Villains & Heroes II: Endless Battle: RP Thread

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"Fire...everyone has fire nowadays." Daniel grins, then pats the younger Daniel on the back, "But that's fine." Daniel turned to everyone coming, "Yes, John Doe, it was chaos Leo, I took down Dark Mayhem, we were fighting then I struck him and he flew into a table, he then got mad and was overcome by rage, so I just fired a pillar into him and he was done like a old man on sleeping pills." Daniel grinned then yawned, "When is the volleyball match going to happen..." He muttered to himself. Daniel was reminded of T.E.A.M for a second and then rubbed his head, "Not now, Daniel." He thought to himself.

IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan DailyRoLord DailyRoLord The Golden General The Golden General GearBlade654 GearBlade654
(Gear, you didn’t land a blow on Doe lol)

Sir Fission
Fission felt that it was safe to go into his past with Doe. “I-I worked for Doe ten years ago, when he built his base- but never would I support villainy!” Fission quickly stated, noticing the concerned looks on their faces. “He manipulated me and my parents into working for him. I believe in heroics,” he said. Fission heard a mention of Dark Mayhem.

“Dark Mayhem? He got put into a deep sleep, didn’t he?” Jim recalled. “You were the one who defeated him?”

doggodaily doggodaily
"John Doe? All I remember about him is that time with my parents. We were playing our own games when the TV suddenly turned on. There was a city-wide broadcast about this superhuman who assassinated the mayor and that people should remain calm. We all did throughout the whole situation. I was only 9 years old at the time and have yet to discover my powers." The younger Daniel recalled towards Leo, Jim, Gear, and the older Daniel. There were more people here than before.

"A near-futuristic soldier?" Ryan questioned towards Daniel. "Does he look ahead of his time?"
"To be fair, yes. He looks ahead of his time. I don't know how or why he fits, but he just does." Daniel replied back. "Anyways, these two people I just talked to are more experienced than me. They probably know the ways to fight a supervillain in and out. One of them is also called Daniel for some reason. Then there's Leo, who I haven't heard much about him. I do not know the other two people who just joined us."
"They look cool. You'll probably be making good allies with them, especially against villainy."

Daniel overheard one of four other people talk about being manipulated by Doe. "Apparently, one of them allied with a villain. What a disgrace to ally with a person that wants to destroy the city!"
"To be fair, I heard he was manipulated," Jade replied rather quietly. "You shouldn't just assume things about other people, Daniel."
"Sorry." Daniel regretfully sighed.
Turning his attention to the man who claimed to get a hit in on Doe, Leo says "So which fight was it you managed to hit Doe? The subway? The Prison? I sure as hell know it wasn't the City hall fight or the MegaMetro meet since I never saw you."
Status: OK
Armor Status: OK
I scratch the back of my head.
"Ahhh. That statement? I actually thought I hit Doe once, but I figure it's my long term memory again. It's terrible."
I tap my foot.
"You're free to call me a liar, but I'm being dead serious when I say my long term memory is horrible."
I go back to handing out drinks.
Daniel looked at gear with a confused expression, then tilted his head towards Jim, "Yeah I got hurt a lil' but I got em down." Daniel yawned, "Ever heard of Man O' Mole? Thats me, just my alias changed to Man O' Might." Daniel then tilted his head back towards Gear, "I have never seen you before, not at the subway, prison, nor' the hall, so, yeah." Daniel then recalled to his memories of those scenes, he remembered Carter, Kyra, Roxanne, Elias, Jason, Takayama, Prime Justice. Daniel gripped the top of his head with his hand, "Stop Daniel sto-" Daniel then heard the sounds of gunshots, AVD soldiers came out of nowhere, then fell again, blood and gore was everywhere, "Get to cove-" Daniel then blinked and it was all gone, he just had another PTSD episode, "Cmon Daniel, not right now, later, LATER!!!" He yelled to himself in his mind as he stood straight and acted like nothing happened.

DailyRoLord DailyRoLord IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan GearBlade654 GearBlade654 The Golden General The Golden General
Sir Fission
Fission froze. He was meeting a real hero! The one who took down Dark Mayhem! He snapped out of his frozen state, turning to respond to the hero.

"I can't believe I'm meeting Man O' Mole- er, Man O' Might. When I was young, I admired the work you did. I-It's an honor to meet you sir! Do you have p-paper? I really n-need an autograph!" Fission burst in excitement.

doggodaily doggodaily
"Don't know if you've heard of me, but I'm Leo Viktorov. I was at the fall of Doe." Leo says with a smirk on his face to the guy who was bursting with excitement, and extended his hand for a handshake.
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Daniel smiled and looked at Fission, "Yeah yeah, you can have an autograph..." Daniel pulled out a pen from his pocket and got it ready, he then pulled out a small notebook and tore a piece of paper, he wrote on the paper.

Man O' Might

"Full with might!"

He then handed the paper to Fission, "There ya' go, good luck out there and maybe I'll see you at a battle, aye?" Daniel waited, anticipated for the volleyball game.
Status: OK
Armor Status: OK

"Ah! Doe-era heroes?"
I politely bow. Interesting. Doe era heroes, here?
"Honored to meet both of you."
In the meanwhile, more customers are calling. Jeez, I better get going.
"As for me... I should introduce myself later. Farewell."
I walk off to grab more cans of soda.
Sir Fission
Fission reached out his hand to shake Leo's hand. Though he had never heard of Leo before, he maintained his "fanboy" appearance.

"I've never heard of you before Mr. Viktorov, but it's an honor to meet you!" Fission then turned to see Man O' Might with a piece of paper, no doubt writing an autograph. Fission exploded with glee, accepting the autograph. Fission thanked the hero, before rushing back to his seat. The old woman he had dumped his snow cone on was gone.

"Next match! Daniel Rivers' team versus Yonai Kamayona's team! Please make your way to the court," the announcer boomed.

doggodaily doggodaily
Daniel looked in excitement, "Finally!" He walked forward, "Cmon Leo." He then snapped his fingers and two men that were very fit and were in perfect clothing for volleyball walked through beside Daniel. Daniel had hired these professional players to help him in the game. Daniel walked into the court and then began to stretch as the two men followed him in and began doing the same process. Daniel waited for Leo. "Time to school this 'Yonai Kamayona'." Daniel thought in his head with a smug grin.
"Nice meeting ya, whatever your name is." Leo says to the fanboy of Daniel, and then follows after Daniel. As he steps in the court, Leo does some small arm stretches, waiting for the game to begin.

The Russian embassy of external affairs

There was a circular table in the centre of the room, with 10 chairs, 4 on each side with one on each end. "Have they tracked her down yet?" The man facing away from the table in his chair asked the 9 men. One man on the opposite side of the table spoke up with a shaky voice, "Sorry sir but, Vympel and Alpha squad have come with empty hands." The man was shaking as the leader was turning around slowly on his chair, "You have one more chance, I want her dead in my office by next week."

The other man slowly stood up and saluted, "Of course sir, Alpha Squad won't let you down." The man left the room and entered another room that was labelled: Alpha squad debrief, there were already three fully armoured operators. "We have been given one more chance, one last chance. It needs to be big. Really big." The three operators look at each other before nodding, the one with a metal mask stood up, Chanka, "We got something, it'll work. It's to good to fail." The operators left the room with their equipment as they left their instructor in the room alone.

Later at the plaza

The heros notice a weird, unmarked black hawk armed helicopter hover over palomar plaza, until it drops three men and leaves.

A black helicopter was hovering over the Chinese restraunt, with the three operators hanging out, "I got the camera and the signal hijacker" Flix, the technician announced as they checked their rappelling equipment, "Good, Kaplan are those trip mines working?" Chanka looked over at Kaplain, where he responded with a nod. The pilot of the helicopter announced over their radio, "Time to jump, our window is gonna close." Right then they all jumped, using their rappelling gear to slow their fall so they wouldn't get injuries. Just as they touched down on the roof the hooks of the rappelling dropped down off the helicopter by the operators, " Pick up your hooks and attach them to the sun roof above the Chinese in door eating area. I'll scout out where we drop." Chanka looked over the side looking down and saw a group of five down below at a table eating, " Drop with me, Once we are down I'll kill the guards."

They all attached their hooks to the sun roof and got ready to jump in on top of the table. "TIME TO GET SERIOUS" Chanka yelled before jumping, they hit the table with a bang and Chanka whipped his gun to the two security guards talking, he shot five

bullets into each of them, dropping them there, while he was doing that Flix was pointing his gun at the five people at the table and cuffing them all to the table and blindfolding them, "Try to escape and you will be shot," Flix made out to the hostages over the screaming of people running out of the food court. "Kaplain and flix set up your traps, I'll put my turret here." The two nodded before placing their traps in entry points and choke points of the plaza. When they returned Chanka had set up the video camera pointing towards the hostages and set his turret up in front of the table, when the two other operators returned he placed down the signal hijacker, every TV, radio show and internet page was changed to the live stream. "We are the Spetsnaz Alpha Squad who are looking for a person of interest, some of you may know her as Roskoy Blazković, or Anya Rozkoy, if this person is not handed over to us by tomorrow night this family will be executed, any resistance or attack will be met with equal force." The stream ended as the man in the helmet, Chanka, raised his gun and shot the camera. In the corner of the screen it said the location of the attack, Palomar Plaza.

Three AVD agents were around the block of the plaza, waiting for the other heros to either meet them or to inform civilians.
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"You ready Daniel? I'm rea-" Leo began to say before Amadeus begins speaking into his earpiece for the scouter. "Leo, you might want to see this..." On the HUD of the scouter, a live-stream of an armed group of three appear with five, demanding Roskoy. "Daniel, we need to leave right now. There's a situation we should help out with." Leo says, walking up to Daniel.

A gust of wind breezes past his face as he stands right in front of a window, enjoying the scenery of the streets outside. Noisy, he thought to himself as he closes the window and walks further inside his house, his footsteps echoing all over the room. He makes way for himself and goes straight to his working station to begin working on a project that he had inside his mind for quite a while now.
With one hand he brings out a wrench hanging from the wall and with the other a piece of iron and some small components with which he creates a small "wall" of sorts. He brings out some cables and proceeds to stuff them inside what he built, creating some holes here and there in the iron for the wires to pass through. I estimate he'll be done in a few hours... Or so he would if he hadn't noticed the live stream playing on the TV in his room which, after it ended, he said to himself "I guess I'll have to go check it out."
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Daniel nodded, "Sorry, villain attack or what not, the girl can win!" Daniel took out a chip from his pocket and slammed it onto his own chest. A suit became forming around him. It finally formed, it was metal and slim, white and gold, with a purpilish cape. There was a helmet on him which you couldn't see through, but he could. Daniels A.I SPENCER V.2 spoke, "Destination, sir?" He then replied, "Palomar Plaza." "Yes, sir." The bottoms of his boots began to shoot out jet flames. "Come on Leo." He then flew at a fast speed towards Palomar Plaza. He looked down and saw the mayors hall, then he looked and saw the plaza in a distance, he flew and soared above the plaza. He slowly descended but swerving left and right just incase of blasts or bullets that might come. He then landed on the concrete. He slowly changed shape to mole form as the suit adapted too. He was now taller and in mole form. "Spencer, weapons ready and scan for the best way to do this scenario." He said to SPENCER. "Weapons prepared, lethal mode or non-lethal?" Daniel froze for a moment, then muttered, "Non-lethal, I don't want to accidentally kill the family." "Yes sir, scanning surroundings and giving results..." Daniel nodded and glanced at the AVD agents.
He flicks his fingers and a portal opens up right behind him, which he walks inside only to re-appear on the outside of the Plaza. After getting familiar with his surroundings he proceeds to look at the Plaza, calculating the best way to do this... He could open a portal and save the family... Or maybe open a portal and teleport the criminals away to deal with them himself, he thought, looking for the best way to approach this problem. He decided to not act yet since the situation didn't escalate enough.
Sir Fission
Jim cheered as Man O’ Mol- er, Might, stepped up. The young hero had no idea he would be playing volleyball today. He attentively watched the game. Man O’ Might scored once. Then the opponent scored. Jim desperately prayed that Man O’ Might would win, for he wanted to see the hero participate in the final round. But then, his attention was cut off.

The loud roar of blades chopping the air was heard, not too far. Fission turned around, as did nearly everyone else in the volleyball court. Helicopters. Their blades slicing the air was like thunder cursing the world below. Everyone froze. The ball rolled behind the court as Man O’ Might lost the point. Everyone froze. Silence.

To Fission’s amazement, Man O’ Might’s superhuman suit appeared on his body. A grin spread across Fission’s face. Man O’ Might was going to investigate. As Man O’ Might’s team left the court, the previous state of the court returned. New teams approached. But Fission couldn’t stand waiting here while there was trouble. He immediately stood up. Fission dashed out of the court, not even noticing the elderly man he had so rudely shoved aside.

Fission emerged at the edge of the beach. Traffic had formed, no doubt drivers gawking at the helicopter scene. Fission’s car was parked nearby. But he had no idea where to go. But then he felt something. Vibration. Vibration against his femur. Fission pulled out his iPhone. Ooh, there was a live stream on Twitter. Jim, now isn’t the time for a live stream. Ignoring his intuition, Jim pulled out the phone.

To his horror, as he watched the stream, Fission found that there was a group of invaders at Palomar Plaza. The video revealed three soldiers breaking into the restaurant, then shooting nearby guards. They then approached a family of five. One of the men spoke, before the stream abruptly ended. Palomar Plaza.

Fission bolted towards his car. Luckily, traffic was beginning to die down. Staying wary about the traffic, Fission took a different route, driving on other roads. He drove past Mayor’s Hall. Fission observed the statue of one of the previous mayors- to be precise, the one killed by John Doe. After that mayor’s death, a statue was built outside of Mayor’s Hall. He drove past skyscrapers. Then he approached the Plaza. The Palomar Plaza was blocked off to cars, so Fission parked his in a nearby garage.

Sprinting as fast as he could, Fission bolted into the heart of the Plaza. People were running. Some gave Fission absurd looks, for why would he be going towards the scene when everyone else was running away? At last, Fission approached Michael’s Noodle House. Three police agents- with bright AVD badges- stood outside. Man O’ Might and his friend, Leon- was that his name?- were there too.

“Um, hi,” Fission said anxiously.

Daffybebe Daffybebe archur archur The Golden General The Golden General Communist Communist doggodaily doggodaily GearBlade654 GearBlade654 IlluminatiChan IlluminatiChan
He was a few feet away from the others, simply observing the scene waiting for a moment to strike. His hands seemed to be irradiating with sparkles of eletricity as he simply stood there waiting for trouble to go flying and for him to intervene along, with what he assumed, for the others to intervene too.
One of the AVD agents looked up and called out to the three figures, "YOU LOT GET OUT THERE, NO CIVILLIANS ARE ALLOWED IN THE PLAZA." The agent starred them down.

Roskoy was watching the news when it started to flicker and change, she thought it was the signal so continued to watch. Eventually it changed all together and showed three figures she recognised well, people from her previous squad. They wanted her and she knew why. She turned off the TV and out her fatigues on as well as checking her weapons, 'OT... check, RPK... check. Alright" she thought as she slung the weapons around her shoulder and left the apartment, she made a break for the plaza, pushing people over and spilling people's stock, didn't matter she knew she needed to get there fast. Eventually she got there and met with three AVD agents calling out to some civilians in the plaza, one of the AVD agents looked at her, "Uhh, no civilians allowed." He said in horror as he saw the guns on her back, "Look, I know who these people are and what they are capable of. I can help." The avd agent looked at one of the other agents and looked back, "We can't let you." Roskoy quickly snapped back, "I wasn't asking for permission." Finally the leader stood up and confronted her, "If you wanna help stop them you will be under our command, do you understand?" Roskoy grew a smirk, "Lead the way,"
"Man O' Might and I aren't civilians, we're heroes. We're here to help with the situation." Leo says, yelling back to the AVD agent. He then turns around towards Daniel. "So Daniel, how're we handling this? You are the brains after all."
The coated man proceeds to move a few inches forward slowly with electricity still sprouting from his hands. He has his gaze focused on the building where the attackers are at, as if observing the inside of said building.
Sir Fission
Wow! Fission was very excited to be venturing into this building. He had done some minor stuff before- bank robbers, minor threats- but never would he have thought that he would be fighting with Man O’ Might! If he was here, this must be something serious. Fission waited for the others.

Daffybebe Daffybebe
The AVD agents replied to Leo, "Fine, if you want to help out with this situation than you will be under our command, got it? And that means all of you, now come here so we can discuss this." The agent was losing his patience, "Stuck up heros." He muttered
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