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Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches OOC

Pthenora Pthenora At the risk of seeming too bare bones, can I check if what I got can be considered sufficient? The Personality and Biography tabs are really experimental, so they might work for you or they might not. Do tell though, I still consider this a WIP with more room for revision subject to your approval. (Though, of course, you must note that I'm lazy and liable to go forward without a care if you so much as say "okay").

For Personality, less is more, I hope. The goal is to get the point about her being warm and gentle when calm and potentially, literally mad when mad with the tendency to run away.
The Biography tab is just an attempt at subverting expectations. Everyone tends to prefer tragic backstories so I went the complete other way and gave her an idealistic one.
To be honest I thought you wrote a poem instead of her personality and I had no idea that was what you meant for her to be like but once you explained in this post I kind of saw it so it's all good and her powers are okay as well.
Maree Maree I'm feeling a lot of opposition between Diana and Minerva and I honestly love it? Like, I can so see the two of them being the friends that nobody would assume would be friends (through Violet of course) lol

They are going to be an interesting pair alright ^-^
Cool, then I will add some information about Violet as well. I also fixed a bit of the info about demons (I wasn't entirely happy with the signs of possession hehe) I will add more info tomorrow since I still have a few things to do before going to sleep.
Also my girl is done if anyone would like to check her out.

I was thinking that tomorrow morning I will look through the characters that are finished (please let me know which are) and maybe start accepting them so that those that wanted the same role as one that is taken or their current character wouldn't be accepted they can still have time to apply for another role/character before the RP starts.
HAI sorry I don't post on OOC's all the time. Love the questions, since I don't even think of half the things that are posted, really informed me on how the world works in... Maine?

would anyone be interested in a relationship with Caleb?
I might rewrite Diana's bio?? not tonight because I have a speech that's due tomorrow that I have to start, finish, and finalize that I forgot about to do rn lol but idk i feel like i can do better

Pastry Pastry diana's nice to everybody so like? You're welcome to put her as a friendly-acquaintence or something like that (shhh i know i spelled that word wrong)
okay i lied i'm so not finishing this speech tonight i might just call in sick tomorrow so that i have an extra day, is that bad? lmao
To be honest I thought you wrote a poem instead of her personality and I had no idea that was what you meant for her to be like but once you explained in this post I kind of saw it so it's all good and her powers are okay as well.

Hm, damn. Maybe I'll go flesh it out as well just to be clear on that front. Until then, lets just consider this profile done for all intents and purposes.

Also, she's friendly and won't bite. Like me, I am friendly and won't bite too. Ples set up a relationship with me my character.
Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but how long have classes been in session now (at the start of the rp)? It sounds like ~1 month, but just to be sure...
Maree Maree I would just like to say that I agree with goldfish being complete dicks if we were able to communicate lol. Birds would be pretty high up on that list too
Maree Maree I would just like to say that I agree with goldfish being complete dicks if we were able to communicate lol. Birds would be pretty high up on that list too
Oh god birds would be the worst.
But yes, just look at their little goldfish faces. You know they are plotting world domination
BELIAL. BELIAL. I love your character. Do you have an idea of what kind of role you're going to give her?
oh my fuck thats thw ONE THING I FORGOT TO ADD OML hahahaha i did everything else and saved it for last WOW
so sorry omg lemme throw that in there thank u so much
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Should I make a guy? I feel like a should make a guy

mainly so I can procrastinate my assignment further
I might rewrite Diana's bio?? not tonight because I have a speech that's due tomorrow that I have to start, finish, and finalize that I forgot about to do rn lol but idk i feel like i can do better

Pastry Pastry diana's nice to everybody so like? You're welcome to put her as a friendly-acquaintence or something like that (shhh i know i spelled that word wrong)
BELIAL. BELIAL. I love your character. Do you have an idea of what kind of role you're going to give her?
Should I make a guy? I feel like a should make a guy

mainly so I can procrastinate my assignment further
aurnia aurnia I will add that right away, and I did not see anything... *wink wink*
Maree Maree Toooooootally agree, BELIAL. BELIAL. love the coding for the power you have, makes me feel like I'm in a video game choosing a character.
- You should totally make a guy, but once the assignment's over, you'd have to write for two characters on one roleplay...
I also feel confident to say that my character is done.

if anyone feels there's something wrong with it let me know, it's been a while since I've been on this site and my creative writing has been smooshed to the bottom with my boot, it is now only resurfacing and it's satisfying to see a sister surface.

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