into a powerful nigh indomitable warrior. For nearly 25 years he went undefeated as a bandit. A rarity amongst the bandits of that day was a well trained dragon. Granted he had many close calls and had to push past his own limits several times. That was until he met Fatima. In a town he had taken everyone cowered in fear of him with the exception of the lone woman. It was instant, he was smitten. He Gave up his life of robbing and looting, easy to do when no one knew his real name in the first place. Eventually he won his prize and he and Fatima were married. It was shortly after this that the Gorge wars began. Xin fought in this war keeping him away from home for two crucial moments. The birth of his daughter, and the raiding of his own village by the bandits he once called his allies. He arrived at the end of the raid just in time to meet his dying wife and hear her beg him not to go back to the old him. "Forgive them" she pleaded with her last dying breath.

That was it for Xin, he had no reason to live anymore. His child was taken and he never even knew she existed, his wife dead. The village he called home in ruins. On that day the dragon of the burning heavens sought death, he attempted to take his life by using the Judgement Flare, one of the most powerful and draining fire spells in existence. Yet he survived with only one soul ring intact. He wound up leaving after that, using the explosions aftermath as cover to flee into seclusion leaving the world to think him dead. He trained his magic, swordplay, martial arts, and strategy in order to occupy his time and keep from declining in power. Yet conditioning can only do so much against the cold truth of ageing. He now returns from his seclusion a new being. While not quite as powerful he brings with him wisdom and experience which can more than make up for his decline.

Speed-His speed and reflexes though no what they once were are still remarkable. He has been seen leaving afterimages in his human form.

Draconic combat- Xin is very skilled at using his dragon form. Its serpentine shape makes it very maneuverable and when paired with the speeds it travels makes it nigh impossible to hit in the air. Furthermore after several decades of transforming xin is no longer burdoned by the discomfort its almost like stretching after a good sleep to him.

Magic- Xin has had decades of training in the mystic arts he knows over a dozen fire and sword based spells. His magical power is also very high as he only has one Soul ring left.

Age- Xin is almost in his eighties as such his stamina, strength, and endurance have dropped to a level below almost any other dragon though still just above most humans.

One ring- Xin only has a single soul ring left making his magic resistance virtually nonexistent. He uses his speed to avoid most harm but thats bound to fail eventually.

Other: "The Flames of war are ready to burn again. Hopefully this time it is I who am taken in the place of the innocent."
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"The Dragon of Scorched Earth"

l5r___shadow_dragon_by_genzoman-d4nkkxn.jpglike his grandfather Shin has an oriental dragon form. The similarities end there. While Xin's dragon is small and fast, Shin's dragon form is colossal and Very strong.
Name: Shin Xiao

Age: 23yrs

Race: Oriental Dragon

Home: Ivaeus, Deep forest region.

Occupation: Bandit, Mercenary for hire.

Personality: A vile and confrontational young man, shin is a bit of an ass. He is cocky, aggressive, rude, brash, and hasn't got the slightest clue as to how to keep his mouth shut. Unfortunatly he is also capable enough to back up his trash talk making him really annoying. He will never pass up an opportunity to say i told you so. All that said he is a man of his word and loyal to a fault he has been known to be generous but only towards those he deems worthy of his kindness. He does have a moral compass, its just bent and warped.

History: Shin never met his mother or father for that matter. His mother was put to death moments after his birth for daring to breed with a dragon. He would've followed suit if it had not been for his fathers blazing fury. The dragon arrived as his head was nearing the chopping block spewing lightning and hail as if it were some kind of godlike being. But fatherhood was not in the dragons plan. Instead he took shin to be raised by the very bandits who killed his grandmother. It was Deucalion Shinraz who raised him. But Deucalion had a heavy heart, the boys mother was the very same child he had stolen from His Friend Xin Xiao. He raised her like a daughter, and would give her child no less. Shin was raised as any young boy was, but he always hungered for more. It took him a while to realize that what he wanted was power, freedom, and adventure.

He took after his surrogate father Deucalion in many regards, his natural skill with a blade, his good head for combat strategy, and his unyielding appetite for more power. Yet it was these same traits which Deucalion feared. So the man went to find Xin Xaio when Shin began to tread into a darker path in pursuit of his power. Deucalion was never heard from again, but the dragon hermit left his seclusion. With his surrogate father gone Shin blames the Dragon of Burning heavens, and now seeks to avenge Deucalion.

Not knowing where to begin looking he decided to make a living as a blade for hire by day and a vicious thief by night. He hopes to one day kill Xin not knowing that he is his grandfather, wether or not he will care when he finds out is another story altogether.

Tanky- Shin is a very tough young dragon. He is incredibly strong able to knock through stone walls with ease, and durable enough to withstand battering rams and catapult shots with minor injury. Lastly he has never once practiced magic meaning he has all of his rings and is highly resistant to magical damage.

Tenacity- Shin rarely if ever backs down. He doesnt stop fighting until he wins or simply cannot anymore. While this can bite him sometimes he is usually able to overwhelm his foes with his stubborn determination.

Skill- despite his age Shin is actually a very skilled swordsman and a decent strategist. His style focuses on concecutive heavy blows.

Stupid- he is a good fighter and battle strategist sure, but he is horribly incompetent at almost every thing else. Not to mention the horrible decision making.

No magic- Shin is a purely physical fighter who uses only blades fists and his wits to win battles. He cannot use magic at all.

No Transformation- Shin has never transformed once. Deucalion could have taught him how to after all the time he spent with Xin but he as afraid of what shins attitude combined with his power would do. He as spent his life in a dragon cuff thinking it was a gift from Deucalion.

Other: "You thought you had a shot huh? Sorry but im calling the shots now, and i've got just the one for you."
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Name: Rüguard 'Red' Skydancer
Age: 23
Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Unknown
Occupation: Dragon of the House of Beaumont: For many years Rüguard has been 'employed' to the House of Beaumont as a servant: fighting under their banner and protecting the Lord and his family. He may be tasked with a range of other duties, but most commonly he serves as a bodyguard, is sent to deliver important messages, or is used to ferry the Beaumonts to their destinations whenever speed is of the necessity. The Beaumont Manor is located in Gethindil. They have been loyal to the King for many generations, but are often looked upon with suspicion for their ambitious and power-hungry natures.


IMG_1259.JPGWritten Description: Rüguard stands 5'11 in human form, weighing roughly 165lbs. He is lean, but possesses well defined muscles from years of combat training and time spent fighting on the battlefield. He is also dressed better than most servants, out of a combination of goodwill from his masters and the normal posturing between noble families. The dragon cuff when worn, is placed around his left wrist. Rüguard has long red hair that is nearly waist length. He typically wears it tied-back by a length of fabric, which is wrapped around his free wrist when not in use; for safekeeping. As a human only, his eyes are a deep, vibrant blue. They have a penchant to wander curiously when he thinks no one's looking, especially to nearby books, paintings or other such marvels. His face has no other markings save for a recently gained scar splits the left of his lips; one of the few scattered haphazardly across his body as a result of either training or combat. Due to his official position as servant Rüguard must keep himself restrained in public, with a carefully neutral expression when in the presence of humans. At home in the Beaumont Manor, he is able to be more relaxed and becomes remarkably more expressive as he gains the ability to move and speak [almost] freely.

As a dragon, Rüguard stands roughly twelve feet at the shoulder, with a long, serpentine neck that gives him a total height of near 20 feet. His chest is rather robust, with his forelegs being slightly shorter than his hind-legs. This gives him a slight slope upwards from his shoulders to rump, allowing him greater ability to jump and perform leaping take-offs. Rüguard's tail is extremely long with fins that help control his flight, and it can also be used like a bull-wip in combat or to scare away creatures with sound. The majority of his scales are a reddish, almost rust color that intensifies with his activity levels. His face is silver-gray color, with a left eye that's gold and right that is green, looking almost as if the human blue still partially remains. His face is framed by two fins that serve as the primary way express his emotions in this form.

Personality: WIP

Skills & Abilities:

Flight: Not particularly fast running or graceful as a dragon on land, Rüguard transforms into a master of the skies as soon as his feet leave the ground. He's extremely fast and agile, taking whatever opportunity comes his way to stretch his wings and test his skills in the most challenging ways he and the trainers can think of. If he were not magically bound to serve the Beaumonts, it is quite possible he would be glad to spend the rest of his life airborn.

Reading People: Life as a servant has taught Rüguard the value in knowing how to recognise the moods of others, especially because he's an acceptable target for those looking to lash out at someone. He uses this ability primarily to keep the peace between himself and the others around him, but also to gauge his opponents in battle or seek out opportunities to gather information and cultivate whatever alliances will help him further his dream.

Combat: Rüguard is experienced with fighting both as a human and dragon. He has been trained with a sword, but greatly prefers the use of pole arms because of their greater reach. He's a decent brawler, but not really noteworthy for fighting unarmed. As a dragon, Rüguard is able to strike swiftly to bite opponents or lash them with his tail. However his short forelimbs make it difficult to swipe with his claws, and he avoids any sort of grappling unless he can catch his opponent from behind.


Extra Info:
- The name 'Skydancer' was given to him by Lucille Beaumont, for the playful aerial-acrobatics he used to show off in their youth (And still does).
- Lord Beaumont had Rüguard taught basic reading and writing so that he would be able to follow written orders/instructions. The lord prefered that he focus on combat training, but Lucille continued to teach him what she learned from her teachers in secret.
- If a mission is to last several day or longer, Rüguard is usually accompanied by either Lucille, or her brother Hamish. He is trusted enough by the Beaumonts to remain uncuffed, but they take precautions to avoid suspicion from their rivals.
- His dragoncuff is made from a combination of dark and light metals, depicting several dragons in various stages of flight. The dragons eyes are inlaid with small red stones.
- He's often performed aerial-displays during festivals or celebrations, sometimes in tandem with other dragons like Rūtier.



Name: Rūtier Lightweaver
Age: 25
Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Country of Origin: Orikaal
Occupation: Dragon of the Crown/Miner: Rūtier serves the royal family in Gethindil, usually. His hatred for the mines is well known among his superiors, and as a result he is often sent there as punishment for overstepping his bounds.



Written Description:

As a human, Rūtier stands 6'1 and weighs 175lbs. He has an athletic build with defined muscles, as well as prominent scarring along his back and arms; gained from fighting in the army and working in the mines. His hair is naturally blue, waist length, and always remains tied back whenever he is on active duty. Whilst serving the crown, Rūtier can almost always be found fully equipped in his armor, the dragon-cuff peaking out from inside the glove on his right hand. Rūtier has red eyes, with slitted pupils, his ears are pointed, and his teeth are sharp. This marks him apart easily from real humans, and it's one of the primary reasons for his choice to obtain as many illusion spells as he can get his hands on. Rūtier has an air of disdain about him as he performs most of his duties, and his eyes have a tendancy to wander to the sky, the urge to fly not disappearing with his inability to turn. Despite, or rather perhaps in spite of being a slave, Rūtier also has a penchant to lock gazes with anyone daring enough to stare at him. Even when he seems to be resting, he has a tendancy to keep one eye open and remains ready for confrontation with anyone nearby.

Rūtier transforms into a regal dragon with a lithe, very serpentine figure. He's a medium sized dragon, roughly 15 feet at the shoulder and nearly 24 feet tall in total, with a similar physique to his rival Rüguard. However, he possesses the unique ability to change the colors of his scales, feathers, and eyes seemingly at a whim.


Skills & Abilities:


Stealth: WIP



Fighting Style: Rūtier fights aggressively and uses whatever advantage he can find, environmental or otherwise. He's a better fighter in his human form, using a combination of strength, agility, and wit. His preferred weapons are also polearms, but he'll make do with whatever is on hand. As a dragon, Rūtier greatly prefers to use spells, or take combat to the skies, where has a better chance of outmaneuvering his opponents.

Extra Info:
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[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well. // //These comments but be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// //pointer-evnets:none; is my favorite peice of// //code because it removes the "click for full size" tool tip// //on the image and I personally find that really annoying // //and distracting// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and unclicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Body) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Form) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show Body) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Form) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (show Form) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (hide Body) //this says "if the class "ImageButton" is used and div says "Face" set that as a link,// //and when it's clicked show the class named "Head". The next linesays to hide the other classes or in this case images// [/script] [class=CSButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:50px; padding:5px; Width:15%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; //The Buttons for the extra CS information// [/class] [class name=CSButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //How the extra info looks when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=CSButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin10px Auto;margin-right:50px; padding:5px; Width:15%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; //How the extra info button looks when clicked// [/class] [class=MobileButton] cursor:pointer; background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width:15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:white; //The Button that switches between a mobile friendly design and desktop design// [/class] [class=MobileButtonClick] cursor:pointer; background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:red; //The switching button when its clicked// [/class] [class name=MobileButton state=hover] Background-color:#48107E; color:red; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width:15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; //the switch button when a cursor points over it// [/class] [script class=MobileButton on=click] removeClass MobileButtonClick MobileButton addClass MobileButtonClick //Above toggled the clicked and non-clicked coloring// set link (getText) //sets a link with the text inside the Divs using this class// if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide Desktop) if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (show MobileContent) if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide MobileButtonOne) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (hide MobileContent) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show Desktop) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show MobileButtonOne) // "If the class is used on a div saying "Mobile Users"" Show the mobile design and hide the desktop design"// // The Difference between Mobile and Desktop designs are that the Buttons above the Third Column are IN the column and not in the First Row with the Image Button, this allows a phone to// //display it with the information and not at the Top of the design with the Image buttons, causing a user to scroll up and down continuously, also with my margins set how they are the buttons // //will look scattered on the page. // [/script] [script class=CSButton on=click] removeClass CSButtonClick CSButton addClass CSButtonClick set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistory) if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonality) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonality) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistory) //The same as the other scripts but with the extra info buttons, half of coding, for me at least, is copy, paste, change one little thing, repeat.// [/script] [class=Notes] //So below is where I actually put together the design and one thing to keep in mind is that within the// //Divs you can name new classes inside it and that's what you use when using the show [new named class] // //or hide [new named class] or any script function with the class. // //Anything in the [div] [/div] tags with the button class are what the links are set to,// // so if you change the name here you have to go back to the scripts and change the name to match. // //BUT You can style that individual element with a: style="Regular div code" // //This adds to that specific Div and only with in that div // //(but it may affect other elements depending on what you add,// // like where I set a right margin pushes the other button as well)// // Just remember that long urls are Images // //and # followed by letters and numbers are colors // //and the only color that is named is white// [/class]
[div class="MobileButtonOne MobileButton"]Mobile Users

[div class="Desktop base"]
[div class=ImagButton style="Margin-left:40px;"]Face[/div][div class=ImagButton]Clothes[/div][div class=ImagButton]Dragon[/div]
[div class=CSButton style="margin-right:80px;"]History[/div][div class=CSButton]Personality[/div]

[div class="Img Head"]
[/div][div class="Img Body hidden"]
[/div][div class="Img Form hidden"]
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125llb
Country of Origin: Orikaal
Occupation: Slave to a noble family

Appearance: Thin with long black hair
and grey-blue eyes. There are scars down her lower back.

The scales of her dragon form seems to shimmer varying purple colors when looking at her in certain angles.

[div class="ContentPersonality"]
Skills: cleaning, maths, writing, sewing, basic self defense

Personality: She's a shy and quiet and a kind of naive girl. Never knowing anything outside her life asa slave she's become timid and compliant and know's very little of the world. Leia is dependent on others but tries to make everyone happy in order to avoid punishment should she do something wrong. Very prone to crying but she has become better at holding the tears back over the years. If asked about her master she would say she likes them very much but their parents, not so much. Though, Leia could never bring herself to wish ill-will on them or anyone else. She was taught by the nanny to be kind and sweet and Leia kept her words to heart.

Likes: Cute things, quiet, rain

Dislikes: Loud Noises, bright yellow, fire

[/div][div class="ContentHistory hidden"]
She was born in the Dragon city of Ironbeak and taken away as a small child by trappers. Sold to a noble family, in the human capitol of Orikaa Leia was collard and made to be a companion for the only child of the family. The parents thought their child needed a pet and chose her to take in. Her master was rather fond of her but their parents wouldn't hesitate to whip her anytime she did wrong, or stepped out of bounds.

During her years as a companion for the noble child she paid very close attention during their studies, what ever her master did she did with them. It turned out she had a knack for numbers and fell in love with reading, though was only allowed to read when her master did. As she grew up she became rather fond of the nanny they had during those times. The nanny was a fellow slave and became the closest thing as a mother to Leia but was killed when trying to escape the Manor. Recently Leia has been waiting for the family to return from a trip she wasn't allowed to go on and tries to keep her self occupied in the little closet she was given as a room.

[/div][div class="MobileContent hidden"][class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Ok so if you want to keep the Mobile design you will do a lot of copy and pasting // //BUT do not name anything besides "base" and "MobileButton" the same as the classes and links above// //they HAVE TO BE SEPARATE IN ORDER TO WORK PROPERLY.// //as you can see I just put the letter B behind everything to separate it// //Numbers don't work in class names from what I can tell// //IF YOU DON"T WANT THE MOBILE FRIENDLY PART// // 1. delete from [div class="MobileContent hidden"]// //all the way to the last [/column][/row] in the design// //you may have to delete a [/div] or two, how you can tell is when you preview the code you'll see// // [/div] at the bottom of the design and you just need to delete it at the bottom and you will be good// //2. Delete all the MobileButton classes and, the Mobile Button Script// // and the Div that uses the MobileButton class// [/class] [class=hiddenB] display: none; [/class] [class=ImgB] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=ImagButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; [/class] [class name=ImagButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=ImagButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; color:white; [/class] [class=contentB] box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 15px; text-align: justify; [/class] [script class=ImagButtonB on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClickB ImagButtonB addClass ImagButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (show FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Dragon") (hide BodyB) [/script] [class=CSButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [class name=CSButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=CSButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [script class=CSButtonB on=click] removeClass CSButtonClickB CSButtonB addClass CSButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistoryB) if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistoryB) [/script][div class=MobileButton]Desktop Users[/div]
[div class=base]
[div class=ImagButtonB style="Margin-left:30px;"]Face[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Clothes[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Dragon[/div]

[div class="Img HeadB"]
[/div][div class="Img BodyB hidden"]
[/div][div class="Img FormB hidden"]
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125llb
Country of Origin: Orikaal
Occupation: Slave to a noble family

Appearance: Thin with long black hair
and grey-blue eyes. There are scars down her lower back.

The scales of her dragon form seems to shimmer varying purple colors when looking at her in certain angles.

[div class=CSButtonB style="margin-right:55px;"]History[/div][div class=CSButtonB]Personality[/div]
[div class="ContentPersonalityB"]

Skills: cleaning, maths, writing, sewing, basic self defense

Personality: She's a shy and quiet and a kind of naive girl. Never knowing anything outside her life asa slave she's become timid and compliant and know's very little of the world. Leia is dependent on others but tries to make everyone happy in order to avoid punishment should she do something wrong. Very prone to crying but she has become better at holding the tears back over the years. If asked about her master she would say she likes them very much but their parents, not so much. Though, Leia could never bring herself to wish ill-will on them or anyone else. She was taught by the nanny to be kind and sweet and Leia kept her words to heart.

Likes: Cute things, quiet, rain

Dislikes: Loud Noises, especially anything akin to the crack of a whip, bright yellow, fire

[/div][div class="ContentHistoryB hidden"]

She was born in the Dragon city of Ironbeak and taken away as a small child by trappers. Sold to a noble family, in the human capitol of Orikaa Leia was collard and made to be a companion for the only child of the family. The parents thought their child needed a pet and chose her to take in. Her master was rather fond of her but their parents wouldn't hesitate to whip her anytime she did wrong, or stepped out of bounds.

During her years as a companion for the noble child she paid very close attention during their studies, what ever her master did she did with them. It turned out she had a knack for numbers and fell in love with reading, though was only allowed to read when her master did. As she grew up she became rather fond of the nanny they had during those times. The nanny was a fellow slave and became the closest thing as a mother to Leia but was killed when trying to escape the Manor. Recently Leia has been waiting for the family to return from a trip she wasn't allowed to go on and tries to keep her self occupied in the little closet she was given as a room.

Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
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[div class=background][div class="screen secondPage" style="display:none;"]

[div class="tabsContent tabsContentInitial"] [div class="tabsContentChild"] [div class=header]Nathan Gingifi[/div] [div class="textContent"] Aliases: Nathan, Nate
Status: Dragon Thief/Royal Descendant/Peasant
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Was born in Caligook as a part of the Royal family along with his sisters.
Occupation: Nathan is a Dragon Thief that lives with his sisters in Visidia. [/div]
[div class="subheader"]Physical Description[/div] [div class="textContent"] Sexuality: Straight
Age: 20
Height: He is 6 feet and 3 inches tall.
Build: Although he may seem super skinny, Nathan is quite muscular since he spends most of his time training and helping his sisters.
Eyes: His eyes are Hazely Green.
Hair: Silver, Somewhat a spiky, and Well groomed.
Distinguishing Marks: None. [/div]
[div class="subheader"]Bio[/div] [div class="textContent"] Nathan was born in Caligook with his sisters Natallia, and Nakia. Their parents were captured and killed leaving Natallia to take care of him and Nadia , he and his sisters continued their families love for the Dragon race and decided to train hard for the rest of their lives after meeting some Dragon thieves. All they want to do in life is live happily with Dragons and create a new kingdom that encourages the cooperation of Humans and Dragons just like how they have been living in Green Castle. Nathan and his sisters live on the outskirts of Visidia and use the money they have left to act as normal peasants and to keep a secret identity around the kingdom. Sometimes the days get tough but they always remember what their family went through and how they need to continue what they are doing to live in a better place where everyone just accepts each other for who they are. Nate always tries his hardest to live up to Natallia's expectations and somewhat feels like a failure even if Valerie and Greo say that he is one of the best Dragon thieves they have trained. [/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentDeistic" style="display:none;"] [div class="tabsContentChild"] [div class="subheader"]Skills[/div] [div class="textContent"] Nathan is very agile and can dodge most attacks but if he were to get hit it would cause a devastating injury due to the type of armor he is wearing. He prefers to just stay on his toes, he can lockpick, he is a strategist, and is a quick learner. [/div]
[div class="subheader"]Abilities/Magic[/div] [div class="textContent"] Main Magic: For main magic that Nathan has learned to use better over the years has been Lightning magic which is what he uses to somewhat speed his movements and strike down his enemies with. He can use it as an energy blast or as a strike of lightning controlled by his weapon. [/div] [div class="textContent"] Sub Magic: Since Nathan mainly uses lightning magic he has barely invested into other types of magic, but a few he has are teleportation magic, invisibility magic which costs a lot of energy, and weapon enhancement magic. He is somewhat of a beginner at these types of magic but he uses it from time to time. [/div]
[div class="subheader"]Special Equipment[/div] [div class="textContent"] Nathan has Twin Great Swords that was a family heirloom that he keeps on him and uses as a reminder to keep going no matter what happens. He also just wears light leather armor and cloth.
[/div] [/div] [div class=characterImage]05b638044a549741534c021f9c2e0762.jpg[/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab Intelligence"]Initial Intelligence Report[/div] [div class="tab Deistic"]Deistic Capacity Evaluation[/div] [/div]

[div class="credits2"]Code by Lexielai[/div]


[div class="screen firstPage"]

[div class=topBar] [div class=barText]The Realm of Visifia[/div] [/div]

[div class="worldImage"][/div]

[div class=memberText]My CS Page[/div]

[input class=inputText type=button]Click to ACCESS[/input]

[div class="credits"]Code by Lexielai[/div]


[class=background] background: url(https://i.imgur.com/0iZPTRt.jpg) repeat center top; height: 725px; width: 100%; background-color: blue; [/class] [class=screen] font-family: Raleway, Sans-serif; [/class] [class=topBar] background-color: #504D48; height: 7%; width: 100%; padding: 10px; opacity: 0.9; [/class] [class=barText] display: block; color: white; font-size: 32px; margin: auto; text-align: center; [/class] [class=worldImage] margin: auto; background-clip: border-box; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/1yV2pYn.png) no-repeat center top; width: 50%; height: 420px; [/class] [class=memberText] display: block; text-align: center; font-size: 24px; width: 50%; margin: auto; [/class] [class=inputText] display: block; background-color: #504D48; width: 13%; border-radius: 3px; padding: 5px; margin: auto; color: white; border: 1px solid #504D48; [/class] [class name=inputText state=hover] background-color: #899AA1; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid #899AA1; [/class] [class name=characterImage] background: url() no-repeat center top; background-clip: border-box; margin: 30px; height: 420px; width: 30%; display: inline-block; [/class] [class name=tabs] width: 30%; height: 150px; font-size: 18px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=tab] display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 25%; padding: 5px; margin-left: 30px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] cursor:pointer; background-color: #E9F1F4; [/class] [class name=tabsContent] float: right; margin: 30px; width: 55%; height: 600px; display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class name=tabsContentChild] width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 10px 20px 10px 10px; text-align: justify; [/class] [class name=header] font-weight: bold; font-size: 36px; color: #0B5394; letter-spacing: 2px; [/class] [class name=subheader] font-size: 24px; color: #0B5394; [/class] [class name=textContent] line-height: 20px; margin-left: 20px; [/class] [class name=credits] font-size: 8px; font-style: italic; margin: 0px 20px 20px 0px; text-align: right; [/class] [class name=credits2] font-size: 8px; font-style: italic; margin: 0px 0px 20px 20px; text-align: left; [/class] [script class=inputText on=click] fadeOut 1000 firstPage slideDown 1000 secondPage [/script] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} "Initial Intelligence Report") (fadeIn 1000 tabsContentInitial) if (eq ${currentTab} "Deistic Capacity Evaluation") (fadeIn 1000 tabsContentDeistic) if (eq ${currentTab} "Psychological Evaluation") (fadeIn 1000 tabsContentPsychological) if (eq ${currentTab} "Background Research") (fadeIn 1000 tabsContentBackground) [/script]
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Name: Vicky Crafter
Age: 17
Race: Human
Occupation: Giant Eagle Breeder/Spell-smith
Home-country: Ivaeus
(Ignore the school uniform lol)

Vicky is a complete contrast to what you’d imagine a girl of her background to look like. Bruises and cuts prominent on her body. Put there from all the injections, concealed by wraps and bandages, and her clothes. That along with her almost unhealthy skinny frame would give an impression of a low status. Vicky’s face is quite round, with a sharp chin. Her sad eyes are naturally blue though sometimes she’ll wear contacts to change the colours for no other reason than just to stand out a bit more, perhaps get someone to talk to her and make a friend. Her messy black head of hair covers her forehead in a fringe and ends in bangs at her shoulders. Despite her body’s battered appearance, Vicky dresses nicely, often wearing expensive dresses with thick tights. She does her best to cover up any bandages with the clothing.

Personality: A mostly shy and reserved person caused by social shunning and constant sneaking around. Vicky is pessimistic in almost any given situation, often seeming depressed. She is also rather socially inept. Despite this, Vicky would make for a loyal and caring friend for someone who she could lean on in return. Vicky enjoys setting things aflame with magic. She can become extremely worked up and uncharacteristically determined when she burns things. As a result she has pursued and performed soul-ring shattering flame spells. She believes it to be an unhealthy addiction that she used as an outlet to forget about everything and burn her problems away. She can’t really control how much she indulges in it and is very aware of how drastic the results could be if she breaks too many rings at once. She tries to avoid thinking about it just to keep it in check but wants to learn how to control it rather than sealing the desire away.

History: When Vicky was just a baby, Vicky's mother was something of a secret dragon thief in Orikaal. Though one day her partner caught her, he felt strongly against what she was doing. They fought and she abandoned him and traveled to Ivaeus with their child. Working her way up from scratch, Vicky's mother took advantage of the reliance on giant eagles in the country to build her and her daughter a life- she started off selectively breeding giant eagles to be bigger, stronger and faster. After a decade, with Vicky’s help, she'd established herself as a breeder and saleswoman.

Vicky's mother's business peaked when Vicky was just 11, by then Vicky had taken a large amount of interest in her mother's work. She had to, it was all she really did. Vicky never got out as a child, she'd be forced to stay at home and help her mother. Vicky would spend hours gazing out the window, watching the other kids play as she took care of the younger eagles. Her mother forbade her from socialising with anyone, her mother believed that she didn’t need anyone else, for that reason Vicky didn’t need anyone else. Even still sometimes, when her mother was out, Vicky mustered up the courage to sneak out and talk to them a few times, only to be isolated because she didn't know how to play the games they played and how she was shy and didn’t want to cause any mischief with them. When she cried to her mother about it, Vicky was only told off. “You and I don’t need anyone to be happy.” Her mother had become bitter from choosing to leave her partner.

But despite her adamance, she noticed Vicky’s sadness. But even after pleading, she refused to let Vicky out, she refused to ask for help from anyone else. So in order to keep her daughter entertained while keeping her away from others, her mother brought home a spell injection one day, a simple fireball. Vicky was so happy that day, the happiest she'd ever been. Casting the fireball at the fireplace, she can and forever will remember how the wood burned. How beautiful it was. That's where it all began.

Vicky became obsessed, scrounging around time for ingredients, learning from other spell smiths, mixing and buying fire related spells. Everyday, in secret, it was injection after injection after injection. Vicky became covered in bruises and cuts from all her injections, blaming the eagles whenever her mother questioned her injuries. It hurt but she couldn't stop. Vicky began to sneak out at night, testing her new spells on everything: wood, grass, small animals, even some giant eagles on the outskirts of town. Vicky always covered her tracks by using ice magic freezing over anything important she defaced or killed, her mother would never be able to guess it was her if her mother were to ever to get suspicious.

Strengths: Knowledgable spell smith, Good with animals, Can conduct extremely powerful magic, Reliable as a friend

Weaknesses: Emotionally weak, Physically weak, Weak to magic attacks
Name : Seraphina Elowen Aildaud-Naitli
Alias : Her patients have a tendency of referring to her as 'Madame Healer'. When it comes to how her acquaintances address her, she either goes by 'Sera' or her middle name, Elowen.
Age : Twenty-two years old
Race : Human
Height : She is five feet and seven inches tall
Homeland : Grew up in the capitol of Ivaeus. She currently resides at the palace in Caligook, under the employment of the queen and her court.
Occupation : Senior Medical Advisor
Relations : Her best friend and bodyguard, Niklaus Prarveagg, is the only person she keeps at her side.

Skillset : She is capable of dealing high levels of healing magic due to her training ever since she was a child. Her mother, before her passing, ensured she knew how to defend herself and wield a sword and a bow, although her abilities are rusty from lack of use. She is capable of casting other spells, although they are miniscule compared to the magic she is able to cast while healing.

Equipment : Her travel bag contains a various number of items that she uses for work and a few that she holds close to her own heart. Standard medical equipment, as well as several spells and potions to counteract curses, all reside within her bag. A lucky charm her mother gifted her for her twelfth birthday is also there to ensure luck follows her no matter what lands she walks on. Her means of defense consist of her father's sword that she keeps at her side- a formidable blade that does little else but ensure no one mugs her while she traverses the city streets. A summoning crystal that she keeps on her form at all times is meant to summon her own personal eagle for when she receives a call from outside the palace or in neighboring lands. Although the eagles are not common modes of transportation for citizens, it is an essential aspect to her profession to be able to reach her patients before it is too late to care for them. Lastly, she keeps a pendant around her neck that allows for her to rely messages to Niklaus. It is a means for them to communicate back and forth and allows her to alert him when his presence is needed in court.

Appearance : The first thing one takes note of upon inspecting her is the mask she is seen to wear, no matter where she goes. Her identity, due to the relations she has, is concealed from the citizens of Ivaeus. Through the holes in the mask, expressive emerald green orbs are visible. Her brunette locks, the only genetic trait she received from her father, have been cut to her shoulders for convenience and practicality. The clothes she wears are simple and light to allow her mobility while she works, even going so far as to wear trousers to allow her more freedom that most women have in dresses. Her boots were a gift from her friend and reach well past her knees. Her form itself is petite, although she has muscle mass due to years of physical labor. There are many scars that litter her hands from failed practices in her younger years when she was more prone to relying on her emotions rather than her actual abilities.

Personality : Maternal in nature, Seraphina has always felt that she was destined to care for others. When she was a girl, she had always been told for her to be silent and demure. Her childhood was spent behind the castle walls, quietly observing and never speaking out. Although she chose to listen to the advice many of the women in her life had spoke of, the men in her life were the ones to try to coax out her more courageous self. When her mother passed, it had been a devastating time where she drifted, lost without a sense of identity. It was only when she poured herself into her studies did she discover the type of girl she wished to be. Gone was the unassuming child she had once been and in her place stood a confident woman unwilling to waver in her opinions. Although it can be difficult to break her out of her shell in front of many new people, it only takes her a few minutes to showcase the witty and compassionate creature she is. She isn't quick to anger like many of the people she has known, although she can be unkind to those who would question her status or her abilities as the senior healer for the palace.

History : The entirety of her young childhood is unknown to the medical professional, although her mother has told her tales of how the sun had just faded and the first snow had begun to fall when she was born. Her mother, the younger sister to the queen, fell in love and married below her class to a noble man who worked as a trader. Although wealthy, he was a secretive man who never told his wife of his escapades to distant lands, pretending as if he simply did not wish to bore her with details. When his daughter had been born, he reeled in his travels although he didn't cease his work. It was a year after Seraphina had been born that her father and his bodyguard were caught working as dragon thieves in another land. Without ceremony, the two men were executed. The queen ensured the bodies of the men were returned, although little could be done. Seraphina was too young at the time to remember her father, but she can still remember the grief her mother felt all throughout her childhood. The young girl can still recall the empty smiles and empty promises of a woman who had lost the love of her life too soon.

Five years later, Niklaus Prarveagg returned to her side, requesting to serve as bodyguard to the young girl. Her mother, in a near mindless haze, had relented. The older woman had eventually grown wary of the world, retiring more into herself. It also didn't help that her mother had never truly healed from her birth and had contracted a sickness that inevitably left her bedridden. For years, she suffered until she eventually passed in the night when Seraphina was eleven. Now, with no parents and only the distant comfort of her bodyguard and mentor, Seraphina was left to drift in a year-long bout of forced solitude. Eventually, the pain faded away and she was left hollowly empty, only alive to focus on her studies and little else. The man who apprenticed her, a medical advisor by the name of Jakob Salin, was the one who made her walls come down. It was a long process where she learned how to heal, but eventually she was able to let go of her past and continue on.

From that point onward, she strove to show she would be one of the best healers Ivaeus had ever seen, barely taking time to care for herself. It was on her seventeenth birthday that she was moved from apprentice to novice medical healer. Jakob had yet to retire, but was working hard to ensure Seraphina would be the one to receive his position after his retirement. It was a mere few months before the present when his attempts for her to advance were granted. It was after the queen-her aunt- passed that the royal advisors chose to have Jakob released from his service, viewing him as a man that should be shamed from his position due to his inability to save the highest power in the land. The position, prestigious and highly sought, was given to Seraphina. Although she was hesitant, she was quick to meet with her mentor. With his approval, she stepped into the role of senior medical advisor. Only a month later, she was surprised to find that the young healer was requested by the queen of the Caligookish court to care for a prisoner- although the details of her imprisonment were not discussed. Unsure, she had held a meeting with the king to ask what he wished for her to do. With his blessing, she moved to Caligook to work with the medical advisors there. Their hesitancy to interact with the young woman meant the duties fell onto her shoulders. Suddenly, she had been debriefed over the state of affairs at the court; although it had been a shock to her, she chose to remain and continue her care for the young woman.

Name : Niklaus Caspian Prarveagg
Alias : He doesn't use his full name due to his work, so he tends to go by 'Klaus' to avoid suspicion.
Age : Thirty-one years old
Race : Human
Height : He is six feet and four inches tall
Homeland : He was born in Ivaeus, but he tends to travel all throughout the land. He currently resides in the palace of Caligook at Seraphina's side.
Occupation : Dragon thief and makeshift bodyguard for the Aildaud-Naitli household
Relations : His young ward and dear friend, Seraphina Ailduad-Naitli, is the only person he regards with fondness.

Skillset : His main skills revolve around combat- his father was a combat mage and ensured his son learned many useful tips before his passing. Although he has yet to reach the level his father once had, he is quite handy when it comes to protecting himself and others that he cares for. When it comes to education, many would expect him to be dull due to him being raised with the wealth and status of a servant. On the contrary, when he returned to guarding Seraphina, he was the one who paid the most attention to the languages and cultures she studied. As a result, he was able to fluently speak several different languages, although his writing and reading skills are dull in comparison. He also picked up on basic healing spells which he uses it for mere cuts and other minor injuries that he receives while working on himself and others.

Equipment : There is not much he carries on his person. Weapons are his main reliance in the world, so he ensures he is well-stocked if danger suddenly arises. He carries a broadsword at his side and twin daggers at his hip. A bow can be seen slung over his shoulder with each arrow in his quiver coated in a thick potion that allows for its victim to fall unconscious for several hours. He also keeps a pendant that allows for him to rely messages to Seraphina and vice versa. It is a means for them to communicate back and forth and allows for him to be given alerts that signal that he is needed back in the courts of Ivaeus. The last thing he carries is a similar summoning crystal for the eagle that Seraphina keeps as her personal companion. Although he doesn't often have need of it, it helps to have something that can get him to far distances in a matter of hours.

Appearance : With long raven-colored hair that frames his angular face, he is the youthful doppelganger of his deceased father. Thick brows help to highlight his grecian nose and full lips- all which is accompanied by his strong jaw. The clothes he wears hint at the royal house he serves, the fine cloth too uncommon for the typical merchants, servants and fellow thieves he meets with. His eyes are noted by many, the fierce ocean blue increased by the cerulean and steel colors of his armor. His height can appear daunting to others, his broad shoulders and muscular form adding to his intimidating nature. There are no scars to been seen on his form; yet, when he is bare chested, one is able to seen a jagged line that runs across the front of his form, from his left shoulder and all the way down to his navel.

Personality : Although he knows he isn't old, he has a bad habit of calling everyone he meets 'kid'. It is rare for him to express joy, although he does enjoy using his odd sense of humor to make others smile. He has a carefree attitude towards most things in life, despising those who take everything seriously. After years of fighting and killing, he does have a hard exterior that he portrays- even if it is a formality to not be hurt like he was when he was twenty-one. He isn't one to judge a situation without hearing the details, knowing that he has no right to after all he has done in his life. He can be confrontational and intense due to his work, but that side of him is extraordinarily rare. Trust can be hard to earn from Niklaus, relying on only Seraphina due to their many years together.

History : His childhood was not one that began with happiness. His mother was a beautiful woman who was meant to have twins. He was the first one to be born and everything was going well... until it suddenly wasn't. His younger brother wasn't able to breath when he was born and his mother was bleeding too heavily. It was with great sadness that the two passed away in the night, leaving Niklaus and his father behind. His father, much to credit, was not disheartened from caring for his young son. He spent his life at his father's side, learning new spells and studying to become a bodyguard just like his father. He had only just turned ten when tragedy struck; he hadn't know of his father working as a dragon thief until he was caught and executed. He was the one who had to bury his father- a suddenly parentless child in a strange and unforgiving world. He was moved to his uncle's home in Mirde, one of the capital cities in Girranon. At age thirteen, he was allowed to leave his uncle's home. His first mission was to find the lady of the Ailduad-Naitli household in Ivaeus and request service there.

The first one he met there was Seraphina, a strong four year old who had been quick to latch onto him and demand he play with her. Upon finding the young child's mother, he had requested the position his father had occupied before. The royal woman, already weary of the world, had readily agreed to have him protecting her small family. He was with the two for many years, being educated and studying the ways of a combat mage. When he was twenty, the lady of the house passed, leaving Seraphina the sole heir to the Ailduad-Naitli assets. He had been the one to hold her as she cried, coaxing her to keep strong in this time of despair. It was only a year later that he met a dragon by the name of Hanako Naforn, a young seamstress that had been enslaved in Caligook. He fell hopelessly in love with her, yet he knew that she was a young creature who was not allowed to love. He fought to free her from the man she was bound to, only to find that his actions had led to her being beat. The last night he saw her alive, he had been feeling completely wretched over the whole affair.

He asked her to leave with him- to run away and never return. She had refused, stating that she would rather die than see them both hunted and killed by the man she worked for. When he had returned the next night, it had been to the sight of her corpse hanging from the front of the house. He had been flown by an eagle to the house he occupied, clinging to its neck as numb despair wormed its way into his heart. When he had entered his home and his young ward had questioned him, he had fallen to his knees and sobbed. The feelings of hopeless and despair were apparent, a woman he had loved desperately having been torn from his side due to hatred. Kind twelve year old that Seraphina was, she held him and soothed him gently, heart aching as she watched her friend fall apart in front of her eyes.

The day was a defining point in his life; without that horrific dose of reality to his life, he came to realize he would have allowed himself to stay blind to the world around him. Unwilling to lose anyone else in his life, he spent the next five years protecting Seraphina with a fierce protectiveness. Five years later, he found himself at taverns, meeting with a series of thieves to discuss their plans at assisting dragons. His missions were usually in the outskirts of Orikaal and Girranon, taking as many dragons as he was able to the checkpoints he had been given. He had just returned to Ivaeus when he found that Seraphina had been requested to venture to Caligook. Upon request, he followed her to the Caligookish courts and remained at her side, hesitant to let the only person he trusts to be alone in a kingdom he despises.
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|| Name ||
Raven Woods

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Species ||

|| Occupation ||
Thief (Legit thief)

|| Home Country ||

|| Skills ||
o Physical Combat
o Pickpocketing
o Lock picking

|| Weaknesses ||
o Claustrophobic
o Food
o A good deal

|| Appearance ||
She has thick, black hair and mischievous blue eyes. She has soft skin and glossy pink lips. She's a mesomorph build with a nice C-Cup. Not to big, not too small. She also had a few, very faint, light scars on her body from many battles and training.

|| Alignment ||
Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Evil

|| Personality ||
Raven is a cocky girl who's also a liar and a thief. She's extremely confident in whatever she's doing. Dude, seriously, she may hurt her pride someday. She's a manipulative and cunning asshole who's like a piece of sand in an oyster. She tends to cause trouble and chaos wherever she goes. She can also be very clever and cunning, but also a bit careless. She can be a bit sarcastic and snarky at times. She's not a very bright girl, either. Although she doesn't have book smarts, she sure does have street smarts. Don't let these negative traits fool you, for she is also very loyal and dependable.

|| Bio ||
Raven Woods used to be an energetic, outgoing child. She had friends, and everybody loved her. Her family was perfect. Sure, they had some flaws, but that's what made them perfect. Victoria Woods was the best mother she had. She was a tailor. She gave Raven her necklace, an important necklace that was passed around in her family for generations. Apparently, it gives the owner "protection". Raven never believed in that, but she kept the necklace, since it was special. Her father, Roy Woods, was a blacksmith. He was the best father, ever. She got her love of making stuff from Roy. Her sister, Abigal, was the best sister ever. They would do mischievous acts together, play together, and even prank others together. Everything was perfect, until the bandits attacked.

You see, Raven was playing with her sister with a few fireworks. Accidentally, she lit a firework, making them visible to the bandits. The bandits saw the fireworks, and immediately chose that village to attack. The bandits stole food, money, etc. and kidnapped women and children to sell. Abigal was actually a victim, and her parents pleaded and begged them not to take Abigal.

They earned an arrow to the skull.

Raven was not a victim. In tears, she decided to avenge her family, and kill the bandits. She saw a bow and took some arrows from her father's office, and she decided to draw the string to kill them. She was unable to do so, after all, she was only eight. Instead, she decided to grab a dagger and stick it in their hearts. She decided to take them on by surprise. When they weren't paying any attention, she would run in and stab them.

It worked.

In tears, she was covered in blood, looking at the dead bodies. She started blaming herself for everything that happened. If only she wasn't playing with fireworks! If only she didn't take the protective necklace, she would've been dead and not her family. "It's all my fault!" she would cry. She remembered that day very well. Why? Oh, 'cause she has Eidetic Memory. She was traumatized over the event, and that she actually killed people.

A kind twenty-five year old man named Alistair took her in. There, she was trained. She was trained many types of fighting techniques and such. He showed her how to fight with bows, knives, and swords. She trained her Eidetic Memory into something bigger: Photographic memory. She soon got over her trauma, since she believed that Alistair loved her, and she loved him. However, she still have a piece of that memory of that night in her head. She still believes that it was all her fault.

Because she loved him, she ran away five years after. Alistair was such a kind man, yet he did not have enough money to even feed themselves. Heck, he could barely even feed himself. She didn't want Alistair to suffer, so when she found out about it, she ran. She ran far and far, living as a homeless person.

No one looked for her. Not even Alistair. She started to believe that he didn’t care if she fell and died in a ditch.

Raven then started her life in crime. She stole many items to survive, included food, clothes, and even money. She was never caught. For four years, she lived that type of life. Since she’s never been caught, her self esteem went up. What did you expect? Of course she’s going to get cocky!

Her emotions like pity and sympathy started to fade away. No one cared for her, so why should she care for them? That’s just how her mindset worked.

Raven started to enjoy stealing and such. It started to be her source of amusement. She knew a lot of information, like who’s going where at what time, if the fabrics' quality is good, etc. She became an important source for criminals. Name it, she has it. Kill her, all hell breaks loose.

|| Quotes, 'Cause Why Not? ||
"I'm not a criminal! I just enjoy breaking the rules..."
"Bitch, don't underestimate me. I can snap your neck at any second right now."
"You? Challenge me? Warning: You won't survive."
"I don't blame anyone. I did this to myself. It's my fault. Everything is my fault."
"The chains on my mood swings just snapped. Run."

|| Theme(s) ||

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((My art))

Name: X11(Nickname:Lazarus)
Age: 19
Species: dragonborn

intense amber hair. Half of which is pulled up into a neat ponytail. curling along supple cheeks and doe like eyes, Which shine a bright ember red and gold. XII features can simply be described as boldly stoic and practical. her facial features are soft and matched well with her snow white skin, freckles dotting along her cheeks and nose. All this interrupted by a long heinous scar drawing along the left side of her cheek and upwards across her forehead. along her neck is a collar made of an unknown black metal. Bound and woven into her skin. a soft white glow emits from it constantly. Leading downwards to her shoulders and chest. she adorns herself with what looks like a shirt with on the neck and sleeves left, and bandages around her chest. These bandages are black and have red writing all over them. the bandages are intertwined with the scales of the dragons she had to kill. underneath these bandages are a pair of D cup breasts.(yeah deal with it. i said breasts.) shapely and toned waist, along with waspish hips that fit a pair of black linen pants. These pants were lined with a fine silver weaved into the fabric to add a simplistic form of protection. And lastly her height, she's a measly 4,9 Ft tall.

judgmental and misunderstands what people try to say to her most of the time, but she try's his best to understand where they're coming from even if she doesn't all together agree with their point. hes blunt and forward with how she feels and with what she sees, shes kind and soft when needing and harsh and brutal when required. Because of not knowing anything about herself he looks outwards in curiosity to everything else. This causes her to get up close and personal with anyone who interests her and peeks his curiosity. solemn is how best i can describe her, as if she judges the entire world and herself.

-Bonds of the void: there are black bonds upon XII of unknown origin's. one is placed on her neck, one on each wrist. one on each foot. and one on each side of her hips. the ones on her hips protrude only slightly and look decrepit and broken((ill draw this all sooner or later))
-void stone: this black yet star dotted stone looks as if it doesn't exactly exist in our plane of reality. All that XII knows is that this is one of the very few ways to bring her back from any rage or blackout state she enters. she wears it around her neck just in case of emergencies. from time to time it talks to her. causing her constant paranoia with anyone she is around. no one but her can hear the voices that come from the stone.
-tattered note: the only item she has of her past, a note from her supposed mother. saying sorry for what she had done. and that maybe someday they would meet again.

~overwhelming demeanor: XII has a constant energy about her, if anyone comes within 10 to 15 feet of her the air thickens and it feels as if someone has their hands on their shoulders and are pressing down with the weight of a preteen. Most small animals wont come within this distance. Normal humans also tend to avoid her at all cost.
~keen sense: from being alone in the wilderness long, XII has adapted to be able to hear the smallest of sounds and see the slightest of movements.
~undying resolve: Even if shes lost all her limbs, she will continue to fight.
~bestial fighting: she fights like a beast, without logic or sense. There is no stopping her pursuit unless her last breath leaves her body.

~frighteningly shy
~overly clumsy
~sociopath tendencies

Occupation: Lazarus, the one who walks in death. her occupation is basically as such. an assassin/murderer/cleanser. Many believe her to be diseased.

"how it started" age:5-10
It all started with the subtle breeze flitting through an open window. Bare skin vibrant against the pale light coming from the moon. She awake with no memory's, no recollection of her name or who she was. everything was new to her. And to realize all of this as her small frame pushed itself upward. well it was rather destabilizing. and this is how it would be as she stumbled upon her feet, relearning within seconds on how to walk, how to grasp. Even how to breath. Basic things came back to her slowly as she paced around the white walled room. her name never came back to her however. so clinging to the only semblance of words she could she found her mothers note on the side of the bed, with the letters XII written on the top.
Hours went by before she grasped the bravery to be able to step out of the room and into the rest of the building. which was all just as bland as the room she had first found herself inside of. White walls and floors, empty rooms and halls. nothing was left. all was empty. That was until she found stairs leading down into the buildings center. Hesitant at first, she warily took a step forward. noticing the overwhelming atmosphere, she began to cry without even understanding the emotions or process of thoughts behind it. as she drew closer to the door that just now came into view. She slowly came to the realization as to why she felt the overwhelming feeling of dread. the scent of blood and death wafted up from the door. ((the rest of this will be told through flashbacks in the roleplay.))

After the event of the lost lab, XII was picked up by a band of mercenaries, this band of merc's were named "Black Guard" that were hired all over the realm for hunting jobs. they would go from place to place looking for dragons, and either killing them are trapping them and selling them away to rich clients. XII didn't know of her origin, or the fact that she herself were part dragon at this point. During her time with the merc's she learned basic fighting skills and how to wield most of the basic weapons. even through all of this, she preferred to keep to hand to hand combat. on one occasion her and the merc's found how proficient at hand to hand she really was, she had gone against a blood red dragon hand to hand. And in a fit of rage had grasped the dragon by the mouth and ripped its jaw from its head. Most of the merc's in her group had begun to nickname her, but one stuck after one particular event. she was swallowed whole by a dragon, and as it was flying away had ripped through its throat in a grotesque image of rebirth. and thus the band of merq's dubbed her Lazarus, the one whom walks in death itself. during her adventures with the Black guard. She became acquainted with a man named stephen. he was the healer of the group and was constantly checking up on everyone. At first, Steph had stayed away from XII out of fear. like everyone else, he feared her unwavering ferocity and lack of empathy of others. But the first time Steph introduced himself to her, they made a bond that seemingly was unbreakable. they talked of their experiences, and XII finally opened up on how everything made her feel. and how frightened she was that all she knew was how to kill. Steph pulled out all of XII deepest darkest secrets. and since that they were basically stuck to the hip.

During one of their missions out, the Black guard faced against a group of trappers to get to a rather proud and indignant black scaled dragon. During which the dragon got out and ripped Steph to shred's. not having shown any signs of magical ability before, XII exploded in a display of pure rage. Void like flames erupted from her back, along her shoulders, feet. and her eyes seeped black star dotted goop. A phantasmal void tail slowly erupting from her spine as she let out screams and cry's of the damned. And then all was black. And when she came to, the entire black guard, and the trappers. along side the dragon, were all dead. when she realized this, she took all of her friends, and the black guard members and buried them all. Before heading of to a nearby city to find a place to rest and mourn. As the month drew out she was visited by alerie and Greo. Who ultimately had a job for her, and since she had nothing else...she followed them to the green castle.

The dragon's void: XII normally has no ability or proficiency in any sort of magic. if she were to have soul rings, which she does. she would have an almost infinite amount of them. causing her to be extremely resilient to magic. But unable to use such said magic. Being Dragonborn however, and a failed experiment on top of that. XII can enter a frenzied state called "the dragons void" XII is engulfed in the flames of nothingness and the ever present void. this void like substance looks like liquid fire, with dismal and phantasmal "stars" within it. This void mostly comes out of her eyes, feet, most of her back, as a tail. during this state however, XII loses all of her soul rings, and entirely defenseless against magic...that is if it can hit her. (basically like an Achilles heel kinda deal.) This state is only reachable by extreme mental or emotional disturbances.
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Name: Orrin Silverspire

Age: 19

Species: Human


Equipment: Along with heavy armor, he carries a two handed great sword, Elrath.

Personality: He is very loud and upfront, and says what is on his mind usually. He is polite, and believes highly in chivalry and respect. He is steadfastly loyal to his friends, yet holds grudges longer than they need to be held. He is smart, though he tries to be honest over crafty.

Occupation: Dragon Thief

Bio: Born in Ivaeus, Orrin grew up in a rich family that taught him grace and formality. As a young boy, he spent his afternoons wrestling with other boys his age, and messing around the mountainous terrain. He grew up very well off, not knowing many difficulties, and of course was raised with the mindset that his homeland was the greatest place in the world; which he grew to believe. He was trained in combat for most of his life, despite his parents wanting him to go into life as a respectable merchant, and at age 16 he ventured out into the world to find a purpose. His parents were furious, and essentially disowned him, denying his inheritance and banning him from their home. Orrin left, thinking himself to be invincible, and that he would make his own fortune, one that would give him a brilliant future.

He ventured out, not knowing much about the world, but eager to learn. he believed the world to be a great place, full of champions and heroes. He believed he would take his place amoung these, and make his mark on history. Of course, he soon found the world was not as great and magical as he might have thought. He found a world that was scarred by war, and full of people with hatred in their hearts. He found divisions, loyalties, oaths, and ways of life that he would soon be sucked into. For a year he traveled trying to find a calling, before finally finding Dragons.

He knew at once, that this was what he wanted to do. To free these majestic creatures, to keep them safe. He saw the horrors and cruelty they were subjected to, and sworn an oath that he would devote his life to freeing and protecting them. Unlike most Dragon Thieves, he prefers to openly do his work, believing that if he couldn't save an egg or a dragon on his own might without resorting to sneaking or magic, then he shouldn't be in the craft. Though his cause is rather selfless, he hopes to one day have his name written in the stars, and to leave a mark on the world.


Yatasal Yatasal
Name: Skyler (Snow)

Age: 15

Species: Human (dragon if allowed)

(Not mine)

Equipment: She carries around a bow with arrows.

Personality: She is hard working and caring and whenever any form of nature needs help, she will kump right in and help. She is polite, and believes highly in chivalry and respect. She is loyal to her friends, family, and others proven they deserve it. She is smart, though he tries to be honest over crafty even though she is creative to.

Occupation: Dragon Thief but acts as Dragon hunter/trader

Bio:Born in Orikaal, Skyler grew up with a tough life.
(Dragon) She lived in hiding from all the dragon hunters and traders, trying to survive. When her father was watching her and her mother was out hunting in the woods, dragon traders came by and noticed them. Luckily, they didn't kill them but still, they still were trapped. A dragon their came by and rescued Skyler but wasn't able to save her dad. She loved on her own from then on and has learned to fend for herself. So far, she hasn't been caught since that one incident.
(Human)With her mom being a dragon theuf and her dad being a dragon hunters/traders, Skyler's life was split. Her dad wanted her to become a hunter/trader while her mom, the opposite. She told her said that she wanted to become a hunter/trader but told her mom really what she was doing. She acted as a hunter/trader but always seemed to "slip up" and "accidentally" let the dragons escape. She has been doing it her whole life since then and so far, hasn't stopped.



Hazel wants to be a spellsmith. Her main goal is to be the main spellsmith in Queen Averian's court. She works there as a maid. She hopes that one day the queen will take notice of her and she'll move up the ranks. Her dad was a spellsmith, and her mom was a guard in the court before she got killed on patrol. She likes to sing, and has been told that she's very, very good at it.

Name: Titulus Phyrokrast
Age: 40
Race: Human
Occupation: Spell Smith, Solider
Personality: Eccentric is putting it mildly for Titulus. Always fixating on the strange and more abnormal aspects of magic and indeed the world Titulus is quite the treat, some would say literally. Titulus is usually very obsessive with his research topics and that obsessive nature has made him quite the adventurous type. Always on the lookout for rare ingredients to use in his spells. Titulus is always experimenting with his magic and therefore himself. The results have left Titulus’ mind scattered and addled. While it was no doubt the result of an experimental spell Titulus doesn’t remember much.
Origin: Titulus was born in the wonderous streets of Rakacity to a family of small time Spell vendors. Being surrounded by all that magic naturally got Titulus curious so when he was of age and able he took to learning about magic and the art of spell smithing. However Titulus curiosity very quickly turned into a grand passion. Titulus began to help with his parents work just so he could learn a more hands on approach to the magic he had learned from the few books his family had. While making the spells was hard work the end result was so breathtakingly beautiful that Titulus didn’t even care how hard he had to push himself. By 16 he declared he would go out into the city and learn the art of spell smithing rather than just take over the magic vendor shop. Titulus was utterly enthralled by the mystery and magesty that magic brought forth. He wanted to learn all there was about it and make his mark on the world! But his passion wasn’t a cheap one and there was no way his parents could afford to send Titulus to school or indulge his new passion. Undeterred Titulus did the only thing he could think of and joined the army of Marzdul. If he couldn’t pay for it they would! And true enough after Titulus successfully enlisted the army sent Titulus to learn in one of the recognized magic schools of Rakacity. However, Titulus didn’t get to enjoy his studies long as the Gorge wars broke out and he was called to serve his purpose. He fought along side his fellow soldiers as a rapid response unit that would support the main forces. Traveling from battlefield to battlefield Titulus fought and resupplied the troops with the necessary positions. He had been trained as a medic as a part of his support role and knew enough to keep a solider from dying in field, but he lost a lot of friends to the war. When the Great Barrier was erected Titulus was immediately enthralled. How could such a thing even exist!? He needed to know and so rather than turning to thieving Titulus’ first stop was the wall. What he found there wasn’t too enlightening. It was a high class barrier spell to be sure, but it was cast at a much larger scale. Most likely using methods that were foreign to his teachings. It turned everything he understood about magic upside down, and started him down the path to figure out how it was made. Titulus would travel from town to town never staying long and never even spending more than a month in one country before making his way to a different one. After all the best ingredients aren’t going to be found by standing around!
Equipment: Standard issue military gear: Sword, personal needles, backpack for supplies, 2 equipment belts one for support and attack magic, standard issue medical tools, cleaning supplies, uniform, bedroll, tent
Yatasal Yatasal
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▼Rilar Mashu▼

Nicknames: Rye
Age: 29
Birthplace: Rakacity, Marzdul
Current Residence: Orikaal
Occupation: City Guard

Personal Armor


The twins sorted history started well before they were born with their mother, Didra Kentra. Didra was once part of a prominent Magic Guild within the city of Rakacity, having started within the ranks as a young girl, she slowly but steadily became proficient with her skill and thus moved through the ranks to the position of a Senior Officer. Upon Didra's twenty first birthday she discovered she was with child, much to the delight of herself and the remaining of her Guild. There was great expectation for the child borne to the Guild; it was a rarity when it occurred and often the whole Guild treated it as their own. After months of anticipation she was delightedly surprised by the birth of her twins, a boy and a girl, however when they were tested it was soon discovered the boy held the magical strength of two souls while the girl was born a Werp.

With the Gorge Wars raging on whispers were told through the various Guilds that one sought to put an end to it and cut off Marzdul once and for all. Not willing to be trapped within a warring state Didra fled the country for the neighboring Orikaal. Her decision had come none too soon, for once she had found herself within a small town just South of the Capitol City did Border Wall occur.

Alone and with no money or possessions save the cloths on her back and the blankets wrapped around her babes, Didra sough shelter behind the stone wall of an blacksmith, the heat from the forges staving away the cold season's air. It was not long before she was discovered by the Master Smith, Mashu; however instead of chasing her off he invited her into his home, with his family. Didra was thankful for the respite from the biter cold and soon grew love the family as though they were her own. Never once did they question where she had come from, nor why she had arrived as she had.

Over the years Didra married the Master Smith's eldest son, Braun, whom loved and cherished her children as his own, never once treating them any differently than the many more children they had together over the years.

Didra never revealed to her husband or her children who she was, nor where she was from until her deathbed. There she revealed to her two eldest children the truth of their past and their talents.

The twins grew up in the quiet town of Toflance only hours South of the Capitol of Orikaal. Being the eldest of seven younger brothers and sisters they often found themselves responsibly for the majority shares of the household and smith work. Alrimi came naturally to the smithing life, her father often praising her talents when it came to molding steel and metal to shapes and figures that even experts found difficult. Rilar, while talented enough, had no love of smithing and often traded chores within the blacksmith with his sibling to avoid the overly hot and noisy building.

At the age of ten both children were tested by a local spellsmith to determine if either had an affinity for magic. He was both pleased and confused by the results, informing their mother but the twins never heard of it from him again. He soon took Rylar beneath his tutelage to learn the art of spellsmithing. Alrimi, while disappointed she had not been selected, never dwelt on the subject after, her father giving her privilege and work to complete within the smith at pay.
Adult Life

As adults both Alrimi and Rylar chose to remain living within the family home; it allowed them to assist their mother with raising their sibling and paying for the household bills after their father passed away when they were in their mid-teens. Alrimi was often chastised by her mother for not finding a suitor (or at least one that had made and offer for her hand). Rylay, having surpassed his tutors talents with magic, found employ within the City Guard, content with keeping his city and his family safe.

Combat Training - expert


Armor-Smithing (Al)

Spell Crafting - basic (Rye)
Rilar Mashu

+ His dog
+ His rooftop garden
+ His job; Rye enjoys protecting his city

- Lying
- Theft
- Violence

+ Loyalty and devotion
+ Compassion

Pack Rat

Rylar is easy going and slow to anger. He believes in giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and thus far in his lifetime he has not been disappointed with the results. Despite many believing that he has a soft head along with a soft heart, Rye often spends his free time helping those less fortunate around town. Rylar is well known around town and many claim to be his friend.
Alrimi Mashu

+ Sparring
+ Independence
+ Her owl

- Weakness
- Cowardice

+ Self (and brother) preservation
+ Loyalty to her blood

- Anti-social
- Overly cautious

Alrimi is very quiet and self-reliant. While she communicates with her clientele within the blacksmith she has often simply hired someone to communicate the details of her customers orders rather than speak to anyone directly. She doesn't feel the need to build social relationships with anyone beyond her family, and even then she doesn't speak to them often. Al enjoys spending time at the fires working with metal.


▼Alrimi Mashu▼

Nicknames: (Al - only by her brother)
Age: 29
Birthplace: Rakacity, Marzdul
Current Location: Orikaal
Occupation: Armor Smith

Personal Armor
Yatasal Yatasal
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c54c19a8ff5fc29c5c0bac7f57971455.jpg Name: Ana'te Faradel

Age: 21 years old

Race: Human

Home: Jimus

Birthplace: an unknown town

Occupation: Healer by day, saviour by night

Ana'te has been called 'The Iron Woman'. She is not someone who likes to play games, and she is perhaps the most feared in her town. Because of her status, she has no time for foolishness. She will put anyone she meets in their place should she feel the need, often using her quick and poisonous tongue. This she does with a civilized and polite rapport - as she values respect and abhors rudeness, listening to their positions before inevitably choosing her own as superior. Her beauty and strength have given her confidence in herself, but her need to improve herself often leads her to challenges that could break her. This she realizes, but her stubbornness is what she often times hates the most. When she is in combat, she is merciless, cold and resilient - never sparing an opponent from her wrath. She rarely ever spares a life when in combat, only if they have information she requires or when she sees further use in them. Over her lifetime she has developed a social tolerance for some. This is partly due to her innermost desires to be of use, and have someone to care for and be cared for. Her life has not allowed her that luxury, and as such - she has suppressed her emotions. Which is why she is often times cold to most. She doesn't want to allow people to come into her world, afraid that they might hurt her or that she will lose them. Ana'te is also a calm, loving and helpful person when you get to know her. But she can also use her looks and aura to manipulate others, especially men by seducing them, but never partake in the actions of any sexual desires that they may have for her. Which is why she is seen as more intriguing, and alluring. Some have even come to consider it a curse, avoiding interactions with her for fear of falling in a trap from her aura.

Ana'te was born from a poor yet loving family. Her mother was pregnant with a son, and she nor the baby made it due to her contracting a disease. This was devasting to her father and her, the house that was once filled with light, had been taken over by darkness. After the years had passed, Ana'te still brought light to the house, attempting to bring her father to see the good in the world. Ana'te was filled with brightness and kindness. Throughout the years, they lived in a small cottage near a hillside, a little away from the town. One day, her father had gone to the market to get produce and sell some of the things that have grown on the farm when Ana'te was met with a group of bandits who robbed her house and took her too as a 'prize'. When her father came back, he saw no sign of her and immediately knew something was wrong. He searched high and low, but no sign of Ana'te. The townsmen even went looking for her, but it was as if she had disappeared. Ana'te was taken to a faraway land, a place where no man dared to venture. She soon realized that she was in the land of the dragons. She came in contact with a very terrible and feared dragon that made her into what she is today. These bandits and dragons had been watching her for quite some time, and it was the perfect opportunity to take her away while her father was gone to the market. Ana'te was his protege. She was tortured and made to do his every bidding. During the night, Ana'te tried to run away after she freed herself from the chains that kept her. Ana'te was his slave, and there was no escaping. She got caught ten minutes later, and during her capture she was injured by one of the dragons, leaving a painful scar that ran down her back. Ana'te has never allowed anyone to see this scar that was on her back.

This dragon that kept her enslaved in his domain, taught her how to kill, and fight. Ana'te did a lot of things that she was not proud of. Ana'te knew that she should do as they said or else they would hurt her and her father. But that was a promise that they didn't keep. Through the years, Ana'te trained hard and long till one day she freed herself by slaughtering everyone and anything that had ever hurt her or kept her enslaved. When Ana'te came back to her homeland she found it in ashes. Everything was burned down to the stakes, even her own house. A couple of months before her escape, there had been a terrible war and fire that broke out in her town. It left many people dead and others had fled. This is now a ghost town, Ana'te tried to identify the bodies on the floor, but she couldn't find her father. One of two things was running through her mind, her father is either dead or he escaped with the others that fled.

Ana'te continued on with her life in the shadows, still trying to find her father is her top mission in life.

Hand-to-hand combat

Sword/dagger fighting
Herbal remedies

She has a medium sized scar on her back. Yatasal Yatasal
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Name: Scaliber
Race: Human (with gigantism)
Height: 7' 11"
Weight: 200 pounds

-Black Iron Bastard sword (+5 style points to those who know where black iron is from)
-Black Iron Plate and Chain armor
-Black Iron Helmet

Weapon Enchantments:

Blade of Reconciliation (The sound of shattering armor, snapping bones, and cracking of shields is music to the wielder of this blade... ...Gives the user of this enchantment an armor piercing effect against heavy armor and even to some degree... dragons of lesser power.)

Name: Isaac Leibowitz
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 175
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Talents: He is quite talented with the arcane arts. He has been obsessed with destruction magic ever since he was a young boy. His quick mastery and masterful willpower allowed him to conquer spell after spell, though his lack of wisdom and carefulness also puts him and his loved ones in constant danger. Because of his constant magical mishaps, he has developed a keen resistance to much destruction magic (though a rock falling on him through magic will still kill him). He is quick, and is good at evading and dodging, though prefers to solve everything with a blast of fire or a crackle of lightning.

Shortcomings: While his early mastery of complex destruction spells came quickly, it seems that his forethought and his ability to lead simply lag behind. His people skills are poor, so poor that a merchant might go about charging him a little extra should they strike up a conversation. Not that Isaac is mean or rude, but he generally says whatever is on his mind, which could very well be an honest (but maybe a bit too honest) truth. Along with this, he cannot wear armor of any sort-as the amount of destruction energy that is released from his constant spell casting would heat up armor to the point where it would cook him. He also never bothered to pick up a weapon, and while he has a knack for throwing daggers, it wouldn't be much help in a fight.

Unlike many powerful magi, he has not a tragic backstory to fuel him. In fact, his parents were very proud of his quick grasp of magic, and even though they got angry with him for blowing up the sitting room from time to time, they still gave their unconditional support for him. Because of this, he has a very good supply of money, should he need it. He grew up in Orikaal, not really giving a thought to the Dragons' plight. They didn't effect him, and he didn't care. He would have been content to study magic until late in his 30s, when he was wooed by a woman and taken for a ride around the country. Of course it ended in heart break, which made him return home in a very terrible mood.

Unable to focus on his work, his mind was filled with the thoughts of his lost love. He tried everything to make it go away, but simply could find no way of getting over her. At last, he decided the only way to forget her was to replace her, and told his parents he was setting off on a journey to see the world. His parents happily agreed, and sent him off without a problem.

Off he went, in search for love. He assumed it would be easy enough, just wow a girl with his magical talents. But soon he found that finding a girl was a bit harder, and wowing her was harder yet. He also discovered he had a love for the outdoors, for singing under the stars, and for traveling. After a year or so he forgot about his initial problem, and forgot about the woman who broke his heart. He developed a sense for fun, and to find where people were making life interesting. He now travels around looking for something interesting, something that might give him a chance to change the world...or at least make a good story.

Yatasal Yatasal
Natallia's cup fell out of her hand and clattered to the floor. The dull roar in her ears was so loud that she didn't hear it hit the ground.
A scream echoed in her ears. Her breathing was ragged, and she closed her open hand into a fist. Natallia blinked, but she couldn't stop the onslaught of emotions. Her hands shook as a painful knot settled over her heart.
Suddenly she was seventeen again, staring out a window at her parents getting executed. A warhammer smashed their skulls in. . .
Tears didn't come. The scream reverberated across the edges of her mind. And Natallia couldn't hold it in any longer.
Waves of magic burst off of her, and Natallia staggered to the wall. She braced herself against it, breathing heavily as the magic continued to ripple off of her. The tears still didn't come.
She slid down the wall, her knees curling into her chest as she hugged them. "Nate..."
Why Nate? He was a kid, just a child...
The magic continued to ripple off of her, and she just sat there, holding herself. She couldn't stop thinking of that last scream, the scream that was surely her brother's. Who had done this? Why?
Natallia's heart pounded in her ears. With every beat her anger grew. She got off the ground, leaping to her feet. The magic continued to flow off her, and for a terrible few seconds, she didn't bother to contain it. She let it explode off her, and Natallia's thoughts tunneled into a single purpose. The stables. Her baby brother had to be avenged. She headed out of the room, and ran straight into Orrin.
"Out of my way," she growled. "Now."

Orrin Silverspire
Orrin hadn't been super busy, after he returned he wandered around and relaxed. He had to think for a bit, as he didn't feel great about beating the daylights out of Gwen. He had beaten many people in his day, and killed a good number as well. It never sat well with him to kill someone outright, even though it was generally the smarter thing to do. Still, beating an ally for a mission-even if it was a successful mission- hardly seemed like anything to be proud of.

As he pondered the last week of his life, he was startled out of his thoughts when Natalia came stomping around the corner and almost ran into him. He jumped a bit as sparks of energy emitted from her.

Now Orrin was no mage. He considered them to be cowardly and preferred using the sword much more. However, he didn't need to be a great magic user to know that leaking magic in such a fashion was not good. It was even worse when it was mixed with the eyes of someone who had lost something very dear, someone who was ready to break their own moral code to avenge or solve a problem. And finally, Orrin didn't need to be a genius to know that Natalia was not in a healthy state of mind. He knew very well that he couldn't just let her go-she would surely do something she would regret; so despite her chilling command, Orrin found himself rooted where he was.

"Nice to see you too. Natalia where are you going?" He stood his ground. If she tried to go around him he would step to block her. He wasn't sure what she was up to, but nothing good would come out of it...
Yatasal Yatasal

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