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Fantasy Virus|Ready


(This has already been posted in Fantasy. I'm just trying to reach a wider percentage of the audience.)


"This is the evening news for LA. Here, we're outside the city where walls are being built to keep the virus inside. If you are a teen or child inside these walls listening to this somehow, do not panic. Food and weapons are being brought down in crates from helicopters to sustain those of you left there. All healthy adult citizens, about two hundred rescued, have been brought out to talk publicly about their experiences. I have Joshua here to talk about what she saw."

"Thank you MJ. Well, I was watching TV when all of a sudden a man bumped into my window. I thought he was drunk, so I opened my door and told him to go away. That was when I saw he was seriously injured. Like, he should've been dead. His guts were spilling out like those pumpkins you see carved and decorated to look like they're throwing up. He attacked me and I managed to close the door. When I tried calling the police I found that the lines were busy. I got to get to my car after he left and drove off. There were several on the road like him. Some were missing entire limbs, but none had head damage. I think we're in a real-life zombie a-"

"Thank you Josh. From similar information, we have concluded that the symptoms include a bloody nose and dry mouth. The infected adult dies for seemingly no reason other than a wound, which can just be a small scratch or, as Joshua said, an entire limb eaten off. They're reanimated with violent behaviors, including cannibalistic tastes. Those who have just turned eighteen will have a few hours before contact with an infected will harm them. Children seem to be immune, but not immune to extreme blood loss if they are attacked. This is Mary Jane Hathaway on KTLA News. We will now have a short commercial break. Thank you for watching this breaking news report."

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