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Futuristic Virtual lands (Always accepting)

What are Salakis?
D. Giant crabs
That's the only one both dragons and humans would eat. It wouldn't be interesting otherwise
How is she healing you?
D. with ashes
Ah yes, Phoenix ashes. The highest quality healing item around.
Where did she get it from?
B. A box of supplies by the lake
Do dragons have pouches?
What are Salakis?
D. Giant crabs | Salaki, salami. Looks like these moon crabs are on the menu tonight.
How is she healing you?
D. with ashes | Ashes, a healing substance? Sounds perfect, let's go with it!
Where did she get it from?
B. A box of supplies by the lake | We did not evolve from kangaroos, sir.
Flight of the guardian dragons
“Whatever you say, Governer” replied the NPC as you look into the water spotting the heat signitures of the Salki, whitch is a crab the size of a small car that scuttles along the lake deep within the lunar sand.

“Would you mind catching them for me, i need healing” you say

“Of course governer” replied the NPC’s we’ll take care of it for you” All the npcs save for one flew off over the lake. The remaining NPC stayed behind to heal you as she got out some phoenix ashes from her large, obsidian box that she grabbed with her mouth.

She dumped the ashes on both of your wings and almost like magic, the holes closed up leaving behind unscathed batwings. she soon set the box back down as your hp went up by 50. “Great job, Gerdin” you say making up a name “My pleasure governer” Some bubbles would appear in the water as the dragons dove down into the underground depths where they’d remain for a few minutes. They’d come back with three Salakis as two of them are carrying each side with their maw. They body slammed on the shells once the salakis had substantially suffocated.

You eat the claw meat as well as the midsection as you now have a full bar with 370 hitpoints. “Now we need to see what these aliens are all about!” said an npc who was done with Dinner

“No” you state “They’re not worth it, just some imperial force full of n00bs”

“But what if they reach our homeworld?” asked another NPC “What would the ___ think about it!”

“There’s millions on the homeworld, they’d be wholeheartedly outnumbered!” you said “I ___ this Yonkun moon to serve ____, we’re about seven planets away feom the homeworld anyways and there are few other countries that are out this far in the solar system!”

Who rules the dragons?
A. The president
B. The Supreme Leader
C. the God-Emporer
D. The King
E. The Prime Minister
F. write in

How did you get this moon?
A. You were elected
B. You bought it with your vast fortune
C. You were appointed
D. You were in the bloodline
E. Write-in

What’s the ruler’s sex?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Herm
D. Other/type-in
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Who rules the dragons?
A. The president
We’re governor, it should be another democratic one.
How did you get this moon?
A. You were elected
Uh, didn’t they already say we were elected.
What’s the ruler’s sex?
B. Female
Who rules the dragons?
A. The president | My fellow moon dragons, it is a great honor to represent this system.
How did you get this moon?
A. You were elected | So anyway I guess we're a democracy now. Sounds good to me!
What's the ruler's sex?
A. Male | Decided by the flip of a coin, then?
“But what if they reach our homeworld?” asked another NPC “What would the president think about it!”

“There’s millions on the homeworld, they’d be wholeheartedly outnumbered!” you said “I was elected governor of this Yonkun moon to serve their excellency, we’re about seven planets away feom the homeworld anyways and there are few other countries that are out this far in the solar system!”

“Until now at least!” Bickered the npc “Now, spaceships take ages to repair, but we should at least see if there’s more where that came from. Lord knows how powerful these people are.”

“But where are they comming from?” Said the npc

“Well, they could’ve come from an astroid base or another astoid, but let’s go to the ___ and see if there’s any Axion signatures” you reply motioning the others to follow you out of the cave. You and your ___ eventually get to the surface where you fly away from the cave with all of the others flying behind you. After about ten minutes of flying, your model and everything else froze in place as an inaudible cutscene was activated hundreds of kilometers away.

Where are you going?
A. The F-Yondel lunar capital building
B. A classified research station in Yondel’s orbit
C. Type-in

Who are the NPCs?
A. Your cabinet
B. Scientists
C. Mages
D. Your generals
Where are you going?
A. The F-Yondel lunar capital building | The governor is here to pay a visit. Be on your best behavior!
Who are the NPCs?
B. Scientists | I figure they would be the perfect guys for a task like this.
Where are you going?
A. The F-Yondel lunar capital building | The governor is here to pay a visit. Be on your best behavior!
Who are the NPCs?
B. Scientists | I figure they would be the perfect guys for a task like this.
Sure, let’s go with that. I have no real opinion this time around.
“Well, they could’ve come from an astroid base or another astoid, but let’s go to the Capitol and see if there’s any Axion signatures” you reply motioning the others to follow you out of the cave. You and your elite team of scientists eventually get to the surface where you fly away from the cave with all of the others flying behind you. After about ten minutes of flying, your model and everything else froze in place as an inaudible cutscene was activated hundreds of kilometers away.

Every sensation has stopped, from the breezy wind flying past you right down to the feeling of a heartbeat. everything in the game stopped for a good couple of minutes before every sensation swiftly returned like a slap to the face. There were large spaces of empty surface area stretching out for seemingly forever untill you see clustered areas of dragon villaiges and small towns.

You don’t hear any sound from below as it would lag the game otherwise. You eventually get to Yondel-F, the sixth lunar capitol in Yondel’s orbit. It’s a booming metropolis with houses and skyscrapers alike as you land near a humbly made capitol building with your scientists landing behind. You soon descend a staircase leading into the ground careful your tail doesn’t smack them in the face, where a warp module had been set up. “Analize any foreing axion signiture from the last two hours”

“Yes sir” they said laying down and ___ing before their screen modules. Your character’s role in the game sinks into you hitting you like a ton of bricks. ‘if I’m the governer, am I going to worry about assasination attempts?’ you wonder trying to keep your head held high.

“Sir!” said an NPC “There was a QuWarp jump about ____ from here!

“And did it come from anywhere in particular?” you ask

“Yes, sir” replied the npc “all axion signitures lead back to ____”

“Well that’s just gr-“ you said interrupted by the tones of a panal phone whitch had been mounted onto a labratory wall. It’s OLED screen read ‘___’ so you crawl up to the phone and ___ it with the tip of your muzzle.

How are your scientists using the computers?
A. Eyetracking software
B. Paw modules in the floor
C. Type-in

Where did the Pengians warp in?
A. 1200 Km away from this moon
B. 1200 mi away from this moon
C. 1.2 aus away in an astroid belt
D. 1.2 light years away beyond this solar system
E. Type-in

Where did the Pengians come from?
A. another spiral galaxy
B. an Eliptical galaxy
C. a barred spiral galaxy
D. a galaxy beyond the observable universe
E. type in

Who is trying to call you?
A. Mre. president
B. A congressman
C. A telemarketer
D. Your wife
E. type in

are you going to answer that?
A. No
B. yes
How are your scientists using the computers?
A. Eyetracking software | Now this is the future.
Where did the Pengians warp in?
C. 1.2 aus away in an astroid belt | Not an immediate problem, but it'll need attention soon.
Where did the Pengians come from?
B. an Elliptical galaxy
Who is trying to call you?
A. Mr. President
are you going to answer that?
B. yes | How could we possibly refuse a call from the President?
How are your scientists using the computers?
A. Eyetracking software
Where did the Pengians warp in?
B. 1200 mi away from this moon
Miles, used only in America and fiction.
Where did the Pengians come from?
B. an Eliptical galaxy
Who is trying to call you?
A. Mr.President
Are you going to answer that?
B. Yes
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“Yes sir” they said laying down and gazing at their screen modules. Your character’s role in the game sinks into you hitting you like a ton of bricks. ‘if I’m the governer, am I going to worry about assasination attempts?’ you wonder trying to keep your head held high.

“Sir!” said an NPC “There was a QuWarp jump about 1.2 au’s from here!

“And did it come from anywhere in particular?” you ask

“Yes, sir” replied the npc “all axion signitures lead back to an eliptical galaxy 15 parsecs away”

“Well that’s just gr-“ you said interrupted by the tones of a panal phone whitch had been mounted onto a labratory wall. It’s OLED screen read ‘Prasident Felwyn’ so you crawl up to the phone and answer it with the tip of your muzzle.

The game did the dialog for you as your character had a completely different accent to your own “Govorner Selysiff of the F moon of Yondel speaking" you say as the game would speak for you for the rest of the cutscene.

“Ahh yes” said the president “I would like to speak with you about declairing a state of national emergency”

“You’re excelency! what has happened on the homeworld?” you asked

“Hanamia has invaded Culdina with an army of ____!” answered Felwyn

“And have you spoken with the other governers, your excelency?” you ask

“_____, but you should be safe where you are.” said the President

“I’ll ___” you reply as the sientosts gawk at you for they can hear the call as well.

What is the Hanamanian army made of?
A. Cyborg supersoldiers
B. Mutant supersoldiers
C. Robots
D. Remote controlled wildlife
E. regular soldiers
F. type-in

Have they alerted other governers?
A. No, not yet
B. Yes, but only the ones on the homeworld
C. Yes and you are the last one
D. type in

What are you going to do about this?
A. Go there personally
B. Call up the regiment and send them there
C. Nothing, so you can purge the pengians.
D. Type-in
D. Remote controlled wildlife
Evil super-weapon?

Have they alerted other governers?
D. type in: Some, I called them in order of how far they are from the homeworld
What are you going to do about this?
B. Call up the regiment and send them there
The penguins are far enough away and our people need us.
What is the Hanamanian army made of?
D. Remote controlled wildlife | Better than the other options. Looks like they're about to stir up some serious hanamania in this system.
Have they alerted other governors?
D. Order of priority | basically wdinatx's one
What are you going to do about this?
B. Call up the regiment and send them there | While Ace and company are busy with their own things, we now find ourselves quite high in the chain of command. The Pengians are definitely a secondary issue so let's see how well the regiment deals with the wildlife before moving on from there.
“Hanamia has invaded Culdina with an army of remote control animals!” answered Felwyn

“And have you spoken with the other governers, your excelency?” you ask

“I’ve alerted those closest to the homeworld, but you should be safe where you are.” said the President

“I’ll call up the regiment and send them there!” you reply as the scientists gawk at you for they can hear the call as well. You hang up before the cutscene ended and you could talk as yourself again “Call the commander for the 15th Yonkun” you say as your English dialect swiftly returned as all the scientists stopped what they were doing and crawled over to you and looked over your wings. A dial tone can be heard for a few seconds before a voice on the other end said “Sir, what did you call me about?”

“President Feldwyn has declaired a state of national emergency, Hanamania has invaded Honwiff or whatever our country is supposed to be called. Send the troops to warp pads and have them fight!” you say as the npc on the other end replied “I will send my front line there on the double!”

Now that’s what I want to hear” you say as the general hung up. You growl to yourself saying “____”

“Well sir, it could be worse” consoled an NPC putting their paw over your own “___.”

“___!” you exclaim

What quip do you make at the game?
A. I didn’t sign up for this!
B. This isn’t what I was expecting!
C. This surely can’t be the game now!
D. What next, a press conference level!
E. Type-in

What does the NPC tell you
A. You could be cancerous
B. Well, you have to put on a brave face for the cameras
C. You could’ve had this moon destroyed by superweapon
D. type-in

How do you yell at the npcs?
A. You’re just a preprogrammed ai!
B. I’m sure you have other ideas!
C. What were the devs thinking!
D. This experience isn’t even fun anymore!
E. Type-in
What quip do you make at the game?
A. I didn’t sign up for this!
Quite literally true and doesn’t break character.
What does the NPC tell you
B. Well, you have had to put on a brave face for the cameras.
*Is confused by the other options.*
How do you yell at the npcs?
B. I’m sure you have other ideas!
“You probably can’t wait for us to do that!”
What quip do you make at the game?
B. This isn't what I was expecting! | But at least Eric has finally managed to find a use for his political science major, right?
What does the NPC tell you
B. Well, you have to put on a brave face for the cameras
How do you yell at the npcs?
B. I'm sure you have other ideas!
“Now that’s what I want to hear” you say as the general hung up. You growl to yourself saying “I didn’t sign up for this”

“Well sir, it could be worse” consoled an NPC putting their paw over your own “But, you have to put on a brave face for the camera.”

“And i’m sure you have other ideas!” you exclaim tempted to quit the game

“We’re only doing our job sir” said the NPC “Now let’s go and call a press conference, alright”

You sigh and groan as the npc took his paw off “Well, I guess it’s alright.” You soon walk up a few stairs to find yourself in the ornately crafted capitol with marble floors and portaits of all the previous presidents as you bring up the game’s menu, whitch block the lower third of your vision. You click ‘info’ before another drop down menu came up and you checked off ‘location.’ Another message would appear reading ‘Moon F, under Felnivan jusistiction’ “Ahh, felniva” you mutter as you crawl past a stature and toward your governer’s office.

There was a large desk for your secretaries, where they had been working. “Sir” said the secretary “I’ve called a press conference, so you can talk to your people”

“Great” you said with a fake smile before crawling back out “Now pray tell, where is the conference”

“It’s in the press room on level one” she said as you walked out onto the main hallway towards a room simply labeled ‘briefing’ Inside, the journalists were setting up their camaras, tripods and microphones while you get up on ste stage and stand proud and in charge. Your heart is racing as you remain unsure about how to address the nation, but soon enough all the record lights went on as you wait for the journalists to ask a question in akward silence “W-well, President Felwyn has declaired a state of national emergency because Hanamania has invaded Felnivan soil and I will do everythin in our power so that ____ will prevail!”

“Have the felnivans declaired war?” asked a journalist

“I can’t say for certain, but central intelligence has made an assessment of the Hanemanian army and they have ____” you answer as waves of flashing white light cane from their cameras

What rousing message do you wish to give to the press?
A. Justice
B. This proud nation
C. Peace
D. type-in

What did intelligence tell you?
A. Weapons of mass destruction
B. Control of nature
C. A cultlike devotion to their leader
D. Anti-dragon prejudice
E. type-in
What rousing message do you wish to give to the press?
B. This proud nation
Let's go dragons, let's go dragons!
What did intelligence tell you?
C. A cultlike devotion to their leader
We don't need intel for B and this one seems interesting.
What rousing message do you wish to give to the press?
B. This proud nation | Good old patriotism!
What did intelligence tell you?
C. A cultlike devotion to their leader | Yes I agree, this is cool and interesting. I'm sure we've dealt with the other options before but now there's going to be a different problem on our hands.
“It’s in the press room on level one” she said as you walked out onto the main hallway towards a room simply labeled ‘briefing’ Inside, the journalists were setting up their camaras, tripods and microphones while you get up on ste stage and stand proud and in charge. Your heart is racing as you remain unsure about how to address the nation, but soon enough all the record lights went on as you wait for the journalists to ask a question in akward silence “W-well, President Felwyn has declaired a state of national emergency because Hanamania has invaded Felnivan soil and I will do everything in our power so that this proud nation will prevail!”

“Have the felnivans declaired war?” asked a journalist

“I can’t say for certain, but central intelligence has made an assessment of the Hanemanian army and they have a cultlike devotion to their leader” you answer as waves of flashing white light cane from their cameras “This is purely antithetical to Felnivian values of Democracy and the rule of law!”

“Does this mean that we’ll be expecting martial law anytime soon” asked a journalist

“of course not” you reply “But I will do everything in my power to support our comorades fighting on the frontlines”

“Will congress be overridden so you could achieve your goals” asked another journalist

“Of course not!” you reply “We’re seven planets away from that, we should be safe here so the legislative process will still continue like normal. I will insure that life goes on as it always does because there shouldn’t be any reason for us to live in fear. We have always been the apex of the food chain, when something happens, we don't run away and hide, we fight to protect our borders and our sovereignty! Thank you very much”

You bow your head and crawl out the other side before making down the hall back into the office where ____ appeared on your screen once you log in.

You mostly ignore these as you focus your attention on various bills passed by congress ranging from ___. You keep reading and working for the next hour untill you get a notification about ___.

What’s in your feed?
A. Death threats
B. scam e-mails
C. personal messages
D. type-in

What kind of bills are congress proposing
A. Orbital traffic regulation to single payer healthcare
B. Bans on the consumption of Dragon eggs to tax reform
C. Adult film regulations to weather modification bills
D. Type-in

What’s this about?
A. Another Pengian ship comming toward you.
B. Demmom@n (Ace) has been killed by moonworms
C. type-in
What’s in your feed?
B. scam e-mails
Why would we be sent death threats and who would send us personal messages?
What kind of bills are congress proposing
A. Orbital traffic regulation to single payer healthcare.
Normal stuff.
What’s this about?
A. Another Pengian ship comming toward you.
Bah, stupid penguins.
What's in your feed?
C. personal messages | We figured out how to filter the other ones a long time ago. I'm sure they'll be interesting to read.
What kind of bills are congress proposing?
B. Bans on the consumption of Dragon eggs to tax reform | Is this really a thing? Well, I guess that's space for ya.
What's this about?
B. Demmom@n (Ace) has been killed by moonworms | How's it going, Ace? While you've been busy monster slaying, we've been busy governing a planet and taking charge of small armies. It's a long story.

Our choices are all different this time. Nice.
You bow your head and crawl out the other side before making down the hall back into the office where personal messages appeared on your screen once you log in.

You mostly ignore these as you focus your attention on various bills passed by congress ranging from Orbital traffic regulation to Single payer healthcare. You keep reading and working for the next hour untill you get a notification reading ‘Danger foreign ships in orbit.’

“Well that’s just great” you say sarcastically “Call Waterglen” you say as the hologram of a dragon spy appeared on the opposite side of the room “I just got an automated notification about another ship in your midst” you say.

“Yes & there’s ships all the time” said the spy as you look at the notification and inspecting where it came from and how it’s the same kind of ship that came for you the first time. “Well it’s the same kind of ship that came from another galaxy and they attempted to assasinate me! Go give them hell for their colonial acts! I don’t even want to see those birds around my ____ moon!”

“Well, I’ll tell the head of _____ and we’ll invastigate the matter” said the spy

“Perfect” you say glad your not the 1st boss this time around “But they’re from a different galaxy, so I think it would be in your best interest to ____.

How do you swear at your men?
A. Fucking
B. Goddamn
C. Bloody
D. Type-in

Who does the spy work for?
A. Central Intelligence
B. Paramilitary
C. International Police
D. type-in

What do you want to tell the spy
A. Kill them all before they reach orbit
B. Try to be kind and show them that your not scary
C. Be helpful to them so they tell you all their secrets
D. type-in
How do you swear at your men?
A. Fucking | The way we always have.
Who does the spy work for?
A. Central Intelligence | Important guy, knows what they're doing.
What do you want to tell the spy?
B. Try to be kind and show them that you're not scary | We could probably deal with this and the Hanamanians with no trouble, but we may as well make sure these guys don't get in the way. We have enough to worry about at the moment.

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