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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

sorry for the short post but I was really tired today after work and now I gotta go again. I hope its enough to kick things off : )

HERE is the link in case you didn't see the main threat. Have fun and talk to you tomorrow :)

So, just to make sure I'm reading this right. Is the girl in this intro just a random student, for the sake of setting the scene? Or is this introducing an important character?
Okay so these are the relationships I think Astrid would have with the other characters if you have any other idea feel free to tell me this is just my opinion 😅

Diane Susanne Walcot ( aurnia aurnia ): I don’t think Astrid and Diane would get along that well. She wouldn’t have any problem with Diane but definitely Astrid would think she is quite a weakling since she depends a lot of Violet and how he reacted when she disappeared maybe Astrid thinks she wouldn’t be part of the most popular witches.

Caleb J Allen ( Pastry Pastry ): I don’t think Calen and Astrid would be really close since he is an outcast and she is really picky with her relationships but maybe she is interested in his powers since it could be related to hers and somehow their powers could work together? Idk

Ivy Cassia Warren ( Pthenora Pthenora ): I think Astrid and Ivy would get along not like super close friends but they would be friendly to each other and wouldn’t have a problem with her since she “wasn’t” part of the coven

Rosario Syxir ( Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha ) wip

Minerva Night ( Maree Maree ): Since Minerva is part of the three most powerful witches. Astrid is not that close to her but she thinks that Minerva deserves that spot and Astrid thinks that her personality is admirable.

Mercedes Zabielski ( apolla apolla ) Astrid would like to get closer to Sadie since she has such a strong personality and knows what she wants. I’m not sure how Astrid would react if she knows Sadie comes from a witch and a mundane so that would be interesting to see.

Anastasia Bextiyar ( Miracleist Miracleist ) I think Astrid and Anastasia would have like a neutral relationship just like the usual classmates that don’t have problems with each other.

Jessica Greene ( Shagranoz Shagranoz ) I think Astrid and Jessica wouldn’t get along since their personalities are different since she is a perfectionist and Jessica is more carefree with things and immature.

Ezekai Micah ( cosowarrior cosowarrior ) Astrid wouldn’t take notice in Ezekai since he is shy and she would like to hangout with people that had strong personalities. Astrid is also very manipulative so she would try to persuade Ezekai to do things for her at some point, if you are okay with that.

So, just to make sure I'm reading this right. Is the girl in this intro just a random student, for the sake of setting the scene? Or is this introducing an important character?
No it's just another student and the post it meant to show that it happened before.
By the way, what's the deal with the roommate situation? Have any of those been decided yet? I'm about to write up Ezekai's relationships, so it came to mind.
Mine and Belle's characters are roomies.
I would assume yours would be with Pastry unless they decide otherwise (seeing as you're the two boys)
I don't know since I thought it would be better for people if they got to decide but if you want I can do it in a random way. But since there are only three guys you can be in a room with three roommates? Or one could be in a single room while two are roommates?
roughly what time? lunch/ morning?

Oh, yea. Pthenora Pthenora , I also had some questions I asked a couple of pages back about what their school schedule should look like. Are they expected to take a class every period, for instance? Because unless we're starting on the weekend, the schedule is going to have an impact on our interactions if we start any time before the end of classes.

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