Village of the Harvest Moon


New Member
Sleepresso submitted a new role play. @Sleepresso, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.


Character Skeleton





Things you like /to do/ to eat:

Things you don't like / to do/ to eat:


History and reason for moving to Rosenwood:

Do you own a farm or ranch?

If so, what kind of farm or ranch?

Physical Appearance: (Include a picture please, anime or real person.)

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Angelica Kingsley

Female - 28 years old - Rosenwood's Innkeeper



  • Perfumes (most types)
  • Flowers (purple ones)
  • Lavender
  • Honey
  • Cooked Dishes (as long as they don't have raw fish or mushroom in them)
  • Recipes
  • Kitchen Supplies
  • Help
  • Herb Tea
  • Purple fabric
  • Incenses
  • New things
  • Jewelry
  • Nice Wines
  • Children
  • Sappy love stories
  • Gossip


  • Raw Fish
  • Wood/weeds/rocks/metals/etc
  • Seeds
  • Animal products
  • mushroom dishes or sushi
  • Tofu
  • Coffee
  • Cakes
  • Lazy people
  • Messy people
  • Bugs
  • Cheap Wine
  • Moonshine


Angelica is that of an ideal woman- full of natural beauty, motherly and with an excellent cooking and cleaning ability. However, when she's not working at the inn and pulling out that image of a pleasant perfect caretaker, she's actually quite the character. She gets entertained easily and loves to ease her mind with plenty of nice and tasteful wine. She loves to tease on the younger men and try to hook them up with whomever she seems fit. During her drunken rants, she always sulks on how she's a lonely single woman and how she should be married with a nice family. It may be to say that Angelica is actually quite depressed. She doesn't go around sulking constantly though, mind you. She adores the youth and does her best to keep them on the right foot and helping them achieve their love life!

History and reason to moving to Rosenwood:

There's not exactly no history behind this, as Angelica was born in this pleasant town and her family's tradition was keeping up this inn for generations. And naturally, Angelica was given entitled on being the next innkeeper - for tradition's sake. Not that Angelica really minded it though, she found inn-keeping pleasant and she had a motherly instinct on caring for people and making them happy.

Though sometimes she feels now that this inn is keeping her away from the possibilities she could've had in life. Such as once she met a young man whom visited this place and swept her off her feet, but due to her entitlement of keeping care of the inn- couldn't go away with him. And ever since she llost that chance of love, she's been having second guesses over this whole ordeal.


she has quite the obsession/fetish for smell

"Pardon me...but have you seen my wiener? ._."


P?vils Alfarsi
Male - 22 - Travelling Artist

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/6048_Beautiful-painter-anime-boy-real-tree-on-the-paper.jpg.c7cc2caa645fc9ed460708ce1d17710c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20674" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/6048_Beautiful-painter-anime-boy-real-tree-on-the-paper.jpg.c7cc2caa645fc9ed460708ce1d17710c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Art
  • Flowers (of all colors)
  • Inks
  • Nature
  • Quiet
  • Sunset and Sunrise
  • Poetry, riddles and metaphors
  • Literature
  • The Harvest Goddess
  • Animals
  • Music
  • Tranquility
  • Soups and herbal dishes
  • Tofu
  • Springtime
  • Medicine


  • Meats
  • Eggs
  • Bugs
  • The Heat
  • The Cold
  • Loud Noise
  • Hostility
  • Blasphemy
  • Darkness
  • Disgraces towards Literature
  • Simplicity and ignorance


Palvis is a man of love and peace (no, he's not a hippie) He travels around with the Earth as his shelter and creating art he can get- but immediately selling it off. He's a kind and gentle man that pays his respects constantly towards the Harvest Goddess and treats living beings with respect. This meaning that he's also a vegetarian and refuses to consume any animal products.

However, mind you, Palvis isn't a perfect gentleman. He's also have his own quirks. Asides being prone to a quick spark of rants, he's also squeamish in the presence of bugs, darkness and extremely superstitious. He's also emotionally fragile, and can get rather clingy like a lost puppy if he gets in one of his moods. He's not the best socialist, as he's quite awkward and is better at converting his feelings through his art.

History and reason to moving to Rosenwood:

Palvis is a traveling artist, not caring to settle in one place as he wants to be able to find every beautiful thing this world has to offer. Several months ago he arrive at Rosenwood but has yet to leave. Though when asked if he plans on staying here he says he's simply not don't capturing the beauty of this town yet. Maybe he's just attached to the tranquility of this small little town? Or maybe it's something else...


He gets sick easily

Can't all.



  • 6048_Beautiful-painter-anime-boy-real-tree-on-the-paper.jpg
    82.4 KB · Views: 34
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Name: Louisiana Ireland Lennan Clark

Meaning: Famous warrior, Land of Ériu, Lover, Scribe

Nicknames: Lu, Lyra (a mix of her middle names, her father gave it to her)

Gender: Female

Birthday: August 7

Age: 21

Job/Occupation: Rancher/Bachlorette

Things you like/to do/to eat:


✓Working with the horses



✓Playing guitar


✓Summer/warm weather

✓Steak and potatoes


✓Military men

✓Nature noises

Things you don't like/to do/to eat:

✗Loud people


✗Attention seekers

✗Winter/Cold weather


✗Fast food



✗City life

✗Big crowds

✗Being lonely

Personality: Lyra is an all around happy person. She'll go completely out of her way to make someone else smile, whether or not she has the time or energy. Lu lives for helping people, it's a major part of who she is. However there are time when she'd rather be alone, she is likely to not be seen for days during those times. Usually she'll go out on a forest trail with just enough to survive for a week, taking her dog and horse with her.

History and reason for moving to Rosenwood:

Louisiana grew up on a fully functioning cattle ranch in Montana, so she's been riding her whole life, which something that makes her who she is. She lived a pretty normal country girl life until her oldest brother turned 18 and joined the Marines. He was the one she was closest to, so him leaving was hard enough to deal with on its own. But the day that that dreaded yellow letter was delivered, something in Lu snapped. It was the one thing in life she never wanted to see and he was the one person that she would have gave up everything for just to have back. After about a week of her completely cutting herself off from the world, not eating, barely drinking, she decided that what she need was to get out. So, her parents found her a ranch in Rosenwood and that's where she is now. Surprisingly enough, just the change environment made a difference to her. Slowly she began to regain all the weight lost and even start talking to people. But it left her with occasionally unbearable depression, nightmares that would cause her to scream and the fear of getting attached to anyone.

Do you own a farm or ranch?


If so, what kind of farm or ranch?

Horse/Cattle ranch

Physical Appearance: Hair Color~ Brown with red and gold undertones; Eye color~ Blue; Height~ 5'10"; Weight~ 120 lbs; Clothes~ Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, her boots; Jewelery~ Pentagram necklace, her brother's dogtags, Tiger eye ring, paracord bracelet, leather bracelet, peace bracelet, diamond earrings; Tattoos~ "R.I.P Jack Semper Fi" in the copied style of her brother's hand writing on the back of her left shoulder with the Marine symbol next to it, "A day with out a song or dance is a day wasted" in cursive on her lower, inner right forearm

Other: Little Brother [Asa], Stallion, 6, 15.2 hh, wild caught Kiger Mustang and Mercury, Male, 2, Pit Bull

Have you seen my wiener?

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Name: Alez Dumont


Gender: Male

Age: 25

Job/Occupancy: Bar tender

Things you like /to do/ to eat:

-Drink alchohol


-Sour or bitter foods.




-Getting drunk


Things you don't like / to do/ to eat:

-Sweet things



-Complicated things


Personality: Being born into the city and just recently moving out, Alez has many traits that come from a city life. For one he used to slot machines being scattered about, where he could gamble endlessly, he has a very addictive personality. That being said he will make time for other people, even if it does interfere with his addictions and he is actually a very hard worker, well, when gambling is not on his mind. He loves his job and the people he serves, but he mostly likes the job because of all the alcohol he gets yo drink. However he is a very lazy person with a very laid back personality and acts much like that of a person on marijuana at times. He enjoys sleeping and is narcoleptic.

History and reason for moving to Rosenwood: Born to a family living in the ghetto's of Las Vegas (or this worlds equivalent to it), he was exposed to the sins of the big city. Gambling, stealing and alcoholism. His dad was abusive and his mother had abandoned him at a young age. The only joy he got was serving drunk customers when he worked at his dad's bar, at the age of 21. He enjoyed working there and when he was 22 his father died of liver failiure and Alez was the heir to take over the bar. He would work at his dad's bar for another four years until his gambling addiction got out of control and he sought the simpler life out on the country where he would start up his new bar. Away from the slot machines and around new people.

Do you own a farm or ranch?: No he lives in a room upstairs of his bar.

have you seen my Dachshund?
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Julius [Jill] Carter || 24 || Male || Doctor's assistant

? your arms around me are a better anti-depressant than any doctor could prescribe. no, i jest. ?

likes; experimenting, medicine, herbs, wine, beds, sleep, socializing, getting krunk, going on dates

dislikes; talking about himself, being underestimated, too much perfume, concept of god

A habitual liar, Julius is considered rather unconventional and unfit to be a doctor's assistant. He has quirky habits, odd desires and stranger fetishes. Not a shy guy, he'll ask out anything that moves on a date, but keeps his relationships strictly platonic. Overall a friendly man, but if rubbed the wrong way, his snarky comments seem endless. Julius always has the same wicked smile on, even while performing surgeries that require total concentration. While his methods may not be totally normal, Julius has a genuine desire to heal people - emotionally and physically.

Julius moved to Rosenwood because basically, it was the only place willing to hire him. lmao. He didn't want to live with his mother forever.

He lives by an apple orchard,
although he could care less about yielding crops. He doesn't even know how to use a hose so, yeah.

Name: Nidelia Sponze

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Job/Occupancy: Rosenwood Doctor/Bachelorette

Things you like /to do/ to eat: She loves spaghetti, spending time walking around the mountains and hills outside of town, and reading books. She also loves cats.

Things you don't like / to do/ to eat: She hates Bamboo Shoots, can't stand overly cocky guys, and won't tolerate a patient not listening to her guidance and then complaining they aren't getting better.

Personality: Nidelia tends to be loving, kind, and overly caring. It doesn't matter who you are or if she knows you, if you need help she will help you. She has a rather calm and collected demeanor, but if you make her angry you can guarantee your ears will be red by the end of her rant.

History and reason for moving to Rosenwood: Nidelia had gone to college and been a doctor in the big city, but had discovered she didn't like it. So she movedmout to Rosenwood to be the small towns doctor.

Do you own a farm or ranch? no

If so, what kind of farm or ranch?

Physical Appearance:

other: Have you seen my Weiner?

Name: Myrissa

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Job/Occupancy: Rancher/Bachelorette

Things you like /to do/ to eat: Loves any kind of dairy products, cats, and spending time in the hills.

Things you don't like / to do/ to eat: She hates anyone who mistreats animals, cocky overly confident men, and celery.

Personality: Very outgoing and social, loves tog o around the town giving everyone gifts and making their days brighter. Also hoping to find someone who would love to live with her on her ranch.

History and reason for moving to Rosenwood: Myrissa was living in the big city, but it was beginning to be boring and too loud. She then saw that Rosewood Village had land for sale and was looking for farmers and ranchers.

Do you own a farm or ranch? She runs a Ranch.

If so, what kind of farm or ranch? She has cattle, sheep, and chickens. Also a few horses.

Physical Appearance:
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