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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

okay i'm really sorry for being a dumbass bc i'm sure this is in here somewhere, but i couldn't find it XD

1. whats the starting setting? like how far into the school year, month, etc.
2. how long has violet been missing?

maybe it's just because its early so plz forgive
i just wanna be able to write my opener today!
Hi!! Sorry for not posting yet I’ve been majorly busy. I can definitely get a post up this weekend
Apparently i had to work today which i did not know about until today, I apologize. I will get up a post ASAP, it’s just already late tonight
Sorry for the late post and its poor quality :S life got me by my ears and I am constantly hurrying around and about latečy : ) but things should calm down now that most of it is done already.
Probably a good time to ask if there should be a defined order of posting? I'm in NO hurry to post, that's for sure.

EDIT: Important one word that changes the entire meaning.
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I don't think there will be a defined order of posting in like casual scenes like this. But like if there is a dramatic event you would want to give everyone a chance to respond at least once
At the moment I'm just giving it some time for everyone to get their first post out. No rush though- everyone gets busy.

I think the only general “rule” is to be mindful of the passage of time and moderate your posting speed likewise. So if you’re posting back to back with another character and an hour ends up passing their time but everyone else is still behind then that just confuses things.

So really just be mindful of others ^-^
Sorry I haven't post yet I have been busy with college and work and I'm on my final exams week I'll be able to post something maybe this weekend
okay, not sure how good that post actually is, but it's up

i've been frying my brain studying for a test for the past few hours
okay, not sure how good that post actually is, but it's up

i've been frying my brain studying for a test for the past few hours

Tests are always the worst, hope that you do well!
Pastry Pastry thanks lol! I’ve got midterms in a couple weeks too so... y’know... stress

It’s fine though haha, just glad that a couple classes are taking it easy because of all the tests
Pastry Pastry thanks lol! I’ve got midterms in a couple weeks too so... y’know... stress

It’s fine though haha, just glad that a couple classes are taking it easy because of all the tests

That’s always the worst, having assignments on top of studying for multiple tests and midterms. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve got placement exams to see if i’m dumb or not soon.

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