• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Villmont College for Witches CS



Junior Member
1. No overpowering your characters.
2. No mundanes (nonwitches)
3. Don't submit more than two characters per person so that there won't be too many character sheets. But you can apply for two roles so in case one you liked gets taken you will still have a chance of being accepted.
4. I will accept a limited number of characters so not everyone might get accepted (sorry about that but if the group is too big things tend to get out of hand)
5. Follow RPN rules.​


Roles I really wish to have filled (but you can come up with your own, of course):

New Queen Bee – She was the second most popular girl, always coming in second after the one and only Violet Mayweather in everything from academics, power to popularity but after Violet disappeared she took her place in the secret coven as well as in the trio.

The Loyal Second - Violet’s best and maybe only true friend, she was always ranked third yet Violet and her were as close as it gets. She was and still is loyal to her even after Violet disappeared. She will keep looking for her best friend until she finds out the truth even if others might give up.

The Ice Queen – She is known for her cold personality towards those with little to no power. ‘Mundanes gave her hives’ and in her opinion magic is a sure sign you are favored by the goddess so witches are superior in every way. Surprisingly if you manage to get into her circle of friends she can be a very good friend.

The New Girl – In every story there is a new girl yet this one might not be as ‘new’ as you think. She is a legacy, the secret granddaughter of Theresa Villmont and she wishes to have a coven of her own. Will she form one and become the secret covens rival?



Age: (18-21)
S. Orientation: (optional)
Role: (you can pick your own or pick one of the ones mentioned earlier)
Morality: (are they Good? Evil? Neutral? Simply a bad girl/guy, Etc...)

Magic type: (nature witch, divination witch, fire witch, moon witch,… stuff like that, if you need help you can ask me)
Main power: (one power that is their strongest, it would be good if it would fit into their magic type, they can use it without spells or potions)
Two minor powers: (powers they have just like the main one but this one is far less powerful and could even be called a skill)
Specialty: (spells, spell making, potions, runes, herbs, charms, etc… pick one, it should be related to the magic type)

Personality: (two paragraphs + or a list with short explanations of their personality trait)
Biography: (two paragraphs minimum)
Relationships: (will be discuses and decided after characters are accepted)


Other (anything else you wish to add, it's optional)


(those not on the list might still be under consideration, unfinished or sadly weren't accepted)

The Loyal Second - Diana Walcott by aurnia aurnia
The Outcast - Caleb J. Allan by Pastry Pastry
Fourth coven member - Ivy Cassia Warren by Pthenora Pthenora
The Rebel Aristocrat - Rosario (Rio) Syxir by Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha
New Queen Bee - Minerva Night by Maree Maree
The New Girl - Mercedes Zabielski by apolla apolla
The Wholesome One - Anastasia Bextiyar by Miracleist Miracleist
Hippie Girl - Jessica Greene by Shagranoz Shagranoz
Ezekai Micah Harris by cosowarrior cosowarrior
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magic type_life magic
main power_animation/death
or growth/withering in the case of plants
(though she has never
preformed magic to kill someone/
and doesn't plan to)
minor powers_legilimency, healing

likes_sappy romance novels, roses,
plants, mornings, hot tea, record
players & records, mundane pop music,
fun/interesting scarves,
cats, dark chocolate, weddings
dislikes_complicated technology, mention
of her darker powers, late nights/all
nighters, disrespect for nature,
liars, discrimination, large
crowds, harming/killing anything
fears_small spaces, needles,
accidentally killing someone/something
(some) favorite songs_❤︎.❤︎.❤︎.❤︎.❤︎
familiar_ a male cat named Adonis, who
does not speak except on rare occasion ❤︎

biography_the Walcott family is one of
the most prominent american magical
families, and are known for their
rather ruthless, yet secret and mostly
unseen method of getting and keeping
that status. A family of mostly life/death
magic witches and wizards with but a
few exceptions, there is no shortage
for a wanting of their services in the
magic world and even in the mundane
one. They have lived in the eastern
united states for centuries, ever since
the establishment of the New
England colonies, and Diana is one in a
long line of witches to attend Villmont.
Ever since she was a child, Diana has
been a bit odd compared to her siblings
and the rest of her family; she was
never interested in killing or harming
anything, especially not for personal gain.
This can mostly be attributed to her
personal nanny, an earth witch with
very peaceful tendencies. Diana was
mostly raised by the woman, and
secretly considers her more of a mother
figure than her actual biological mother.

Diana met Violet when they were
both preteens, and grew very close to her
over the years. She likes to consider Violet
the sister she never had- as her two
siblings are boys- and loves the girl with
all of her heart. The two of them
shared everything, and Violet is one of
the only witches to know that Diana
does actually have 'death' powers and
just chooses not to use them. When the
two of them started at Villmont, Diana
was a bit unsure about Violet's decision
for their trio to be the most popular in
the school, and to start the secret coven,
but she went along with it because it was
what Violet wanted to do. She isn't
so opposed to it now, but she has a bit
kinder of a way of keeping her own power,
by simply being kind to everyone and
gaining their respect that way. When
Violet disappeared, Diana was crushed,
and her whole life turned upside-down.
She did not attend her classes for
almost a month- not even herbology- until
she returned with a fierce determination to
find her friend. Now, she is searching, and
she will never stop until she finds Violet-
dead or alive.
other_it is assumed that she is the
least powerful of the trio because she
has never used her darker powers-
and refuses to- and it is believed that
she does not have them by her peers,
which does limit her shown power, though
her family is one of the most
powerful life/death magic families in
- Violet Mayweather - best friend
- the rest to be determined

diana walcott
the amaranth rose // code by pasta
{the picture scrolls}
b a s i c s
name_diana susanne walcott ,
nicknames_dia / rosey , age_21 ,
birth date_march 13 , gender_female , sexuality_pansexual ,
role_loyal second ,
face claim_keirnan shipka , height_5' 2" , weight_104 lbs ,
morality_chaotic good


Diana has always been a powerful witch, but
never a boastful or cruel one. A bit of a 'black sheep'
in her family and in her friend group, she has
always had an affinity for plants and nature and
prefers growing and healing arts to the darker side
of her powers. This preference mostly stems from
her kind nature and humble mindset, which direct
her every action. Diana does not believe herself
any better than anyone else, and will not hesitate
to help anyone in any way she can. It pains her that
she cannot help out the mundane world more,
as it seems they are always in need of dire help
from someone like her,
though she does in very small ways occasionally.

A quiet girl and a bit of an old soul,
she is the one that many people - friends or not- go
to for compassion and wisdom. There is very little
that angers her, and despite her delicate exterior
and usual presence, she has a will of steel and a
fierce devotion to her close friends. She is at the
same time a hopeless romantic, and easily
heartbroken. Diana is far too trusting with her heart
and it tends to end up hurting her more than any
other person in the end. None of this, however,
makes her a boring person, and she is almost
never opposed to having a bit of innocent fun.

name: Diana Susanne Walcott
age: 21
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual
role: the loyal second
morality: chaotic good
magic type: life/death magic
main power: animation/reanimation, growth/withering in the case of plants
minor powers: legilimency, healing
specialty: herbology
likes: sappy romance novels, roses, plants, mornings, hot tea, record players & records, fun/interesting scarves, cats, dark chocolate
dislikes: complicated technology, mention of her darker powers, late nights/all nighters, disrespect for nature, liars, discrimination, large crowds, harming/killing anything
fears: small spaces, needles, accidentally killing someone/something
familiar: a male black cat named Adonis
biography: the Walcott family is one of the most prominent american magical families, and are known for their rather ruthless, yet secret and mostly unseen method of getting and keeping that status. A family of mostly life/death magic witches and wizards with but a few exceptions, there is no shortage for a wanting of their services in the magic world and even in the mundane one. They have lived in the eastern united states for centuries, ever since the establishment of the New England colonies, and Diana is one in a long line of witches to attend Villmont. Ever since she was a child, Diana has been a bit odd compared to her siblings and the rest of her family; she was never interested in killing or harming anything, especially not for personal gain. This can mostly be attributed to her personal nanny, an earth witch with very peaceful tendencies. Diana was mostly raised by the woman, and secretly considers her more of a mother figure than her actual biological mother.
Diana met Violet when they were both preteens, and grew very close to her over the years. She likes to consider Violet the sister she never had- as her two siblings are boys- and loves the girl with all of her heart. The two of them shared everything, and Violet is one of the only witches to know that Diana does actually have 'death' powers and just chooses not to use them. When the two of them started at Villmont, Diana was a bit unsure about Violet's decision for their trio to be the most popular in the school, and to start the secret coven, but she went along with it because it was what Violet wanted to do. She isn't so opposed to it now, but she has a bit kinder of a way of keeping her own power, by simply being kind to everyone and gaining their respect that way. When Violet disappeared, Diana was crushed, and her whole life turned upside-down. She did not attend her classes for almost a month- not even herbology- until she returned with a fierce determination to find her friend. Now, she is searching, and she will never stop until she finds Violet- dead or alive.
relationships: Violet Mayweather: best friend, the rest to be determined
personality: never a boastful or cruel one. A bit of a 'black sheep'
in her family and in her friend group, she has
always had an affinity for plants and nature and
prefers growing and healing arts to the darker side
of her powers. This preference mostly stems from
her kind nature and humble mindset, which direct
her every action. Diana does not believe herself
any better than anyone else, and will not hesitate
to help anyone in any way she can. It pains her that
she cannot help out the mundane world more,
as it seems they are always in need of dire help
from someone like her,
though she does in very small ways occasionally.

A quiet girl and a bit of an old soul,
she is the one that many people - friends or not- go
to for compassion and wisdom. There is very little
that angers her, and despite her delicate exterior
and usual presence, she has a will of steel and a
fierce devotion to her close friends. She is at the
same time a hopeless romantic, and easily
heartbroken. Diana is far too trusting with her heart
and it tends to end up hurting her more than any
other person in the end. None of this, however,
makes her a boring person, and she is almost
never opposed to having a bit of innocent fun.
( i was too lazy to reformat this one, and i have to run so... yeah lol)



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Unknown Character Name.jpg
Name: Caleb J. Allen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 138 lbs (62.95kg)
S. Orientation: Bisexual
Role: The Outcast
Morality: Evil with Good tendencies.

Magic type: Illusion
Main power: Projecting things that aren't there.
("Alternating Reality")
Two minor powers:
1. Dream Magic (ex. Manipulating beings who sleep, making their dreams either happy, sad, or informing.)
2. Disguise (ex. Changing face shape, making a bird into a tiger... Not going to the extent of total invisibility)

Caleb isn't an outcast for no reason at all. He chooses to be that way. Caleb doesn't associate with the popular groups, didn't join any covens, and most importantly doesn't belong with the nerds. Caleb is just himself. He doesn't have a filter on his tongue and especially won't be putting one on any day soon. Caleb LOVES to mess with people, he doesn't care what they think of him after the fact and appreciates a good joke played on him now and then. Caleb is smart, even though he's rude and aloof, he uses his magic responsibly. He refuses to use his magic irresponsibly. Caleb does have a few good characteristics within him. He's trustworthy. If he says he's going to do something for you, he would. He's loyal. Any friend to him is a friend for life. He's also caring. If a loved one of his is hurt or sick, he would do anything to help them. Finally, He's patient. He would wait years for the simplest of things.
"James" grew up in the rural streets of Long Island New York. His father was unknown, and his mother and stepfather were always working, leaving him to tend to his three younger sisters, never going out and most importantly never helping others. His sisters didn't have magical powers like him, but he did since his biological father was a warlock/wizard. "James" was always the "weirdo kid" in the neighborhood, never going outside and when doing so, he would be watching his younger siblings. "James" had discovered his powers one day, at ten years old when he'd gone outside to watch his sisters. As he walked outside, he discovered that a kid from his neighborhood had come up to his siblings and was bullying them. "James" became upset, so upset that he put an illusion on the kid. He made him go insane, his worst fears coming alive and "attacking him". The police were called, the kid was put in a psychiatric hospital. "James" was discovered as a wizard/warlock. His whole family had gone into hiding, flying across the country to Nevada and living there instead. They lost all their money, and it was "James'" fault.

"James" spent the next twelve years working for his family, trying to pay for him and his sisters to go to school and have everything that they need. His name was changed to Caleb J. Allen, and his entire family did the same. Caleb had worked hard in school, graduating top of his class, trying to redeem what he had done to that little boy twelve years ago. The accident taught him to never use his powers out of anger, or frustration.

That was when he got the letter to Villmont. Caleb was excited of this, knowing that he'd never practiced his Illusionary work, he'd now be able to practice it freely. After extreme studying before the school year, Caleb became knowledgeable in Potions work, even though he'd never created potions before. Caleb also practiced his strongest work, Illusions, and Dream Manipulation, by using his sisters and showing them happy things, like butterflies and giving them wonderful dreams. Caleb hasn't worked out his darker side of the Illusions, but he could work something terrifying if he were to get upset.

Relationships: Diana Walcott (Acquaintance),
Mercedes Zabielski - Caleb and Sadie always got along. After greeting one another for the first time in class, and soon discovering that they had similar magic, they soon became friends and studied together frequently in the library. These meetings were of pure academic standards, Caleb learning how to perform his magic and show Sadie his craft, whilst Sadie returning the favor in teaching him her ways of Illusory magic.

Likes: Iced Coffee, ramen, dogs, loyalty, respect, listening to music, the unknown, space, reading, vanilla ice cream.
Dislikes: Vegetables, chocolate, "karma", "horoscopes", conspiracy theories,
Fears: Cold, height, insects, mental illnesses.

Familiar named Teller.
Teller is a beautiful black crow that acts as a conscience to him. Teller has never left Caleb's side since he found him. They're best friends, with Teller's dark sense of humor and his flirtatious remarks at other men and women, the two are meant for each other. Teller can't talk with his mouth, but he can improve in witches' minds and speak to them that way. Teller "speaks" in an Australian accent, always wanted to be Australian like in the mundane movie "Iron Man", Jarvis. Teller's seen nuzzled in Caleb's shoulder, or perched on his shoulder or backpack, looking at everyone with his dark, watchful eyes.

Teller .png

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wing wing wing wingw wimwbwjjemnkenenjekpJEIPJEPIqjekjmrn


Name: Ivy Cassia Warren
Age: 19
Gender: Female
S. Orientation: Bisexual
Role: Fourth member of the secret coven
Morality: Neutral (with occasional temporary changes to either side)

Magic type: Moon Witch
Main power: Petrification (can turn people and things into stone as well as turn them back to normal)
Two minor powers: Sixth sense (can sometimes know small things seemingly out of nowhere) and sensing (sometimes can sense a persons presence near her even if she can't see them).
Specialty: Rituals (everyone who had the rare opportunity to be in a circle or ritual she made said it's something special and a great experience, her rituals have a very high chance of success, some think that this is what makes her a moon witch since rituals are closely connected to the power of the moon and are performed at night)

Personality: Ivy is the type of person that keeps her part in the secret coven a secret, she was even rarely seen with the trio to prevent people from finding out she was in the same coven as them even if they are like a myth inside the school (no one knows if they actually exist or if they are just a rumor). -Of course now that Violet is missing she decided not to care about rumors and started spending time with the girls even at school and ‘officially’-.

Violet was her close friend and they would often secretly sneak out of school to go shopping or have coffee in their favorite little coffee shop. She is the person people go to when they want to find a way to sneak out of school outside of the official hours. She has moments where she is direct and she feels like standing up for yourself is more important than anything because if you won't no one else will.

Ivy likes to keep her cards close to her chest and only reveals her plans and thoughts when she thinks its the right time to do so (her familiar is the only one she tells her plans to right away, mostly because often they bounce ideas off of each other). She is neither a follower nor a leader, some would call her a solitary witch yet that isn’t exactly true either since she does enjoy doing magic with the coven and hanging out with her friends. She loves exploring mysterious and unknown places and often lets that curiosity lead her into dangerous or tricky situations because she just can't help herself but do it.

Flaws: Occasionally clumsy, often forgets the right words for a spell and needs to be reminded of the right word or sometimes even replaces them which can go either way, when she has an idea she sticks with it instead of looking for back up solutions in case her plan fails (which when it does leads to lots and lots of improvising and panicked, impulsive as well as reckless reactions), while she doesn’t worry easily for strangers she easily and quickly worries for/about her friends (okay so maybe this isn’t exactly a flaw), is vengeful and tends to be rather quiet when in a huge group of people.

Biography: Ivy comes from a long line of powerful witches. Her parents were leaders of a secret coven not even the supreme witch knew about until they were attacked by witch hunters and had to go into hiding. Ivy was only five when her coven was attacked so she has no memories of it. Ivy was raised by her eccentric and free-spirited aunt and her female lover. They lived on the outskirts of a small town and had a pretty much carefree life.

When Ivy was ten years old she accidentally turned a mean neighbor to stone when the woman took Ivy’s favorite toy and broke it in a fit of anger because Ivy had been very loud while playing. Her aunt quickly made sure no one would discover their secrets and while they stayed in town for a while longer they later moved away. Her aunt and her partner tried to teach Ivy yet they soon discovered she needed more advanced help and contacted the headmistress at Villmont (who was an old family friend) and had Ivy enrolled there. She soon made an impression on the secret coven and was accepted into their midst but she insisted ‘to stay in the shadows’ so others wouldn’t know she was a part of the group of friends let alone the coven (which others don’t know if it even really exists but still). They still hang out, just not too publicly.

Relationships: tba

Likes: Crystals, herbal tea, potions, exploring places around the school, magic, hot chocolate, coffee, attics, caves, the night, her friends, staying an observer rather than a leader, competent people.

Dislikes: Witch hunters, the sound of loud chewing, messing up a spell, demons, clothes that are made of scratchy fabrics,...

Fears: Possession, not being able to reverse a petrification, losing her magic like some of the missing students (when it will start happening of course), killing someone with a spell gone wrong.

Other: Her familiar is a cat with a bit of an attitude named Luna that can talk because of a spell she screwed up once. The cat doesn't talk like a person with her mouth but rather 'broadcasts' her thoughts telepathically to people around her (no the cat can't read minds or hear thoughts so if you stare at and think at her she will ask you why you are staring at her like a moron). When in a highly emotional state her way to talk can make little to no sense (the cat's that is).

She and her aunt aren't as powerful as the rest of her family used to be, which is why she is barely ranked in the top ten in school (she is ranked 7th in academics and 4th in power especially because her rituals have a very high success rate).
Code by apolla apolla
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Astrid Gallagher​

code by apolla apolla

  • Name: Astrid Gallagher
    Appearance: 1 2 3 4
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    S. Orientation: Heterosexual
    Role: The Ice Queen
    Morality: Chaotic Neutral
    Magic type: Shadow Magic
    Main power:
    Shadow Absorption: The user can absorb the shadows/darkness, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc., either temporarily or permanently.
    Minor powers:
    Shadow Camouflage: The user is able to become undetectable as long as they are in darkness or shadow.
    Shadow Generation: The user can generate and project shadows and darkness which absorb or nullifies light in the area.
    Specialty: Spell Casting

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☂ ✦ ☁ ☾​
Lapis Embers

Rosario Syxir

Name: Rosario Syxir
Nickname: Rio
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 lbs. Has an athletic build but not overly muscular.
Role: The Rebel Aristocrat
Morality: Chaotic Neutral
Familiar: A Giant Girdled (only 8 inches in length) Lizard named Ruxay that is always with him. She makes herself known and doesn't attempt to hide herself since she appears to be a normal lizard besides the small plumes of smoke that escape her mouth. Ruxay is too young to breath flames like her draconian ancestors once did but that doesn't stop her from trying. Due to Rosario having a connection with fire, he is able to understand creatures that share the element which means that Ruxay's harsh commentary isn't hidden from him.

Magic type: Fire Elemental Warlock

Main power: Pyrokinesis

Two minor powers:
Will O' Wisp - Can create and manipulate small bluish flame orbs to guide him to his destination or to a person whose magical energy is known to him. If found by a known magical energy, the orbs can lead the finder to Rosario if asked. If found by a stranger, they will combust upon being found.

Pyro Healing: Rosario is able to use flames that he did not make to heal minor wounds while major injuries may clot or slow down heavy bleeding to prevent further blood loss. The healing does take quite a lot of energy and concentration for major injuries which is why he tends to just avoid using it to that extent. HIs stubbornness also prevents him from realizing the extent of his own injuries.

Runes (It's quite hard to erase a rune when it has been basically burned into the ground or other surface which means that his runes tend to last longer than average and are quite strong.)

Rosario has always an easy going person when approached by family and friends alike. Always ready to take up for his friends while acting on his own will. Many people remember Rio as a happy-go-lucky kid that wanted nothing more than to always be around his twin sister and brighten up any boring atmosphere. He had a knack for interrupting important clan meetings and putting on silly shows that even the adults couldn't help but crack a smile.

As he got older and his magical talent had begun to rear its head, his voice had become more monotone along with his mood. Gone was the boy that greeted everyone with a warm smile and he instead stared at people with a calculating glint to his glacier grey eyes. Everything he did had a purpose that would only benefit and satisfy the clan leaders while only his twin sister would be able to see the young boy in him that once looked at the world in a constant state of wonder and awe. Once he was sent to Villmont College he was able to breathe with ease and was able to open back up. Rosario was able to smile freely and speak his mind. His demeanor may ooze a concealed inferno while his own eyes are alight with the multiple ideas and fun ways he can come up with to bring a little fun into everyone's lives.
Going back a few centuries to a rather discreet tribe located in Somali, the first of a long line of Kan Barakada Leh originated. Little is known of the original ancestors exact power is known but everyone single one of his descendants knows how the story went. Hibo had exhibited skills likened to being godly and protected the people of the Syxir as he grew older and eventually was crowned as the head of the tribe. From that point on, future generations exhibited more "magic" as the generations continue to reproduce. During the age when the witch hunts were taking place in the lands of the West, the Syxir Tribe had continued to mind their own business until they felt obligated to step in to protect their fellow gifted brethren. The few families that were sent over to help were basically overwhelmed by the sheer number of Westerners that were slaughtering each other based on unfounded hatred. The same horrible fate had fallen upon some of their own tribesmen before the survivors either fled back home or scattered across the states.

Fast forwarding to the year in which Rosario was born, the once small Syxir tribe has grown and flourished in both their homeland and the West. He came into the world during a more peaceful time along with his twin sister Roa. The clear indicator of a Syxir being blessed with magic usually depends on whether they are born with an unusual color of hair eyes. The first cry from the twins were followed by a chorus of happy sighs. Rosario's eyes were a clear glacier blue much lighter than his mother's own cerulean while Roa was born with a curly mane of ginger hair which took after their father. At the age of 4, both of them had begun to show their affinity for fire and air respectively. It was quite a sight to see 2 children in a home of a prominent sect of the clan running around leaving behind small blue embers and a seemingly never-ending breeze. As they grew older, the tribe elders realized that they would need to undergo strict rules and emotional training to avoid destroying the city or killing innocent people. That seclusion lead to more emotional stress that only translated into raw power with no control. Years went on in a similar manner, Roa's less dangerous affinity was able to be tamed while Rosario could only control his own hellish blue fire in peaceful situations without any triggers. While he wasn't failing at control, he learned that he had prodigy-like skill at accurately drawing runes from memory even if he had only seen them once and has managed to make his own runes out of pure curiosity. Once he turned 18, his parents decided that Rosario might be able to learn in a different environment so they sent him to Villmont in the hopes that their curriculum could curb his wild streak, lack of patience, and lack of control.

Relationships: (will be discuses and decided after characters are accepted)

Cats, colder climates, snakes, being able to go all out, persimmons, playing around, sleeping during the day, spicy food, and creating new runes.

His unsteady control of his magic due to it being tightly interwoven into his emotions, being constrained, rules, ignorance, other "purebred" witches/warlocks that act like they're better than everyone else, the color yellow, tea, lectures, and indoor class settings.

Hurting people that he cares about and being unable to protect his family. Giant cursed spiders aren't really his cup of tea either, that was one Halloween he'd rather forget.

code by pasta
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background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg1 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg2] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg2); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg2 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg3] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg3); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg3 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg4] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg4); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg4 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg5] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg5); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg5 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class=gimg6] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-1); background-image: var(--gimg6); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; transition: 0.5s; [/class] [class name=gimg6 state=hover] border: 2px solid var(--color-g-2); transition: 0.5s; [/class] [script class=linkbox1 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox1bg [/script] [script class=linkbox1 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox1bg [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox2bg [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox2bg [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox3bg [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox3bg [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=mouseenter] addClass linkanim linkbox4bg [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=mouseleave] removeClass linkanim linkbox4bg [/script] [script class=page1 on=init] addClass show [/script] [script class=linkbox1 on=click] addClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page3 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox2 on=click] addClass show page2 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page3 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox3 on=click] addClass show page3 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page4 [/script] [script class=linkbox4 on=click] addClass show page4 removeClass show page1 removeClass show page2 removeClass show page3 [/script] [div style="display: none;"]..[/div] [div class=container] [div class="sidetitle title"]s a d i e[/div] [div class=icon][/div] [div class="nametitle nametxt"]m e r c e d e s[/div] [div class="quote quotetxt"]limited edition[/div] [div class="linkbox1 linktxt"]home[/div][div class=linkbox1bg][/div] [div class="linkbox2 linktxt"]persona[/div][div class=linkbox2bg][/div] [div class="linkbox3 linktxt"]history[/div][div class=linkbox3bg][/div] [div class="linkbox4 linktxt"]gallery[/div][div class=linkbox4bg][/div] [div class=heart][div style="display: inline; color: var(--color-g-2);"][/div][/div] [div class="page1 txt"] [div class=outer] [div class="imgpost img1" style="margin-top: 40px;"][/div] [div class=caption]"if you want trouble,
find yourself a redhead."[/div] [div class="imgpost img2" style="margin-top: 130px;"][/div] [div class=caption]"blondes are noticed,
but redheads are remembered."[/div] [div class=blankspace][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page2 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]persona[/div] [div class=txtouter] [div class="textbox txt" style="margin-top: 0px;"]Name: Mercedes Zabielski
Age: 19
Gender: Female
S. Orientation: Bisexual, male leaning
Role: The New Girl
Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Magic type: Spirit Witch
Main power: Creating illusions
Two minor powers: Healing; Dream walking
Specialty: Illusion spells

Likes: things going her way; having favors returned; cats; jewelry
Dislikes: being controlled; losing; having to repeat herself; talking on the phone
Fears: not being powerful enough; disappointing her parents

Personality: (two paragraphs + or a list with short explanations of their personality trait)
  • proud: Though she wasn't raised to be proud in a negative way, it's ingrained in her now to be that way. Ever since losing her father and finding out that her mother was a coward, she knew that she would have to make her own path and be there for herself, when no one else would be
  • impulsive: Rarely does she think something all the way through before doing it. It's a negative trait she gets from her mother, and one that she detests, but she acts more on feeling than on fact.
  • impatient: With a control streak a mile wide, it's natural that she would get impatient when something doesn't go her way or surprises her. In fact, she hates surprises with a passion as well, unless she's behind it.
  • passionate: When she throws her all into something, she really throws her all into it. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, expect her to go all out for it.
  • bold: Just like your typical redhead, she's bold and fierce, and not afraid to say what she's thinking or feeling.
  • honest: She's not a liar by any means, but this doesn't mean she's always nice about her honesty. She hates being lied to, and she wouldn't want to lie to others.

[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page3 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]history[/div] [div class=txtouter] [div class="textbox txt" style="margin-top: 0px;"] Biography:
Mercedes was always destined for greatness-- at least, that's what her mother drilled into her head from the day she was born. Her parents were madly in love, despite the fact that her mother's parents never approved. They were a strict pair, Sadie's grandparents, never the type to really show an emotion other than disappointment or anger. Things were going well for the little redhead-- her mother and father loved her and treated her like she was their own personal ball of sunshine.

Her life did a drastic 180 when, at seven years old, Sadie walked into her daddy's study to find him unresponsive. The man was a mortal, and even with her healing powers, there was no saving him from the poison that had coursed through his veins. Yet still, young Sadie tried for hours, until her mom found her. She called 911, but he was gone.

Sadie's mother-- and Sadie herself-- were forever changed after that day. Although Sadie knew of her grandparents, she had never really spent alot of time with them, and her mom decided that would never change. She took Sadie and fled to another town where they could start over, but it would cost them. To ensure Sadie's grandparents couldn't find them, they'd have to live under the radar.

As mortals.

Sadie grew to loathe her life. She'd never wanted to pretend to be something she wasn't, but her mother was adamant that that's how they had to live. For years, Sadie tried to blend in as a normal human, but she never could. Things were pretty uneventful until she was in high school, when the school's resident 'It' girl zeroed in on Sadie, wanting to make her life a living hell. It backfired when Sadie inadvertently used her powers on her, drawing the attention of her grandparents.

They showed up, of course. Invited Sadie to attend Villmont after finishing high school, much to her mother's dismay. Sadie accepted the invitation.

Relationships: (will be discuses and decided after characters are accepted) [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="page4 txt"] [div class="h1 h1txt"]gallery[/div] [div class=txtouter]
[div class="galleryimg gimg1"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg3"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg5"][/div]
[div class="galleryimg gimg2"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg4"][/div] [div class="galleryimg gimg6"][/div]

[/div] [/div] [/div]

Name: Mercedes Zabielski
Age: 19
Gender: Female
S. Orientation: Bisexual, male leaning
Role: The New Girl
Morality: Chaotic Neutral

Magic type: Spirit Witch
Main power: Creating illusions
Two minor powers: Healing; Dream walking
Specialty: Illusion spells

Likes: things going her way; having favors returned; cats; jewelry
Dislikes: being controlled; losing; having to repeat herself; talking on the phone
Fears: not being powerful enough; disappointing her parents

Personality: (two paragraphs + or a list with short explanations of their personality trait)
  • proud: Though she wasn't raised to be proud in a negative way, it's ingrained in her now to be that way. Ever since losing her father and finding out that her mother was a coward, she knew that she would have to make her own path and be there for herself, when no one else would be
  • impulsive: Rarely does she think something all the way through before doing it. It's a negative trait she gets from her mother, and one that she detests, but she acts more on feeling than on fact.
  • impatient: With a control streak a mile wide, it's natural that she would get impatient when something doesn't go her way or surprises her. In fact, she hates surprises with a passion as well, unless she's behind it.
  • passionate: When she throws her all into something, she really throws her all into it. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, expect her to go all out for it.
  • bold: Just like your typical redhead, she's bold and fierce, and not afraid to say what she's thinking or feeling.
  • honest: She's not a liar by any means, but this doesn't mean she's always nice about her honesty. She hates being lied to, and she wouldn't want to lie to others.
Mercedes was always destined for greatness-- at least, that's what her mother drilled into her head from the day she was born. Her parents were madly in love, despite the fact that her mother's parents never approved. They were a strict pair, Sadie's grandparents, never the type to really show an emotion other than disappointment or anger. Things were going well for the little redhead-- her mother and father loved her and treated her like she was their own personal ball of sunshine.

Her life did a drastic 180 when, at seven years old, Sadie walked into her daddy's study to find him unresponsive. The man was a mortal, and even with her healing powers, there was no saving him from the poison that had coursed through his veins. Yet still, young Sadie tried for hours, until her mom found her. She called 911, but he was gone.

Sadie's mother-- and Sadie herself-- were forever changed after that day. Although Sadie knew of her grandparents, she had never really spent alot of time with them, and her mom decided that would never change. She took Sadie and fled to another town where they could start over, but it would cost them. To ensure Sadie's grandparents couldn't find them, they'd have to live under the radar.

As mortals.

Sadie grew to loathe her life. She'd never wanted to pretend to be something she wasn't, but her mother was adamant that that's how they had to live. For years, Sadie tried to blend in as a normal human, but she never could. Things were pretty uneventful until she was in high school, when the school's resident 'It' girl zeroed in on Sadie, wanting to make her life a living hell. It backfired when Sadie inadvertently used her powers on her, drawing the attention of her grandparents.

They showed up, of course. Invited Sadie to attend Villmont after finishing high school, much to her mother's dismay. Sadie accepted the invitation.
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Anatasia Bextiyar

  • Age:


    S. Orientation:

    The Wholesome One

    True Neutral

Name: Anastasia Bextiyar
Age: 18
Gender: Female
S. Orientation: Bisexual
Role: The Wholesome One
Morality: True Neutral

Magic type: Psychic
Main power: Telekinesis
Two minor powers:
  1. Short-ranged telepathy (Max range: 3m)
  2. Sense magic (Within 5m)
Specialty: Spell-craft

Likes: Tea (any type); Loyalty; Cleanliness/Hygiene
Dislikes: Coffee; Betrayal; Drugs/Smoking

In times of tranquility;
Like the morning sun, the golden warmth.
Like the gentle breeze, a soothing charm.
An inviting embrace.

In times of chaos;
Like the searing flames, a scarlet blaze.
Like the ashes grey, the looming end.
A call to retreat.

The gifted child, loved and cherished. Anastasia Bextiyar had it all growing up. Love and care came in no short supply, it nourished her, filled her up with contentment. Yet come the age of 16, she came upon a great tragedy that would change her life forever.


Wondrous mystery; her eyes gleamed with an uncanny lust for the pursuit of the magical unknown. To her, magic was an abyss. The more she looked into it, the more it looked into her. Yet it would find no visible depths, for within Anastasia's petite frame, there was no such thing. Too many of her peers sought the length and breadth, theirs was an ubiquitous area of interest. She dismissed such superficiality. She desired depth, she desired volume. So it was in two years that a letter came. In it, the promises of the ultimate joy, the pinnacle of satisfaction.

Villmont College.

There were only so many words one can use to dissuade - her parents used them all. There were only so many ways one can use to deter - her parents tried them all. Neither of the two, tried as they might, could forestall their dearest treasure. They knew then there was only one option left for them so with heavy hearts, they sent their only child away... Down across the street where a car awaited.
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Name: Jessica Greene

Age: 18

Role: Hippie Girl

Morality: Neutral Good

Magic Type: Beast Magic

Main Power: Shapeshifting- Jessica can alter her form into that of other animals, although right now, she can only become a hummingbird. With practice and training, though, she is theoretically capable of becoming any nonmagical animal.

Minor Powers: Zoolingualism- Jessica can, with concentration, understand and speak the language of animals. For whatever reason, she apparently speaks with a thick walrus accent.

Animal influencing- Jessica can reach into the mind of animals and influence their behavior, although she cannot outright control them, and it doesn't work on humans- she's tried.

Specialty: potions


Carefree, aloof, immature, humorous, kind

Bio: A lot of the witches at Villmont are from old, proud families with long histories of sorcery. Then... there's Jessica Green. Her father was a vet, and her mother a secretary, neither with any magic whatsoever. So it came as a complete shock when, at the age of 11, she woke up one night as a tiny bird and it took her a few hours to turn herself back to human. By fifteen, she could talk to animals as easily as she could her parents. Then, she got a letter from Villmont.

At first, her parents thought it was a joke. To prove it wasn't, Jessica had to transform in front of them. After a long and arduous discussion, they eventually decided to send her, allowing her to truly master her powers in a place where she didn't have to hide them. With little more than a bag of spare clothes and outsize dreams, Jessica has arrived to start her schooling at Villmont, not quite sure of what awaits her.

Likes: The outdoors, magic, chocolate

Dislikes: Winter, the dark

Fears: Getting kicked out of school and losing her access to the world of magic, getting stuck in an animal form

Other: She occasionally spends weekends volunteering at a local animal shelter
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Name: Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St. George
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: The Sensitive Witch/Bitch
Morality: True Neutral[/div]

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Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135lbs
Hair Colour: Dirty blonde
Eye Colour: Blue/Green
Complexion: Fair
Features: [/div]

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Magic Type: Mental Magic
Main Power: Empathy
  • Through touch, can absorb and detect current emotional state of another person. In user, emotion detected is amplified and projected. Lasts only as long as user is touching their target.
Minor Powers: Emotion Manipulation and Psychometry
  • Emotion Manipulation: Can influence and suggest emotion in another person through touch.
  • Psychometry: Through touch, user can observe and perceive memories. These often come violently, almost like seizures, and can either be targeted to a specific time or continue going backward from the current moment.

Usage Effects: Repeated and unregulated use can result in emotional instability within user. As well, severely detrimental to user's mind. If using power for long periods of time, can result in bleeding from facial orifices and potential brain damage.

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Interrogation Skills:

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likes: the color red, red wine, personal space, physical activity, pomegranates
dislikes: touching, drama, chocolate, other psychics, things that fly[/div]

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"an outgoing, overtly expressive person."
"conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically through distaste. "
"giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. "
"uncompromisingly forthright. "
"having or showing sensitive insight. "
"showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor. "

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Lucinda Sandrine Yves-St.George was born to the beautiful Angelique Yves, a famous French model, and Christopher St. George, the billionaire entrepreneur
She's the first daughter of this union, but not the first child. Ten years later, Léo is born. As well, Christopher has a daughter, Miranda, from a previous marriage that is seven years older than Lucy. Lucy was raised in wealth, and pressured into modeling and pageantry from a young age. Thoroughly uninterested, for personal reasons, she abhorred the conditions that her mother put her through. There was a lot of touching, be it hands or faces, in pageantry and modeling and Angelique could never figure out why it unnerved her daughter so much. One of the worst occurrences was with a very famous photographer, some German man, who touched Lucy gently on the face to pose her and the girl burst into tears, scrambling away from the man. Lucy never said why she was so afraid of the man, but two years or so afterward the photographer was arrested with child pornography charges.

Lucy and Miranda had a rocky relationship from the start, Miranda being jealous of having a sister who stole the attention. Lucy became dependent on her sister, and clingy. Miranda thrived, creating a power imbalance that lasts to this day. Lucy and Léo were always very close, Lucy loving the idea of having a little brother who doted on her, same as Miranda having Lucy to give her a ton of attention. Léo was a baby model from the moment he was born. As Lucy got older, her desire to be in the spotlight began to fade. Her powers were beginning to develop, and were beginning to get out of control. She couldn't touch a person without falling into spasms, and doctors were unable to pinpoint what exactly was causing these excessive mood swings.

When Lucy was fourteen, Miri twenty-one, and Léo six, Angelique died from an acute respiratory failure after a car accident in Nice, on vacation. The whole family mourned the loss. Six months later, Miri suddenly married some distant Windsor royal in England and disappeared quickly, without a true goodbye or invitation to wedding. Léo was shipped to a private school abroad, and Lucy was alone with only her money guzzling, absent father for company. However, things looked up when after her mother's death, a mysterious aunt resurfaced. She told Lucy that her name was Giselle, and she knew why the young girl had so many problems with people. The answer was a complicated one, rooted in a history that had been suppressed in the family. Most females in the Yves family tree had powerful, often uncontrollable powers-- to some extent. Giselle was prepared to take Lucy under her wing, temporarily, until a certain prestigious academy could guarantee the young witch's magical education.


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Familiar: undecided yet, fairly late on it too
Other: Lucy wears gloves, always, in a way to control her powers in the day-to-day.
Theme: still feel - half alive
Faceclaim: Natalie Belmont[/div]

code by Ri.a
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this new girl is here to kick ass and chew gum witches
[ fc: uhhh prolly cindy kimberly ]
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Joslin Rue O. Etchells
The Sedulous One




Age: 19
Gender: Female
S. Orientation: Hopelessly Bisexual
Morality: True Neutral
Familliar: Maya

Magic type: Sun Witch
Main power: Light Manipulation
Two minor powers: Heat Manipulation, Rejuvenation
Specialty: Runes

Likes: Horror shows and films | sweet food | fiction books | popcorn | Rick
Dislikes: Her parents | overrated pop-stars | audio books | ghost chili
Fears: Losing Maya | Burning someone to the point where they are hardly recognizable | clustered holes

Other: She always wears long sleeved shirts because a part of her arm is burned.

Personality: A girl with a past that eats her away. Even though she has gotten better control over her powers, in a way, she still lets her past mistake take control of her once she tries to use her power to it's fullest. She could only truly use it when she is in a panicked state or when she is uncontrollably angry. She tends to be by herself and hardly approaches people, afraid of that hurt that she would feel once again when the time comes. She may not be the smartest but she does work hard, and has always relied on her quick thinking, may it be successful or a failure. Although she let's a few awful and unintended to be heard remarks flow out from her mouth once in a while, she's a really nice person even after everything that she has bee through. She's very willing to help when needed. While she may make friends in her time in schools, she keeps her heart close and guarded, something she got while with her adoptive parents, especially with her father. She doesn't likes to take anything for granted as some people would, and she doesn't like to be taken for granted either.

You could always find her by the library, helping the librarian put a few books back into place or by the abandoned house where she goes a lot during her free time for peace and quiet. When she wants to escape the clutches of her depression, she goes by the stable as animals tend to calm her a lot. Lastly, she is a hopeless romantic and while she can hardly imagine herself being in love with some, she wishes deep down that she'll find someone with a deep connection and a love that could last a lifetime.

Biography: Thella, is a child adopted child at the age of two by a loving couple named Janette and Mason. She was the first step of the couple in having a new life together after their past breakup. Thella grew up admiring the couple's great love for each other when suddenly one night, when she was nine, she woke up to the sound of them shouting about loans and accusations. To Thella, it felt like a nightmare. Mason saw her and immediately stopped fighting with his girlfriend, the couple then decided to make up for the sake of their adopted child. A few months after, the couple decided to get married for real and that was when Thella decided to also find someone that she'll cherish and get married in the same wedding her parents had, June wedding at the Plaza. Things went so well after three good years and then things circled back again. At first they only fought about the little things once a week until it got more and more frequent. It was as if Thella's heart was being torn piece by piece. She couldn't take the fact that her parents where getting a divorce and that made her think that love was something that is not meant for her. Her parents didn't have it, why would she?

After the divorce she had lived with her father, Mason, while Janette decided to cut all contacts with them. By the time she was 13 was when she realized how awful his father can be, she can see now why her mother left him. But it was worse after the divorce, he goes home late, drunk and violent, but Keira was very patient and has always hoped her father will once again become that father she once looked up to. It's pretty evident that one day she would snap, and she did on her fourteenth birthday. He went home late, around eleven, wishing her happy birthday as his stinky breath filled the room. He then gave her a box, saying that she should open it once the clock strikes midnight. When she opened it, she saw the severed arm of her boyfriend, she screamed while he laughed maniacally. She accused her of being sneaky at night, thinking that he wouldn't know that she has a boyfriend. At this point she didn't know how to feel and and in her roller-coaster of emotion was a sudden scream, her father seemed to glow and grow hotter in their dark living room. In that moment she didn't how, yet she knows that she has killed her own father.

While the police was questioning her, a man took her n his care, claiming to be his father's brother but Mason didn't have a brother. She found that she didn't have a choice since the police has given him an okay. He introduced himself as Rick and that he really was her true father's brother. He decided that he would help her in controlling her powers, before she can go to Villmont.

Relationships: TBD

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Guys BELIAL. BELIAL. is leaving us, sadly : ( but that means a spot opened up so if any of the players that submitted characters that weren't accepted are still interested let me know in the OOC!

*again please don't comment here, thanks guys!*

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