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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

Also, when will this RP be expected to start? It would be awesome to start this weekend but being in the east end of the world has a way of turning the right opportunities into missed ones plus my weekdays are limited on account of work.
I was thinking today after work I will announce who gets the last spot and then tomorrow we can start : )
wip- I'm tired

apolla apolla I agree in terms of their bold persona's I can see them clashing from time to time. But Sadie is definitely her type the firey hair and personality is right up her alley. I can see them getting into like a mini argument and then getting distracted by being attracted to her and forgetting what they were arguing about. Possibly roomies

Pastry Pastry I feel like Minnie would enjoy his evil tendencies and help him prank people from time to time. But also threaten to drown him in the waters haunted waterfall if he ever tries to do something to her Or just knock him unconscious and leave him for the ghost-

Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha Your ideas sound pretty perfect. I can see Minnie purposefully putting out his flames whenever he starts to get on her nerves and threatening him with the fact that water trumps fire. She gets annoyed with his puns rather easily and usually bangs her head on her desk whenever he makes one.

For people I have missed I shall do it when I'm not dying inside
Mercedes Zabielski ( apolla apolla ): Sadie's impulsiveness and passion would make Rosario feel as if he's found a kindred spirit. He would that she was someone that he could confide in since he feels that they share similar fears. Ruxay would enjoy the attention she received once Sadie took an interest in her. She would confidently pose on top of Rosario's head allowing Sadie to see her in all her spiky might.

sadie having someone to confide in (and vice versa) would be amazing. while it might take her some time to get used to "the lizard" (sadie's words) she might end up liking her XD
apolla apolla I agree in terms of their bold persona's I can see them clashing from time to time. But Sadie is definitely her type the firey hair and personality is right up her alley. I can see them getting into like a mini argument and then getting distracted by being attracted to her and forgetting what they were arguing about. Possibly roomies

omg roomies would be amazing! yse they'd definitely clash at first maybe and then become quite the pair, i feel!
wip- I'm tired

apolla apolla I agree in terms of their bold persona's I can see them clashing from time to time. But Sadie is definitely her type the firey hair and personality is right up her alley. I can see them getting into like a mini argument and then getting distracted by being attracted to her and forgetting what they were arguing about. Possibly roomies

Pastry Pastry I feel like Minnie would enjoy his evil tendencies and help him prank people from time to time. But also threaten to drown him in the waters haunted waterfall if he ever tries to do something to her Or just knock him unconscious and leave him for the ghost-

Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha Your ideas sound pretty perfect. I can see Minnie purposefully putting out his flames whenever he starts to get on her nerves and threatening him with the fact that water trumps fire. She gets annoyed with his puns rather easily and usually bangs her head on her desk whenever he makes one.

For people I have missed I shall do it when I'm not dying inside
I feel you on the dying part, today seems to be that kind of day... Can't wait for work to be over and I didn't even go yet lol. (I swear I usually don't while like that but today I cant help myself)
wip- I'm tired

apolla apolla I agree in terms of their bold persona's I can see them clashing from time to time. But Sadie is definitely her type the firey hair and personality is right up her alley. I can see them getting into like a mini argument and then getting distracted by being attracted to her and forgetting what they were arguing about. Possibly roomies

Pastry Pastry I feel like Minnie would enjoy his evil tendencies and help him prank people from time to time. But also threaten to drown him in the waters haunted waterfall if he ever tries to do something to her Or just knock him unconscious and leave him for the ghost-

Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha Your ideas sound pretty perfect. I can see Minnie purposefully putting out his flames whenever he starts to get on her nerves and threatening him with the fact that water trumps fire. She gets annoyed with his puns rather easily and usually bangs her head on her desk whenever he makes one.

For people I have missed I shall do it when I'm not dying inside

Caleb would definitely feel threatened by that statement. He’d try to joke it off, but enough is enough. The two would be the best at pranking students and teachers.
Pthenora Pthenora I’m still interested on being in this my character is done but I wanted to edit some stuff but I haven’t had the time to do it and I’m not sure If I’ll be able to edit it before the time limit and also my character haven’t been accepted yet but I wanted to show my interest 😅
Pthenora Pthenora I’m still interested on being in this my character is done but I wanted to edit some stuff but I haven’t had the time to do it and I’m not sure If I’ll be able to edit it before the time limit and also my character haven’t been accepted yet but I wanted to show my interest 😅
hmmm should I wait till morning to decide then?
Up to you, you are the GM so you are the one that decides who is in 😅
Hehe yes that's true but I want to give people a fair chance so if you think you might get the CS finished the way you wish it to be till tomorrow morning then I am willing to wait till then to go through the characters and make a decision.
Is it just me or did some people not say if they are still in or not? I mean Saboona let me know in a PM that they are still in but I think a few pps are missing (or is it just my imagination playing with me lol)
Maree Maree I feel like Minnie and Lucy are the kind of girls that make mundane men quake. Together they seem like the most socially powerful people LOL and will dropkick all of the species of boys in existence
Okay guys, I am back from a busy day outside and decided to start this in the morning in case those that didn't confirm interest couldn't do so because they were busy with life. If they won't confirm that they are still interested by tomorrow morning I will accept other characters and start this.
urgh I like all the characters, it will be a hard decision to chose which will be accepted, but don't worry I will decide soon.

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