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owner: nebula co-owner: liztopher


Dear Diary..

____Something really strange is going on. My father says we need to be ready. He works too much, always slaving away at the labs, saying he's about to make a breakthrough, but that it's too top secret to tell us what it is. Just know to be ready. When he's not working, he's collecting. Collecting things like canned foods, guns, water, putting barbed wire over the windows and doors. I try to ignore it, but I can't lie to you diary. It's starting to bother me. What do we need to be ready for? What could possibly be scaring him so much he feels the need to make our home a fortress? Whatever it is, wish me luck.


Dear Diary..

____HOLY SHIT! The dead walk! My father was right. We needed to be ready. I.. I still can't believe it. Can't even bring myself to write it in here. Maybe once it sinks in, maybe then I'll be able to write it -if I'm still alive by then. Just know this, journal.. life as we know it is over.


Dear Diary..

____I know it's been a while since I've written in here, but I figured I needed to today. To document my last thoughts. I've lost count of the days. My father's gone, lifted away to some top secret bunker that I'm not permitted to follow him to. My mother's dead. My sister's one of them. I don't know what to do. It's been weeks. I'm starving. My ribs are threatening to break my skin. It's only a matter of time before they get me. So I've decided to end it myself. I'm in the closet of some strangers house, and there's easily twenty of those monsters throwing themselves against the door as I write this. It's funny. I'm facing imminent death, and all I can think about is if, whoever used to live here, is okay. Anyway, It's over. I've one bullet left, and no will left to live. I just wanted to say goodbye, whoever is reading this. So, wherever my soul goes, whether it be heaven, or, more likely, hell.. I'll meet you there.


Life as we know it has ended. Humanity struggles to survive, in this new, post-apocalyptic world, on the brink of extinction. Still, we turn against each other. Seclude ourselves, kill other survivors for supplies. Who cares anymore right? In order to survive, we've been forced to kill hundreds of monsters, that were once people. So what's the difference? We're all going to hell anyway. It's as if the government has disappeared, leaving the helpless citizens to fight through the mess of the apocalypse on their own. Scared. Alone. What happened to them? Why have they stopped defending us? Helpless people abandoned by the very people who started this mess, while they hide out, safe, secluded in an underground bunker, waiting for it to all end. The only remaining sign of the forces that are supposed to be protecting us lie in the quarantine bombings of cities. In an attempt to quell the virus, the air force has been destroying unknowing cities, and while millions of the infected are successfully killed, so are innocent survivors. So begins the race for survival. Will you make it? Or will you be taken by the virus?


The 84K virus is not a natural virus. It was created by a group scientists working for the Neuronet Corporation. A massive company, who has their hands in everything from weapons of mass destruction, to potato chips. The virus was discovered by the medical unit. A group of scientists working to cure cancer, but instead, stumbling upon something far more deadly. The thing about 84K is that it seemed to work. They tested animals first and the shot appeared to be an instant cure, killing all cancerous cells and replacing them with new, healthy ones within seconds. But after a few days, things started to come apart. The test subjects began to grow ill and die. One by one, 100 apes kept together in a single cage fell over, hearts ceasing to beat. So the scientists though that was the end of it. They'd failed. A few hours after the deaths, the doctors were cleaning out the cage, removing the lifeless little bodies when one sat up and sniffed the air. Shocked, the scientists looked to see the rest of the creatures all waking. It was impossible. They'd tested the hamsters thoroughly. They'd been dead. But here they sat, sniffing about, alive as could be. After a few more tests, the doctors soon discovered some shocking news. The apes, though alive and cured of cancer, no longer had a heartbeat. Their lungs no longer needed oxygen and their hearts no longer pumped blood. Other than this though, the apes seemed to be in perfect health. As the hours passed though, they small creatures began to change. Their skin develops large red splotches and their hair began to fall out in patches. Just three hours after the initial infection, the animals began to foam at the mouth wildly and began eating each other, having developed a sudden taste for flesh and a strong sense of cannibalism. The scientists worked to find a cure, looking frantically for the solution. The antivirus. They wanted to cover their tracks before Neuronet found out. They knew what would happen if they did.

As it turned out, they couldn't find the antivirus in time. The head honchos of Neuronet came to investigate this discovery, and the scientists fears came true. They were transferred to the weapons unit to continue their work, though no longer for medical reasons. For destructive reasons. Neuronet was planning to turn the 84K virus into a weapon of mass destruction and sell it. The scientists were forbidden to say anything to anyone, even their own families, as they worked day after day towards what they knew would be the end of the world. Until finally, the day came. The virus was ready to be sold. Still, no antivirus had been discovered. It was an unstoppable sickness Neuronet planned to unleash. The corporation presented it to the government, gaining an alliance with all three branches, before opening it up to the market. Before a week had passed, every major country on the planet was in possession of the deadly virus. And all it took was one mistake. One person to drop the vial carrying the end of the world. They thought, at first, that all was okay. That, since it hadn't been injected into anyone, nothing would happen. But, what they failed to realize was that 84K quickly adapts to it's surroundings, meaning that those scientists, who'd dropped the vial and breathed in the fumes, were the first in a long chain of infection. The apocalypse had started.

America, the country it had started in, thought China had made the first move with their new weapon, attacking them. Not knowing that it was merely a mistake, they secretly started the infection in China, making it appear as though it was Russia that did it. China thought it was Russia, did the same thing, and so on. Chaos soon ensued, and every scientist, politician, president, person with money and the means to bribe, were whisked away to top secret bunkers underground to wait out what they started. Including the military, leaving citizens helpless. Stranded in a hell they never saw coming. The scientists who'd created the virus were put to work, searching for an antivirus, but they were in no hurry. They were safe.

Meanwhile, the infection was spreading like wildfire, slowly dooming the human race as the virus adapted to the human body. It developed new immunities and new side effects, and, before long, it was unstoppable. In the first few minutes, when a victim doesn't know anything is wrong, they could touch a million things and people, spreading the virus wherever they went. That was how it was spread at first, through touch only. People who'd had the initial injection would pass it on the others and they'd pass it on to others either as carriers or infected themselves, and within hours of the first injection, the virus had traveled immense distances. As it passed on, it mutated. Changing to adapt to humans. It wasn't long before the virus went airborne, making it all the more deadly, for now it could be spread through something as simple as breathing. No one was safe. The virus spread faster and faster. Eventually, the scientists figured out how to contain the airborne virus, so it was no longer being spread through the air, but it was too late. More than 3/4 of the population had turned into mindless killers and the numbers were only going up.



The infection is no longer airborne, but can be spread through an open wound. If simple contact is made with the infected, (such as touching) you're safe, but if you have any fresh or open wounds and you make contact with the infected, you've got the disease. Either this, or if the infected bite you, you become infected. Once infected, you may feel a sudden boost of energy. All sicknesses or weakness will be erased and you will feel completely renewed. Even hunger will be cured. This lasts for a few hours. After this, you pass out and your heartbeat slowly teeters out until you're dead. When you wake, you'll feel healthy though you may have several symptoms. Within one to three hours, you begin to grow sick. Severely. In the first hour, you're simple miserably sick and feverish, imagine the worst illness you've ever had times ten. In the second, your hair begins to fall out in patches and your skin grays, red itchy splotches appearing. In the third/end of the second, you go crazy, devolving a need for human flesh and a wild cannibalism. There is no cure, you can only make the person as comfortable as possible until it happens, or kill them to avoid them killing you.


  • Pre-death: suddenly healthier - 1 or 2 hours
  • Passing out: death - 1/2 hour
  • Revival
  • Post-death stage 1: coughing, headaches, dizziness - 1/2 hour
  • Post-death Stage 2: dangerously high fever, moaning, pain, suffering, constant puking yellow mucus - 1 hour
  • Post-death stage 3: Patchy loss of hair, itchy red splotches that can sometimes bleed due to wild scratching, foaming at the mouth - 1/2 or 2 hours
  • Post-death stage 4: Insanity, loss of morals, cannibalism, aggression, craving for human flesh, screaming, moaning, fighting, biting, scratching
  • Total time from time of infection to time of total loss: roughly 3.5 - 6 hours


Regular Infected

These are the regular infected with the initial virus. They're not too threatening and pretty easy to kill, though they can be extremely tedious in hordes. You must puncture their brain, or sever their spine in order to kill them. They usually just mill about waiting for their prey to stumble on them, but once they see you, they give chase and don't stop until they kill you. They have hyper-active sense of smell as well as hearing. They usually act alone, but if a horde runs past them, they will sometimes join in, sprinting along with the group.


Giant groups of Regulars anywhere from 6-a million. Bright lights and loud noises trigger them, and they come running like moth to flame. They can be killed the same way as Regulars, but are usually a lot harder to kill and almost impossible to avoid contact with and keep yourself from getting the virus. The easiest way to kill them is to find high ground and hold it until they're all dead. Large hordes can be very tedious, and unless they lose track of their victim, do not give up. A horde will attract more and more infected, so, if not dealt with quickly, can become a huge problem.


They are a mutation of the virus. They have a documented tendency to prowl around on all fours like a feral animal, this type of Infected has proven particularly dangerous not only because of its incredible mobility and the distance it can cover with a single leap, but also because of its cunning and hunting tactics. Alone and singular, a Pouncer will stalk its victim like a predator to its prey; sticking to shadows and dark areas or lofty spaces where visibility is limited and detection is minimal - but in large crowds, the Pouncer has been observed mimicking Regulars, if only to better close the distance and strike viciously when there is absolutely no chance of escape or evasion, attacking with sharp fang-like teeth, and long cruel talons to rip its prey to pieces. Pouncers have been known to stalk victims for days and miles and more, if for nothing but for the closure of the kill. The brain must be punctured in order to kill them.


They are another mutation of the infection and have the ability to spit a ball of acid that burns through almost anything. They can spit a long distance and, when the ball makes contact, it explodes, spreading over every nearby surface. These particular infected must be shot, stabbed, or hit in either the brain or the stomach in order to be killed, but don't hang around too long. If hit in the stomach, their acid pouch will erupt, causing them to explode acid all over the ground, making them dangerous even after their dead.


This is one of the most dangerous mutations of the infection. They look like Regulars, but have tougher skin and are harder to kill. Also, if seen by an Alarm, they will immediately open their mouths and emit a high pitched shriek that alerts any nearby infected. To kill them, you must puncture their throats. Brain and spine shots wont work.


They are the most dangerous of the infected. They look completely normal. Like a survivor of the virus. What makes them dangerous is that they cannot talk or make any vocal sounds other than screams, grunts, and groans, but they can cry. If they sit, or wander around, and cry, Cryers can easily be mistaken for a survivor. However, they will not notice you if you do not startle them out of their crying with either a loud noise or bright light. If you are unlucky enough to startle them, long, 20 inch talons instantly spring from their nails and they charge you, shrieking and alerting nearby infected. They are three times faster than the Pouncers and Alarms, making them six times faster than the Regulars and hordes. Their nails can tear through any material and they're extremely hard to kill. They have no specific weak points other than a very small spot at the nape of their neck, and getting behind them is very difficult without startling them, for they prefer to sit with their backs protected.


A strain of the disease that affects only male infected, it triples their testosterone levels added to normal effects of the infection. In short it makes them stronger, capable of lifting, smashing, or throwing items that the original body could not, it also makes them highly aggressive and alert but considerably more stubborn than regular infected. Added onto that more muscular in body size. They can be killed with either a head or spine shot.


A strain of the disease which only affects female infected. When mutated these infected become dangerously thin, looking more like sacks of skin covering bone, their main strength is that they make a wail very similar to an alarm's but at a tone where it stuns and disorientates humans and infected alike. Added onto that Banshees are quick, able to close the distance on their stunned pray to strike with razor sharp claws. Banshees can only be dropped by a head shot.


This is a zombie survival, wasteland type of role play.

Please follow all the rules listed below to be able to join this role play.

Do not fight with anyone, everyone is the same; no one is better.

Do not godmod or "auto-dodge" things, you're character isn't God.

Do not kill other characters unless you have the owner's permission.

You may play zombies or humans, it's up to you.


To join, please fill out a character form here. Thanks.



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